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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by slysniper

  1. some files sent to battlefront would be helpful. I have seen the same behavior a few times, but brushed it off. In Wego is where it is a killer to your unit. IN RT I solved it by placing a face command on the armor, that will override the AI for a little bit and stop the tank from rotating and then the gunner has to do his job without the unit turning. But not sure that is a fix always, but I have seen better results by making sure to give the face command. It also helps to positioning your tanks at a 10 or 2 oclock position to enemy guns to get the most out of that defensive armor. But the AI will soon take over and try to place you straight on to the enemy.
  2. it is amazing how many threads can get onto the same topic. It as if some people just cannot let something go. Let see,, if whiny gets the most attention, then this issue would have been resolved long ago. Making suggestions as to what might work, does get some attention from steve, but he has tried to explain many times why those suggestion made in the past do not really work in the present AI . but many keep suggesting the same old things. If you are going to keep talking about this, you might as well try to come up with a new concept that might actually work at stimulating a possible approach to improving the game and how it operates.
  3. You guys are answering the question, what is needed is a tool that highlights the ground and enemy with the push of one button that lets you know that it has both capabilities los & lof. So it only hightlights areas and units if both things are possible,, no point highlighting something you cannot shoot and no point in showing every possible shot location if you cannot see it. There some more heavy calculations to bring your computers to their knees. Nice in a dream world though. but I think that is asking a lot in this type of program, but I am not the guy that programs, so really dont know.
  4. I sure was not going to run the test that much to find out.
  5. I am having a hard time beleiving I cannot find others with sad stories to tell of unlikely events happening on the battlefield. Of course without them also saying it must be a problem with the game. face it bad things happen and it can just be the rare nature of the beast. I proved it to myself on this one.
  6. very nice, I might try some video also at some point. I guess this clip is to demostrate how to be a living moving target. It is doing a good job at that.
  7. I had ask the fellow I was playing the same thing. I said I would never let my units fire from that distance, he said he was desperate. I think he just did not know to cover arch his unit to stop it. He is new to the CMX2 engine, Played for years CMak and CMBB against each other.
  8. Thanks once again guys. I did it, did not post the shots here but on another thread I started. Went pretty smooth but I wanted to circle the rounds in the photo and could not find the feature to do it with. I am using paintshop photo pro X3, where should I be looking to find a outlined circle at, I thought maype in shapes, but they appear to be solid. ???
  9. Ok, here is my first attempt at photos on the site. You see my beloved panther just after he has shot another Sherman at about 300 meters to his 10:00 o -clock position As you look at this photo, you can barely see a bazooka round leaving from a hedge that is over two hundred meters away from my panther. Note the smoke and the round seen in front of the trees it is fired from. Because of the distance, this round has a good arch to it; you can now see it coming in on the panther. At this point the panther has spotted the grunt that fired the round and is returning machine gun fire his way. I have set the camera behind the bazooka round so that you can see the small window this round manages to thread to get to the rear deck of the tank. Its just to the right of the turret, mid hgt. A few inches to the left it will hit the turret, likely no affect, a few inches to the right, it totally misses the tank and fall harmlessly into the dirt. But you can see this is not going to be the case. Also this round made it through the opening in the tree limbs just in front of the tank. Not only is it an incredible shot, but the tank had a massive explosion and no one even makes it out alive. Without saying which battle this is. I had only two Panthers; they are the only real threat to stopping 20 or so Sherman's and a ton of infantry. I was having a blast in this game, having taken out 10 Sherman's already and had just relocated this tank here, planning on getting 2 or 3 more until this amazing shot. Over the years there have been only a few events in battles in these games that really stick out as to the unlikely odds of something happening and how it turns the battle when it did. In this battle I was half way to totally destroying his forces and had held his advance to 200 meters for half the game. With this one shot I lost the one unit I could not afford to lose and the battle immediately swung drastically to his favor with my tank loss. I just had to see if I could recreate this in test runs. So I had 8 bazookas firing on a panther at this range until all their rounds were fired or they were dead. I ran it multiple times until I knew I had fired over a 100 rounds at the panther. There were plenty of hits, but not one round did any major damage. So I will leave it at that, it was less than 1 in a 100 that this could succeed I love the fact the game is to the level I could dissect this event. It is one that will haunt me in my CMBN dreams at night. What is your greatest tale of the ill fates of war!!
  10. Thanks guys, I am determined to get some shots on here after all these years. Words just do not tell the story always. I have one story I just have to tell but want it in photo's
  11. Ok, how are you guys getting these nice big photo's on this Site. I finially have my screen capture working, I have photo pro for editing with. But when it comes time to make them fit the format they want, by the time I reduce it to the size they want. the image is a blur. Not big enough to see a thing. So what is the trick, they dont appear to be a link, but maybe they are.
