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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by slysniper

  1. I personnally have found that if I try to run multi missions from a F.O. that the first mission that lands is normally on target, but my later missions have been off target many times. So I avoid trying the multi task from one spotter anymore. But like was mentioned, it would be nice to hear it from the designer.
  2. Go for it, and ASL has plenty to get up to speed to be CM So your tanks dont stop and shoot. give it a break. I will take that over the die roll odds of ASL compared to the level of factors that a cm shell has to go through to be a penetration. The main reason I cannot go back to board gaming is how this format provides true hidden movement to the enemy, now it also has a somewhat realistic spotting model as to seeing, targeting and shooting and other things along that lines. I also know cm has plenty of weaknesses. But comments like yours is not going to make it happen as to changes you would like to see. If you truly love ASL, that is great. But trying to compare two different beast, thinking they should be the same is not very fair. They each have their methods to try and protray the same type of thing. Both has plenty of strengths and weaknesses. accept both for what they are, add input that can be useful to see improvements, but be accepting to some degree when they cannot just always provide every wish.
  3. I was into it until this game line came out, I was smart, at that time ASL and SL were in pretty high demand because no one was printing them at the time. Sold my sets for a nice amount of money. Actually sold them for more than I had paid for them, with all the modules I had. And I sold it for a reasonable price, all them years of play and it did not cost me anything. I have all the scenario's copied, once in a while, I would set one up in the CMX1 format. I just do not have the time at the moment to make good scenario's for CMX2, but you can make anything you want. Of course, more limited now, than from the first series, but more toys are coming.
  4. My money is just waiting to get into your hands BF's So just keep it flowing, its a good sign that they actually posted this already. It might not be as far off as I thought it was going to be. I love the game, cannot wait for new toys to add to its value.
  5. In the old system you are correct that if a unit was split, it lacked firepower if it was to come upon a full squad by itself. but the point was to make sure you had two split squads for a normal squad you were up against. Thus the fire power was basically the same, but you had only one unit taking a beating on morale and losses where-as your opponant had a full squad taking a morale beating. On defence, it allowed you to cover more ground and not leave holes for the enemy to take advantage of. Actually, these things are still some of the reasons spliting is so important still. But in the new game, its much harder to get multible units to see and combine fire on a certain spot. That is the only drawback to splitting that I know of.
  6. That was not really true either. Splitting squads in the old game was better also. many players felt you were cheating if you did it. Steve even pointed out how it was taking advantage of the game design that was not intended. But better players understood the advantage of splitting then. This version still has more advantages for units being split.
  7. The few times I have used it, I give the AI the defence, I preview the map and find one that has good terrain to defend and then I select the units for the AI. This takes away all the fun of not knowing what you are up against, but I like giving the AI a match up I will be challenged with. Thus at least I am not wasting my time and I can get a pretty good fight out of the machine. This was after ssing what happened a few times not dictating these things and the joke of a game that was set up.
  8. SOUNDS FUN. as pointed out in the other post, a dead crew man becomes a issue just to get out of the way so you can function in that spot. But At the moment your men are likely focused on their present task, if they have a gun, they are wanting to use it. I know that exiting the crew works because I just had a similar experence with mine. But my crew left because of fear and not by my orders, they managed to survive the hail of bullets with 3 left. When they recovered and I could get them back into the tank I was wondering what positions they would fill since I had no driver. What has be fun for me is that 3 man crew in an sherman has become the most accomplished tank unit since they entered back into battle. They are slow but good.
  9. if things ever clear in the area, have the crew exit and have them reload. they seem to do a good job of taking the three most important positions to run a tank, if there is three men. They might get to it without the exit, but if under fire, likely not going to happen.
  10. When I first started playing the game I saw the allied #6 all the time, I was tired of it. Now I cannot remember the last time I saw it and I am playing three pbem games all playing allies. And #7 Allies has never come up on my machine much. I barely remember it because it is listed here. So I think it is totally random as to which is selected in these list.
  11. I was hopeful someone with too much time on their hands would post the photo;s of each screen shot here so that we would be sure of what all is in the game, then we could even keep tally as to how often it comes up. I really think it is just random, with no true favorites. But I am suer glad BF placed so many good photo's into the load file and have them, hope they add more in the modules. One thing I hated about the earlier CMX2 games was the screen photo used.
