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Everything posted by juan_gigante

  1. I'm starting to do research on the 100th Jager Division's actions in Stalingrad. I was thinking about doing a brief series of scenarios from various points in time throughout the battle for the city itself, perhaps focusing on the period around the taking of the Dzerinsky (yeah, I spelled it wrong) Tractor Works. I was looking for recommendations on good books and websites to take a look at. Obscure books are not a problem - I have access to a very large library system at my university. Specifically, I'd be looking right now for TO&E for the 100th's opponents, and any AARs that are out there, but anything on the 100th is cool. Thanks for any help you guys could provide! Edit - I was planning for scenarios to be semi-historical. I'd like to be simulating engagements that at least probably happened with the forces that, had such an engagement occured, probably would have been there. Edit #2 - I only read English, so all those totally awesome German and Russian sources are out unless there's a translation. [ April 10, 2006, 10:38 PM: Message edited by: juan_gigante ]
  2. Why don't you do all of us a favour and play Jason C's battles and leave those of us who like bigger battles in peace? And try to remember the manners your mother must have tried to teach you. </font>
  3. I think Abbott forgot to log in as Red Necked Dollar for that post.
  4. Strange, Abbott. I'd have had you fixed for a Rainier man. Or is that only in Washington?
  5. If this idiot has any rank at all, bust him back to serf </font>
  6. That Nagmachon has a crazy turret up there! I almost laughed when I saw it.
  7. I found a quote which pretty well describes Seanachai. The killer? It's from a book called Gnomologia.
  8. No, that'd be if you went to the auxilary control station of the Stuart, took control away from the crew, and sent the tank hurtling towards the edge of the galaxy.
  9. I bought the CMBB strategy guide, mostly for kicks, and everything in there and more is already on the forums. It might take a little digging, but trust me, everything you need tactics-wise is available free, here.
  10. Sixxkiller, sorry if this sounds a little hostile, but it kind of irritates me when people say you can't understand an event, especially war, unless you participate. As though joining the military is required to have an understanding of what war is like. I won't deny that experience in the field in question is helpful, but I think that when people say "Unless you were in the military, your commentary doesn't matter." I know you didn't say exactly this, Sixx - it's more the general idea. There are countless of examples of people being experts whose opinions should be considered and valued who never physically participated in what they are an expert in. David Glantz, I am sure, knows more about the Battle of Kursk than those soldiers who participated did. It is possible to be an expert in something without actually having done it.
  11. That fellow is along the route I go on runs on. I'm struck at the impressive lack of passed-out winos in Dogface's picture. Usually, there's any where from 2 to 5 bums frightening children, hassling passersby, or urinating while unconcisous.
  12. Justicar, it'll be a few days before I can make the requested recording. Just a warning.
  13. All right, Justicar. You get your way this time. But considering the amount of back-talk Boo gives you, I'm a model citizen in comparison. So, I guess I should start Deputy Assistant Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justicating or something. I'll have to spend my Friday evening composing some wordy, incomprehensible post that no one will read, with bullet points and numbering and facts and such. The life is a thankless one. Wait- does this mean I have to go to crappy states all the time now too?
  14. MrPeng, I am sure that any human woman capable of bearing and raising the likes of you would be strong, of mind and body, and I am certain that she will do great. And what's all this talk about "football"? Is that kind of like soccer?
  15. That might be the best looking thing ever to come out of the Peng Thread. Congratulations, good sir. </font>
  16. I wish I'd checked here early today - I already quaffed many an ale this evening, and I'd have thrown one back in honor of the young 'un had I only known. I'm just glad the kid decided to pop out while NG was here at home. That's not something to miss. Congrats!
  17. As long as the Justicar is changing up the Justicariate website, I request that my promotion to Knight be reflected on the site.
  18. I was reading the article on the M-32, and I was like "This sounds pretty cool", and then I saw the picture, and I was blown away. That thing is so badass. Damn.
  19. To prevent the remanning of abandoned enemy vehicles, you can continue to shoot at abandoned vehicles should you please and attempt to damage them further, preventing remanning. I recommend this only if you have lots of extra ammo, and the enemy has really high chances of remanning.
  20. Nobody expect a high rate of turns for a while. I just got Red Orchestra, so the rest of my life is kind of going on hold for a bit.
  21. I did. And an hour later, you actually remembered to send a file along. Monkey-tard. I'd like to see you try to diagram that sentence. </font>
  22. Yeh I almost forgot too, but you had to go remind me you bastage!!! *mad* </font>
  23. I'd also recommend going back through the forum and looking at some old tactics threads. There are a few thread archives that list a whole lot of good tactical threads around, plus you can look at the threads themselves. You can learn a lot there. Or if you're bored sometime, just flip back through the forum manually, page by page, and whenever you see an interesting thread, open it up and take a look!
  24. Not a site. There is one of those. A new thread like: "ROW AAR Winner!!!!" "BigDog944's AAR was really good! Give him a hand! Read them all here (link to site)" I just figured that non-ROWers would rarely check the ROW thread, but may still want to hear the news.
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