  12. This is what happens when we say the name that should not be mentioned. Now, we all just need to drop it and stop. There is no point in it. Face it, I made a comment how it would be nice to in someway punish someone for their poor actions. Beyond of course the dreaded "Band from this site" action. But in the internet world, we just seem to let actions go and claim freedom of speech. It has much more to do with no legal actions that can be taken when someone acts inappropriately. But if someone was to attack the reputation of my bussiness and does it with misleading comments, which causes me a loss of sales and profits, I have a right to take legal recourse and can take them to court. If I can prove that the comments are made in malice and intent to do harm and is not just comments voicing a opinion, then they might be liable for my losses. but that is in a country where laws are in place to try and protect my interest. Personnally I think his intent is just that, it goes beyond just wanting to give his opinion. But we do not seem to think that these actions are wrong, plus we have those that want to even defend such actions. Easy to do with a enviroment that has no real recourse. So every review on every site, no matter where in the world will have his fine words. Will it truly be about the game or is it about his personnal war with this company. So none of this on this thread will change that, so drop it. A waste of my time already that is for sure. The few laughs was not worth it.
  13. Oh, I am ashamed, I place myself at the same childish level as he is. I will not say any more. I will let it rest
  14. I have learned to not use my eyes in the game while turning tree on in the game as a way. You normally cannot see anything. I find the best way in the game for me is to turn it to tree trunks, take the line of sight bar and see if I can get a view to anything in the general area that I think the enemy is. with any unit I am trying to see from a certain area. If I get the blue line, then I know windows of view are possible, then the trick is. Trying to find spots that might let you see out. Just didthis last night. Enemy tank was 300 meteres out in a open field firing into the woods killing my infantry. I had 3 tanks in the woods, none could see the tank. but line of sight was possible for infantry. So I looked for low spots on the ground to move the tanks to, so that maybe they could see under the tree limbs. It worked, lost one tank to his, but the other two paid him back. The point being, managed to find line of sight out of the trees, never using the trees turned on to figure out if it was possible
  15. Well, that was a few laughs, at the expense of the said gang that I should not comment about because they cannot defend themselves here. Shall I start calling him" He who shall not be mentioned "or whatever that line is in Harry Potter. This is the perfect place to have fun at his childish actions. I do not have to hear his educated rebuttal. He can say and have an opinion all he wants, he can post it anywhere he thinks it matters. I on the other hand can comment on such remarks as for what I see them to be. He has been offended and has decided to do what he can to fight back. Why, only he truly knows, I do not see what it will get him other than how he is making a fool of himself too many others. It is not that there are good points in what he wants to prove as short comings. But by God this is a game someone else developed and made the decisions and choices as to how to make it work. He wants perfection of a game which he could not design but which in his own mind thinks they should be able to provide and cannot accept the fact it does not exist. Many of us would like to see things differently in the game. But it is no call to try and attack the company that has done the best job out there to try and provide it. It is an immature action with an outcome that solves nothing. Thus it deserves the same type of reward as if it was a child throwing a fit. Thus my earlier comment, whether right or wrong , it is how I feel.
  16. Dont blame it on the designers. If the bridge has the flag, then the player should understand that he needs to control more than the bridge and zone of control. He should have a buffer area. Anytime someone complains about last minute zone of control rushes that neutralize points. I wonder, if the enemy is able to rush units into it, even if they are to die, then really you do not control it. you should have pushed your defensive lines out and be able to prevent such a thing from happening to begin with, that is control. Plus learn to sweep a area to make sure no one is hiding, that is not the designer fault - it is the players
  17. Steve should just not alow Mr MichaelDorosh and his gang to buy anymore product from Battlefront. They are on such a war path to try and demishish all the game has accomplished and want to place themselves as the judges of what it should be. That I personnally think they should not be allowed to have anymore of a product that they have chosen to try and discredit. Because, I can see them jerks playing it even with all the ranting they give.
  18. when are people going to figure out that seeing through a tree does not mean you are gareenteed a shot making it through the tree, it might or might not. it is like golf, take your chances.
  19. now, you all are trying to turn into joke grogs. And it really is not going all that well. But what a great job on high jacking this tread. You need to be spending more time playing CMBN and finding interesting things to discuss. So you all go back to your rooms right now and behave.
  20. The main reason I have no interest in the other games anymore is because of the infantry. even though they still do plenty of odd things at times. They are much more real in how they fight and die and what is going on with them. The game has become important to me at that level, where as it was only the tanks and heavy stuff before that mattered. The infantry was pawns I used, but never thought about. Now, in cmbn, I find myself at times focused on moments in battles, hoping that one guy might get the jumb on the enemy as he rouinds the corner, or will my anti tank guy manage to fire his zook in time when he crest the ridge, or sending men to help downed fellow soilders, knowing I need them to pick up their weapon also. watching ammo loads and planning on how to get more ammo or when to hold fire. making sure about command and how to keep them at the front but also keep them safe. The game has just become alive at a level that has not been there for me before. The old close combat games would be the next closest thing I can think of. But this is so much more than they ever were. So I spend my time with this game and just hope for new good things to come.
