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Everything posted by hellraiser

  1. Blashy pointed out correctly - axis has to get IW,AT,HT,PT - usually these are enough even for the toughest allied player IT for Germany is USELESS. IT modifier (the one incresed by the tech) is applied only to NATIONAL resources, not to the conquered ones as well. So germany at lvl 4 IT would make extra 40 mpps/turn? Come on PT is Germany's favourite. Ref. tech caps - with or without tech caps, Axis will follow roughly the same path PT IW AT HT - without these, Axis can never win a game of SC2. MPPs spent on jets, LR will come after the ground units are teched properly. SC2 is not an air war, it is a ground war full stop. I agree though that tech caps are not such a good ideea - after all if i got the $$$, it's my business how i spend it. If you go all tech, you may end up losing the game because you don't have enough units. I am all in favour of removing the tech caps or at least double them.
  2. Because it is very unlikely that the other part won't react to your diplomatic efforts. Ok, I'm talking about H2H, OFC. Secondly, it doesn't make sense to spend cash on Turkey when she can be taken out so quickly. Axis have better places to spend the cash, methinks.
  3. So the turkish stuff is still there ... didn't bother to check it post patch. Lvl 8 turkish city will provide enough supply to capture Caucasus, indeed. And the US readiness increase -> well, I could care less about it. Once Caucasus is Axis, it's game over in the east. At least put units in every turkish city and have them heavily entrenched. Axis has to be forced to spend more than 3-4 turns capturing Turkey.
  4. @DH - yes Stalingrad is a very good defensive position - get those engineers to do some work around and Axis will spend an eternity taking the city. It is not that it cannot be taken, but slim chances in 42. Unless you attack very very early in 41 which is double edged mpp wise. @Blashy - bombers rock, I agree. But I would rather spend cash on filling my axis' ranks with common troopers rather than a bomber. Bomber is king in low supply areas like Africa, good on offensive and on defensive as well - f*cks up the supply pretty badly. I guess it is a matter of preference after all.
  5. Wow!!! What complex words!!! Obfusc...what? Malignant...maladj...gimme a break... Aesoap, do you have a degree? Way too (kuni) lingual for me
  6. 'In one month of winter, you can fight just as hard as in one week of summer, if you ask me.' TaoJah, tell this to those 100k german soldiers frozen to death near Moskow in 41. Not to mention the others who died or suffered of cold the following years. Fighting at -50C doesn't make one feel like Tarzan Frankly the reduced combat abilities during winter work very well now, if you ask me. You wanna get France in november 39? You know only mud and snow prevents that now
  7. 'No, the problem is that D-Day is broken : the US keeps a zillion troops on it's mainland.' Maybe your previouse actions scared the hell out of the AI and it fears the 'Invasion USA '?
  8. When do you guys have time to put intel chits at work anyway? At 750 mpps cap, Germany can forget about it. Maybe USA and Russia can afford it but will it help? Nope, this tech is useless at least for H2H games. Maybe against the AI it can be fun to goof around with intel, but vs a human...you really do not have the time for it. Tip: when playing Axis, the first thing i do during the first turn is to scrap the rocket and intel chit so I can sink 4 chits in diplo ASAP
  9. DH, if things start to stink - weather, rolls, poor planning you can always get skando and with leningrad linking Finland and Skando, well, you got one of a hell mpp basis You say '42 Stalingrad? - you gotta be kidding me ... I would like to see how you take Stalingrad in 42 from me @Blashy - you don't need to waste cash on a bomber for Leningrad, your BBs and cruisers have the same effect
  10. @Tao Jah -> Sealion is the only thing left still bothering me after the patch It is still too easy for axis to do it. I usually buy several corps before France gets conquered - London area has 4-5 corps surrounding it. If I abandon completely the mid east, HQ, tank, army, corps, AF plus the assets in England would most likely save the day. I keep Brest as long as I can and use the RN to inflict damage on german troops trying to get the city to delay them a port for Sealion preparation. Against me, Sealion is not a walkover, but I am very well aware that I cannot hold the isle forever or at least have to empty the whole mid east so I can stand a chance. Problem is, USSR and USA will join for sure but they will be too weak and need time to get troops to attack the Axis. I just tested this thing called 'mega axis air strategy' After France, Axis buy AFs (to have a total of 6 or 7), invest in LR, IW,AT, don't buy tanks, flood the eastern border with cheap corps and some armies and do the Sealion in early 41, once the AFs come from the prod. queue. You need only 1 landing for SL to suceed Mass air strikes directed at Manchester and London. Paratrooper snatches Manchester and some cheap ass corps lands in London after the defenders were wiped out by LF [ June 09, 2006, 04:48 AM: Message edited by: hellraiser ]
  11. Couldn't agree more. Fortresses, OTOH, should be able to have a chance of attacking back a naval unit, but vanilla tiles, no way.
