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Homo ferricus

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Everything posted by Homo ferricus

  1. on the color coding-i think it would be great if a map-creator can "color code" (green meaning less populated and more obvious, red being more populated and less obvious) neighborhoods in a city, for instance,in downtown Damascus, the Army would have lots of trouble spotting and eliminating civilian dressed targets and VIEDs, on the other hand, a civilian truck flooring it across open desert would likely be spotted and knocked out from a mile away, as would a lone "civilian" standing by the entrance to a city(perhaps on a cell phone???). So you could make an equation that determines how easily a Civilian dressed Syrian unit could be spotted based on the tint of the area marked in the map editor.(like color coding setup zones in CMBB, sort of) edit: of course this wouldn't be necessary if you have already came up with a system that determines spotting of special units more realistically or sumfink. Plus, it would kinda be more work if you have to edit all those zones on every map, or it could be more fun, for people who are control freaks over that kinda stuff, like i can be sometimes.
  2. lemme see if i can translate this, okay, the part that shows the bearded guy says "Amir Haiyroolya (thats how it sounds, probably spelled wrong) - June 29th, 2006 - destroyed 2 BMPs and 12 Kaferov(not sure what the last word means, sorry, lil rusty on my Russian). ya, it does seem like a BTR, but i wasn't really paying attention and i saw letters "BMP" in the beginning, so i just assumed... btw, the part where the guy screams in the middle after the BTR was hit roughly translates into, "This is how we will slaughter you, Allah Ackbar!" in case anyone wanted to know.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uX58H1urLak looks like the Syrians might stand a chance against American Stryker convoys. But there are 2 problems, Russians aren't considered as organized and well trained as the US (whats a single BMP doing out on its own?), plus, im not sure how much forest or jungle (or any type of terrain thats good for concealment for that matter) actually covers Syria.
  4. i love this idea, this is exactly how i wanted it to be from the start! A system that doesn't allow "gamey" tactics, but still gives the Syrians another asset that can make up for their lack of Fire Support, and it still makes sense. And let's be honest, from a technical standpoint, modelling non-abstracted civilians as units and modelling their AI would be almost impossible, not to mention all their animations and how US forces would react to them. just one question, in the map editor (when making a scenario) can you edit and adjust which areas a civilian likely would or wouldn't be, thus setting values for how much suspicuois activity in a certain area it takes to arouse the interests of nearby American soldiers?
  5. actually, Israel used 2 kidnapped soldiers as an excuse to put its long existing plan to cripple Hezbollah in Lebanon into effect, but thats irrelevant.
  6. thats my idea as well, with all those new double warhead projectiles that can be launched from RPG-29s and such (i assume thats what the tandem munitions you speak of are), the answer to a less vulnerable armor is not more layers of thick ceramic or magnetic or ERA or pressure defense or any passive defenses, it is a system that can spot and nuetralize a warhead before it even hits the armor. Russia has used a lot more active systems in their armor than the US has since the 90's and Russian T-72's, T-80's, and the new T-90's are all getting fit with modern laser defenses, counter projectiles, the works. the answer to defending a tank successfully and with minimal harm, a defense system must ACT, and not REACT, because ERA isn't going to work so well with tandem warheads. speaking of Russian tanks, have you seen the concepts for the new Russian tank codenamed "Black Eagle"? 12 shots a minute, pretty scary.
  7. i was looking at the Stryker company organization table thing, and i saw a medevac stryker as one of the company's assets. Will these be represented? And if so, what would be the point if casualties arent dragged off and treated? edit: maybe the closer the medevac stryker is to a unit taking casualties, the more WIA there are as opposed to KIA? [ August 20, 2006, 05:25 AM: Message edited by: Homo ferricus ]
  8. I heard a suggestion on another thread that the civilian is invisible to US forces until they open fire or act suspicous enough for US soldiers to fire upon.
