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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. I look forward to seeing your campaign Sea Monkey . Please Post "Weltflotte and Operation Phoenix" for us here who know little or nothing about it...it seems like an intelligent plan.
  2. Shaka you are correct about the ME 262...its really not first and formost a Fighter...but mainly an interceptor!...'ME 262-INTERCEPTOR!'. However it did from time to time engage Allied fighters and was successful in destroying them...though it required an experienced pilot to do this. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/fighter%20plane "in the hands of a more competent pilot, they could run down opposing fighters so quickly they simply didn't have time to get out of the way of its guns." And right again i have no clue to what % of the population would qualify for the position of fighter pilot...no clue what-so-ever...but i think out of a population of 55,000,000 surely they could have fielded more pilots than they did!...what we have here is PPP 'Piss-Poor-Performance!'. Britain declared war on Germany when Germany attacked Poland...Germany knew that America was an Ally of Britain from the personal experience in WW1...so i dont think Hitler was unaware of that cogenial friendship that existed there!. WRONG! Shaka i think you forgot that when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor...Germany declared war on the United States.... 6 months later Operation Barbarossa June 21-1941 began!. Well before Barbarossa took place...Germany was at war with the U.S. again Hitler was an absolute idiot for not taking this more seriously into account!. ------------- http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/wwii/dec/dec04.htm#germany DECLARATION OF STATE OF WAR WITH GERMANY -------------- When was it common knowledge that Germany was losing the war? http://www.uow.edu.au/arts/histpol/hist108/lec12.html "After Stalingrad, most German generals knew that the war could not be won. But the war went on for more thant two years at huge cost." http://www.iusb.edu/~journal/1999/Paper2.html "Germany had begun to lose its edge. In 1940, Germany was victorious and feared by many. By 1942, Germany was losing battles and losing strength. Hitler was stilled feared as an individual, but his plan was no longer taken seriously by many people. Hitler worked his men hard as he worked himself, but it was uncertain if that would be enough. But Hitler and Germany were not going to give up easily on their goal. It seemed to most people that Hitler would have to be killed in order to stop him." http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/GERstauffenberg.htm Claus von Stauffenberg In 1942 he started associating with Henning von Tresckow, Fabin Schlabrendorff and other opponents of Adolf Hitler And as far as me saying that Strategic Bombing was DECISIVE... WRONG AGAIN!. ...I did infer that it could have been decisive. It infact contributed a great deal to Germanys defeat!. Also without the Americans putting pressure on Germany...Russia very well could have lost the war. Russia was responsible for most of Germany's WW2 losses...yes...but without the United States assisting in the background...Russia could have lost. Overall...i still stick with my basic arguments...on the whole i am quite correct...it is you who need to check on your facts!. [ July 09, 2004, 05:06 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  3. Maybey seeing that Hitler was pre-occupied with 'OPERATION PHOENIX'...Stalin would have tried to take many more of the Baltic countries in Eastern Europe!. Hitler would not have liked that very much!.
  4. http://www.freewebs.com/mahross/aerialwarfare.htm STRATEGIC BOMBING: Interesting Excerpt: "Militarily the Stategic Bombing Air Campaign was a constant battle to improve tactics and methods as seen with the development of more effective delivery systems. Also the campaign managed to tie up countless numbers of Germans in defending the Reich. The campaign helped to shape and distort German output. From 1943 and on, 75% of all 88mm flak/anti-tank guns went to anti-aircraft duties inside the Reich. In terms of manpower, the campaign forced the Nazis to employ between 1 and 2 million personnel in anti bombing duties. These could have been better employed elsewhere, for example, in the Wehrmacht or in the factories. The bombing also decreased production in other important areas such as lorry production, where in 1944 42% of production was lost due to bombing raids. Also the campaign led to the virtual destruction of Luftwaffe which gave the Allies complete air supremacy and led to the success of the Operation Overlord and subsequent operations." ------------------------------------------------- SOOOO..... it doesn't take a Rocket-Scientist to see that if the Germans had put more into their Airforce...the Allied Strategic Bombing Effort would have been largely neutralized. This would have ensured their Oil-Supplies and would have freed up another 1 to 2,000,000 men for the Wehrmacht. With one to two extra million soldiers, plentiful fuel stocks and a strong Airforce...perhaps Russia could have been beaten after all!. The king-Pin in all of this again...is that the Germans needed a much stronger Air-Force!. ----------- I think this would make a good MOD ...Option: Germany Develops and maintains a larger Airforce throughout the war!. * 1,000,000 more men for the Eastern Front starting sometime in 1943!. * Much larger Luftwaffe...now capable of dealing with a technologically and numerically enhanced Russian Air-Force!. [However this is done by reducing production points for the USSR or by whatever other method!] * Enhanced Industrial Output Capacity...Overall Production increases by 25% [ July 09, 2004, 02:06 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  5. Well...If Either the U.S. or Germany is taken out...the rest don't hardly matter...taking out one of these two major players decides the issue...Without the U.S., Russia couldnt make it alone.
  6. Chew on this Idea you PANZER-RETREADS http://apolyton.net/forums/printthread.php?threadid=97584 WW2 Hypothetical: Mediterranean Strategy,... ' OPERATION PHOENIX ' We all know Germany got into a very good position to win world war II by defeating France in 1940 but then screwed it up by not defeating Britain, thus allowing the later entry of the US into the war, and invading the Soviet Union whilst still at war with Britain. War on 2 fronts. It is often debated what strategy Germany should have employed to win the war after they lost the Battle of Britain. The main competing strategy in 1940 to the attack on Russia was what was termed the "Mediterranian strategy". This was proposed by Admiral Raeder and the German navy. The German navy argued that the best way to defeat Britain was to fight an essentially naval and air war against the British mainland whilst seeking to defeat the British army in the Mediterranian/Middle east region and thereby force Britan to the negotiating table by humiliating it and threatening its colonial empire i.e. particularly Egypt and India. The German navy argued that the Mediterranian strategy had the advantage of combining the military resources of both Germany and Italy. The Italian navy was formidable at least on paper and the remnants of the French fleet were in the Mediterranian. Combined, the German/Italian and possibly French fleet could provide a real threat to the British navy in the Atlantic once the Mediterranian was secured. Spain would be brought into the Axis to facilitate an attack on Gibraltar thus closing the Western Mediterranian. The Suez canal would be seized and the oil resources of Iraq brought under Axis control. India would be within striking distance after Egypt fell, as would the Caucasus oil fields if Germany decided to attack the Soviet Union at a later date. Germany easily had the military resources to crush Britain in the Mediterranian in 1940 but Hitler in the end decided that the German army would easily defeat the Soviet Union and attacked Russia instead, expecting an quick victory in 1941. Ho ho ho! Silly Hitler! Would Germany have won World War II if they had pursued this alternative strategy? Discuss. __________________ Posted by Andrew1999 on 23-09-2003 04:33: I don't see how this would work. First off, Spain wasn't going to join the war. Second, you're matching Britain's strongest point with Germany's weakest if you go for a surface navy vs. surface navy battle royale. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted by paiktis22 on 23-09-2003 04:35: Bah. Britain never had a chance, eventually it would have folded. Hitler did the mistake of invading Russia (never do that) and trusting the Italians to invade Greece (proven not a good idea either). I'll actually work on quotes by many generals of different countries about this. It's amazing the things they said about Greece. Churchill's "Greeks don't fight like heroes, heroes fight like Greeks" was just one of many. __________________ Posted by Ted Striker on 23-09-2003 04:40: Actually, I wouldn't take this to the extreme as invading India woudn't work and woudn't have gotten Germany that much. However, two things make this plan better than the original that was executed against the Soviets: 1) IF Germany had succeeded in grabbing the Suez Canal, the lifeblood of the British Empire would have been cut IN HALF, cutting them off from India, Australia, oil assets, etc. I think taking the Mediterranean would have been doable, although the German Navy was outgunned, they could have made up for it through the Luftwaffe and also the U Boats. [ July 09, 2004, 01:44 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  7. Edwin P That is exactly what would have happened anyway...if Britain was lost...the U.S. and Canada would have continued the Fight!...as well as Australia and the other Alliance Partner's.
  8. You know Lars i think that not bombing the Electric Power Plants and Oil Facilities with the full attention that was needed to knock Germany out of the war... Might have been intentional. You know thats why the big American companies are in Iraq...they are a bunch of greedy Bast*rd's that just want to profit from war!. The industrialists might have had a say in how WW2 was fought!. They made Hundreds of Billions of dollars on war-munitions!. Not only that.... but now Britain and America have seen what Stalin was like...was becoming. Stalin was land-grabbing one country after another. So, when Germany attacked Russia...im sure that the U.S. & Britain wanted to see Stalin sufficiently weakened before they intervened to rescue him. This way...Stalin wouldnt be that much of a threat anymore after Germany was defeated!. [ July 09, 2004, 02:18 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  9. They would have had all the fuel that they needed if they had an Airforce that could have protected their Oil supplies. If your Oil-Supplies are Bombed to Hell...of course there is no fuel for the Airforce!.
