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Everything posted by aesopo

  1. Jon, Get a life! Your ill mannered misgivings/behavior and malicious obfuscations show how malignant and maladjusted your thought patterns are. You need a mental health assessment and God help you if you have kids.
  2. SC2 still comes across as a beer and pretzel game with regards to complexity and game mechanics - yes still a big improvement from SC1 but still lacking depth. Anyone checked out computer world war 2 in europe by decision games? No AI though. But Hubert still did a good leap from SC1. But for SC3, I think he needs a grognards/military person perspective for it for playtesting (well that is four years away? hehe).
  3. BTW the Swedish convoys to germany is not working
  4. I think something happened after i got an industrial tech increase. Looking at the campaign data - does not seem to be different industrial modifiers. Hmmmmm - did you code something in the script to cripple industrial production?
  5. Honch, I noticed that Germany's MPP income fluctuated up to 400 something after france but then dropped to 131. I think it is a a bug if your change the industrial modifier in the game. I will check the editor to see the settings. (It was like that with your first mod too)but greaaaat mod. A lot of thing to keep track of and it is not simple to roll over the AI as before. The middle east is a fight!
  6. Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
  7. Yep, now it is the dark side of the axis suicide mod. To be played as allies against the AI on expert level. If you are feeling very, very lucky, try giving it at +2 experience level. Not for the faint of hearts and will take the ultimate generalship to pull this off for the Allies!
  8. Thnaks for DL it. I will try to whip up another version of TK's mod with a stronger axis version to be played as allies.
  9. I borrowed the TK mod and spiced it up a bit for a challenge against the AI (I hope he doesn't mind . It has been uploaded at CMMods. No cheating and do not open in the editor (spoiler!). How weel can you do against the AI? To be played as axis only on expert level against the AI. Adaptation from TK's Allied Mod. France and Poland is very tough as Poland embarked on a massive fortification system since the beginning of 1937 and France also mobilized early and set up a second maginot line surrounding Paris. The USA and USSR have also been beefed up tremendously. Before the patch, this is the ultimate challenge vs. the AI.
  10. Yah, right like arse kicking and justifying killing over 100,00 (figures are conservative - estimated 300,000 is the believed number) Iraqis and torturing them in believing King Bushwack. He should be tried for war crimes. I am ashamed to be called an American. This is genocide! Stop swagging not unless you volunteer to go to Iraq yourself. Please Dave, no limericks also.
  11. Well now, that was not called for. The French has a rich fighting history but for WW2 the country only needed to change it's name to speed bump!
  12. The allies hsould have let the USSR bleed some more in manpower losses while only sending very token supplies - while they were still bogged down in the east - we could have done our D-day number to greater effect These are all hypothetical what ifs.
  13. Freedommmmmmm! What price freedom? Substituting one evil for the other just because we are battle weary is not the answer. It is better to die than to be caged like an animal! AS for today's geopolitical situation, yes we messed up in Iraq instead of paying attention to North Korea.
  14. Roosevelt sold half of Europe to the commies - Patton was right that we should busted Stalin's nuts back then! Imagine the trillion of dollars we would have saved in the arms race!
  15. Yet we choose to ignore the millions that Stalin put to death because he was on the side of the winning team? Or the UN to be very slowwwww to react to the genocide in Rwanda and other parts of Africa? We have not learnt our lessons yet.
  16. My bad. I guess Allies have to be at constant state of war. Maybe France can be at 65% activation with fully going over with script once Poland is DOWed.
  17. Hi Qyusson, France and UK should be at peace with Germany. But there should be script for DOW once Poland is DOWed by Germany in 9/39. Should there not be a script for Czech annexation? Is this possible?
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