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Everything posted by tankibanki

  1. Yes, I have tested it as both Russian and German. Each without AI xp Bonus. I don't remember the exact outcomes, but as Russian I think it was total or major vitory. I set up sections of 2 guns each mostly close to the map edges. None of my units took any losses, except 2 or 3 guns 1 AT rifle and 1 Maxim MG. Destroyed all but 2 tanks: one was immobilized by a gun that was destroyed later and I didn't get to finish it off with the KVs. The other one had taken gun damage and I didn't go looking for it in the end. I think I was kind of lucky with my KVs. They took some hits when they crested a hill but didnt take any damage. When I played as German I let the AI set up freely (I think the default set up is suicide). Lost lotsof tanks, mostly from sound contacts. Once a gun was spotted it was taken out pretty quickly. The KVs posed a problem, but not unsurmountable: I attacked their position from 2 angles. In the end I was in posession of all flags and all but one gun were destroyed.
  2. http://www.the-scenario-depot.com/index.html This link is for scenarios which are still being tested. You are encouraged to play them and write an AAR: http://www.the-proving-grounds.com/
  3. The AAR is a funny read. Thanks for that and I like the design of your site.
  4. I have never played this scenario, but Im going to try it right away. Are you playing with AI experience bonus? I always try to use guns at the longest range possible, because then they have a considerable accuracy advantage and will only be visible as sound contacts to the enemy. Of course that is not an option if they cannot achieve penetrations at those ranges.
  5. The ingame ammo amount translates not into bullets, but into bursts or something like that. So if the MG42 has got a higher ROF=higher Firepower per burst it will fire more bullets each burst, using up the ammo in less bursts. There are some guys here who know the exact numbers, they'll spell out all the specifics if neccessary.
  6. I know German, but unfortunately I don't know much about unit organisation in the Wehrmacht much less in the SS. I know that a battalion is a "Battalion" in German today and I guess it will have been the same in the Wehrmacht. I have read that Abteilung is a detachment of varying structure but commonly battalion sized, so it would be ok to see an Abteilung as a battalion, but still I think anything with a Btl at the end should be called Battalion, not an Abteilung. On the other hand this site (http://home.clara.net/percy/glossary.htm) says: Aufklärungsabteilung = Recon Battalion Still I think that is not the literal translation but rather a translation which takes into account that those "Abteilungs" were Battalion sized. Anyway, as I said, Im no the one to ask about this kind of thing, sorry.
  7. LMAO... Abteilung is something else. Translation would be something like "section" or "division", but I'm not sure what it means in military organisation, but I'm pretty sure that an "Abteilung" is much smaller than a division and probably a little bigger than a section. Aufklärung means recon. I often see "ei" and "ie" the other way round i.e. "Kriegsmarine" (German Navy in WWII) is made into "Kreigsmarine" pretty frequently. They are pronounced completely differently though: Abteilung would be [up-tile-oonk] Kriegsmarine [kreeks-mahreena] so whenever you pronounce it [ee] it will be "ie" when you say its "ei". Easy, huh? Well, I guess this doesn't help, since you won't know the pronounciation if you don't know German.
  8. yea, exactly. My correction was not entirely correct as well e.g. PzAufklBtl 6 stands for PanzerAuklärungsBattalion 6
  9. No offense, but it's "Aufklärung" or "Aufklaerung" (looks wierd though) if you dont have Umlauts.
  10. It could still be a knocked out vehicle with kill clock running. It could actually have been immobilised while still on the bridge. Immobilised vehicles can be pushed around by other vehicles, too.
  11. Maybe using a different terrain mod might help (one which uses different shades of green for grass).
  12. I had a Pz4 drive off the map without orders in "FMR Tank warning" when I tried to outflank the enemy on the very far left. In this particular case it was very close to the map edge when it spotted hordes of T34s and retreated out of the map. I consider this my own fault. After all you shouldn't really go this close to the edge, since there is no map edge in real life and this way you have worry about a much smaller angle of incoming fire than in reality. If your opponents problems were caused by this, he shoiuldn't have taken the risk.
  13. yea, they are deadly. I managed a victory as well, but my Tigers were out of AP 12 turns into the battle (and one of them was gun damaged). I used that one to advance, it actually caused some T34s to retreat without firing resulting in one of the flags being "?" at the end of the battle.
  14. If that doesnt work for you, you can use more luxurious screenshot programmes like Hypersnap DX.
  15. It looks like the Proving grounds system was used for SD2. Maybe it's just text that was copied from the Proving Grounds and has not been changed, yet. At least I hope that that's the reason.
  16. For me it's definitely not the SU-76. I did a little QB to get a feel for it. At some point one of my SU-76s fired HE at an enemy infantry squad pretty close one of my own SU-76s. The HE shell exploded about 10m from the SU-76. Still close enough to make the crew bail out. After that I looked into the kill stats and it's the first time I have seen fratricide reported in CM (apart from air support and arty).
  17. ot: "Tschüß" is derived from the Italian "Ciao". Basically it is less formal and more friendly than "Auf Wiedersehen". You can say it to just about anyone, but older people may find it inappropriate. On the other hand, young people will never say "Auf Wiedersehen" to each other.
  18. I wouldn't recommend increasing the AI's number of troops. The AI won't know what to do with them. Better give the AI an experience bonus.
  19. I have installed all the German patches, but the patches required me to move Scenarios from the "Szenarien" folder to "Scenarios" and changed the save game folder to English language, too. Haven't encountered any real problems, though, so I'll leave it as it is.
  20. Yea, that must be it. Why didn't I think of that? Now I understand why it ended after just one battle. Thanks.
  21. No, they were to attack. They didnt do anything, except lose lots of units.
  22. I was defending, but at the end of the battle I was holding considerably more ground than before.
  23. oh, and the operation ended after just one battle, although it was supposed to be 3 battles long. It's called StMereEglise
  24. Can anyone tell me why that resulted in a major defeat? BTW, I was Axis...
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