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Everything posted by Sneaksie

  1. Er... do you see it during play? It doesn't work during setup phase.
  2. Freeboy Now gun shield fragments caused by projectile impacts are correctly traced.
  3. Theoretically, QBG may not be able to save a mission if Vista prevents access to game directory, run QBG just like TOW.exe - using 'Run as Administrator' option in contex tmenu.
  4. Look closely - these are values for front turret armor, not hull. Late series of T-34-76 had 50-52mm front turret armor and T-34-85 had 90mm of front turret armor, while it's front hull armor was 45mm during entire war.
  5. You better make a clean install, there will be 1.1m vesrion of JSH mod released shortly after patch, which will be compatible with it.
  6. All data values in the game are without slope; it's effect calculated during each hit depending on actual angle between shell trajectory and armor.
  7. Villi Uninstall the game and delete it's folder with any remains. Reinstall it from your DVD and don't install Moscow addon because it's incompatible with your version. Then right-click on TOW.exe in game directory, choose Properties and see whether it has Version tab. If yes, tell us version of the .exe (File Version). Do you see Kalypso word anywhere on the box? It's logo should be there together with BF and 1C logos. If there is no Kalypso logo, can you photograph the box? Try to run the TOW.exe again and if log.lst file appear in game directory, please send it to dina@1c.ru.
  8. And what front turret armor values you think will be correct for these tanks?
  9. New version will be out after the patch release, because it requires it.
  10. If you didn't see eLicense window, then this is probloem with copy protection system. I don't have information about possible eLicense issues, you should ask Madmatt or someone else from Battlefront. Write them a letter describing that eLicense window doesn't show up. In addition, new big patch which will be out in a couple of days (i hope so) might solve your problem.
  11. StuH-42 http://photofile.com.ua/users/jsh/95003699/95814285/full_image/ http://photofile.com.ua/users/jsh/95003699/95814286/full_image/ http://photofile.com.ua/users/jsh/95003699/95814287/full_image/ http://photofile.com.ua/users/jsh/95003699/95814288/full_image/
  12. Lobby will be in the patch.
  13. Sneaksie


    In Vista always run the game with Run as Administrator command in context menu (right-click exe file). Setup was going for 20mins probably because you've run it directly from the Flash. TOW 1.4 is newer exe version than just TOW.exe, in which ATI compatibility was enhanced.
  14. Editors should work fine in Vista 32, but you'll need to run the game and editors with Run as Administrator command from context menu. Mission editor doesn't work in Vista 64, and the game itself may or may not work (depends on hardware and software configuration).
  15. Did you see eLicense window during first game launch? Try to run TOW_14.exe instead of default one. Do you have log.lst file in game directory?
  16. Well, you can download and install Moscow addon and patch from this site, of wait a couple of days for new big patch which is almost out. Also, you may have this Moscow addon and patch already installed, check whether you have TOW_14.exe in game dir in addition to TOW.exe, and try to run it. I suppose you have Vista - then you should run the game executable by selecting Run as Administrator from context menu (right-click on game exe file). But what is more important - it seems that the game itself is not even beginning to start in your case. When you run the game first time, eLicense window should pop up asking for license code. If you didn't see such window, it means that copy protection fails to load, probably because of Vista... i don't have information about eLicense possible problems, i hope someone from BF will be able to help you.
  17. Which version do you have? Published by Kalypso in German, by Anuman in French, English one from this site, or another?
  18. Did you enter eLicense code during first game launch? If yes, i think you have English BF version and new patch is a couple of days ahead.
  19. Because attacker doesn't know where it's target is Attacker then starts to move in random direction attempting to locate it. You should make a check first, does Group 1 sees anybody from Group 2 or not.
  20. You give order SetGroupFormation to one group - Grp1, and then order RunCommand to another - Gr1. In addition, group does not keep formation while on the move, it will assemble this formation at target location. Keeping formations on the move will be implemented in addon.
  21. The problem is in DVD or your DVD-ROM drive, try to install to another PC to make sure.
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