  10. pzgndr: I agree with you that Strategic Air Bombing should not be too powerful...it would ruin the game. However...there should be an adjustment so that one can experiment with a more powerful air campaign. The main reason why the Strategic Air Effort was not as effective as it could have been is because the Allies didnt concentrate their efforts on knocking out Electric Power plants and Oil facilities. Think of it if there is no Oil or Electricity...all of the factories will be out of business...and the armed forces will be paralyzed!. But instead the Allies made the same mistakes as the Germans did...by bombing Cities and other targets which could recover quite well...and needed to be hit again and again and again to reduce their effectiveness. They squandered their air resources by wasting their effort on those lesser value targets. To counter the Allied Strategic Bombing effort...the Germans would need to continue full-throttle in Anti-Air research as well as Jet-Aircraft research...then produce as much anti-aircraft units as they can afford and make sure to keep the Airforce in top-form. If Jet's are researched and constructed early enough...even the Hitler Directive to make most of them as Fighter-Bombers would not totally eliminate the effect that the ME-262 Fighter-Jets could have had. In my other topic 'Something I Hope WILL HAPPEN in SC2!' ... it shows(Through the Internet Links) that the Germans could have in early 1945 start to field something like 1000 - 1500 Fighter-Jets(NOT ME-262's) per month!...that would have kicked the Hell out of the Strategic Bombing effort!. Their major problem is that they didn't have enough pilots...why they didn't is something i still don't understand?. Perhaps if the resources allocated to the Bismark and other Ships which had virtually no-effect on the war were allocated to the Air-force instead ...the Germans would have had the where-with-all to maintain a decent airforce!. With a strong airforce...the Allied Bombing effort would have to cease operations until they could upgrade their airforce...and perhaps Paulus's army at Stalingrad could have been saved!. ------- UPDATE:--- The Perfect German Solution---if only they had the Pilots!. Heinkel He 162A-2 Salamander Volksjäger http://www.ww2guide.com/jetrock.shtml The He 162 was a small, single-engine jet fighter developed in less than three months with unskilled labor using mostly wood and other non-strategic materials. The first prototype flew on December 6, 1944. --- 280 aircraft were completed before the end of the war (and another 800 were found in various stages of completion in the factories), but only a handful actually saw action, in the hands of regular pilots. However, its range was severely limited; the Volksjäger needed to wait for the bombers to come to it and was at a decided disadvantage if Allied fighters appeared, since it could do little but run because of its limited fuel supply. *** Well...the remedy for a limited fuel supply is to install Drop-Tanks...Then DROP the Drop-Tanks as soon as the enemy was to be engaged!. It was planned to build 4,000 of these aircraft each month in various versions. http://www.shockwaveproductions.net/firepower/manual/he162.htm ***For What-IF Situations...we need an option in the game to train enough Manpower from the ManPower Pool to have the opportunity to train enough pilots or whatever so that severe critical shortages do not occur!. He 162A "Salamander" THE PICTURES WON'T SEND...GO TO THE WEB-SITE AND TAKE A LOOK!. [ July 09, 2004, 11:44 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  11. Liam Offhand im not sure that the Americans had enough resources to attempt a major invasion of Europe in 1943...for example i dont think that they had enough landing craft...and they still needed to construct their Mulbary Harbours and so on!. However it should be included in a what if...if nothing else. Another Thing...i think that the Americans didn't at that time have the same tolerance for massive casualties as the Russians and Germans did...you see it so much more pronounced today...Americans do not stomach taking casualties very well. If they had the capacity to invade Europe...and took heavy casualties to storm ashore...it may have caused the government to collapse (Even on June 5-6th with all the preparation that they had done Eisenhower thought that the invasion could fail...so much so that he had made up a letter for broadcast taking FULL-RESPONSIBILITY for its failure...should it infact happen!) ...especially if the invasion had turned into another Dunkirk and it could have happened...America would be forced out of the war!. So this Hypothetical situation could be included in the game ...take your chances and see if you can succeed. ------- Battle Of Britain: Yes...German-Airpower didn't succeed there!. Check on the internet for the reason...you should find that if the Germans had concentrated for 2 or 3 weeks longer bombing the British Airfields...that the RAF would have ceased to be a military concern. At this point...German Airpower would have dominated the Channel...which means that the British Navy would have been as Suseptible as the Bismark was to being sunk by bombers. Operation Seelow could have begun at this juncture!. Again...the major reason for failure was the misapplication of Air-Resources!.
  12. Well thats how you start debate...put some ink on paper so that others can see it...then it can be discussed as to its relevancy!. Thats what i did!.
  13. My thought's exactly afrika31 ...Canada's army was made up of volunteer's...had they fully mobilized...they could have multiplied their armies by several times over...and at that time only 30% of Canada's war Production was going for its armed forces!.
  14. Yes Shaka the Strategic Bombing Effort was NOT-DECISIVE...but it could have been if the Oil and Electric/Power Industry had been concentrated on. In any case...it did have a real impact... as stated in my article...i provided a few example's of such..... -No subsequent city raid shook Germany as did that on Hamburg; documents show that German officials were thoroughly alarmed and there is some indication from interrogation of high officials that Hitler himself thought that further attacks of similar weight might force Germany out of the war. - by July 1944 every major plant had been hit.-Oil Production fell drastically-The Germans viewed the attacks as catastrophic.- - On June 30, Speer wrote: "The enemy has succeeded in increasing our losses of aviation gasoline up to 90 percent by June 22d. Only through speedy recovery of damaged plants has it been possible to regain partly some of the terrible losses." The tone of the letters that followed was similar. - Consumption of oil exceeded production from May 1944 on. Accumulated stocks were rapidly used up, and in six months were practically exhausted. The loss of oil production was sharply felt by the armed forces. - By December, according to Speer, the fuel shortage had reached catastrophic proportions. When the Germans launched their counter-offensive on December 16, 1944, their reserves of fuel were insufficient to support the operation. - In February and March of 1945 the Germans massed 1,200 tanks on the Baranov bridgehead at the Vistula to check the Russians. They were immobilized for lack of gasoline and overrun. Note: More Bodies against the Russians would have made no-difference here!...Fuel was needed more than bodies!. -Due to a critical shortage of Oil- There was a general shortage of ammunition on all fronts at the end of the war. There was an equally serious shortage of flak ammunition; units manning flak guns were instructed not to fire on planes unless they were attacking the installations which the guns were specifically designated to protect and unless "they were sure of hitting the planes!" - Production of steel in the Ruhr was reduced by 80 percent between June and the end of the year. - The destruction of five large generating stations in Germany would have caused a-considerable loss of output would have directly affected essential war production, and the destruction of any substantial amount would have had serious results. - Had electric generating plants and substations been made primary targets as soon as they could have been brought within range of Allied attacks, the evidence indicates that their destruction would have had serious effects on Germany's war production. - The German experience suggests that even a first class military power -- rugged and resilient as Germany was -- cannot live long under full-scale and free exploitation of air weapons over the heart of its territory. By the beginning of 1945, before the invasion of the homeland itself, Germany was reaching a state of helplessness. Her armament production was falling irretrievably, orderliness in effort was disappearing, and total disruption and disintegration were well along. Her armies were still in the field. But with the impending collapse of the supporting economy, the indications are convincing that they would have had to cease fighting -- any effective fighting -- within a few months. Germany was mortally wounded. Strategic Bombing was a near fatal kick in the Nut's to the Germans but it was not just quite enough to put them completely out of business!. Many German units were on their own...foraging for what fuel and supplies that they could get for themselves...that's why they couldn't come to Berlin to support Hitler...they just didnt have the material resources to do so!.
