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Everything posted by sburke

  1. You need to take that up with BF. have you looked at your profile page, there is a field for email address . That might do it
  2. I think just a limitation of options. Target light is supposed to be ammo conserving of heavy weapons. Basically you use the MGs with the thousands of rounds of ammo. The FT is limited so doesn't quite get the same function and it's range is also not great so if you want to hose down a house 300 meters away to suppress somebody, the unit may be confused with it being out of range of the FT. Not a great answer, but I think it is part of why.
  3. License key hell. I think your first mistake was going back to the install CD for keys. Sounds logical to do, but it only gets you what that license is for. I think you are close, but v4 requires the activate new products shortcut - yeah the one you don't have. All is not lost though! Here are the instructions to create a shortcut key. It is an older problem but still pops up once in a while. Follow the instructions below (I included the link to the page if you want to see the full details) Use the v4 key you got and this should work. http://community.battlefront.com/announcement/27-special-upgrade-4-tech-tips/ Disable your anti-virus software before you do anything. Go to your Desktop, right click on the Desktop itself, select NEW->SHORTCUT, use BROWSE to locate the CM EXE that you are trying to fix. The location is then written out. After it type in a single space and then paste this: -showui Click NEXT and give your new Shortcut a name (doesn't matter what). Confirm that and you're done. Double click on the new Shortcut and you should be prompted to license whatever it is you need to license. If this does not work I'd go back to the helpdesk and let them know you have tried this as well.
  4. yeah it's way off topic. Sorry. I am just old and my attention span is short and wanders… oh look squirrel!
  5. LOL Wasn't that what Bush was saying to Michelle Obama "Hey here is a candy, by the way did you know General Jack Ripper once voted for him?" More seriously - Renee Fleming. Cindy McCain is strong, I think I'd have been bawling my eyes out during this. We played a version for my Father's service. Tear jerker of a song
  6. Luddite. Internet banking is just banking period. Some people already regret it. Others like myself love it. I almost never have to fill out paper checks anymore. I can get alerts on any odd usage of my account, I can get reporting on how I spend my money to identify if I am getting a little out of line in how I spend....which mostly shows around my wine purchases. I don't even need to bring my ATM card to the machine anymore. Security is an issue, but it is the banks issue. I have had my account hacked once last winter. I identified it, contacted my bank, secured my account and got all the money back almost immediately. Pre internet that might have been a lot harder to do. The introduction of multi factor authentication lately helps to make it a little more secure. I am just waiting for the chip implants so I don't have to carry a phone, cash or card anymore.
  7. okay, I'll ping someone on this. Not sure why you haven't heard from helpdesk, but you should soon.
  8. directly below CMBS-BGV4 and above activation codes should have been a link to Download. Did you delete that from the screenshot or is it just not there?
  9. I've been on Win 10 for probably 3 years now. No I don't get all those advertisements. Not even sure where that idea comes from. It runs well, no issues with CM Not exactly correct, but close. One of Windows 10's most notable features is support for universal apps, an expansion of the Metro-style apps first introduced in Windows 8. Universal apps can be designed to run across multiple Microsoft product families with nearly identical code—‌including PCs, tablets, smartphones, embedded systems, Xbox One, Surface Hub and Mixed Reality. The Windows user interface was revised to handle transitions between a mouse-oriented interface and a touchscreen-optimized interface based on available input devices—‌particularly on 2-in-1 PCs It is actually called smart business. App designers I am sure appreciate it and that is a part of our lives now. I have apps for my bank, my insurance company, my BBQ grill thermometer (yeah that is way cool, blue tooth enabled and I can sit in the living room while monitoring the temp of that steak on the grill). My supermarket etc etc and oh yeah my Skynet monitoring probe.
  10. You can not combine squads. You can only combine teams in a squad when it is in a reduced state. What months? Which game are you referring to? All games have a limited range of time they cover. CMBS is maybe 2 months for example No idea and honestly not sure what you are referring to. I generally don't play quick battles so perhaps someone else can answer I think you get an email, either way on the day it is announced you can go to your account and DL the game. You may not get a code- you can get that off your account page in fact you can probably get you license code there now.
  11. open a ticket with the helpdesk. They can get you sorted https://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/
  12. I am not sure I have any idea what you are referring to here. I suspect English is not your first language. There are folks here from a lot of places so I'd post in the general forum in your native language and see if someone replies. It might get you help a lot faster.
  13. you don't have the rooftop guy in hide mode do you? Their only constraint is having ammo... I have made that mistake. One thing I learned early on was grab all the damn missiles you can from the Humvee and take em with you as odds are that Humvee will get shot by the aircraft you miss with the stinger on your first missile. Get to the tallest building or highest open ground. I am not sure I have ever had a AD guy get hit by aircraft. Generally they either take out the offending enemy first or they stand around having a smoke while all hell is breaking lose around them. Honestly I think I have had more luck with Russian AD guys than US, but the US guys have not been totally inept.
  14. Damn Been awhile since I think I have heard that question. According to the info for CMFB demo This free demo of Combat Mission Final Blitzkrieg is available for both the PC and Mac OS X platforms. It contains limited functionality and content to showcase the full version of the game. Multiplayer modes (PBEM/TCP) are fully enabled. I would assume CMSF demo will be the same.
  15. you should see a confirmation when you apply the key, if you get that yeah I think so.
  16. use the activate shortcut - see above for example from JoMc67
  17. actually in my experience the best thing is to leave them alone to decide, but you do need to be sure they will have LOS, keep them away from intervening obstacles like trees, buildings etc. A roof top or hill is best.
