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Everything posted by Dennis50

  1. hehe ...yeah, I know but it can get ugly AND expensive real quick ..I'll just wait for the patch ..just like I'm doing right now for CMSF. Besides ..any new models being test driven should be a closely held secret. Test models aren't forbidden ..just off the radar sort of speak. Regards, Gunz
  2. You mean the fun is over? I'm having fun with it, lots of fun ...it's gonna get better too. After 38 years I'm still having fun with the ole lady and I'm still waiting for that one BIG patch ..v2.00 ..suppose to give her raving sex lunatic attributes. ..woe is me ..running short on time here but I'm still hanging in there. Regards, Gunz
  3. I know how you feel ...but I think steve and the boys can sort through it and read between the lines ..they'll come up with something to help, I'd be willing to bet on it. Regards, Gunz
  4. hehe ..that's legal ...as long as it's official .. Regards, Gunz
  5. It's all good ....jeeeesuz I said, you said, they said, she said ... Regards, Gunz
  6. Dammit thewood ..forgitaboutit ..I luv you man ...no your not getting my bud light ..I'm on fixed income so I have to be very careful how I ration out my bud's. Now go ahead rant away, I'm listening, so is Steve and the boys. It's all good. Regards, Gunz
  7. LOL ..those funny positions are kinda neat ...til they become an ex. Regards, Gunz
  8. Come on guys ..I think everyone has the same goal ..to hopefully help BFC make this the best of the best. And, you guys are doing a bang up job ..really you are, all of you. And, I very much enjoy reading each and every post you guys make. You also need to keep it up ..so that every little problem comes to the surface to be looked at. But I don't think you guys need to start ripping each others throats out. He said, I said, they said, she said (just to be pc, lol) can get out of control real quick. Come on now ..let it be ..you guys like each other ..maybe even luv each other (hehe). Now, a real big group hug and get back to the issues at hand, the game. Regards, Gunz
  9. LOL ...I was a pipefitter for 20 years ..and no real life pipefitter would talk like that ..but your profile says occupation: scientist ..liberal college maybe ...or just a troll maybe. Just me thinking out loud ...anyway ...your a funny guy (goodfellas). Regards, Gunz
  10. LOL ..now I'm really getting pissed :mad: ...M1A1, you have no right putting that kind of vile stuff in this thread ..but since you did ...Yes I kind of like it too . Regards, Gunz
  11. I have to agree with MD ...I just want to see what's on the map now fixed. Regards, Gunz
  12. :mad: :mad: :mad: ....I think I'm gonna tear up or somfink. Dammit ..KEA ..act like you got a healthy pair and get that stuff out the door for cryin out loud. I need a fix til 1.03 gets here. Regards, Gunz
  13. Damn you ....still waiting for mine ...hate pdf manuals. Refuse to even look at it .. :mad: Regards, Gunz
  14. WW2Wargamer, did you get the delux version with the map an mouse pad? Regards, Gunz
  15. And you posted to both threads ..nice move Regards, Gunz
  16. SBPro as I understand it was not made for the niche war gaming crowd but more so for the military ..a number of different militaries if I'm not mistaken. ProPE was for the general public and the price was high so as to not offend the major buyers (military). Plus ProPE of course does not do everything the military version does, understandably. The version for the gaming public SB2 still has not seen the light of day and when it does it will be much cheaper. The next generation wants to blow stuff up ..So do I (lol) but I kinda disagree CMSF is too complicated but rather it is ..Blow stuff up with a little attitude. Btw ..I own SBPPE ..it's fun but I find it just a little bit shallow for lack of a better word. The guys over on their forum are divided between the grogs and the gamers ...and they are discussing right now how to get multi-player back up ..it seems to be getting comatose. Did I make any sense at all or am I doing the ramble thingy. Regards, Gunz
  17. saying your sorry is a sign of weakness. Never say your sorry. Sorry if this offends anyone. Regards, Gunz
  18. lol ..time flies. Been one hell of a ride though. Regards, Gunz
  19. I guess I'm just a messy kind of guy ...cause I kinda like this mess, or maybe it's because i'm one of the unwashed ..not sure what it is but charles and his neutrionic juices has me hooked. Regards, Gunz </font>
  20. It's all good. Really I'm just checking my sig. Regards, Gunz
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