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Earl Grey

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Everything posted by Earl Grey

  1. Well, I think she most DEFINITELY loves you. You know what is funny, though? My girlfriend just sat behind me when I lokked at the picture and her first question was: "Honey, dou you want one, too?"
  2. You should definitely check out CMMODS again - it´s up and running again (even after a second crash) and you will find the mods you´re looking for. Another site that hosted mods as long as CMMODS was down is Zimorodok´s site (www.zimorodok.org, I think). Apart from that, there´s not much left, if at all. Should I find somehting new, I´ll gladly post it here. Hope I could be of assistance.
  3. So what about the Greyhound? I rellay like your conversions. Makes BO so much better...
  4. Well, different matter here. My ex-girlfriend actually beat me a couple of times in CM - though it was her absolute disregard of common sense and tactics... Good I never came around to explain to her how to use tanks properly - would have been a disaster! *g* My hopefully soon-to-be wife plays games, too. But so far she only enjoys RPG´s. And she´s more afraid of loosing me to a tank than to another woman! :eek: But that´s out of the question, I´m afraid... Not enough Panthers left and not enough money to buy and restore one, anyway.
  5. Should have thought of that... I own it, too. *slap* But I think it´s the only book to mention that name. Or do you have another one, Gurra? Camouflage discussion is a favorite hobby of mine, especially regarding the Panther. Zweihorn, there are many names for that special pattern. "Hinterhaltschema", "Hinterhalt-Tarnung", "Hinterhalt-Tarnschema" etc. Every single one meaning the same. Actually, I think most people don´t really know what the REAL name was. But "Licht und Schatten" might be it...
  6. Well, never came across that... and I AM German. But it sounds reasonable. Would fit in with the description and the effect they wanted to achieve. But I´ve never heard of it and none of my sources speak of that term. Gurra, would you care to explain from where you have that information? Thanks...
  7. As far as I know it was called "Hinterhaltschema" - actually a direct transaltion. Anyway, hard data is difficult to come by and it might very well be called differently. I´ll check my meager sources again...
  8. Well, what´s still out there looking bad? I I recall correctly, the halftracks could need a facelift, too... So how about it?
  9. Well, you´re making me a happy man, you know? Slowly this game is looking like something...
  10. Well, I´d say EVERY vehicle you reskin benefits from it. Even the original StuG´s weren´t quite as good on second look... If I only could draw as you do. Are you for hire acrually? And if yes, what would it cost me to hire you for technical drawings?
  11. Will you mod again, too? Right now there are too few people modding out there... *g*
  12. Well, I don´t know about British camouflage, only about German (and there´s at least as much controversy) but I know a good site that might help you a little bit: www.armouredacorn.com - seems to be very well researched and definitely worth a look for researchers, modellers and modders alike.
  13. MikeyD, I LOVE YOU!!! Hope you aren´t married yet, because I´m definitely thinking about proposing...
  14. Okay, I will do. Excatly what are you interested in? Maybe I can just open a new thread and post the findings with a few pictures...
  15. I´ve done extensive research on the Panther and you just wouldn´t believe how many minor details differentiate one tank from another - it even seems probable the different factories used different armor thickness. Though this is yet to be confirmed... Also you mustn´t forget upgrading/retrofitting. An early model A could as well have been an upgraded model D. But even the ´late´ model D (if you prefer to call it that way optically is not substantially different from the ´early´ model D - just minor details like rain covers over the optics and hatches, deleted smoke launchers etc. If anyone is interested I can point to a few VERY good books on that matter or maybe post a conclusive report of my findings...
  16. Come on, with the right mods it´s not looking THAT bad - I´m still playing it! The prospect of using KT´s against the Allied forces is a very good motivation... But I´d be interested in such a contest, if it was to take place some day.
  17. That´s an interesting topic... as far as I know, the 3d models are the same, so simple renumbering should do the job. Actually I think there is no 'historical Panther D early' apart from the version that was designated Panther D1 - and it just doesn´t seem likely BFC is referring to that version. Historically speaking, a late model D and early A should be the same - though there might have been a few D´s upgraded with A parts. I can´t confirm that with photographic footage, but only drawings so far. Maybe in time I´ll stumble over a few photographs. As it is, I just can point to a few very excellent books I value very much and regard them as very accurate... Does that answer your question?
  18. Well, well, well, not bad! haven´t got that much time left playing CM ´cause my girlfriend actually started playing tabletop wargames! Can´t really interest her in PC games though...
  19. Right, it´s not there. I thought it was andrewtf, but I might be mistaken. I just use the green helmets because the camo netting texture looks a little bit weird when stretched over the polygons... *g*
  20. It seems as if the older the game gets, the more bugs are encountered... I stumbled upon a few bugs as well that I could not explain. Maybe CMBB gets patched again when CMC is out...
  21. There´s no BMP missing... I had this problem once, though I van´t recall it tright now how I solved it. Fact is that the gunshield back should look the same as the front. Should I come across the same problems and solve it again, I´ll let you know... Amazing work so far! Give us more...
  22. Tried the first scenario vs. the AI, extreme FOW, standard setup, no bonusses. I won - but only because sometimes the AI is as stupid as artificial. Against a capable human opponent, the German player would stand no chance whatsoever - the difference in quality equipment is just too big. And in the test game, my crews needed about half a dozen shots to hit once... Anyway, a great scenario! Can´t wait to play the rest of them!
  23. Take andrewtf´s uniform mod from CMMODS - one of the paratrooper packs has the camo netting for helmets in it...
  24. Well, my little brother is experiencing the same thing right now - though my nice is just ten days old... it´s an odd feeling being an uncle at so young an age...
  25. I will definitely comment on the scenarios and my experience with the campaign. Though I won´t be able to test the special mod pcks thoroughly as I don´t have enough HDD space available at the moment. But I´ll try that, too...
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