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Everything posted by Dennis50

  1. what taste buds is the "going good" flavor going to excite? ...over Gunz
  2. Huntarr ...do you draw those cartoons? Regards, Gunz
  3. ultimate practioner = ultimate practitioner ? Regards, Gunz
  4. LOL ...good for you. You deserve it if I'm reading that right. Regards, Gunz Edit to add: Just looked at the credits in the manual ..you da man Bil. Good job. [ October 17, 2007, 03:48 PM: Message edited by: GunzAbeam ]
  5. Paper Tiger .....Ouch, you wasn't kidding about it being INTENSE. I like it though. Nice map and I like the way you set up the battle. I'm gonna be a while on this one. Yes I'm getting my butt kicked this way, that way always. Good one. Regards, Gunz
  6. So everyone is to do a reinstall? I really don't think that is the answer. Regards, Gunz
  7. Shooters offer something different. They may be less mental, but as men grow older their spacial awareness declines, as do their reactions and their reflexes. I am pretty sure that if someone did a long term study, older gents who did put some time into the more twitchy games would probably see this slide slowed down significantly. It isn't a coincidence that the nintendo generation has a higher level of fine motor skills than any generation before. We won't talk about any possible deficiencies of my generation however ;p
  8. In my world of warcraft guild we have three generations of the same family playing - grandparents, parents, kids. The grandparents are probably online the most... </font>
  9. I'm 57 and playing and enjoying it. Regards, Gunz
  10. Well ...got sidetracked again. I forgot Nascar was on so I turned that on to watch about 30 laps or so. Now I'm sleepy. F1 is coming on about an hour from now. Might watch that. I already forgot what this thread was about ...Oh, tactics I think. I think me has short attention span. Regards, Gunz
  11. You make it all sound so easy ..I'll have to give those tactics a go ....but she is not gonna be happy! Just when I'm really starting to get into the game ..I get sidetracked. But I think I'll be back in about 5 minutes .. Regards, Gunz
  12. Thanks Kevin ..going to go get it now. I can't keep up with all the scenario's and maps. Regards, Gunz
  13. Don't feel bad igor ..I get my cookies dusted all the time ..someone said in another thread that U.S. infantry was hard to kill ..funny, I don't seem to have a problem getting them killed My little guys hate me. I always get that funny sensation that I'm about to be fragged by my own guys. I don't think I have grasped just yet how to use this new fangled hardware. But hey, I'm having a good time learning. Regards, Gunz
  14. ok .. ..that's easy enuf. I've never been accused of being the sharpest knife in the drawer. Gunz
  15. I think the way you set QB's up now ..needs to be refined a lil bit.
  16. Me too ..I kinda like the small unit action. Have you tried Bimmers "In the fields" scenario? He has it up over at CMMods. Regards, Gunz
  17. Good one Bimmer. I like it. Was one of those Oh crap now what Am I gonna do scenario's. Had me hopping and kinda on the edge of my chair. Small but a very fun scenario in my opinion. Hope you got more like that one in the works. Thanks for sharing it. Regards, Gunz Edit to add: When I said small, I meant small unit action which I like alot. The big battles with all the hardware are cool but small unit action in a situation even better. Great story also Bimmer. [ October 06, 2007, 08:39 PM: Message edited by: GunzAbeam ]
  18. 6800 here also ..I just leave shadows off most of the time. Regards, Gunz
  19. :eek: ...it's a guy thing Mishga ...come on have a heart . Yeah ..I guess I'm stiring the pot. Regards, Gunz
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