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J Ruddy

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Everything posted by J Ruddy

  1. Kitty, :mad: , you might have 9 lives but this thread is dead. It's been hammered to a log and is sailing away down the river Styx, ne'er to be seen again. :mad: I've given up trying to scrape up a game from these TNT chuckers, hell I'm even slumming in the cesspool FOR CRIESSAKES!. :mad: It would take the 2nd.. er 5th coming of Master Goodale to revive this thing, and even then it's only be a death spasm. :mad: This is an ex-thread. :mad: Move along. Nothing to see here.
  2. I probably wouldn't buy CMx2 1980s. Many moons ago I tried Steel Panthers II. Didn't like it. Can't explain why. Continued playing Steel Panthers instead. I have one squad level wargame set in the 1980s at around CMx2 level ( Fire Team ) and while the gameplay is interesting, I still (for whatever reason) prefer WWII. I honestly don't know why.
  3. I wouldn't mind Iron man at all if you could switch between commanders. Say 10 ft above the head of the commander in the case of a vehicle or commander eye view for a grunt? If a parameter could select the Iron Man level such as company commander only, platoon commander or section leader, then I could tab between platoon commander's eye view for example, that might be pretty slick. Or I could be eating the spotted muchrooms that grow out back again...
  4. My dog died 18 years ago. He can talk to the cats if he wants but they might come across as a bit aloof. What the hell do you expect, they're cats! [Edit - there! 500 posts, though I guess the last two should have been one. Kind of like Grog's last 16,531 posts.
  5. People, (and I do use the term loosely) the last time I agreed to give someone an interview, eighty seven minutes of brilliant conjecture and cultural genius were reduced to an 8 second soundbite on how closing a school can damage a community. Geez, they didn't even include my Karl Marx quotes. From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs, eh?
  6. Ahh, the inevitable Christmas potluck food poisoning episode. All the joys of a 2 day hangover without that annoying 'getting drunk' thing to worry about. Thank God I got my DSS/PVR set up before I started pitching custard everywhere. Turn sent.
  7. Well Brianiac I can not say that you are not returning my e-mails. You did. However you sent me the same fecking turn I sent you! </font>
  8. OK I think I'm on crack. Did I see a feature where you could limit the FOV to the commander instead of Borg like free style scrolling? Did this mean any commander on the field? ie - any tank commander or any infantry platoon commander etc...? If so, when in 'play' mode as said commander could you issue new orders to the units under you? Or am I thinking of another game/universe?
  9. naw, Abbott isn't returning my emails, the tease, he sends me a setup then disappears quicker than that LDS missionary who stopped for directions in Compton. It kind of reminds me of a girl I knew in college. Or so even Boo can understand.. a person that smells like flowers and looks puurtty that I knew in that thar buildin' of higher learnin' thet Boo once mopped floors at before he was promoted to Cesspool Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justiciar. No offence intended, your back-up-ed-ness.
  10. Jesus man, the "half a season" and "Fox" references didn't give it away? Even a lowly slug like myself recognizes a luminous beetle when he sees one... Don't worry, you'll reach Serenity Valley one day. Are the new Doctor shows broadcast in the Ewe Ess uf Eh?
  11. DU I wouldn't want to eat or drink food & water contaminated with it. Besides the high toxicity of materials like U and Pb, the alpha radiation from DU can damage cells if ingested. I wouldn't want to breath in DU contaminated dust for the same reason. DDT and PCB's were once considered safe. So call me a cynic, I'm not a fan of DU in Armour or Weapons. Of course IMO both the radical anti-DU lobby and the radical pro-DU lobby are probably full of dung, and like most debates, the truth is likely hidden somewhere behind the misleading charts, anecdotal "evidence" and biased scientific opinions. :S
  12. Damn do I hate war. So why do I enjoy these games so much?
  13. Woot Abbott! CM Italia sounds like a larf - send me a file or send me an email asking for a file or send me a case of beer, I'll drink it and return the empty bottles for the deposit and we'll call it even. Just don't slink off two turns into the battle like Prinzess Eunich did...
  14. Abbott, you have reminded me of a testdrive I took in a brand new 1990 Turbo Plymouth Laser turbo (actually purchased by someone else, but they hadn't picked it up yet). The terrified Salesman was in the passenger seat, my 300lb 6' - 1" college room-mate shoe-horned into the back seat and we were flying down a hilly back road when I turned to the salesman and asked if the car had anti-lock brakes. "Yyyesss, er noo!!!Four wheel disk!! Four Wheel Disk!!!!" The poor bastard looked like he was going to piss himself. Looking back on what I prick I used to be to car salesmen I tend to have a bit more pity on those poor bastards. Well, the honest ones anyways...