  12. Final report. I have waged my war and fought the fight of clearing two large patches of woods, with infantry against infantry and within the process I think I might have tried every suggestion here. To what effect might be another question. But I will share my observations here anyway. First and foremost, the grenade is supreme, the troops looping them will generally win or at least take as many of the enemy as they lose. So before making contact, make sure you are using units that have them in supply. Behind the grenade comes automatic weapons, since many fire fights become fights where one or two guys can only see one or two guys for the first portion of the exchange, that fire power surely shines in this type of environment as long as the grenades have not already have been tossed.. Who wins, normally the side that spots the other side first, because of short distances , when someone opens up, normally good things happen, if you have not killed the enemy, many times at least his face is in the dirt. But I was grateful many times to see men rise to the occasion, manage to return fire and even sometimes win. Even when they received fire against them first. So what can you do as an attacker, since you are the one moving and likely will be spotted first. I found instead of trying to getting the odds in my favor as to the number of men in the fire fight, which normally lead to more targets for them grenades to kill, that trying to keep my men spread apart seems better. Plus allows me to probe more enemy line looking for weak points. Getting the flank on the enemy helps , but is no game winner. What it does do is help s you spot first, plus if you do manage to get troops spotting and firing from both the front and flank, you will likely get the kill, The problem was, how many times the enemy still managed to kill whichever unit he was focused on before my other unit killed him. Now , I need to clarify something here, many fire fight end when one side losses one or two men or they have been pinned. At which point that side decides to flee, which gives you a few moments to shoot them in the back before they hide from sight within the brush once more. So my most important tactic was having additional men behind my front line troops (just far enough back to stay out of grenade range), that would either move forward to take the ground I just saw the enemy infantry flee from or if my front line troops still had good morale, to take their spot as I pushed them forward in chase to try and get additional shots on the fleeing enemy. Smoke, oh, that magical stuff. I used my infantry smoke, which I had forgot had even existed until some comments from others here. I did have arty with smoke that I could get into the woods if I did a big enough area fire circle, plus I pushed a tank in as far as it could go , them had it pop smoke from there. So I managed to get smoke to cover the enemy and their view. Thus allowing me to move in very close to the enemy. But what I found was, Ok, it stops me from getting spotted while on the move, but as it clears, it still is up for grabs as to who will see who first. But at least it places you on even ground as to who might spot who first. Plus you can be so close, normally heads will roll, one way or the other. So in closing, going into woods is no fun task, avoiding it is the best option, unless that is not possible. Don’t expect to kill more enemy than you will lose of your own men even if you have a much larger force, and expect to use vast amounts of time to clear a short distance, I found that out because unless I had smoke, most advancing is crawling on ones belly. As to the cost in manpower, truthfully, how the game is designed at the moment, I will never know who truly lost the most personnel in there. Since bodies don’t stay and wounded can vanish. The only indicator as to how you are doing is by counting the little red crosses when you see them as units go down. So I did not take a tally of them, since that is not accurate. But in general it felt pretty even. One turn I might see a enemy MG jump on and kill 2 or 3 of my men in a team, to turn around and a few turns later seeing that unit jumped on by one of my men with a Thompson and watch multiple bodies of the crew lying dead on top of each other in the aftermath. I am glad I did it and still question if I will get the objective points for one of the two woods. But the harder the task, the sweeter the feel as to when one achieves it. So it was worth it to me. Also, maybe the newer version of the game does not get everything right, but this type of play is light years ahead of what we had before. Those that cannot appreciate that can continue to wish for a beer and pretzel approach, but the added complexity to the newer game also adds to having realistic challenges that reflect more to real life. Woods are now something to truly fear. Most war games have never had that right, this one does.
  13. Boy, now your talking, That would sure aid in taking out tigers and panthers and such. It also makes me wonder how much of that went on, I have read plenty about Enemy MG's and such. In Russia, it was very common, no matter what the equipment was. But I really do not recall ever ready anything about Americans using captured Pzfausts
  14. Well when they are objective points, really wanted to give it a go. Was it worth it, possible not. As for viewing into them, they are high points and have a reverse slope. Plus no real gaps, so the perfect woods to avoid. And in truth, like has been pointed out by many others, should be avoided if you can adcheive your battle plans any other way. But I like being cruel and watch my little men die to gain the sacred ground. At this point It is more of a testing ground than I am worried about having to take it, just want to see if I can.