  21. I just tried Panzer Command Ostfront to see what it was all about. Against the old CMX1 games it is better, in many ways you can see how it tried to improve on them. But compared to CMBN, dont make me laugh. I really cannot see how anyone that tries these games cannot roll over into the CMX2 engine, I have heard all the complaints, read the issues and think. What in the HE11 are they comparing it to. This game so outclasses Panzer command. Many of the things people complained are wrong with this game is worse with it. The ability to command units, get information about units and see units perform commands correctly all work better here and is easier to access than that game. I was not trying to compare graphics, because that game is so behind the times there. The only thing that was nice was they did have somethings battlefront has never given in their game as for terrain features, things like trains watertowers and such. We can hope someday they will. As for options on how to play the game, CMBN still is better, not perfect. but it gives you the tools to make it reusable in many ways, but I did only have the demo, so I might be mistaken here. So yes I want to see cmbn improve. But I really just wanted to post a Huge "Thank You" For this game has now placed all my other games on the shelf, likely for good. This Is the new level of my expectations and I cannot understand those that cannot see the gem this game is. They are fools and do not deserve to play it. Let them enjoy the things of the past, but right now, this is the leading edge of tactical games. Love it baby. I have also noticed, that since it has been over 3 months. the issueing of commands have become so instinctive as to how to input them, it is very fast and easy. I went back to CMX1 and found it to be a slower system, even though I have played that for at least 8 years. So dont listen to much to the complaints (including mine) this game is fantastic.
  22. Dont be too hard on this young man, it is a sign of his generation. And it is true in what he says as to the fact we will see fewer and fewer young people willing to change to the concept of a computer game that takes a 1/2 hour of inputed commands to watch a minute of play and then do it over again. Their whole life is a subject of instant gradification and quick thinking. In depth thought and patiences is hard to find in the younger generation. They also beleive in change, so they expect software to change to their wants and that if its not to their liking, push for change. They generally are not satisfied with things as they are and want to see change, which is not bad. The older we are, seems we are less liking to want to change. Just look at all the old farts that want to stick with CMX1 Yes , I agree with the other quote, we are a oddball minority that like the slow in depth tactical way of playing the game. How the game is now, it still is a PBEM game, no matter what they say. It was developed for that style of play The changes for real time makes it work, but as is trying to be pointed out. The game or site is not set up to support that type of play. I can see the logic for wanting Battlefront to make it possible to play RT just like the game says it is for. My view of that is it should be like the old Close combat series in that the site should hook you up with other players who are on-line right now ready to play now, then the battles should be easy to create, so that a map should be easy to find, units can be selected quickly and play starting within 10 -15 minutes at the most. Much of this can be adcheived by battles being the size where the player is only managing 15-20 units at the most. Within 1 hour to a 1 -1/2 hours, the battle is done and your on to other things. For those of us that would like to see the details of these battles, the video save concept where you could replay the battle would be the key. But for many years, none of these things have trully been addressed. so I do not see this game really pushing for true real time play. Which as is pointed out. would be a drawl for the younger Generation What we have is a RT that allows those that play the AI to not have to accept waiting a minute to override their last commands. They can pause at any moment at any critical spot and redirect their troops to do the best thing to try and beat the opposition. That is where most RT play is getting used. At the moment, there is little use of the game in a true RT application. I think there is enough in the game to make it work as a RT tool. But there is not the community or direct efforts to make it a success. To bad, real time can be as fun as PBEM, but it would need to be given the chance.
  23. I would enjoy real time if the battles are small. I tried close combat for a little while on line- but it was a joke at times. Between the game just crashing or the other guy dropping the game because he was losing was sad, there was plenty of in-mature players on the site. But there was good players also. Qb's are the best option at the moment for real time, but slow to set up and hard to get agood fights becase of many issues with the maps and options in selecting troops and what are or not as house rules go. It would be nice to have scenarios designed for on line play that were small in nature. I know there is one member that has a site that he is providing mini battles. But I agree it would be nice to have a place that we could go to chat, find a game and have battles that were designed and ready for real-time play.
  24. I will do one better than that, I am looking for a new opponant. I play Scenarios PBEM, if that is something you like I will give you a match. I like players that like to make it a lasting partnership. I have played all my present opponants for years. But I have one opening, so if you can be committed to follow through with games, ready to take on good competition, my offer is there.
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