  15. Abbott, you have reminded me of a testdrive I took in a brand new 1990 Turbo Plymouth Laser turbo (actually purchased by someone else, but they hadn't picked it up yet). The terrified Salesman was in the passenger seat, my 300lb 6' - 1" college room-mate shoe-horned into the back seat and we were flying down a hilly back road when I turned to the salesman and asked if the car had anti-lock brakes. "Yyyesss, er noo!!!Four wheel disk!! Four Wheel Disk!!!!" The poor bastard looked like he was going to piss himself. Looking back on what I prick I used to be to car salesmen I tend to have a bit more pity on those poor bastards. Well, the honest ones anyways...
  16. Abbott, you have reminded me of a testdrive I took in a brand new 1990 Turbo Plymouth Laser turbo (actually purchased by someone else, but they hadn't picked it up yet). The terrified Salesman was in the passenger seat, my 300lb 6' - 1" college room-mate shoe-horned into the back seat and we were flying down a hilly back road when I turned to the salesman and asked if the car had anti-lock brakes. "Yyyesss, er noo!!!Four wheel disk!! Four Wheel Disk!!!!" The poor bastard looked like he was going to piss himself. Looking back on what I prick I used to be to car salesmen I tend to have a bit more pity on those poor bastards. Well, the honest ones anyways...
  17. Ho hey! What the hell has happened to this place? I used to lurk here for the chuckles and brief glimpses of wit but death threats, whining and Pearl White Fords? Keeeeeeeeeristal Gayle! Fellas, I'm nothing here. Zip, nadda nuttink! Not even a maggot who's crawled out from under a dead and bloated MasterGoodale. Well, ok maybe the last one. But even I can see that you're all are in need of a good kick in yer panties followed up with three quick shots from good ole Dr. Jack Daniels. If you don't want me crapping in your sandbox every day I suggest you follow a couple of rules: First and foremost, leave poor Abbott alone, the chap's not been right since he played Bud Flick in Dance with me Henry. Second, stop with this death threat turned nicey nicey butt kissing stuff. Let's keep the personal apologies and accusations of kitten killing to the emails, ok? For example, this is acceptable: Bauhause, I used to tink your name was a reflection on your preferred form of architecture, but I'm starting to wonder if you aren't a mindight drag queen? That's sick, but I guess it's the American way. This is not acceptable: Joe Shaw, the voice of reason and a sensitive male? Not likely. Not in this universe or any other. I'm going to kill you and bury you under the Washington monument. Actually I'm so sorry I didn't mean to offend you, honestly. I'm really a nice guy who likes kittens. If you use the right batter they taste just like chicken. And yes I am sodding off. Frankly the lousy atmosphere in here is thicker than Boo's dead infantry.
  18. Ho hey! What the hell has happened to this place? I used to lurk here for the chuckles and brief glimpses of wit but death threats, whining and Pearl White Fords? Keeeeeeeeeristal Gayle! Fellas, I'm nothing here. Zip, nadda nuttink! Not even a maggot who's crawled out from under a dead and bloated MasterGoodale. Well, ok maybe the last one. But even I can see that you're all are in need of a good kick in yer panties followed up with three quick shots from good ole Dr. Jack Daniels. If you don't want me crapping in your sandbox every day I suggest you follow a couple of rules: First and foremost, leave poor Abbott alone, the chap's not been right since he played Bud Flick in Dance with me Henry. Second, stop with this death threat turned nicey nicey butt kissing stuff. Let's keep the personal apologies and accusations of kitten killing to the emails, ok? For example, this is acceptable: Bauhause, I used to tink your name was a reflection on your preferred form of architecture, but I'm starting to wonder if you aren't a mindight drag queen? That's sick, but I guess it's the American way. This is not acceptable: Joe Shaw, the voice of reason and a sensitive male? Not likely. Not in this universe or any other. I'm going to kill you and bury you under the Washington monument. Actually I'm so sorry I didn't mean to offend you, honestly. I'm really a nice guy who likes kittens. If you use the right batter they taste just like chicken. And yes I am sodding off. Frankly the lousy atmosphere in here is thicker than Boo's dead infantry.
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