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Everything posted by juan_gigante

  1. In a recent game, I had to advance a large number of halftracks across a large open area. I didn't have enough time to properly scout the places shooters could be, so I just hoped to rush all of them across as quickly as possible. 18 halftracks fast moving about 750 meters across a wheatfield. One Quad 20mm opens up. Gets five halftracks, without even a sound contact. Later, it forces the abandonment of a Sherman Jumbo, and gets a trio of Greyhounds. Not once did I get any contact. I ended up hurling HE at any place from which a shooter would have LOS to the kill zone, and I pinned it long enough to do what I had to do. Those things can be killers against light armor.
  2. Hey, I would consider myself a decent player and I had trouble with 110 for a while. Look on the bright side - from 110 on, it only gets easier! (At least it did for me!)
  3. The fact that I'm not drooling on myself, scratching my crotch, and holding a warm can of "super-premium" beer in my other hand like the rest of you lot does not quite qualify me for "hair dressing" level quips. I mean, it's not like I use moisturizer or something.
  4. Yeah, but he made Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, so all is forgiven.
  5. Here's a handy hint for the future, William. Try to make your PBEM e-mails not look like spam. Usually, when I get e-mails regarding "My Impending Doom", they are from crazies telling me the world is ending - doubly so for those with Polish last names. I, on a whim, decided to open the message, intrigued by which religious sect had plans for the apocalypse. I was immediately confused when the crazies began talking about Girl Scout soldiers. How did they know I was a lifeguard at Girl Scout summer camp? And what's with all this crushing? Only when I glanced at the attachment did I realize that the religious crazy was you, young stoat. In the future, perhaps you should include about PBEM or even the game Combat Mission somewhere in your message. As for your challenge, I am pleased by your use of the word ergo, but angered by the (m[any {qu}]ote)s, and the two "d"s in clodhopping.
  6. Enroute. I sent All in a Day's Work version 2 - I assume that's all right.
  7. That's a bass guitar. I play the bass (rather well, I might add) in two bands. And that's a Diet Dr. Pepper I have so prominently in my other hand. I think that it looks extra classy because it's black and white. Maybe I'll think about making it my forum profile picture so you lot won't have to go all the way to the Justicar site to see how sexy I am.
  8. Firstly, Justicar Shaw, I have sent you a picture. My apologies for not doing so earlier. It's a few years old, but I have taken a liking to it. And Sir Sir 37mm, a setup is currently winging its way through cyberspace towards your inbox. I'm still attacking, but at least you got to be German this time around. Thirdly, I feel the need to challenge young stoat to a game. Normally, such thoughts pass given proper medication, but two shots of fine Kentucky bourbon later, I'm still thinking it. Hence, I officially request that wee stoat send me a setup. I'll be attacking, and I won't be British. If he throws in a clever challenge with his reply, I stop putting "young" or "wee" or the like in front of his name whenever I type it.
  9. rickr, welcome to the community. You've just begun delving into one of the deepest and best games available. As you are quickly learning, however, it can be very hard! When people refer to moving in bounds, they mean that you only move your unit 10 to 50 meters at a time, and not moving everyone at once, so some can keep watch while others advance. Honestly, though, a big suggestion would be to try a few QBs early, rather than just jumping into Jason's rather difficult training scenarios. Try a QB wherein you attack. Give yourself a point bonus of 50%. Get used to moving the units around, how they react to different things, and such. Get a general familiarity with the game - in the short term, this will help a lot.
  10. In regards to wee stoat's age... How old are Combat Mission gamers? About half-way down: Don't try to fake it, laddie... That's the first of literally dozens of references to your age I can turn up - that is just the most obvious and blatent. And don't bother editing it - I've got a dated screenshot to prove it.
  11. As I am an America-hating liberal who despises Christmas, I'll wish you fellas a Happy Holidays.
  12. Ah, crazy Russian politicians. A few of my favorite stories can be found here. Russian Duma
  13. Use the JasonC scenarios! They cover all sorts of situations and give many handy lessons! There's a link somewhere around to download them, or ask Jason and he'll probably send them. Jason, it might be convienient if you had the link to download right in your sig.
  14. Jason, the manual says that it is possible to reduce the effectiveness of minefields with artillery. Unfortunately, I cannot quote the exact page number, but it is mentioned that if you send down a lot of arty, the minefield might clear. But regardless, the minefield image will remain, so you won't know whether it is safe until you drive through.
  15. In regards to the 110 series, I played them (as I have all the scenarios so far) with computer free set-up. That meant that when I beat 110, 111, 112, the MG was facing whatever direction the AI pleased - towards my guys, I'm sure. In fact, in some cases, the MG wasn't even in the trench at all, so when I (as some have suggested) area fired on the trench, I wasn't doing diddly-squat. Needless to say, the times when that happened, I lost. Steve, you mention something about all the platoon coming out at once, which is an absolute no-no. Generally, I tried to have two squads in overwatch, one rallying, and one advancing. Another error I made at first was too large of bounds. 30 meters is a lot shorter than you think. I personally think that it is easier to beat 110 after having beaten 112, where you have all sorts of support weapons to help.
  16. Ha! No chance! They've said to expect a April/May release date, deaf to my pleas that it be released for my March 8 birthday.
  17. Wow, those 120mm canister rounds sound pretty deadly. I wouldn't want a few of those heading my way.
  18. If I may continue to pimp BigDuke6's "Across Moltke Bridge" AAR, there are some great pics of totally wrecked city in there. I made a op of my own a while back that was set in a factory city, and by the 5th battle, at least 50% of the buildings were rubble. I personally enjoy it whenever a fire is set.
  19. They're really friendly there. Seanachai is the guy that most people play against for their first few games - he sees it as his duty to act as a sort of welcome wagon for new players. I'm sure they'd love to hear from you.
  20. Whenever I've got that 47 points left over in a QB and don't know what to get, I always just load up on THs.
  21. As I have already stated, I do not believe that Iran should have nuclear weapons. I do not believe North Korea should have nuclear weapons. I do not believe Israel should have nuclear weapons. Simple. I'm not going to respond to the China stuff, because that is even more off topic than we already are. I would, however like to point out that FDR was considered a "left-wing wacko" by many during his time as President, and he led us to victory (even if he didn't quite make it to the finish) against the greatest threat the free world has ever faced.
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