  15. As for using smoke in general, I have understood the concept and principles that some of you have pointed out, and agree with suggestions given for general tactics. But I never felt the need for smoke in any of my play in any game when in woods other than maybe if I was in full retreat and wanted to make sure i had concealment for troops. So finding myself needing additional concealment in that enviroment is a new thought process for me, plus if you noticed. I had been doing just fine with ordanance smoke until now. I really had no clue my infantry was packing smoke grenades also. So one more toy in the grab bag that will not be forgotten about anymore. So Thanks
  16. Not sure if mortars are. They cannot be used as for sighting for themselves, cannot see that far. And if You are trying to use them as a indirect fire weapon, the distance the spotter can see is so limited, I would think there would be a good chance of spotting rounds landing on one own troops. I like the fact that woods are much more challenging than the old version of the game. but Will need to decide what will be my best tactic if in the situation I presently have. As a side note: I did find I have troops with smoke and some were in perfect place to drop them in the up wind position at the end of the enemy line. Will see how well that helps in my next thrust.
  17. I have mentioned this before in other threads, How infantry is so much more brittle than they were in CMx1. So I am a firm believer in using any assets and ordanance to do the work. I would love to only use my infantry to hold ground or mop up left overs. But that just cannot always be the case. At times they have to be the solution to the problem. And I am actually enjoying the struggle of trying to get them to clear the woods against a force with no real assistance. I am interested in finding out if I had infantry that carried smoke that I could have used to help in this situation. I did not think of that. When it comes to other ordanance, Smoke is not my first option. If I can get it to hit where I want it in the woods, I would much rather see HE exploding, than dumping smoke to help try to move my infantry up into place. But smoke test are still in order just to see what one can do.
  18. This is one thing in this game engine that is much more common, it is the side that spots first and fires that normally wins the conflict, not the side with the best armor. Of course taking on panthers from the front is still not recommended. but even then. I have seen four short barrel shermans at range , blind and then target practice on a panther and do plenty of damage even at range (700-800 meter) just because they spotted first and fired. Much harder to dictate what you want as a battle result. But much more realistic to real life. Spotting and shooting first is very important. The frustration in the game is at times you cannot figure out why the unit is not spotting the enemy that you see should be within clear sight.
  19. So far, I am finding, if I can get into a fire fight where both sides see each other, normally both sides take causualties and one or both sides crack and run or are in a panic or near panic state. So then I can move a reserve unit up to take my unit spot to finish the job or move up farther and capture some ground if I have seen the enemy flee. But in general it is hard to even get even odds in losses if you are the one doing the moving, no matter what approach I am trying. But I am going to sit down and do some testing with smoke to see what can be adcheived. But in a good size patch of woods, it is a good location where it is hard to get outside ordanace to be able to place it. But all things are possible.
  20. personnally, I cannot wait to be a defender against someone where I hava a big patch of woods to put my infantry in that will aid in my defence. I have yet to have anything like that in H to H play. But I have plenty of Devilish plans for when I do get the chance.
  21. I will tell you one thing that does not work. Trying to area fire and pin the enemy while other units move in closer to get a good spot and shot. I have found that the guys area firing become spotted if possible from the enemy and then are taking good aimed fire from the enemy. Of course this is playing WEGO, so correcting that problem cannot be fixed with my quick micromanagement. Second, it just seems very hard even if you do pour small arms fire into a area to really pin the enemy to a point to safely move other units in. Also if you do not lift the fire, friendly units do not seem to do well and not getting to a nervious or rattled state just because of the friendly fire close by.
  22. good suggestion, I was wondering two things here. Do we have infantry units that have smoke. Had not noticed. Second, Since Arty was out, not a likely answer. But if arty was in with smoke. laying a smoke screen to move closer and then have sure contact when it lifts seems fine for getting rid of enemy forward units. But if I am going to bother with a heavy smoke screen, would not just swarming the area with troops during the smoke screen to outnumber and get into close combat distance be better at getting things in my favor and dislodge and kill more enemy.
  23. (Try recon with a couple of guys) This leads to two guys at some point being outnumbered even if they do spot and fire first. It can work at the end of a line though, likely even odds ( Try to locate the end of his line so you can concentrate forces to roll up his defense along the line/flank rather than towards it.) I strongly believe in this, then I find that even if I have great odds attacking a flank , it seems grenades like to work against the man with odds. Two or three men at the end of a line throwng grenades seem to take out more attackers even if they have 3-1 odds or better. I have watched 5 go down to take out the three and the other 5 rattled, that is with them spread out as much as possible also.
  24. I am finding I am losing more men than the enemy by having to be the attacker and trying to clear out the enemy in large section of woods. I would at least like to get even odds.:confused: It appears I need suggestions on how to use my infantry in trying to clear out the enemy infantry. Looking for suggestions that does Not include arty or armor. This is an all infantry affair.
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