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Everything posted by Sneaksie

  1. Group will not change formation while stationary. Order them to move somewhere and they will set up in there in needed formation.
  2. Battle generator can make MP missions too (Deathmatch or Team vs Team and Attack/Defend).
  3. The box on the Firefly is actually lifting jack support from PzIIC, resized and with different texture . There is no mesh of Churchill tracks, so this is unlikely (German or Russian tracks may be uxed instead). Steelplate will be drawn on the vehicle texture (with bump).
  4. Not exactly - you can exchange these crews with green ones on force composition screen before next mission, so the green crews will be removed with captured equipment.
  5. New update! Pz III N Pz IV F1 Pz III F (late) Sherman IC http://dump.ru/dumpru_images/854319.jpg http://dump.ru/dumpru_images/854285.jpg http://dump.ru/dumpru_images/854304.jpg http://dump.ru/dumpru_images/854307.jpg http://dump.ru/dumpru_images/854309.jpg http://dump.ru/dumpru_images/854313.jpg
  6. Soldiers need only skill 1 to drive own vehicle (of same nationality) and 50 to drive captured enemy vehicle.
  7. It appears after you awarded medals and such after last mission or before? If after, it should play campaignend video, maybe this causes the problem.
  8. Between the missions you mean? Soldiers in captured vehicles disappear in next mission (they are sent from the frontline), also for example veterans in some tank will not show if such tank is not permitted in current mission (but they may appear later).
  9. Well, you can try to set video.ini to be read-only, maybe this will fix the problem (but i still have no idea why this happens:)).
  10. laz and eviltwin Please send the save you've tried to load and log.lst file after the crash to the same address (dina@1c.ru).
  11. And TOW worked before? Then it's definitely some issue with eLicense, somehow it was uninstalled with CMSF maybe... Sorry, i can't help with eLicense. Maybe Madmatt or someone else from BF will be able to help you.
  12. Ok, we'll try to determine what's up at work tomorrow)
  13. No comprendo) Because we can't read your forum without registration. You mean that TOW stopped working on your PC when you uninstalled Shock Force?
  14. Please send log.lst (after you try to load the game and experience this crash, it's overwritten each time) to dina@1c.ru.
  15. Did the eLicense window show up when you launched the game first time? You've licensed and after that the game doesn't run? Have you tried to run TOW_14.exe instead of TOW.exe? Is there log.lst file in game directory? If yes, please send it to dina@1c.ru.
  16. This is done by special plugin and then a program. These tools were not released to the public. If you really want to made new statics, you can send them to us later and we'll convert them inot .msh for you
  17. I've answered you in your other thread, please don't make many threads regarding the same problem.
  18. Currently game speed mostly limited by CPU.
  19. Do you have Moscow addon installed? If yes, try running TOW_14.exe istead of default one. This error sometimes appears on ATI cards with certain drivers. If this won't help, please post your system specs and graphics drivers version here.
  20. Yes. Depth must be < 1m. There are special particle effects when vehicle crosses the ford.
  21. Cool map and great entry tutorial!
  22. It's probably a corrupt download... i don't know other possible reasons to get such an error. You may try to download it again. If you try to install it from DVD, there are may be problems with disk itself or DVD-ROM.
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