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Erik Springelkamp

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Everything posted by Erik Springelkamp

  1. That feature isn't quite perfect at the moment. I saw commanders with non existing teams in their panel, while existing teams were not shown in others. Also, but that I only know from CMSF, when the superior also has a special weapon, like an AT-launcher, or a vehicle, the subordinate tab is replaced by the team/vehicle panel, so navigating your units using the bottom controls is not complete. But there are many more important issues to implement, no real complaint here from me.
  2. I was typing something like that 2 hours ago, but then I discarded it before posting :-)
  3. A bit tasteless. Sorry to be sensitive, but I liked Dorosh in his good times.
  4. So, what would _you_ do? I think crouching in the corner and praying that they will forget you is an option.
  5. Use left-click-drag to move the camera, right-click-drag to pan.
  6. I must admit that I have no idea what music there was, if there was any. I consider that perfect.
  7. The best thing to do then is stop measuring frame rates. :-)
  8. Or you open the scenario in the editor, and past 8 metres of terrain to the border, and make it drop down 10 metres. A trash can for retreating units :-)
  9. But they made tree rendering much more efficient in CM:BN (by using a simpler representation, that still looks very good, at least in moderate woods) A CMSF tree was a more complex 3D object.
  10. At least you are not bothered when you don't select them, but I did select a few of them to look who had LOS, but I never looked at the lower screen, so that was fine. In the old CMSF form all the MG and AT units screamed their presence at you. It is different when you play head to head in competition mode: then one could be tempted to look at these data.
  11. I think the old option, routing = disappearing, is good when no enemy unit is near, while surrendering is a nice option when enemy troops are near. (unless you are wearing a black uniform).
  12. If you go to the menu panel, short-cut, you will see all short-cut keys, including toggling shadows.
  13. Hmm, I was playing in Iron mode, and I never saw anything other than generic infantry symbols on the enemy icons. I didn't bother to look at the lower display when I selected them however.
  14. No, it is on the todo list for a long time, but it seems more complicated to implement than in CMx1. In the lower left corner there is an indication of the command state with respect to higher command - and you can jump to the superior by clicking there, In the middle there are tabs that show subordinate units, but most practical is to select a unit, and its whole platoon will light up, and when you double click a commander, his whole formation will be selected. That is a quick way to find everyone. I had no problem seeing them, but it may depend on videocard and light conditions. However, bases are moddable, and in CMSF we have seen a whole array of very clear and very modest bases, so they will appear shortly for CM:BN. Yes, there is a short-cut key for that: go to the short-cut menu and click: then they are all shown. You can toggle it on and off. Commands are not shown during replay, but if you select a unit, there is a window in the lower left that tells you what each individual soldier is doing. Well, you will only make that error once or twice :-)
  15. I have a very low spec machine: - Intel Core 2 CPU 6300 @1.86 GHz, 2GB RAM, ATI 5500 1GB DDR2 But CM:BN runs perfectly fine in Best/Best, AA on, resolution. Only in mega-huge CMSF/CMA scenarios (more than a regiment) I have had an occasional out of memory error.
  16. Don't know about Macs, but on Windows I can only alt-tab out of the game when I have another window active, not just the empty desktop. In Windows I get around that problem by using ctrl-alt-delete to launch the task-manager, and that will bring me to the desktop if I forgot to keep a simple application running. Maybe there is a similar trick for a Mac?
  17. I think it is a perfectly fine set-up (for the attacking side that is): they start safely at a farm, and have to do the approach themselves. It felt very natural.
  18. No, there is only pause, 1:1 running, and skip forward/backward. With interesting scenes I uses the latter a lot, to view the same thing from different angles.
  19. It probably depends on the video drivers and monitor, but I never succeeded in changing the size of the intro screens by this method. Only the 3D image would change when I changed the resolution this way. However, when I acquired a video card with good anti-alias the readability of the intro screens improved enormously, and CM:BN has improved it again with the double columns, even when the script remains small.
  20. But those kind of save games were often not eligible for surviving a patch (in CMSF), so I think you should only use those saves for a replay of the action, not for later resuming, if you want to play it safe.
  21. You mean the objective green colour? I had some problems seeing it, I switched Alt J several times, and I could see a small change, but otherwise the green objective on the green grass was not very clear on my screen. (but the text of the objective name was there, and the description made it clear what I was supposed to do). In CMSF the fluorescent green is very noticeable, so much so that I always turn it off, as soon as I have seen where it is.
  22. I think the tutorial scenario could use a bit of sheltered terrain for the panicked Germans to retreat to (out of range of the victory objective), because the board edge was full of beaten Germans that couldn't get away.
  23. With pure AT units in CMSF I haven't seen much cases where they fired at infantry, but the Syrian infantry squads with RPG's could be very frustrating even when you ordered them to fire at an AFV, often some bloke with a rifle would give away the position before the RPG could aim and fire. I just hope in CM:BN the AT-guns have good fire discipline without a specialised covered arc.
  24. Yes, and experiencing that a few times puts your own skill in a different perspective :-)
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