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Everything posted by molotov_billy

  1. Oh, fantastic. Thanks for all your comments miked, keeping the slavering hordes at bay
  2. Make as many excuses as you want. It isn't the video, or the framerate, or my specific monitor, or any other of a thousand reasons that fans will make up in order to justify their purchase. I can look at a specific animation, compare it to others in the same video, and see that it's authored with too few frames, and authored badly at that. It doesn't ruin the game. I'm still buying it. Doesn't mean that specific parts couldn't be improved a great deal with minimal effort.
  3. I'm saying that a specifc animation looks choppier than everything else. It has nothing to do with the video capture - most people will probably play around 25 fps, anyway.
  4. Wow really? Compared to CMBB, sure. To me, it looks like the whole run cycle is about 5 frames of animation. I dunno. Even my wife mentioned how choppy the little guys looked. But honestly - whoever authored that animtion should get some feedback about it and sort things out. It's arguably the most important animation in the game, and could really use some more work. It's bad enough to be a bit distracting.
  5. So it looks like paradox posted a video a couple of days ago, and I haven't seen it anywhere else, so I'll post it here. It was kind of buried. Hit the "download video" link on this page. http://www.paradoxplaza.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=207&Itemid=129 Anyway, I did a search and couldn't find an answer to this question - is unit scaling being used in all of these videos? Is it in shock force? I ask because the scaling in this video seems slightly off - the size of the bradley compared to the streets, and the size of the infantry compared to the trees. They also seem to be clumped really tightly together, which could also be a scale issue. The run animation seems to kind-of sort-of match the scale, since they're not really sliding around. Anyway, can any beta testers or whoever else enlighten us?
  6. Though it doesn't come with tool tips, it DOES come with three or so months of something called "basic training." Unfortunately, I haven't had that.
  7. Isn't that the version the reviewers are reviewing? In any case the fact that BF told him to be quiet about it concerns me more than anything he could actually say about the game. It seems to me that if they were confident in their product, they wouldn't have any issues with an excited fan telling others about it. I'll suppose we'll just have to assume it's a perfect 8 out of 8.
  8. SirReal! Don't leave us hanging! Maybe between marathon sessions, you can tell us how it is? Maybe slide us a few screen shots? feed the poor masses
  9. Toleran, as far as I know there is a random battle generator - there just isn't a random map generator. Insofar as his review goes, it actually sounds exactly how I felt when first playing cmak/cmbb. I know you guys love the game system and have no problems with it, but there ARE issues for a lot of people, and sometimes it takes a pair of fresh eyes to spot them for you. I do hope that the developer learns from these issues in the future, as they seem to always be the same with each game.
  10. How easy is it to pause the game during real time? Can I pause it and then que up orders? In a sense doing my own turn based sort of thing, except I choose when play stops and starts. (Single player by the way, not multi.)
  11. There seems to me to be something basically wrong with a member of the development team writing a review of the game (and being the first to do so.) It would suck for people to assume that it was written by an unbiased person writing on behalf of customers' interests.
  13. I didnt see this in the FAQ. If it is, hit me with a wet noodle. Will there be trickle reinforcements? In other words, If I get a company of infantry mauled, will those units receive replacements over time? (fresh greenies from the rear, scattered and lost troops finding their units, medical recoveries, etc)
  14. Love the game but I'm having a terrible time dealing with the default control scheme. The arrow keys inch along too slowly, and moving the mouse to the edges of the screen is at odds with the selection of units, etc. Being able to switch the zoom option to my mouse cursor would be great as well. Is there anything that can be done about this kind of stuff?
  15. I would like to see a real-time option for single player. I understand the need for a WEGO system for PBEM, but I have no interest in PBEM and the turn system is essentially worthless (not to mention frustrating) to me in single player. The WEGO system in singleplayer is essentially what has kept me from really enjoying CMAK. I would love to simply play it in pauseable/real time mode like in the close combat series.
  16. Think of it this way. The fact that I actually do have free time probably gives you some significant insight as to the state of the game. hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint
  17. awesome! thanks much. I will try these right away!
  18. I was hoping for a couple of gebirgsjäger missions/ops with this game, perhaps on crete or in the greece campaign, but it doesnt look like there are any. Does anyone know of a custom made mission/operation that allows the player to use the german mountain troops?
  19. Weapon jams and faster garand! I figured CM guys would be more for realism man I better stop.. I dont want to get this thread closed, and like you said I should be working
  20. I've read the 'blessed thread.' I'm not arguing the specific subjects that are being discussed here. You're judging a person based on information that's being posted, not on their intentions. It's very clear to me that his intention was not to be a 'troll', but to provide information to a discussion. It's perfectly reasonable for someone to refute those statements with information of their own, but to insult someone for trying to partake in a discussion is both childish and unproductive. The only thing you're accomplishing with that type of behavior is to turn people away from your discussion. Again, it seems like the intent here is to 'win' the argument, rather than solve problems and come to a conclusion with a group of people interested in the same subject.
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