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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by slysniper

  1. good tactic, of course you need the demo.charges to use such tricks. I am finding I need them to give me better obtions in bocage country, always using them to blast me paths so I can flank the enemy.
  2. Ok,OK, maybe my age is showing, things are getting more foggy all the time as to how I remember things. So Wego was always there, lets get that straight.
  3. Boy, do I agree with this 100%. It seems like there is so much more complaining than there was back in the earlier days. Now, many demand, thinking the game needs to be perfect. It is a nice dream, but they sure do not seem to appreciate what they have. This game is by far, leap years ahead of any other war sim on any level as far as I am concerned, issues oh yes, but a little respect and a better attitude would be nice when you comment about changes that would be nice to see. In general, I am amazed how battlefront has handled themselves all these years, they really have gone above the "call of duty" to provide the quility game they have and not just tell everyone to go shove it.
  4. The face command helps but I have still had problems, but it might be what you have described in the second statement
  5. Old system, I micromanaged everything, the new one, I am starting to wonder on some things. Except for hide and covered arc. You really need to stay on top of the troops now to help prevent them from opening up too early. Other than that, they do many things on their own well. Well, except movement.
  6. From what I hear, you are the gent that would have every battle nothing but arty, if the game was designed to your wishes. Note: one of my favorite things in game play, get my opponant to drop arty where he thinks I am, but where I really am not. Just did that in my last email battle too, Oh how sweet to see them waste that precious arty.
  7. True, forgot about that one, yes I have been leaving them undeployed there also, so that they shift up to the berm.
  8. leap frogging units is a tactic that is used by most armies, as to using it in the game, I think it seems to pay benefits in general also. In bldgs there is a point it always seem scary, that is when the rear unit is crossing the front one, it is not the time for the enemy to appear and open up on you. but that is just a chance one has to take.
  9. I remember playing one back in the CMBO days that someone did that actually had plenty of tricks in it to get the feel of the situation. Like I remember that reinforcements wer poping up right in the middle of the map at night. One second I was fine, then the next turn I had germans poping up everywhere behind every tree and hedge, it actually worked pretty good. it had the feel you had walked into each other.
  10. I am finding you really have to understand the details of the game, I was in my CMX1 mode of thinking. I had machine guns behind the low stone walls of a map, The problem was I had them deployed. So I am playing and I notice my guns are behind the wall and are set up too low to shoot over the wall, oh man, get them things undeployed - That appears to be the only way that they can then rest them on the top of wall and fire. What are things that you have found you must think of as to getting units to respond correctly within the game.
  11. It is time we start having Threads that deal with playing the game well. I read something from a few players as to technics they are using to clear buildings. last night as I was playing, I was trying some of them out. The funny thing was, my best result happened when my unit used none of them. I had a split squad, run up to a bldg. Look in the windows and fire, killing 3 enemy soilders. No real special orders from me. where as, placing suppressing fire, then ordering the unit that ran up on the bldg to target it, which normally managed to get them to use grenades, was working but I was normally getting men killed from dirrect fire from the enemy within. Anyway, what are you finding to be the most successful ways of clearing bldgs and rooms once inside.
  12. One other thing that is a must. the offensive side should always have some choices as to how to manuver. Very seldom is it fun to have only one option on how to attack. part of the fun is having to make a choice.
  13. H2H with a good combintation of Forces. The map can be anything, but the important part is does it feel real or does it produce the feel of what the real battlefield was like. But here is my biggest value of a scenario, scoring and points tested, and tested again for a good balence. Many scenarios have poor scoring attached with them. The designer should play out the battle until they get battles that both sides have played to their likely normal abilities, then assign points so that type of outcome is a draw. With this type of set up, if both players have played well, the game should end tight in scoring also. of course in the new game, it is not as important as cmX1, since you have no clue now as to how you are doing until it is over. but nothing worst than playing a hard pressed defensive side, putting up a hard fight and when the scoring is displayed, its, like a 1000 to 50 Total defeat, and knowing no matter how you played the game, the scoring set up will never reflect a well played game. It does not matter how one sided a battle is designed to be played, the scoring can be designed to make it possible for each side to post a win, that takes skill.
