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J Ruddy

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Everything posted by J Ruddy

  1. Note, the Anglosizing of Eugen (oy-gan) to Ew-Gan in the last line! This attention to detail is critical if you're going to with Eurovision afterall..! :mad: Bwahaahaaahaaaa!
  2. Eurovision 2007 He might be a Swede or might be a Finlander, And he might choose a handle that gives illusions of grandeur! And to some his responses may seem simple or witless, But whatever you do... don't ever call him princess!!! Eugen! Who man, is Eugen? Ya Eugen Eugen Eugen Eugen Eugen Eugen Eugen! Who man, is Eugen? Ya Eugen Eugen Eugen Eugen Eugen Eugen Eugen Eugen Eugen Eugen Eugen Eugen Eugen Eugen Eugen Eugen Eugen Eugen Don't call him Princess Eugen Eugen Eugen Eugen Eugen Eugen Eugen Yeeeeewwwwwwwwwgen! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  3. Abbott has returned from God knows where... (probably saving children in Africa or spending time as a 'security expert' in Peru or somefink) :mad: I got yer emails, and as soon as I get home I'll send you a turn! :mad:
  4. Item, qe nul soit si hardy de crier havok sur peine davoir la test coupe...?
  5. :mad: What me worry? :mad: Unless you send me a turn, it'll have to be tomorrow, maggot, QB, double blind, three in the river, over the wall and Toledo twister rules are in effect!!! BWAHAHAAAHAHAARARAAHAARAAARAARARAAHAHAA! :mad:
  6. OK Maggots :mad: Here is the next incarnation of the forever damned Master Doctor General Goodale Cheery Waffles Maggot TNT Encrusted Genital Herpes Anger Management challenge thread for the criminally insane. We welcome new members, be they completely off their rocker or simply politically corrupt, all others need not apply! Any Kniggits of Ping caught trespassing will be shot on sight. Don't bother jumping up on the fence, we do indeed have the right. Bring it on puss wads! [ January 19, 2007, 01:52 PM: Message edited by: J Ruddy ]
  7. Many moons ago when I was a young man, I visited an Infantry Reserve unit. I mentioned to the Desk officer that I was contemplating Officer training. He looked down his nose and asked why I thought I was qualified to be an officer. "Well, I am a total ass-hole... does that count?" Needless to say, I joined a Signals unit instead... :mad:
  8. um... me too... The thing is to tie it in to popular media. "CM Enemy at the Gates!" < - - Ok maybe a bit late for this tie in... ;n
  9. <font color = red>Not</font> <font color = white> a</font> <font color = blue> chance</font> IMO another modern will not sell well. CMSF might sell well but I doubt it will match CMBB's success. Then another modern release, like CMIE will likely sell even worse than CMAK did. Even if it is only a module, I'm not if sure it would do that well outside of Isreal or a handful of middle east historians. Regarding Modules for CMSF, I could see Iranian and British troops being a decent Add-On. But I'm starting to really warm up to a CM:Vietnam for some reason. I'm not sure why, but I think the scale of play suits US vs NVA pretty well. I'm thinking of something like the boardgame Lock 'N Load: Forgotten Heroes Vietnam but in Wego or Real Time. But then... what do I know... :mad:
  10. Man, this game bugs me. I've been playing CMBB and CMAK since Jeebus was a gypsy and I tells ya, its getting old. :mad: When is CMSF coming out? I've been doing the BF2142 thing but thars too many punks and twitch players, not enough tactical players... Hey Abbott I haven't sent you a turn yet. Don't worry it's coming tonight. I have made the dumbest bone-headed move by going to University part time starting Monday (I missed this weeks class because the University didn't admit me until Tuesday :mad: ), so now I work full time, raise 2 kids, currently aged 2 1/2 and 3 months, try to keep the wiff happy by at least pretending to do some house work and we've also started a gaming group that always seems to want to play when hockey night in Canada is on the cbc.... someone please shoot me now. I have 10 hours of reading to do before Monday night and around 78 seconds of free time to do it in. Plus my cubicle is right outside my bosses door, so I can't slip in any homework through the day... :mad: stupid ass
  11. Where do I apply for a permit to sell cheap Canadian Viagra in front of the court house?
  12. In regards to the wayward Abbott... What would Yang be without Yin? Reagan without Gorbachev? The Dead Kennedy's without Jello Biafra? And before Joe asks me if I have a point or Boo comes up with some gem of wisdom disquised in road apple clothing... wait, what was I saying? Oh ya, where do I get a permit to sell pencils in front of the courthouse?
  13. Isn't that just cute ... see how he changed around the first letters to form a CODE! Isn't that cute. </font>
  14. Hey Abbott! Turn sent, sorry for the delay, been in the land of wood-stoves and 'Alberta Premium' Rye. Oh and Red Breast, Baileys, Butterscotch Liqueur, Stella, Lucky Lager, boxed wine and when all else failed, Coors Light. My liver is glad to be home...
  15. You know what I'd like, a sci-fi setting like the old bullfrog series Syndicate. But then I am strange that way...
  16. OK, but you're doing Dolly's part of the duet. If Islands in the Stream doesn't work out I'm also partial to Tool's ode to Ralph Klein, "Sober". Sorry Abbott, no turn out last night, too busy wrapping prezzies. Tonight will be my last turn for a while, I'm headed to the land of ice, snow and no internet known as Coleman Township. If I'm not back by January 2nd, send Sherpas.
  17. This is one of my concerns with CMx2 along with the issue of scale. The game is smaller scale than CMx1 in terms of the typical number of units but larger in terms of the effective kill ranges of much of the weaponary. The WW2 battlefield seems better integrated in that sense. Still, I will pay my money to give it a go. I would also, however, have preferred to see a fictional game based on a post WW2 conflict between US/Europe and the Soviets/Warsaw Pact. Set it in the 1950's and you could have had Korea moddable for it as well easily enough. </font>
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