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Everything posted by tankibanki

  1. That's awesome, I was just going to ask for a road feature. I would like to be able to select a start point and an end point and the programme would create a straight line of specified width between those 2 points. Is that what you have done? I wonder if my description is comprehensible.
  2. Being able to see infantry at any distance might lead to players creating local mods to give them neon red "camo" suits, etc.
  3. Goldwave is a free sound editor that can export to just about any format. You can use it to convert individual mp3 files to ogg. It's not very useful to convert a whole library, though, as it doesn't have a batch conversion feature (if I remember correctly).
  4. I used to live in York, but that was a decade ago.
  5. If I were you I'd download it once again and put it on a CD. At some point you'll need to reinstall DropTeam one way or another.
  6. Look at this screenhot. While I was playing Dark_Au's Thracian Valley I noticed that the Thor textures show a smoke grenade launcher. This is really something that should be included for all tanks. EDIT: I meant a working smoke grenade launcher should be included, not a smoke launcher texture ...
  7. Thanks. I've downloaded the new version even though I don't know what the new features are. Let's see.
  8. I just emailed you a PNG file created with geomorph. It's not hard to get access to linux. There are linux versions you can run directly from CD, without needing to install anything. Knoppix is one example: http://www.knopper.net/knoppix/index-en.html (You can download a free CD image file) However if you plan to really work with linux you should have a permanent linux partition on you hard drive. It's easier to set up than most people think. [ July 08, 2006, 07:37 AM: Message edited by: tankibanki ]
  9. I was hoping it'd be as easy as in Delphi where you can just use a default function to read a bitmap or JPG and use it to fill out a designated area in a window (and the same goes for exporting). Don't worry about it if I'm the only one who would like an import/export function, I've finally found a way to create heightmaps which don't look like rice paddies.
  10. I'd like to be able to import 1 common graphics format. TGA or PNG would be fine. Preferably a format that doesn't lose too much detail (you're the expert). One more thing: would it be hard to implement a feature to open and modify existing RAW files? [ July 08, 2006, 01:18 AM: Message edited by: tankibanki ]
  11. I tried cinepaint and it works fine, even though I lost some detail while smoothing. I'll have to find out how to use the filters effectively. It looks as if geomorph really creates 16bit files, so in the future I will probably just do the final editing with geomorph, then use cinepaint to convert to SGI, then terragen to convert to RAW.
  12. I've got both Windows and Linux on two different computers, both accessing the same directory, so I don't care which platform is needed for which programme. I know that Quickfrac creates nice maps and has got a smoothing feature. However it doesn't have an import feature. I would immediately use your prog, if it did. I will try Cinepaint. Thanks everyone for your help. I'll report on my progress as soon as there is any.
  13. Thanks for the help. That explains it, then. I don't want you to waste your time, trying to get my heightmap to look good. I'm sure I'll find a way to achieve good results somehow. However I'm not going to spend 150$ on a heightmap editor. Are there any programmes which can produce higher resolution data? I know there won't be any with the same functionality as Leveller, but maybe there's some tool which could convert my greyscale images into smooth heightmaps?
  14. I'm having trouble creating heightmaps which result in smooth terrain. My procedure has been the following: - generate terrain with geomorph - edit special features and smooth with GIMP - some more special features + effects with geomorph - import as rgb-file and convert to raw with terragen This always results in maps which are more or less close to what I had in mind, but you won't be able to drive your shrike at full speed without flipping over. I want my map to be as smooth as Dark_au's Thracian Valley, but my maps are not even close to that one in smoothness. I'm using <ElevationScale> 0.006, that can't be too high as Dark_au is using a higher value in his scenario. Is <VertexSpacing> relevant? I'm not using dark_au's heighmap generator, as I want to add my own features and run some filters after generating the base terrain. Does anyone know a better programme to convert to raw? [ July 06, 2006, 08:34 AM: Message edited by: tankibanki ]
  15. It should ask you if you want to import them. I think that only happens if you have the "after action savegame".
  16. I could try installing on Linux and find out where they are there. I wonder if that would help you. Isn't there anyone here who knows how to do it in OSX? The moderators should know. Let's wait for one.
  17. hm, good question. I'd look for the original scenario files, e.g. Archipelago.scenario Then place it in the same folder. That's all I can say, I'm using the Windows version.
  18. yes, you can start a quick battle. In the map generation screen select load from savegame. After that you can choose to import all troops from the saved game. In addition you will be able to buy new units up to the selected point limit for the quick battle.
  19. In the data folder. That's where all the scenarios are.
  20. Just did it the first time. It was fun, even against the AI. I like the way you can find hull-down positions just about everywhere. Too bad the AI doesn't do the same. The first thing I noticed is that my bot colleages fell off the highway if I ordered them to cross it. I presume you designed the highway the way you did, in order to make it impossible to get off anywhere you like. One more thing about the AI (probably doesnt belong here, but anyway): The AI shouldn't turn their turret away from you when you reverse (close to) out of sight. And if you do not lose LOS to them, they should still see you, too.
  21. Good point, I didn't think about that. In this case some assumptions have to be made about the way a crew should do its targetting. If the crew aims for the centre of the visible parts of a tank (That would be close to aiming for highest hit probability [and far from highest penetration probability]), the procedure which is used (presumably) is actually realistic as Dschugaschwili said. If the crew knows about a tank's weakness it should aim for the visible part of the tank for which P(hit)*P(penetration) is highest. In this case going hull down would make sense, even if your turret armor is weakest. If the crew does not know about the weaknesses of the enemy tank their aim should maximize the hit probability and they should aim for the centre of the tank if it is fully visible and a little lower than the centre of a tank which is partly concealed, depending on the quality of the hull down position (e.g. a tank berm would result in an aim point at the exact centre, while a gently sloped hill will result in an aim point considerably lower). To explain my first post: As far as I know crews were taught to generally aim for the point where the turret connects to the hull as this point is believed to be vulnerable (at least thats the way it is taught today). I could go on like this forever and if you say this has been discussed at length I'll stop here. It's just that I don't like to be punished (by CM) for theoretically sensible behaviour, even though I have to admit, that in some ways this is realistic.
  22. Where did you get that one? I neither found it at TSD2 nor at cmmods
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