  14. Ok, maybe my memory serves me wrong, but I sure recall Wego being discussed as not part of the system, that would take some searching in the old files to find something on that. But the concept did not last long.
  15. Sad to say, with all the improvements in the game, there sure is some losses also as to what the CMx1 system could do and this cannot. Some trades have been made. I sure will miss not being able to demo a bridge.
  16. Will it make a differance if the room has crown Molding or Not. If they have their eyes open, is it because you have fallen in Love with CMBN or iis it just for other reasons they have lost their Love for you. I really need to know how all this is going to effect my game play. Should I be trying to Romance my partner while I play. One thing is clear, this thread has went to new levels as to not being on subject or having a subject, or something like that.
  17. Interesting that you should ask. No, I never really let anyone know what I think of them, and no it does not affect my friendship with them. If I ever do discuss traits with someone, I would normally only bring up the good traits that they have. But where it surely does affect the relationship is in what oppotunities or request I might ask of someone. I sure would not go into a financial deal with someone that shows traits of not being trustworthy, would you?
  18. Well, there is more than two camps, but Noob has a point, it is best to find players that have similar reasons for playing. And two of the most common type of players are the ones he mentions. Now me, I am a History nut, but I also love all type of games. plus competative by nature. So yeh, your freakin right I want to win, but I like scenarios, not QB's because I cannot stand battles that do not seem to protray the history of the conflick. I also only like to play against players that are highly skilled, what would be the point of a good tactical win unless it was done against a worthy opponant. Have you been to Kentucky, you better beleive it is a war zone, just need to get back into the hills with the coal mines. Oh, baby I am more than paranoid, you have no clue as to how unstable I am. I am a mess just ready to crack
  19. He does not state that it is throughout the house. But now that we know it helps us cheat. I have crews coming to install in all rooms of my house. I have them measuring the root celler right now.
  20. I might need to start a class 101, reading people by game play. So you win some money from me in the poker game as you stated, well first, I would have learned nothing from you, because I did not know that is how you did it. But say, I saw you do it, likely to another player, not myself. What conclusion can I find. Well, first I would decide you are a oppotunist, when the oppotunity was there, you used it. Was it wrong, not by your standards, because you felt it was the persons fault for showing the cards. In your mind, that is their job to prevent that. But lets go a little deeper, now what do you do from that point on, since this person is not careful with their cards, will you now try to see them again and again, trying to get every adavntage that they make available. This is where my interest would really start. Most people would do the first act, but how many would start doing the second. what does it represent in the persons makeup.
  21. isn't it amazing what you learn by just being part of this forum. We better start setting up some house rules on molding, I will not play someone again until we get this straight. Actually, personnally, I never get to concerned when someone uses the word gamey. So, OK, you figured out a way of using something in the game to your advantage, to better your odds at winning. Then there is the cry, you stop that, thats gamey, its not a correct way to use that unit, or whatever. The point here is, your playing a game?, it is a tool that represents you in conflict with a enemy. In real life, would you not try to find anyway you could to beat the enemy, to take advantage, so why should you not in the game. If it is unwanted, soon enough, Steve will program it away to never be seen again. But computer games are great, there is no rules to fight over, you just play the game as it allows you to play. sure you can agree apon some house rules. but next time you look at house rules, see if they are there to just take out gamey play, or if someone is trying to lock you into the style of play they enjoy or are very skilled at.
  22. Sounds like a good plan, I see not taking my advice is also a smart decision.
  23. Actually, I am bored, work is slow at the moment, so had nothing better to do than hit this site and continue this worthless thread. plus the whole thing started, not so much about the concept of cheating but as to my misunderstanding on how PBEM worked since I had not done it in the new game engine yet. As to your success and feeling good about your crown molding, just dont get a ladder and go inspect them joints too closely, you might discover that your hired help did not know what they were doing either. So view from a distance and enjoy.
  24. THAT IS BECAUSE THE CMx2 ENGINE WAS DESIGNED WITH REAL TIME IN MIND. If you can remember, when it first came out, Wego was no longer even in the system. but so many complained, it was back in very shortly. but the design was based apon realtime concepts.
  25. I just wanted to expand our minds to the possibilities.
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