  15. Well Shaka...those are interesting opinions...of yours!. Obviously when your country is being pounded into the ground...why in the world would you build 'Fighter-Bombers'???(They would get shot down anyway...easier than Fighter-Jet's would have)...you have to have Sh*t for Brains to make a decision like that!. Not only did the Allies have Air-Superiority over Europe...but the Russians had Air-Superiorty over on their end as well!. That's why it would have made sense to build those jets and not do as Hitler's decision to make Jet-Fighter's into Fighter-Bombers. Why wouldnt the ME-262's be relevant for fighting the Russians (Eastern Front)...that doesnt make any sense at all!. At that time the Eastern Front was on Germanys doorstep anyway!. As far as not having enough fighter pilots,...again this is poor judgement and lack of reasonable foresight on the Germans part...they had plenty enough manpower to call upon to man a few thousand Jets!. Without Air-Superiority...it doesnt matter how many ground forces you have...unless you have them in major overwhelming numbers. Oh yes...he just started attacking Russia and he says well ... we don't need to produce large numbers of armaments anymore nor do we need to do major research anymore (Our Armies are just so Invincible)... What a Croc'...didn't this idiot realize that Britain and America and the supporting Allies were not just going to stand there with their Thumb's up there anal's and let Hitler have his way???. He like the Japanese knew of Americas tremendous Industrial power and its population size which was many times larger than Germany's...the Americans were no-where near to full-mobilization...they had plenty of capacity there!. If that's what he thought and he did...that again was the problem with his leadership. Perhaps some of the Military Leadership felt that way too...but, there were plenty of others who did not agree with those policies either. Shortly after that decision...the Germans faced the T-34 , the Stormovic and other Russian weapons...then...Hitler saw the Guiding-Blinding-Light!. Yes...most realized that they lost the war... they didn't have to wait until 1944 to realize that ...it was common knowledge amongst most people who understood the situation. What Hitler and most of the Generals were looking for was a settlement with the America and Britain (So that they could divert everything into attacking the Russians-in the hope of defeating them with more bodies)...so in that sense...they hadn't lost the war yet. I still stay firmly with the evaluation that if the Strategic-War had been better implemented, German industry and the armed forces would have reached a point of immobility sooner than it actually would have(which was already being expressed as Germany was invaded)...as already explained in detail in the ' Will Allied Strategic Bombing Have Any Effect On The Game? . This situation would have forced the Germans to give up the war...and that would have been 'END OF STORY'!. [ July 09, 2004, 12:04 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  16. You hit the Nail on the HEAD ev !. By September 1941 Hitler was so confident that he had succeeded in Russia that he ordered large scale cut-backs in war production...including research for Advanced Aircraft Projects. The thinking was that more war production or more research would not be needed...the war could be won with current assests and production lines Later on...ME-262 production was delayed because of the failure of the Luftwaffe to recognize in time the advantages of the type. It was also delayed because Hitler intervened in 1944 with an ill-timed order to convert the ME-262 to a fighter-bomber. Virtually every manufacturer, production official, and air force general interrogated by the Survey, including Goering himself, claimed to have been appalled by this order. By May 1945, 1,400 jets had been produced. Had these planes been available six months earlier with good quality pilots, though they might not have altered the course of the war, they would have sharply increased the losses of the attacking forces...This would have prevented the collapse of the German war-industry and would allowed the war to continue on into 1945. Without the proper type and enough numbers of aircraft to secure the skies...Germany was subject to Allied Strategic Bombing...which was also botched somewhat by the Allies. Had they mainly targeted the Oil & Electric Supplies/Power Plants...first and formost,...the factories, Panzer Divisions, and Luftwaffe would have been brought to a halt peacefully...the war would have been decided there and then!. It was fortunate that the leaders of the German Air Force relied too heavily on their initial advantage. For this reason they failed to develop, in time, weapons, such as their jet-propelled planes, that might have substantially improved their position. [ July 08, 2004, 07:30 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  17. Read the Topic...'Will Allied Strategic Bombing Have Any Effect On The Game?" > "The Attack on Oil" & "Further Dividends From the Oil Attack".
  18. What about another MOD-IDEA for SC2...dealing with a breakdown in relations between the Western Allies and the Russians?. General Patton wanted to re-arm the German Army and proceed to attack Russia while it was still weak after fighting Germany...as he believed that a war with Russia would be inevitable in the long run. He determined that any failure to forestall Russian ambitions would only lead to a disasterous future war. Even before Hitler's defeat, Stalin openly told a Yugoslav delegation that he was thinking of the next war, which would be fought against America.
  19. Training was a normal regular part of raising an army...and it was kept to a minimum...except for when extra or specialized training was required such as training for Paratroops, Commando's...The First Special Service Force (Devil's Brigade)...Ranger's etc. As far as extra-training while waiting in Britain...well, they were doing that historically anyway...it comes to a point of diminishing returns...as you train more and more...you really don't get more out of it...only real combat will finish your training properly. In the U.S...they had only so much capacity for training new recruits...they had to train a batch of recruits and then get them the hell on their way as the room-facilities & trainers were needed for the new intake. It wouldn't have been practical to keep them there longer to try to upgrade their training...it wasn't practical under the circumstances. http://members1.chello.nl/~w.jansen7/greenhistory21.htm The 'First Special Service Force' got its nickname , "The Devil's Brigade," during the Italian Campaign from the words printed in the Captured Diary of a dead German Officer who had written: "The BLACK DEVILS are all around us every time we come into line and we never hear them." http://members.tripod.com/fssflhg/ http://www.armyhistoryfnd.org/armyhist/research/detail2.cfm?webpage_id=392&page_type_id=3 The Devil's Brigade http://www.soc.mil/swcs/museum/images/1ssfcopy.jpg Lord Louis Mountbatten’s Combined Operations Command, called for a force able to fight on land, on the sea, in the air, and in winter conditions. Planners intended to use the force to attack hydroelectric plants in occupied Norway, oil fields in Romania, and even targets in Russia. Because neither Britian nor Norway could supply the troops, this new unit would be comprised of American and Canadian soldiers. MG Dwight D. Eisenhower, head of the War Plans Division, gave one of his staff officers, LTC Robert T. Frederick, the assignment of studying the idea, codenamed Project Plough. On 16 June 1942 Eisenhower gave Frederick the task of organizing and commanding the unit that would become known as the First Special Service Force. After receiving his orders, Frederick began to organize a staff, obtain American and Canadian volunteers, and locate a place to train the new unit. To fill the Force’s ranks, Frederick and his staff recruited men with experience in working outdoors--lumberjacks, forest rangers, hunters, game wardens, prospectors, and others suitable for the Force’s mission. The Force was organized into three regiments, each made up of two battalions. It also had a small Air Force Detachment and a Service Battalion. In all, the Force would have approximately 2,300 officers and men. The First Special Service Force was activated on 9 July 1942 at Fort William Henry Harrison near Helena, Montana. The rugged, mountainous terrain and extreme winter conditions made Montana the ideal place for training. The Forcemen underwent rigorous training in a variety of weapons, hand-to-hand combat, demolition techniques, airborne assault, and attack maneuvers. In the fall, a group of Norwegian Army ski troops arrived to teach the Forcemen cross country skiing. [ July 08, 2004, 08:23 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  20. Preface: --This topic may end up having no actual effect on the game itself...never-the-less...this area of operations did have a marked impact on the German War-Machine...and if for no other reason, i posted this to show what 'Strategic Bombing' accomplished and, as well, to show that if it had been better managed...that it could have accomplished much more...by bringing the war to a speedier conclusion!. Possible German Fix To Allied Bombing Campaign: After September, German aircraft production declined gradually until December, when 3,155 planes were accepted, and in January 1945, because of the shortage of gasoline, production of all except jet types was virtually discontinued. The jet planes, especially the ME-262, were the most modern planes which any belligerent had in general operation at the end of the war. According to manufacturers and other competent observers, their production was delayed because of the failure of the Luftwaffe to recognize in time the advantages of the type. It was also delayed because Hitler intervened in 1944 with an ill-timed order to convert the ME-262 to a fighter-bomber. Virtually every manufacturer, production official, and air force general interrogated by the Survey, including Goering himself, claimed to have been appalled by this order. By May 1945, 1,400 jets had been produced. Had these planes been available six months earlier with good quality pilots, though they might not have altered the course of the war, they would have sharply increased the losses of the attacking forces... ...This would have prevented the collapse of the German war-industry and would allowed the war to continue on into 1945. ------------------------------------------------------- THE UNITED STATES STRATEGIC BOMBING SURVEY Summary Report (European War) September 30, 1945 http://www.anesi.com/ussbs02.htm#tgsp Air power in the European phase of this war reached a stage marked by rapid development in planes, armament, equipment, tactics and concepts of strategic employment, and by an extraordinary increase in the effort allocated to it by all the major contestants. England devoted 40 to 50 percent of her war production to her air forces, Germany 40 percent, and the United States 35 percent. By September 1941 Hitler was so confident that he had succeeded in Russia that he ordered large scale cut-backs in war production. Because the German economy through most of the war was substantially undermobilized, it was resilient under air attack. Civilian consumption was high during the early years of the war and inventories both in trade channels and consumers' possession were also high. These helped cushion the people of the German cities from the effects of bombing. Plant and machinery were plentiful and incompletely used. Thus it was comparatively easy to substitute unused or partly used machinery for that which was destroyed. While there was constant pressure throughout for German manpower for the Wehrmacht, the industrial labor supply, as augmented by foreign labor, was sufficient to permit the diversion of large numbers to the repair of bomb damage or the clearance of debris with relatively small sacrifice of essential production. Early Air Operations -- City Area Raids : On three nights in late July and early August 1943 it struck Hamburg in perhaps the most devastating single city attack of the war -- about one third of the houses of the city were destroyed and German estimates show 60,000 to 100,000 people killed. No subsequent city raid shook Germany as did that on Hamburg; documents show that German officials were thoroughly alarmed and there is some indication from interrogation of high officials that Hitler himself thought that further attacks of similar weight might force Germany out of the war. The Attack on Oil : The German oil supply was tight throughout the war, and was a controlling factor in military operations. The chief source of supply, and the only source for aviation gasoline, was 13 synthetic plants together with a small production from three additional ones that started operations in 1944. The major sources of products refined from crude oil were the Ploesti oil fields in Rumania and the Hungarian fields which together accounted for about a quarter of the total supply of liquid fuels in 1943. In addition, there was a small but significant Austrian and domestic production. Production from the synthetic plants declined steadily and by July 1944 every major plant had been hit. These plants were producing an average of 316,000 tons per month when the attacks began. Their production fell to 107,000 tons in June and 17,000 tons in September. Output of aviation gasoline from synthetic plants dropped from 175,000 tons in April to 30,000 tons in July and 5,000 tons in September. Production recovered somewhat in November and December, but for the rest of the war was but a fraction of pre-attack output. The Germans viewed the attacks as catastrophic. In a series of letters to Hitler, among documents seized by the Survey, the developing crisis is outlined month by month in detail. On June 30, Speer wrote: "The enemy has succeeded in increasing our losses of aviation gasoline up to 90 percent by June 22d. Only through speedy recovery of damaged plants has it been possible to regain partly some of the terrible losses." The tone of the letters that followed was similar. As in the case of ball-bearings and aircraft, the Germans took the most energetic steps to repair and reconstruct the oil plants. Another czar was appointed, this time Edmund Geilenberg, and again an overriding priority on men and materials was issued. Geilenberg used as many as 350,000 men for the repair, rebuilding, and dispersal of the bombed plants and for new underground construction. The synthetic oil plants were vast complex structures and could not be easily broken up and dispersed. The programs of dispersal and underground construction that were undertaken were incomplete when the war ended. Consumption of oil exceeded production from May 1944 on. Accumulated stocks were rapidly used up, and in six months were practically exhausted. The loss of oil production was sharply felt by the armed forces. In August the final run-in-time for aircraft engines was cut from two hours to one-half hour. For lack of fuel, pilot training, previously cut down, was further curtailed. Through the summer, the movement of German Panzer Divisions in the field was hampered more and more seriously as a result of losses in combat and mounting transportation difficulties, together with the fall in fuel production. By December, according to Speer, the fuel shortage had reached catastrophic proportions. When the Germans launched their counter-offensive on December 16, 1944, their reserves of fuel were insufficient to support the operation. They counted on capturing Allied stocks. Failing in this, many panzer units were lost when they ran out of gasoline. In February and March of 1945 the Germans massed 1,200 tanks on the Baranov bridgehead at the Vistula to check the Russians. They were immobilized for lack of gasoline and overrun. Further Dividends From the Oil Attack : The attack on the synthetic oil plants was also found to have cost Germany its synthetic nitrogen and methanol supply and a considerable part of its rubber supply. Nitrogen for munitions was maintained by reducing the allocation to agriculture, but by the end of 1944 this cushion had been substantially exhausted. The supply of explosives then declined with the reduction in supply of nitrogen. It became necessary to fill shells with a mixture of explosives and non-explosive rock salt extender. There was a general shortage of ammunition on all fronts at the end of the war. There was an equally serious shortage of flak ammunition; units manning flak guns were instructed not to fire on planes unless they were attacking the installations which the guns were specifically designated to protect and unless "they were sure of hitting the planes!" Steel : Germany began the war with approximately 23,000,000 metric tons per year of steel capacity, about 69 percent of which was in the Ruhr. The 1940 victories added another 17,000,000 tons principally in Lorraine, Belgium and Luxembourg. However, official records and those of the industry for the war years, supplemented by interrogation, show that the 40,000,000 tons theoretical capacity was never reached. Production in the occupied countries was always troublesome and deficient. In spite of the considerable efforts to develop low-grade ores in Germany proper and medium grade ores in Austria, Germany throughout the war continued to be. primarily dependent on Swedish, Norwegian and French ores. During the last half of 1944 both the cities and the transportation system of the Ruhr were the targets of extremely heavy attack, primarily by the RAF. Production of steel in the Ruhr was reduced by 80 percent between June and the end of the year. Loss of production of high-grade steel in the Ruhr was greater than the loss of Bessemer steel and high-grade steel became a bottleneck by the middle of 1944. German steel production for all the Reich and occupied countries declined from 2,570,000 metric tons in July to 1,000,000 metric tons in December. Of this loss about 490,000 tons was the result of loss of territory. The Secondary Campaigns : In November of 1944, the Allied air forces returned to an attack on the submarine building yards. In the months that had elapsed since the spring of 1943, the Germans had put into production the new Types 21 and 23 designed to operate for long periods without surfacing and so escape radar equipped aircraft patrols as well as surface attack. And an ambitious effort had been made to prefabricate submarine hulls and turn the slipways into mere points of final assembly. The program was not working smoothly. Though nearly two hundred had been produced, difficulties with the new type, together with the time required for training crews, had prevented all but eight from becoming operational. These delays cannot be attributed to the air attack. The attacks during the late winter and early spring of 1945 did close, or all but close, five of the major yards, including the great Blohm and Voss plant at Hamburg. Had the war continued, these attacks, coupled with the attack on transportation, would have removed the threat of further production of the new submarine. The Attack on the Railways and Waterways : The attack on transportation was the decisive blow that completely disorganized the German economy. It reduced war production in all categories and made it difficult to move what was produced to the front. The attack also limited the tactical mobility of the German army. The destruction of five large generating stations in Germany would have caused a capacity loss of 1.8 million kw. or 8 percent of the total capacity, both public and private. The destruction of 45 plants of 100,000 kw. or larger would have caused a loss of about 8,000,000 kw. or almost 40 percent, and the destruction of a total of 95 plants of 50,000 kw. or larger would have eliminated over one-half of the entire generating capacity of the country. The shortage was sufficiently critical so that any considerable loss of output would have directly affected essential war production, and the destruction of any substantial amount would have had serious results. Generating and distributing facilities were relatively vulnerable and their recuperation was difficult and time consuming. Had electric generating plants and substations been made primary targets as soon as they could have been brought within range of Allied attacks, the evidence indicates that their destruction would have had serious effects on Germany's war production. CONCLUSION : Allied air power was decisive in the war in Western Europe. Hindsight inevitably suggests that it might have been employed differently or better in some respects. Nevertheless, it was decisive. In the air, its victory was complete. At sea, its contribution, combined with naval power, brought an end to the enemy's greatest naval threat -- the U-boat; on land, it helped turn the tide overwhelmingly in favor of Allied ground forces. Its power and superiority made possible the success of the invasion. It brought the economy which sustained the enemy's armed forces to virtual collapse, although the full effects of this collapse had not reached the enemy's front lines when they were overrun by Allied forces. Some Signposts: 1. The German experience suggests that even a first class military power -- rugged and resilient as Germany was -- cannot live long under full-scale and free exploitation of air weapons over the heart of its territory. By the beginning of 1945, before the invasion of the homeland itself, Germany was reaching a state of helplessness. Her armament production was falling irretrievably, orderliness in effort was disappearing, and total disruption and disintegration were well along. Her armies were still in the field. But with the impending collapse of the supporting economy, the indications are convincing that they would have had to cease fighting -- any effective fighting -- within a few months. Germany was mortally wounded. 2. The significance of full domination of the air over the enemy -- both over its armed forces and over its sustaining economy -- must be emphasized. That domination of the air was essential. Without it, attacks on the basic economy of the enemy could not have been delivered in sufficient force and with sufficient freedom to bring effective and lasting results. 3. As the air offensive gained in tempo, the Germans were unable to prevent the decline and eventual collapse of their economy. Nevertheless, the recuperative and defensive powers of Germany were immense; the speed and ingenuity with which they rebuilt and maintained essential war industries in operation clearly surpassed Allied expectations. Germany resorted to almost every means an ingenious people could devise to avoid the attacks upon her economy and to minimize their effects. Camouflage, smoke screens, shadow plants, dispersal, underground factories, were all employed. In some measure all were helpful, but without control of the air, none was really effective. Dispersal brought a measure of immediate relief, but eventually served only to add to the many problems caused by the attacks on the transportation system. Underground installations prevented direct damage, but they, too, were often victims of disrupted transportation and other services. In any case, Germany never succeeded in placing any substantial portion of her war production underground--the effort was largely limited to certain types of aircraft, their components, and the V weapons. The practicability of going underground as the escape from full and free exploitation of the air is highly questionable; it was so considered by the Germans themselves. Such passive defenses may be worth while and important, but it may be doubted if there is any escape from air domination by an enemy. 6. The German experience showed that, whatever the target system, no indispensable industry was permanently put out of commission by a single attack Persistent re-attack was necessary. 8. Among the most significant of the other factors which contributed to the success of the air effort was the extraordinary progress during the war of Allied research, development, and production. As a result of this progress, the air forces eventually brought to the attack superiority in both numbers and quality of crews, aircraft, and equipment. Constant and unending effort was required, however, to overcome the initial advantages of the enemy and later to keep pace with his research and technology. It was fortunate that the leaders of the German Air Force relied too heavily on their initial advantage. For this reason they failed to develop, in time, weapons, such as their jet-propelled planes, that might have substantially improved their position. There was hazard, on the other hand, in the fact that the Allies were behind the Germans in the development of jet propelled aircraft. The German development of the V weapons, especially the V-2, is also noteworthy. [ July 07, 2004, 11:47 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  21. The point is to show that quite a bit of what is or has been discussed at this site is already in these postings...hopefully it will assist or give more ideas to those trying to resolve various problems with SC2. I thought that was obvious?.