  18. This is getting unnecessarily heated. I am not sure if that is a cross communication issue or not. Liederkranz was creating (somewhat humorously) the example of a BN commander (as a CM level player) who decided he hadn't liked his order or the battle situation. He was doing it to make the point that the battle you are presented in any CM scenario is not necessarily one you would chose. I recently had a player ask me to Beta test a scenario that is deliberately a nightmare scenario for a player commander. It is also a very realistic concept based on actual events. The way I look at all CM scenarios is whatever has led up to the current situation is not something under my control. However no matter how f**ked up it is, I now own it as the commander of my forces and I need to proceed with my objectives in mind and the resources at hand. period. There are some scenarios that simply aren't something that interests me. Some of those are likely damn good. I just have my own interests and some I really like are not going to appeal to other people. I went back and read that thread. From what I can tell on it (and I have not played that campaign so I don't really have an opinion) 5 of those who responded that had actually played it liked it. At least equal to those critical. So what I get out of that thread - JasonC could be obnoxious, some people didn't like the scenario, some people did, Sgt Joch had actually done a good deal of research which no one actually contradicted. Given that I would say there is absolutely no grounds to conclude from that thread that there is anything to actually correct. There is an opinion voiced, saying it is assuredly the only correct opinion is a completely subjective statement. I do not take JasonC's word as gospel. I have seen him recommend a particular ToE design for a scenario and then later trash the designer for using that exact same ToE. When called on it he just disappeared for a bit and wouldn't own up to what he had done. In my eyes that lowers the value of anything he posts. I can handle differences of opinion, I can handle being proven wrong and having to reassess my view of something no matter how sure I thought I was at start. Dishonesty I do not tolerate. You have now repeatedly lambasted most of the scenario designers in a fairly obnoxious manner with only the broadest brush statements about what "they are getting wrong". I am trying to be objective and welcome you as a new poster, but I have to say I am kind of leaning towards what Gundolf just posted.
  19. What are you talking about? That is CM6. You move stuff on the game board then see the activity on that monitor. I bought a drive in theater and used that screen to replace the monitor. That is actually an upcoming AAR with Bil and Ian with all the beta testers present. That's me over to the left with a blue cap asking where the hell the booze is. Bil and Ian are seated at the table in center - you can't tell but they are wearing VR glasses so they don't actually see each other's forces. Should be up for pre order in 2025 according to Steve (I am betting more like 2027).
  20. Most of this discussion is above my paygrade. I have read a fair amount on the eastern front including most of what Glantz wrote, but I would not for a moment consider myself truly anywhere even close to a grog on Eastern Front tactics particularly for the Red Army. However the above statement I can address - Campaigns are not meant to be the introduction for a new player. The theoretical model (which I promptly ignored in my initial experience with BF) is you take a look at the demo and training mission assuming there is one. (there was when I started and again I promptly ignored until after I had my a** handed to me a few times) then you move onto scenarios starting with the smaller ones until you are feeling proficient AND THEN you go for the campaigns. They are not meant for introductions and leaping to them right away is done at your own risk.
  21. I was gonna ask if this was used for The Long Road Home, but apparently that mock up is actually at Ft Hood.
  22. Post count is a measure of absolutely nothing other than the opportunity others have had to have interaction with you. You walk up to a person on the street and they start telling you how you should do something that is an area you have spent a lot of time on and discussed openly with a lot of others. Are you simply going assume they should have the same basis of evaluation as someone you may have talked with for years? That you immediately jump to an issue of "pig headed bullies" does concern me. In your case you joined the forum less than a day ago. For all anyone knows you could have been a lurker since the first day BF ever launched a forum, or you could have discovered the game last week. It does look like you have been a lurker for a while so welcome to posting! Now relax and don't get defensive Pull up a chair grab a beer if that's what you like and have a heated but friendly discussion.
  23. to make this a more constructive discussion it might be worthwhile to see how you'd design the scenario. You'd noted above how you've edited a few. How about editing a RT scenario and doing a comparison? It is all well and good to critique design but you've painted a broad brush about how many of them "get it wrong" I left everything after the but off as it isn't relevant. Don't take this the wrong way, but you have 9 posts on the forum and have made a very broad claim. No one here really knows your background, knowledge, experience etc etc. There is nothing really to evaluate your feedback. The designers (both the ones who are doing stock scenarios and campaigns for BF and those producing user made content) as a group are all over the map. Some are extremely knowledgeable and well versed in Eastern Front history and tactics. Some just like bang em up tank engagements with some real beasts. In terms of the Hammer campaign I think it is a compilation with a couple designers (that is a guess, it was a long time ago developing RT). There isn't necessarily consistency as to design of each scenario in the campaign. To see an actual comparison of a scenario and how'd you'd consider changing it would make this a more clear cut perspective.
  24. Generally yes I'd agree, but the plan itself wasn't boneheaded. The original concept played to allied strengths and was based on appearances of the German situation. The problem with the plan was they did not adapt it based on changing intel and operational restrictions in lift capability. End result was a plan that was ONLY going to work if all went right which is... yeah a bad plan. Hindsight s always 20/20 but this is one of those classic cases about logistics being strategy. Opening Antwerp was the right strategy. Anything else was a distraction. However it is all too easy to forget what the preceding couple months had been like and the stresses of inter service rivalry. When the war's end seemed to be so close the urge to make a mark before it wrapped up. Egos, politics and underestimating the enemy. But yeah this is a diversion to the thread. Back on topic, MG I wouldn't necessarily have a defense in depth (other than the initial push by XXX corps which had to break through an enemy defensive line), but rather sort of a constant meeting engagement as both sides scrambled units to block their opponents moves. One of the things that is fun about doing an OP layer campaign for MG is that both sides are attacking and the units are so varied.
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