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Everything posted by aesopo

  1. Liam, You said you played it at the hardest level but did that include +2 experience for the AI? If so, that would be indeed a miracle...hmmm.
  2. #1 Italian air should not be able to deploy close to it's border with France as it gives some spotting adnatage to the Germans although Italy is not in the war yet. #2 US should not be able to load it's troops as transports and act as sub spotters (granted there are adverse triggers if they venture far away but they can still go far away from US shores for spotting). #3 UK should not have the option to abandon its naval positions in the mideast (ahistorical) before the entry of Italy in the war. (Probable solution is that Turkey would align more with the axis if the UK does it). #4 France can also abandon it's naval positions in the mideast without consequence. #5 UK can transport mideast Army and HQ without consequence. #6 USSR activation should spike up if German naval forces, transports are active in the Baltic sea near Sweden. #7 Spain should also be alarmed of early Italian naval deployment near it's borders. Just my humble input.
  3. I think under advance options in the menu would answer #3. Do not expect much from a demo as it is a "demo" and be thankful that there is even one. Don't expect full technical support from just a demo.
  4. Hubert, We know SC2 has occupied your time but a lot of us old timers do appreciate the simplicity of the orginal SC as it also has the feel of a boardgame. Can't you release an updated editor or something for this? A lot of players would even pay for an updated SC. Thanks!
  5. Charge of the light brigade rings any bells? Liam, that is fine with WAW coming out. SC2 is played out with strategies.
  6. Hubert, You should sanction a tourney through panzerliga and the winner gets a seat on the next SC3 beta. That would be a great prize!
  7. Liam what is your time zone - I would be willing to have a mtach if you are willing. Thanks. I am in California, USA PST.
  8. Second the motion - but expansion download now- can patch later. We want, we want, we want, we want...
  9. missing a quite a few IQ points there Rambutt - if you had a quality education you would read between the lines that it was meant for you! You got nothing else going on in your life but to spew over here?
  10. Is there a mental health professional around here? Anyone tired of this delusional swagger?
  11. I have been gone for a while but the news of the expansion pack brought me back playing the game. I have just finished playing versus the Axis AI on expert level, +2 experience, and giving Germany and Italy both 9999 production points. I was able to force Germany's surrender in November of 1945 (although Italy and minors were still slugging it out). The AI finds it really hard to dislodge the ruskies in the urals although it had it's air concentrated there leaving the west bare open and it's the usual dance for the allies. It focuses it's attacks and destroys key points but no exploitation. When you have foresight, even at these odds, the AI can be drubbed. The expansion AI sounds like a different beast though...Hopefully there would be exploitation for armor or mechanized forces.
  12. I had a tough time against the axis on expert level plus 2 experience for the computer and I got a stalemate in Aug of 1945 although I have liberated France and I have taken two western german cities and the ruskies were also knocking on the other front- I needed another two months or so to finish germany off. I'll try again.
  13. My comment - Germany can rush into Benelux in rd 1 and get an early invasion of France - I knocked out France in January of 1940. I propose to set up a fortress of Ebermayel (am I right?) that was knocked out by a German commando raid with an entrenched Benelux unit sitting in it as to force the German player to swing forces from Poland to the French front, I know Steve you have done a lot of research to represent the actual OOBs but perhaps a little tweaking is needed to prevent Germany from rushing in (or maybe an event script to that heightens USA entry if the DOW on Benelux is right in the middle of the Poland campaign.
  14. Fredoz, Don't let Dave's haiku-ku (coo-coo I tell you!) scare you off. How's the progress on this beautiful baby of yours?
  15. but the issue with social security is that the govt had basically used it as a piggy bank and trillions of IOUs are left.
  16. any government as long as it suits US interests is a good ally regardless of the lack of any democracy. A uniform law of human rights and good governance should be imposed by UN mandate. No single country has the moral monopoly of freedom and democracy. We have been foolish long enough.
  17. the main shadow players are syria and iran - no amount of negotiating with hamas or hezbollah would stand as long as syria and iran are pulling the main strings. The israelis have a right to exist and our aide to israel pales in comparison to the hundreds of billions we have squandered in Iraq. Who should answer for this debacle?
  18. no disrepect to other modders, but I have lost taste with playing with anything else or vanilla sc2 knowing that this masterpeice is coming out. Although, one has to wonder how the scripts & AI will turn out. Dude? Timskorn? Perhaps the whole community can pitch in in this effort to make the ultimate WW2 mod!
  19. I suspect they did away with engineers = mech inf did away with rockets = artillery I feel this is a more useful way of using the unit slots.
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