  22. I don't see myself why it couldn't be done...they certainly had all the resources required to do so...and provided modest contributions of many types of aircraft including Lancaster Bombers, Hawker Hurricanes and other types of aircraft to the RAF. I never gave it any thought nor ever studied that idea....will have to research it more indepth!. ----------- http://www.mapleleafup.org/vehicles/index.html --SEE Web-Page for more detailed information. IN WW2, CANADA PRODUCED almost a million vehicles for service with the Commonwealth forces. In addition, the Canadian Army Overseas used a wide variety of miscellaneous British and American hard- and soft-skin vehicles. The Canadian Armoured Corps The Canadian Armoured Corps was virtually non-existent in 1939, yet by 1945 was fielding two full armoured divisions (the 4th and 5th), in addition to an independent armoured brigade and numerous smaller units. The The Canadian Ram Tank was a unique Canadian AFV derived from the chassis of the American M3 medium. Shortsightedness in design requirements ultimately doomed it to early obsolescence, but it fought well in many modified configurations in addition to being a MODEL for the successful U.S. Sherman Tank. ----------------- http://www.wwiivehicles.com/html/canada/index.htm Canada sent 5 divisions and 2 brigades overseas. The first, second and third divisions were infantry divisions, the fourth and fifth were armoured divisions and the two brigades were Armoured brigades. The first infantry division with the fifth armoured division and the first armoured brigade made-up the first Canadian corps. The second and third infantry divisions with the fourth armoured division and the second Armoured division formed the second Canadian corps. The two Canadian corps formed the first Canadian army. In 1943 the First infantry division with the first Armoured brigade were sent to Sicily and later to Italy. This combination of one armoured brigade per infantry division was much more powerful then the usual US combination of one tank battalion per infantry division. ---------------- The Canadian War Economy: http://www.warmuseum.ca/cwm/newspapers/canadawar/munitions_e.html By 1945 Canada's war production was fourth among the Allied nations, less only than that of the United States, the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom. Only some 30% of this was needed for Canada's armed forces: the remainder went overseas (see aircraft production and shipping and shipbuilding). Another of the most important was the mass production of 815,729 military vehicles, including 45,710 armoured vehicles. Canadian-made vehicles were crucial in equipping the British Eighth Army in North Africa and Italy. Canada also produced rifles, submachine guns, light machine guns, antitank guns and antiaircraft guns, as well as the multipurpose 25-pounder artillery piece. Aircraft Production: Canada delivered 16,418 aircraft to fill Allied orders, chiefly from Britain and the United States, but also for use by the RCAF and BCATP. http://www.467463raafsquadrons.com/Pages/TheLancaster.htm THE LANCASTER: The first production Lancaster came from Canada's Avro's factory, powered by four 1480 hp Merlin XX and was test flown at Woodford on 31st October 1941. So started the existence of the most successful heavy bomber of WW 2. The Lancaster owed it's existence to the failure of it's predecessor, The Manchester. Total production, including 430 in Canada by Victory Aircraft, was 7,377 Lancaster Bomber's. Over 156,000 sorties carried out by Lancasters against the Axis during the next three years. It's Service Ceiling was 24,500ft(7,470m) and the Bomber had a Range of 1,660 miles (2,670km). De Haviilland Mosquito: http://www.mikekemble.com/ww2/mosquito.html Total production of the Mosquito was 7781, including 1034 built in Canada and 212 built in Australia. Hawker Hurricane: http://www.flightjournal.com/plane_profiles/hurricane/hurricane.asp Altogether, Hawker built 9,900 Hurricanes; Gloster, 2,749; Austin, 300; Canadian Car, 1,606 and Avions Fairey (in Belgium), two. The last Hurricane built, a Mark IIC, was delivered by Hawker in September 1944. Ship Production: Canada in 1940 had just started to build patrol vessels for the protection of its own coasts, but Britain soon placed orders for 26 ten-thousand-tonne cargo ships and soon after orders for naval escorts and minesweepers. This was just the beginning, as Britain made clear it needed Canada to build as many naval and merchant ships as it possibly could. The practically non-existent Canadian interwar shipbuilding industry - three shipyards employing fewer than 4,000 men - expanded to 90 plants on the East and West Coasts, the Great Lakes and even inland. More than 126,000 men and women were employed. In all, the shipyards built 4,047 naval vessels, most of them landing craft but including over 300 anti-submarine warships, among them 4 Tribal class destroyers, and 410 cargo ships. At its wartime peak in September 1943, the industry was able to deliver the ten-thousand-tonne SS Fort Romaine in a stunning 58 days from the start of construction. The government also formed Park Steamship Company, a Crown company, to control the operation of its new, standardized cargo vessels. The Park fleet of 176 vessels made 936 wartime voyages carrying munitions and supplies all over the world. [ July 07, 2004, 11:56 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  23. Jagdflieger Hompage: German VTO Projects & Helicopters of World War II http://www.germanvtol.com/ This site has been developed to examine these German VTOL projects and helicopter development during the the 1930's and 40's.
  24. -Century Of Warfare-ACOW- Fire In The East v3.2 http://www.wargamer.com/gamesdepot/search_game.asp File Added: 9 JAN 2004 Location : Eastern Front Opponents : Axis & Soviet Union (PBEM ONLY) Date : 22 JUN 1941 Scale : 10km per hex Description : Fire in the East Ver. 3.6 This is not to be played against the AI, this is a Human vs Human Version (PBEM) only. Check our website for other versions. Eastern Front June 22nd 1941 - May 1945 By Søren 'Doc' Gaun Kristian 'Teufel' Kristensen Stefan 'Snefens' Kristensen Homepage: www.ac-smolf.dk/fite The Operational Art of War A Century of Warfare, ver. 1.04 Date: June 22nd 1941 - May 1945 Location: Eastern Front Time Scale: Half-week turns Map Scale: 10km per hex Unit Scale: Reg/Bde/Div levels Turns: 405 A short introduction: Fire in the East covers the whole second WW on the Eastern front. It is a massive scenario, on a 10km scale at Division/regimental level. It uses half-week turns, 405 turns in all. If you think this is too massive, I can personally recommend playing Dr Daniel McBride's "Drang nach Osten" (Barbarossa) scenario which is probably the best scenario covering that operation. Fire in the East is as historical as it can get, when confronted with a historical vs. playable (And game engine limited) problem, the playable option was chosen. Because of the 2000 unit limit, most of the Soviet units will reconstruct, making some armies look rather huge while others had to be joined. This is very unhistorical, but because of the game engine limits it is a necessity. Research: Researching the OOB took one year alone,using many books and the German Bundesheer records and the Russian (In Russian) encyclopedia of Russian combat units during the great patriotic war (Official records of STAVKA). Other noteworthy sources are books by David Glantz, Charles Sharp, G Nafziger, Sir Liddel Hart, and last but not least, the ever inspiring Dr Daniel McBride. ----------- FIRE IN THE EAST Introduction 3 A prelude to War 3 Invasion of Russia 5 German strategy 5 The Air war in the East. 6 Production - The Replacement Pool 8 Germany 8 Soviet Union 8 Soviet Structure 10 Russian Infantry 10 Rifle divisions and brigades 10 Militia Divisions 11 Airborne troops 11 Russian tanks 13 The Mech Corps 13 Tank Brigades 13 Mech Brigades 14 Russian Artillery 15 Russian Air Force 15 German Structure: 17 German Infantry: 17 Volks Grenadier Divisions: 19 Garrisons / Coast forts: 19 Security Divisions: 20 Mountain Divisions: 21 Jaeger Divisions: 22 SkiJaeger Division: 23 Cavalry Division: 23 Fallschirmjaeger Division: 23 German Panzer Divisions, Motorized Divisions and PanzerGrenadier Divisions: 24 German armored recon: 25 Mot. Divisions and PanzerGrenadiers: 25 German Artillery: 26 German railroad Artillery: 26 Artillery: 26 Nebelwefer: 26 Russian Air Force 27 German Flak 27 Independent Units: 28 Feldgendarmeri: 28 Pioneers: 28 StuG Battalions: 28 Heavy Tank Battalions: 28 JagdPanzer Battalions: 29 Luftwaffe Field Divisions: 29 Bautrup: 29 Minors: 29 Ostlegion: 29 Introduction A prelude to War When Hitler launched the invasion of the Soviet Union sunday 22 June 1941, the Second World War changed. This was a turning point indeed in all aspect of warfare, although it did not show it all at once. History did repeat itself. As Napoleon, who invaded Russia the 23 June 1812, this step proved as fatal for Hitler’s empire as it did Napoleons. Although it took only the Russians until April 1814 to get to Paris, it took the Russians 4 long years to reach Berlin, April 1945. Although Hitler did never capture Moscow as Napoleon did, his armies penetrated twice as far. Even though, he did not succeed in the conquest of this vast empire. The problems were many, as were the errors on both sides. But in the end, the thing that brought Napoleon down was the same thing that ended Hitler’s dreams for the third Reich: Space and harsh environment. Why did Hitler turn to Russia? Well this is not at all easy explained, as it was a combination of things. Napoleon had to abandon the invasion of England primealy because of Villeneuve`s failure to follow his orders, causing the destruction of the French fleet. Unlike Napoleon, Hitler did not have to abandon the invasion because of Gorings failure to gain air supremacy over southern England. The German air losses over England in the battle of Britain was high, but this had really no strategic value it was more a tactical defeat as the losses here could be replaced. Hitler was still hoping to bring the British to accept their hopeless situation and make them accept a rather, under the circumstances, light peace. As Hitler shows in Mein Kampf he knew that the British resistance would only increase and the willingness to surrender disappear, if he did go to the extreme of invading the British Isles. In fact Hitler’s intelligence service got hold of a memo from the Royal navy to Churchill, that suggested that if the Germans should try to invade England, the Home fleet, based in Scapa Flow, would charge