  12. Barcelona1936, it seems you missed the manual description of the 'air force' unit. It is a complex unit, comprised of fighters, tactical bombers, etc. To my knowledge, tactical bombers were responsible for knocking out huge numbers of tanks and different vehicles so it makes sense for the SC2 'Air Fleet' to be able to hit directly at the strength of a unit.
  13. Back to the game - the only thing f*cked up now is still the difficulty to defend Great Britain pre - barbarossa. I have really no issue with diplomacy. @the previous discussion - USA, lightning war, etc The WW2 was won/lost in Russia. The western allies had like 20-25% relevance in that war (militarily speaking OFC) - exactly how much of axis' strength was deployed in west. 75-80% of axis' units were where the danger was - Russia. Blitzkrieg doctrine - Sir Basil Lidell Hart, Fuller, Eimansberger, Guderian; Soviet deep battle doctrine - Marshall Tukachewsky (waxed during the purges of 37-39). 2 modern doctrines, ahead of their time and I see no north american guy amongst those names Why? Because the only officer which actually understood the role of armoured formations and inter-arm coop during the 2 great wars , was general Patton but cuz of his big mouth, no one listened to him
  14. Well this would just force Axis player to go for the minors...all of them, because once the big guys are in, they're gonna seduce every minor on the map
  15. I don't say it is good or bad, I just noticed it is not accordingly to what the manual says, nothing more. It maybe not that bad because if you get high IT with Germany you certainly go for the minors cookie cutter
  16. Is this intended? Or something wrong? It make IT tech completely useless for Germany. The manual says, if I recall correctly, that the relation should be between all collected mpps and industrial modifier not only default home resources. I am talking about 1939 campaign, didn't check the others. Thanks
  17. France is easy to take no matter when you attack it. A hit on Belgium/France in '39 as well as maintaining the offensive in France during the autumn/winter is weather dependant. France will most likely fall in May-June even if you hit it in 39, unless the allied player counterattacks recklessly or Axis really have huge luck with weather. If you attack Belgium/France in April or even May, it doesn't make much difference - France most likely won't make it till July. Fine weather speeds the advance in France dramatically and those turn you waited till spring also allowed you to invest in diplo/techs. If you go aggro in 39, you need cash to operate troops - cash that is better used for investing in Spain or some techs IMO.
  18. Some interesting 'what-ifs'. http://www.militaryhistoryonline.com/excerpts/hitlercouldhavewon.aspx
  19. I had the feeling that the original sin was related somehow to Adam banging Eve ... which, IMO, is not such a bad thing Rambolero, I found this nice link for you ... Stars'n stripes, G Patton, 4 letter words, all that a true american love It's a 3 page article, having that famous Patton speech inside - absolutely amazing stuff. http://www.armchairgeneral.com/articles.php?p=45&page=1
  20. Hitting Belgium and France in 39 is too weather dependable. If you like to gamble, go for it. I would rather wait till spring 40 - all stuff upgraded and diplo chits invested to force the allies to counter - it is a collossal cash drain for the UK to counter diplomatic efforts in Spain (75/chit) - this way you make sure they don't have the cash available to do something funny in Africa
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