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Everything posted by molotov_billy

  1. Boardgames are fun. People still play them. You'll notice that the ones selling well have clear, understandable rules. If people are frustrated when playing them, they generally don't recommend them to their friends, and those games don't sell well. The same holds true for games of any medium.
  2. This is super important, especially considering that it's such a fundamental part of the game. If you can't control your camera, or can't understand the UI, chances are you won't be having much fun, no matter how fantastic the underlying game is. First impressions are absolutely the most important aspect of any game. You just sent out a demo which was downloaded by thousands of people, and I guarantee you a countless number of them dismissed the game out of hand because they couldn't even explore it's content. Yes, the folks who invested $60 into the game tend to play through those issues, and some of them will end up enjoying the game once they get used to the completely bizarre control scheme. But you have to wonder how many sales are lost because you guys refuse to accept new user input as an important part of your development cycle.
  3. I've noticed this as well with Bradely TOW's firing downhill at static tanks. It was the 4th or 5th campaign mission, at night, where you get a platoon of bradleys and a platoon of strykers. Every shot would land perfectly about 10 feet in front of the tank. After 5 or 6 shots from multiple bradleys, I had to have a javelin team come over and take out the tank.
  4. I'm not entirely sure either. I do know for sure that you have to visit a specific floor in the HQ to find 'documents.' When things were quiet towards the end of the mission, I had 5-6 units running around the building and I eventually get a message that the objective was secured.
  5. I've wondered about this as well. I'm hoping that there's some level of abstraction going on, which would spread fire around an entire building. As far as I can tell, even though fire is concentrated on one area, anyone inside the building is still supressed. Obviously the place doesn't matter nearly as much with a javelin or a 105 shot from MGS vehicles.
  6. It's a pity considering that the game has a complex morale system which could simulate these types of effects.
  7. Yes, the demo is the same build as what you buy. What you see is what you get.
  8. Doesnt the stryker have a fancy GPS system showing all other friendly units in the area?
  9. I'd rather have the ability to bind keys for all commands. The tab system gets more irritating the more I play.
  10. That's an awesome machine, definately something buggy going on. You shouldn't have to turn AA/AF off to get decent performance. I had similarly retarded performance on my core2duo/nvidia 7950, and I had to roll my drivers way back to get decent performance. I also set shock force to use only a single core, which helped a bit. I don't know if anybody has found a solution for the 8800, but i've seen a lot of people having poor performance with it.
  11. This is a really difficult scenario, and I only achieved a minor victory, but here are some tips to help you out - -save often. (gamey,I know, but I got tired of the scenario and wanted to move on.) -when calling in apaches, use the "point attack" mode to take out single sections of buildings. They will use their hellfires in this mode, which can bring things down quickly. The "linear attack" doesnt seem as effective, since they just use their 30mm chainguns. Same for 'area attack.' -use your javelins. These are even more useful than the MGS. Grab them from your strykers and area fire them at buildings with known infantry positions. These are absolutely brutal and can take out entire stories, and sometimes the whole building. -pop smoke with your strykers whenever you dismount infantry, and try to keep your men off of rooftops. In a serious firefight, I try to bring an entire platoon of soldiers online at the same time, so they are not eliminated piecemeal. Three squads focusing their firepower in one direction - very very effective. -keep tabs on your 40mm strykers and MGS strykers. Whenever you're moving into a new area, always have a couple of these upfront to suppress if new enemy contacts show up. -don't try to assault the SF HQ. The SF squads are absolutely brutal, and they rarely miss with their RPG's. Try to bring the buildings down with MGS, apaches, 120mm mortars, and of course the javelins. -your 50cal strykers should be area-firing whenever your troops are moving. They have a ton of ammo, so make sure you're suppressing all known enemy contacts when your troops are out in the open.
  12. jogr, I have the same specs as you and had the same performance issues. See this thread for a fix. Huge improvement for me.
  13. I've noticed this as well. I've also noticed that any RPG to knock out a stryker tends to kill 100% of it's occupants - and anyone within 15 feet. It doesn't seem to jive with the information from strykers in Iraq - often times taken direct IED hits that only cause light casualties to the occupants. But anyway, so far I've avoided direct confrontations with my infantry - only going in once I've completely annihilated an area with stryker 105's, M1's, and artillery.
  14. Using 94.24 drivers and switching core affinity to one core cured my FPS problems. Runs great.
  15. Starting a new post because the solution is buried on the third page of another post. If you have a 7xxx card and you are having trouble with performance in game - roll back your drivers to 94.24. Made a huge difference for me. Also, if you have more than one core, try only using one for shock force - to do this, run the game and bring up the task manager. (ctrl-alt-del) Once that is up, find the shock force application, right click on it and go to 'core affinity.' Uncheck all cores except for one. You have to do this every time you run the game, as far as I can tell. This also boosted FPS for me a great deal.
  16. Ok looks like the 94.24 drivers are working. Two things I did that fixed my horrible performance - Rolled back drivers to 94.24. Set Core Affinity to one core in the Task Manager (you have to do this every time you run the game.) Both helped quite a bit, and I can now run at 1920x1200, all graphics turned up and on. Runs really well. Core2 Duo @ 2.6 ghz NVIDIA 7950 GTX with 512 vram 2 gibs ram Hope this helps others. Give 94.24 a try.
  17. What a bunch of unprofessional, childish tripe. You guys deserve to fail with an attitude like that.
  18. bump. This is really irritating. It uninstalled the game but did not remove the license, so when I go to install it on another machine, it says I'm out of licenses. asdjkl;fajlksdfkjds
  19. At work, I was able to license shock force with the "offline" option. However, I want to uninstall it and re-install it on a 2nd machine at home. I'm unable to remove the license because there is no offline option. How am I suppose to remove the license if the online way does not work?
  20. Rune, there are several folks reporting issues that don't have an 8800. My 7950 at home is having identical issues to my 8800 at work.
  21. I've got 162.18 on both machines, both patched. Awful framerates. Having the same issue as AstroCat
  22. Steve, we have several posts up in the tech forum. What's the next step?
  23. Is this the same as the flickering shadows bug? If not, could you post a link?
  24. I've made a post in the tech support here. http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=70;t=000012 Users with similar problems might want to chime in there.
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