trough the English canal to disrupt the landing forces, with an estimated loss of 85% of the fleet. This chocked him, as he knew that the British would never forgive such a loss. Instead he tried to bend their will by bombing the industrial areas and disrupting their vital convoy service. In the end, the bombing of Britain did infact only boost morale of the Brits, and did little damage, as the bombing of Germany did later in the war. (Strategic warfare was indeed a failure compared to the goals stated by this relative new service.) Hitler did, though, almost bring the British Empire to its knees. As a fully industrialized nation with few raw materials, it was completely depended on imports. In 1942 the losses where so high to the merchant fleet, that a peace was discussed in several corners of England. The initial success of the German submarine force was not followed up as the resources (and Hitler’s attention) drawn by the Russian front, limited the development of new and production of more submarines. But that’s a whole different story. Hitler was a man driven by economics, fear and prejudice, as were Stalin. The mutual distrust and fear drove each superpower to gradually provoke each other until war was the only option. Although Hitler had a pact with Stalin, he had always seen the vast resources of Russia as a solution to the German oil/resource problem. Besides that, he had passionate anti-Bolshevistic view. The main thing however was the aggressiveness of Stalin. Stalin betrayed the pact as early as June 1940 when he invaded the Baltic states. Hitler had agreed that the Baltic States was Soviet sphere of influence, but not to their occupation. On 26th of June the Soviet 9th army in conjunction with several paradrops, invaded and took Bessarabia and the northern part of Bukovina from Rumania. Although there was no actual fighting, this move brought the Soviet forces unpleasantly close to the Rumanian oil fields of Ploesti, a vital supply source for the German war machine. During the French campaign Hitler was nervous that Russia would intervene. Germany had only 10 Infantry divisions in the East. After the invasion of Bessarabia, and the unwillingness to surrender by Great Britain, Hitler was sure that Great Britain and Russia had an agreement. He then transferred 10 Infantry divisions and 2 Panzer divisions to the eastern front. Not to give an impression of a threat, but as a point, showing that Germany was willing to protect the Balkans and their part of Poland. Stalin however saw this as a sign that he could not trust Hitler. As both Dictators had a deep mistrust for each other, and both where deeply paranoid, war seemed a certainty. Hitler ordered Paulus (the famous Stalingrad Commander) to look at plans to invade the Soviet Union. Hitler defined the objectives as first to destroy the Russian Armies in the west. Second to advance deep in to Russia to secure Germany from air attacks, this meant a line from Arkangelsk to Stalingrad. The plan was tested in November 1940. The 10th November Molotov (the Soviet foreign minister), landed in Berlin to discuss a range of topics, including the possibly of joining the Axis, but by that time Hitler’s mind was already made up. On the 18 December after receiving Halders report on the invasion of the Soviet Union, Hitler issued directive 21, Case Barbarossa, along with a separate economic plan (Oldenburg), for the exploitation of the conquered areas. A new treaty with The Soviet Union was made on the 10th of January, but this was mealy a smoke screen, and had the sole purpose of deceiving Stalin - and it worked. It was assumed that Stalin would have to fight for the Baltic states and for the Ukraine for supply purposes, thereby making it possible to destroy all Soviet armies in the west. However as the war in Greece, which Italy invaded October 1940 was going badly, and the British was moving to deploy troops there, Hitler needed his shoulder free before launching Barbarossa. In a meeting with Antonescu, Hitler asked him to permit moving german troops through Rumania to support the Italians in Greece. Antonescu hesitated, afraid of what Stalin would think. Hitler then promised him the restoration of Bessarabia, Bukovina and the part of Ukraine up to the Dnieper, for Rumanian help in the attack. He then agreed. On March 01 Bulgaria agreed to let German troops into the country. On March 23 Yugoslavia agreed to join the Axis on a non military basis and to let German forces pass through their country. 2 days later general Simovich carried out a military coup backed by the British. As Winston Churchill put it: “ This morning Yugoslavia found it soul”. This set back, enraged Hitler who hastily made plans for invasion. In only 10 days the plan was formed and on the 6th of April it was launched. The results where devastating: Yugoslavia held out a week, the Greeks 3 weeks - and that was with British help. But as so many battles to come, it had an impact on Hitler as well, he now fully believed that there was no stopping his army, this in the end, was the ruin of the German war machine. Another huge effect of this, was the delay of Barbarossa. On the 1st of April it was postponed from mid may to mid June. On May 25th negotiations had begun with the Finnish Staff. The Rumanians where told to make the last preparations at June 25th. The Hungarians where told to guard their borders more strongly on June 16th. On June 17th all schools in Eastern Germany closed and all merchant ships were told to leave Soviet ports. On the 18th it was believed that the intention to attack could no longer be camouflaged, but by then it would be too late for the Soviets to react. Although the Germans took serious steps to avoid detection, the British found out and actually predicted the exact date (22nd of June) a week before it was actually set by the germans!!!. However Hitler’s bluff had worked, Stalin didn’t believe his partner would betray him this soon. He thought that the british warnings was only a British trick to lure Russia into conflict with Germany. 22nd of June 03.30 the words Dortmund, Dortmund, Dortmund shattered the radio silence, soon to be followed but thousands of guns. The war in the East had begun. Invasion of Russia As often put in military terms, only a fool thinks of Strategy and Tactics, a real professional thinks of logistics and mechanics. Never in the history of warfare has this been more true than in Russia during WWII. Russia was a vast nation with only a small number of paved roads, and an environment that have proved the doom of every invading army. This time was no exception. To move around in Russia and to preform complex encirclements the Germans needed tracked vehicles. Although the German armored forces consisted of 21 Panzer Divisions they only fielded a bit over 300 tracked vehicles each. Of the 17.000 men in a Panzer Division only 2600 where tank men. Most of their Infantry Divisions where still on foot and most of their artillery where horse drawn. By stripping the Panzer divisions of their 3rd regiment they neglected the very thing that have proved so important in the other campaigns: Cross country mobility. This didn’t mean much in the other campaigns, like the French, where good paved roads were in abundance, but in Russia, it had major importance. Most of the successes in the early stages of the war - by encircling vast numbers of Russian forces - where actually only half successes, as the Germans, due to lack of mobility were slow to close the gaps. Hundreds of thousands of Soviet troops managed to slip out, and lived to fight another day. As Russians have always been masters of improvisation these troops where hastily gathered in reforming armies that, again, had to be encircled. This meant loss of valuable summer time for the invaders and in the end proved fatal to the Germans, as they paid the price of being 20 years behind the theory they themselves had adopted as the key to their success. The Russians too paid a heavy price for lack of mobility. As the real inventors of blitzkrieg, they neglected the very thing the founder (Thucachevsky, purged by Stalin) of this concept had stated: Mobility. The Soviet forces where in an acute lack of motorized vehicles, meaning that their losses became enormous. The Mech. Corps proved to be too cumbersome, and lacking in trucks, trained men, and radios. They where virtually all destroyed, mainly because they couldn’t move together, tanks without infantry, infantry without artillery and so forth. German strategy 2 versions were discussed. The first, the orthodox version, were that the Russian armies should be encircled and then destroyed; this was in fact the old Clausenwits/ Moltke idea, which was later developed by Schlieffen. The other version was bolder: Guderians idea was to drive as fast and as deep with the Panzer Divisions as they could leaving the Infantry to mob up. With total air superiority the Panzers could be resupplied from the air. Hitler decided on the first. Would the other strategy have succeeded where the first one failed?? We will never know. The Air war in the East. The air war and ground war in the east had several similarities. When the air war began on the 22nd June 1941, it started with a surprise attack by the Germans on all know Soviet airbases. The Soviet Union’s air force was at the time, the largest in the world, with about 8000 planes, however most where obsolete. Only 400 of the new Yak-1 fighters were produced at the time of the attack. Virtually the whole air force in the west where destroyed in the first week of the war. This left the Luftwaffe in total control of the skies over western Russia. Command installations and troop concentrations where hit at will. The effect of this had a devastating on the Red Army. Without at least air parity, it was impossible to coordinate movements and attacks. Using the roads became very dangerous. As several unit histories show, some where virtually destroyed on the roads by the Luftwaffe. Especially the Cavalry Divisions where heavily decimated. Its not easy to dig in your horses. It did not help that the standing order where for the Red Army to immediately begin with a counterattack. As 1941 progressed, the German army got further into the vastness of Russia. As with the Army this had an effect on the Luftwaffe as it became more dispersed. This opened up for sporadic hit and run attacks by the Red Air force. However the Red air force was so heavily decimated by the surprise attack that the Luftwaffe never lost total control over the airspace. To cope with the heavy losses, the Soviet Air force cut down on training time for pilots and started