  9. i can live with the inconvenience of tapping my mouse button several times.
  10. I've got it!!! The Syrians coat their entire country in tinfoil, thus scrambling all radio communications of the American forces!
  11. hmmm, idea just popped in my head, will Syrians be able to use EMPs or jammers of sorts to either seriously stall or completely break down US Army radio traffic?
  12. Howabout Syrian Katyushas as support during the closing of the US campaign, you know, for when they get desperate.
  13. look for the thread on "action spots" or whatever, it explains squad LOS in CM:SF edit: its called "Spotting, LOS, and LOF explained" i believe.
  14. can someone who understands this guy explain to me what the hell he just said!?
  15. That's true, in the book the Delta Operatives that were clearing the target building reported being fired upon by the Ranger Chalks that were defending the corners of the building to prevent the perimeter from being comprimised. Many of the rangers were as young as 18 years old, very young and inexperienced recruits. In an adrenaline fueled panic the young rangers literally just turned around and fired at whatever they saw in the window of the target building, Delta Force and all. edit: i also seem to recall that one of the rangers was spraying an M249 upon a Delta Operative in the target building.
  17. From what i can tell, a 3-man team seems perfect. I would imagine that it would only be one team member firing at any given sniper engagment, with the other "sniper" (in most cases the one manning the M24 since it seems like the Barrett is more useful in vitually any situation) spotting for the shooter, and the 3rd grenadier providing security and giving suppressing fire if needed. And i guess it is handy to have a third man to carry the extra sniper rifle. And since CMSF isn't, after all, a sniper simulation, like Steve said, worrying about concealmont and evasion isn't really neccesary, since the game probably won't be centered around a sniper team that needs to take out a specific target, and will be acting in support of infantry advances and counter-sniping, like everyones been saying. but in defence of caash, US Army operations in Iraq and Afghanistan are pretty much nothing but security and counter-insurgency ops, and its been stated that CMSF won't be simulating an insurgency or anything of the sort, so i don't see the relevance of bringing up sniper ops in Iraq or afghanistan.
  18. Perfect! I was hoping that that spotting would work a lot more differently than it did in CMX1, and it seems that you guys took full advantage of 1-1 scale representation in squads, awesome! Thank you team battlefront!
  19. That game was friggin awesome, but it still had the whole Hollywood explosion thing going on. screenshot: http://www.gamerevolution.com/images/games/ps2/mercenaries/mercenaries_002.jpg i liked the effects and all, but it didn't look like the videos above.
  20. i think the soldier on the masthead has an M16 since it looks like it has a fixed stock, instead of the retractable one on the M4 you posted, which would explain the longer barrel, and the seemingly shorter M203 barrel.
  21. i was meaning to ask, i am still not clear on the issue of a wounded soldier's future, is he carried back to a field hospital(highly unlikely) is he treated by the squad medic and then disappears? Does he just disappear? just curious
  22. lets give this new nick a try, see if anyone can make the connection... hmm, perhaps i should start putting quotes of people praising me as my sig? Nah, i suppose that would be rather egomaniacal, better keep Hitler up there.
  23. Homo ferricus, thats got a nice ring to it, is it too late to change names?
  24. iono, i did miss em' when i first played CMBB, but recently i went back to CMBO and realized that they looked like crap! I'm all for it if they make an on/off toggle, i would actually like shockwaves to be in there (hopefully it would be situation-sensitive, so there aren't huge shockwaves in an environment in which there wouldn't be much humidity or moisture.) Just as long as they make them look a little more realistic. o, and also, it would be neat to have dust kick up all over the place when a self-propelled howitzer fires an outgoing round, would give more visual bark, in proportion to the bite, i would think.
  25. in that case, im almost curious as to what your version of a kick in the nuts is like. after a fair seasoning on these forums, bludgeon i will One of the worst things a man can endure. you are obviously not in touch with a how a modern teenager lives, are you? I don't blame ya.
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