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Everything posted by dan/california

  1. Well, how intact you are when you make it through Pooh does have some bearing on the discussion.
  2. Are you coughing because you know something, or because you don't? Bloody beta testers, can I be one? Please?
  3. I would bail the static crews minute one, with rare exceptions there only use is to run up the red KIA numbers.
  4. I am, unfortunately, not a beta tester, but for $25 it seems worth it for additional blue on blue possibilities alone. We are just not talking about a lot of money, and I for one would like to keep BFC at least vaguely interested in shock force for a bit longer. Just the different look between the two forces would improve blue on blue immensely. Now if they would the the French......
  5. The real punishment for all sides in the Aleutians was being in the Aleutians. Perhaps the worst weather on earth.
  6. Release the Brits and I absolutely promise to go two weeks without one stupid suggestion, really, I promise.
  7. From a consumer perspective what obviously needs to happen is a true merger of BFC and the Theater of War guys. They obviously have some level of relationship already, and I know NOTHING about how complicated it might be to change that relationship along the lines I am suggesting. But a single website selling two games this similar does beg the question. Would everyone one be better off with a single game that had a higher level of resources devoted to it? Steve is more than welcome to tell that I am full of it, crazy or both. Most people on this board probably already have an opinion.
  8. To go one extra step, you need to add enough good observation points that it is inconvenient to simply mortar all of them on principle. I am fairly religious about shelling any obviously excellent observation points. Think in terms of a nice broad, vegetated ridge-line where there is no obvious "kill me please spot", or have such a spot and leave it empty.
  9. More like, ram, doze, suppress, blast, and if in doubt "recon by fire" actually; but great fun.
  10. Take nap now... Wake up and play game, either BF Module, or cricket with Steve standing in for the bat.
  11. And remember, most experienced players will shoot at FOs with every asset that can get LOS, so there life expectancy is not high unless placed VERY carefully
  12. But it would have to be a high speed/low drag hole full of neat camping gear.
  13. Mood continues to decline And it is an old world monkey, just for reference purposes.
  14. Well, first of all I wasn't thinking about the IBCT when I said it. Secondly both of those formations have a smaller number of missiles that kill ANYTHING out the limits of a CMSF map, so a blue on blue game might last a little longer. A Warrior heavy British formation against an equivalent number of Marines, both sides with little or no tank support, intrigues me for some reason.
  15. So there is a long term plan to revisit all the major wars and or theaters every three to five years as the both the engine and available processing power improve?
  16. I cross posted with Steve just so you know.
  17. Sniper teams have similar issue, it is almost impossible to keep the security detail from busting caps at all and sundry. In regard to javelins specifically it might be worth splitting out the AT team and then giving them a target arc as opposed to a target order, sometimes this helps especiall at longer ranges. Although I don't think snipers rate all that highly in the javelin operators AI. this definitely works better for AFV targets, typically Javelins will be employed against spotted AFVs as soon as they can be brought to bear without any action by the player. I am strongly hoping for some improvement in this in 1.2 which will hopefully be tomorrow: crosses fingers really hard and rubs rabbits foot frantically. This where the Tac AI furball really gets going, how does it sort out when you want EVERYONE to fire EVERYTHING, and when are you looking for a more surgical action. People would also be pounding there heads about cases where the pixeltruppen didn't shoot if they biased it to far the other way. There have been multiple request for an extra fire command or two to help with this but BFC have maintained that eventually the AI will get there and they don't want to add more micro management and especially more commands with which to execute that micromanagement. There is an endless thread about being unable to tell a Bradley to only use its 7.62 coax as well. The short answer is you can't, for more or less the reasons listed above.
  18. You know, the Brits are going to add an incredible amount of variety to blue on blue fights. In particular I think the brits vs the Marines would be an extremely even fight. And I will attempt to confirm this....... As soon as you release the *&%*&&*&*&* module.
  19. Steve's finger is poised above the mouse pondering when to put us out of our misery and post the patch list. Or the release of the manual is the cruelest tease ever.....
  20. Well.... there is pretty good evidence that there were a few North Koreans running around.
  21. You imply that a T90 would still move under its own power after a few weeks of Taliban "maintenance".
  22. The M32 is my favorite toy in the game, period. The manufacturer should hand out free copies of CMSF+Marines as a promotional strategy. Sometimes I think they account for over half of the casualties inflicted by infantry weapons. The army is fielding its new XM25 grenade launcher in afghanistan sometime this summer. I am very curious about those AARs.
  23. The Marine field expedient version, a mortar shell or two strapped to a propane canister was repeated cited as being VERY useful in Fallujah. Given the luxury of a planned assault, I would have entire convoys of them stacked up behind my assault troops in a MOUT action. Of course the really nifty trick is sitting them on top of a cheap robot. Just drive a medium size FAE bomb into the front room and ask, via remote mike, if anyone still wants to play? If it draws fire you know you can justify more expensive ranged PGMs on the building.
  24. A combination of the slow and hunt command might go a long way towards helping with this problem.
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