reproducing old fighter types (I-16). This only added to the very unfavorable odds. Experienced and veteran pilots in modern aircrafts, against untrained pilots in obsolete aircrafts. The Soviet winter offensive in 1941/42 where a partial success. As with the land war, the Russians where more accustomed to the winter conditions. As most Luftwaffe planes where grounded because of the weather at the primitive frontline bases, their Soviet counterparts where not, often having heated hangars to operate from. Of cause the weather where a problem for the Russians as well, like it was on the ground. But still, no where near the problems the Germans had. Another factor in the success was the newly arrival of 1000 planes from the Central Asia and Far East Military districts. In the mean time Lend lease aircrafts where beginning to arrive in numbers. The Russians did Para drop several units during this offensive. They used the old, but reliable TB-3. But quite a few of these big, slow airplanes where caught buy the Luftwaffe and shot down. It was not until 1943 the Russians got the capability to drop large units again. When the weather cleared, the Luftwaffe again took full control over the skies. In the new version of the Bf-109, the Gustav, and the new Fw-190 fighters they blew the still quite inexperienced Russians out of the skies. However as Case Blau was unfolding, it did draw the Germans deep into the Caucasus. The immense distances was simply too much for the Luftwaffe to cover. Especially Kleists army group A, was successfully attacked by large numbers of Soviet Fighter-bombers, who unopposed bombed the forward German troops in the Caucasus. At the battle of Stalingrad, the Soviet air force proved an important factor. However this was not as decisive for the air war as the ground battle was. The decision not to breakout of Stalingrad can be explained in several ways. And it did make some sense. Of cause seen in retrospective it was a foolish decision, but in the winter of 1941 it was the right thing to follow Hitler’s orders to hold on to every inch of ground. This proved deadly to the Soviet flanks, and provided an excellent spring board for case Blau. Another crucial factor was the Luftwaffe success in keeping the Demyansk pocket in supply. Goring promised he could do the same at Stalingrad. As Hitler at the same time refused to believe his intelligence services reports, about the ever increasing soviet forces, the decision makes sense. It would have been the perfect trap for the Russians. As history proved, it was the other way around. Much of this success was due to the promises of Goring. As the Germans where pushed further away from Stalingrad it became nearly impossible to supply it from the air. It was at the max limits of the fighters and the transports suffered heavily. By the time of the Kursk battle, the Luftwaffe where beginning to get pressed. The ever increasing pressure of the Allies where now showing. A lot of the fighter formations where kept in defense of the Reich. The Soviet aircraft production was now at good pace, and the lend lease equipment where flowing at an ever increasing speed. New models of bombers and fighters proved excellent, for instance the Tu-2 attack plane and the La-5FN fighter. However for the battle of Kursk, Luftwaffe managed to prove superior again, but not decisive as before. The losses were heavy on both sides, but it was the Russians that could afford it. With the loss of clear airsuperiority the slow and cumbersome Ju-87 Stuka now suffered hard trying to support the Wehrmacht. As a solution the Fw-190 was modified into versions that were able to carry a number of different ordinance, and for the rest of the war, these models became the main attack plane, while the Stuka was fased out. In 1944 the Allies air strength was overwhelming. The air war over Germany where now taking its tool. The Luftwaffe where outnumbered in Italy. To make things worse, the invasion of France drew lots of its strength, who where much needed on the eastern front. More importantly the Soviets reorganized it air force. There was now an abundance of good modern aircrafts like the La-7 and the Yak-3, that even led the Luftwaffe to issue a directive for its pilots to avoid fights with these at lower altitudes, and more importantly, well trained pilots. The winter offensive of 1944 saw the help of the Americans who bombed German rail lines all over Germany, and in Rumania. This helped the Red Army to its incredibly fast advance. 1945 saw a total depletion of the Luftwaffe. Even the newly arrived Me-262 couldn’t change the fortunes. The Allies, from their forward bases, flew cap over most German airfields. Although they couldn’t catch the Me-262 when it was in the sky, they could when it was talking off or landing. An even more pressing problem was the fuel. With the loss of Ploesti, and the artificial fuel plants in ruin from allied bombing, there was no fuel to train new pilots. Remarkably the production of figthers was still sufficient as all production of bombers had been changed to fighter-production in 1944. The Soviet air force was now at its height. Each Red Army Front had several air divisions attached, as well at a potent reserve, to use where ever necessary. The new version of the Il-2 Sturmovik proved and excellent close support aircraft. With thousands of these aircrafts Zhukov, launched the final attack over the Oder river and into Berlin. Production - The Replacement Pool How on earth did the Soviet Union manage to produce more that the Germans? The Germans, with all its captured resources and industry, where vastly superior the than the Soviet Union on all areas except oil, and manpower., by the end of 1941. But it was uncoordinated and ineffective. Corruption and bureaucracy, took a heavy bite of the cake. What mattered perhaps even more, was the Natzi ideals. Women shouldn’t work, they should stay home and be the core of the family. It was not until 1944, when Albert Speer changed the production of the Reich that things were simplified. German production saw new heights under his clever guidance, even though, at this point the Reich had fewer resources then ever before. In FitE most equipment is now pooled. This is of cause to make the game more playable. As the war unfolded the units often had new equipment every 6 months. This would mean that 24 slots for equipment simply wouldn’t be enough, and some units would have too much, as old, already assigned equipment cant be erased. Germany During the cause of the war, much captured equipment went into service with the Germans. This must have been a logistic nightmare. They are converted into standard German equipment, in FitE. Overall the German production numbers in FitE is 2/3 of what they historical produced. The Other 1/3 is assumed for the west front. A few exceptions are: most 41 raised units, including the OKH pool of artillery is assigned for the east front. Slightly more German armor goes to the east. Only 1/3 of the twin engine fighters are in the east. The rest are hold back to defend the Reich. As mentioned before, the German production increased in 1944, but at this time the Western allies took a much bigger potion of the equipment, so there will be no gear up in FitE. If you think the numbers for some equipment is low, e.g. the Panther tank, keep in mind that most units start full, and there are options that affect these numbers. ( German panzer brigades option). The Infantry types of equipment is based on the total men lost. Here all affected nationalities are included, e.g., Finnish, Slovak, Danes, Dutch and many more. Soviet Union Much of the Soviet equipment is now pooled. Its important to know, that if the Soviet player holds his ground at the historic lines, he will have historic production. Our formula takes into account dates of every city that is marked on the map. This includes cities that did not fall until 1942 e.g. Sevastopol. In TOAW there are some bugs explained under aircrafts. This also means that the T-34 early is produced throughout the war, spreading its numbers out instead of having them all until 1944. There is no T-34 late. This also have the effect that there will still be some T-34 early in formations in late 1944, at the same time as the new T-34/85!. This makes the Soviet tank units much weaker in 41-43 but much stronger in 44-45. Quite like history. Lend lease numbers are from the Soviet database. This means, it reflects the equipment that actually arrived, and not what was lost underway. In TOAW the Sherman is a really cool tank, too cool actually. It wasn’t called the Tommy cooker for nothing. So the Soviet player will only receive the early version. At some point along the way the Soviet player have a option to finish his fleet. The soviet actually had a huge fleet half built when the Germans attacked. If he chooses this option he will fall 5% in replacement but gain a few naval units (good ones) and raise in supply due to more safe sea lanes for lend lease. Soviet Structure Russian Infantry Rifle divisions and brigades The Russians actually mobilized too many men in 1941. It sounds sick but is a fact. The Russians mobilized 1.1 million men a month in 41. That does not include the 5 million that entered the militia and other "volunteer" units. The Russians were hard pressed in 41, they needed men to the front and the rifle divs took too long to train, besides there wasn't really any good leadership at that time, that could handle a rifle div, so Brigades was the answer. They made 159 Rifle Brigades. The student brigades will not reconstruct in this game. They where no match compared to the rifle divs. Actually the brigades are viewed as one of the worst mistakes in the Red Army in the WWII. They were indeed slaughtered. They didn't have the staying power of a rifle div, and the men where hastely trained. Most where disbanded or enlarged to rifle divs later on. But in 41 there were really no choice. It was to use what you had, and the Russians did. There is mention of student brigades, this was merly brigades made from training schools, not different brigade or structures. The Brigades date, is the date they where attached to their army. Their forming date is a few months before that (Mostly in October). There will be no Ski brigades in this game, this is simply to save units. The ski battalions have been (as they where) attached to their Rifle Div, to make up for the fact that the divs actually lost manpower as the war progressed. The Rifle Divs was to make ski battalions for indiviudial use, they too are incoorperated in the rifle divs. There is another point to this, there was only formed 1 Ski Brigade in 1941 (1st Ski Brigade from the 2nd Light Rifle Brigade) the rest of the ski brigades are from march 1942 and onward. The ski brigades where 4-5 ski battalions put together without any heavy weapons, so they where no match for anything. In Game Notes: - The Soviet Guards Rifle Divisions are in the game as extra units, except the 101st, 102nd, 103rd, 104th, 105th, 106th, 107th, 114th, 118th and 122th. The reason for this is the number of units in the game already and the fact that these Divisions where formed in December 1944-June 1945. Militia Divisions Well this is a sore point in the game, there were an immense amount of militia units that where mobilized when the war came to Russia. Most of the men in these units were sent into regular army units within weeks of forming. That's why I have only the ones that actually saw some combat listed. All mil divs where at some point renamed or disbanded in to the Red Army. They will not reconstruct in this game, and when the situation is stabile the Russian player should really think about disbanding them as the equipment is much better used in the regular army that has higher experience.The rest of the men and equipment is added to the replacements. Some of the units have gone into the garrison units. Airborne troops The Red Army was the first to try airborne operations, and the first to design entire combat units to be delivered by air. The idea was created by Mikhail Frunze in the late 1920's. In 1929 his work was formalized by regulation 29. (Polevoi Ustavlenie 29 or just PU-29) The idea was to hit and destroy enemy targets deep behind the lines. One of the reasons for this was that the bomber force didn't have the capacity (enough bomb load) to do enough damage. By dropping in paratroopers, they could take control or blow up what the bomber couldn't. The first drop was made in 1929 at Gram central Asia. 15 men where dropped by 3 aircrafts to help against anti communist rebels. In the mean time the commander in the Leningrad sector perfected the method. This was no other than M.N Tukhachevsky, the father of moden warfare, and one of the first to get purged by Stalin in 1937. As trails progressed, parachute training became a popular civilian activity. The Communist goverment emphasized teaching skill that where usefull to the Red Army. This promoted even further traning, and in 1935 there was over 2000 schools training with gliders and parachutes. In 1935 the Kiev maneuvers dropped 500 men in just 3 minutes. And in 1936, in the Moscow maneuvers the Russians managede to drop 5700 men in just 10 minutes. During these manouvers the organization of the Airborne Brigades changed to include tanks, artillery and light motor vehicles. In June 1940 the 201st, 204th, and 214th Airborne Brigades took part in 12th Army occupation of Besserabia, they dropped in front of 12th Army to seize objectives. Allthough the Rumanians didn't resist, they dropped under combat conditions. By the end of 1940 the Soviet Union had over 18.000 trained paratroopers, most with combat experience. Germany had less than 10.000 in Student's 7th FJD. The rest of the world had nothing larger than a regiment. When the war came to Russia the airborne troops where wasted on defence, and were smashed by German armor and infantry. All though the Russian airborne troops where ceatainly some of the best troops in the world their light armaments were no match for the regular German units. But as Russia was now full of experienced parachutists (around 100.000), there was no shortage of men. The Airborne forces doubled in size in 1941. But the men wasn't the real problem, the planes were. The Russian airforce had been nearly wiped out in 1941, so many of these men had to fight in regular Rifle divs on the ground. Some action was made though. In the winter of 41-42 elements of 3 corps where dropped in the Moscow-Kalinin area. During the whole war, the Russians rarly dropped more that brigade sized units. Most remembered are the Kanev operation in september 1943, the objective was to drop at division across the Dnepr river, the drop was uncoordinated, and a complete disaster. 60% killed or missing. The Russians did however have some success in dropping small company sized units, to help train partisans and cause havoc among the German rear lines of communication. In game notes: - The Russian start with airborne units that reconstruct. The new Corps that where founded in 1941- 1942 where all converted to Guards before being used as Airborne troops and will not appear in this game. This is the 6th-10th Airborne Corps - The Russians get 8 (Not the 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th, as they where disbanded while forming) Airborne Guards Divisions, but will never get the air transport capacity to use them as such, they are essentially the same as a Guard Rifle Division. - As most of the Airborne Brigades and Guard Airborne Brigades where used to form either Guards Rifle Divisions or Guards Airborne Divisions, only a few Guards Airborne Brigades will deploy. These are the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th and the 8th. - The Russian player will have sufficient air transport assets for one Brigade from December 1941. In 1942 2 Brigades and in 43 3 Brigades. - The 1941 Airborne Corps have internal supply - The Airborne Guards Brigades and Divisions have free supply and can cooperate with other formations. Russian tanks The Mech Corps At the start it’s really a huge formation. But it really never worked as most disbanded or eliminated at the end of 41. This includes the really huge divisions in the corps. It was simply to large a formation to really make worth the equipment that was put in to them. All in all some 15000 tanks faced the Germans in the west on the 22. June. They nearly got them all. A few mech corps actually had some experience and good leadership as can be seen in the OOB. But realy the Russian player should disband then ASAP. Mostly because the equipment is better used in the Tank brigades, and most of the tanks in the Mech Corps fit in the rifle divs, making them harder to kill. There is another reason. The experience of the mech corps are lower than every other Russian units (execpt militia) and they are on internal support. Now, the later dosent mean anything in defence, but in attack you will realy get your attack rounds eaten up. But choose the time right, as you will need some to slow the germans down. Tank Brigades As there are no regiments and no battalions in this game, the brigades are really all the armor the Russians get. Many of the brigades mentioned in this OOB was actually destroyed rather quickly, but as its all about saving units, I have chosen the brigade for the staying Russian armored formation. The Brigades go trough the 3 orgs that were for them. Ending up with a much more powerful org than in real life. This is because, point one, to save units, point two, giving then a real punch for the end game. This means that as there is no tank corps the separate units under a tank corps has been put out in the brigades. The brigades have also been added the late war SU regiments, for extra power. This is simply because there is not enough unit room in the game, and it reduces the number of units that have to be moved each turn, making the gameplay easier. All in all the Russian tank brigades in 44 will have the final org, with a SU regiment, art support and assult infantry, making it the Russian equivalent of the german panzers (still a bit smaller though) with roughly 150 tanks. Mech Brigades A mech Corps usually had 3-4 Mech brigades and a tank brigade attached. Now here is the real crème de la crem in the Russian OOB. This is the best and most flexibale units. Good for everything and very mobile. One could say that this is realy the final product of war. So how come the Russians didn't make all their armor units like this?? In game notes: - All Russian tank formations are on free support, EXCEPT the starting Mech Corps. - No tank/selfpropelled tank regiments of any kind appear. Instead the Regiments are incorporated into the tank/Mech Brigades, giving them a bigger punch. - Normal Tank Corps are included except the 27th Tank Corps, which never completed forming. And the 29th who had brigades from existing Tank Corps (The 8th) Instead the one Brigade from the 29th that wasn't from another Corps have been exchanged with the double from 31st Tank Corps (32nd Tank Brigade for the 100th Tank Brigade). - As Soviet tank/mech formations where formed from each other all the time I have done some creative thinking. There is NO normal Mech Corps, and there is NO free Brigades of any king (Execpt SU-Brigades). Instead, the Soviet get all Guard Tank Corps and all Guard Mech Corps, that is in adition to the normal Tank corps. This is to prevent the Soviet player from packing a too powerfull punch earlier on, and giving him a real monster late in the game. (Guards arrive later that the normal formations, but are much, much better) - As The Soviet player gets all the Tank brigades, that are both Guards and the normal brigades, the Normal brigades that are under a Front HQ will NOT appear in the game. This adds up what is lost and what is gained. This however means that the Soviet player has less tank brigades early, but better ones, and more later. Or explained better, the 36 Tank Brigades in the Guards, will be removed from the Soviet Tank Brigades in reserve at the Front HQ. Its loosing 18 brigades early on, and gaining 36 later, this is also to compensate for the loss of Tank regiments, although every tank brigade gets a H tank Brigade attached later on. - The SU regiments are used among the Rifle Divs and the Mech/tank/ Unist. This is to save units. Allthough only 10% of all Rifle Divs got a SU-reg attached historically, they often had a independent one attached when attacking. So it all makes sense. - However, The Guards Mech Corps will get a SU-Brigade each, e.g. 9. This is completely unhistoriclay, but helps display the growing power and coorperation of the Red Army. There were formed 14 SU-Brigades historically, these units are NOT ingame. The Soviet will just have to do without - The Soviet Cavalry Divisions are NOT recronstructing. The Soviet Cav Guards Divs are. A few divs are not in the game, thats because they where either too small to be repecented or they where disbanded before seeing combat. The Guard Cav divisions are added to the Mech Corps to add more flexebility. They were historically as they are here, only the size of large brigades. As there will be no Guard cav Corps HQ, the assigned troops ( SU and more) are added to the divs, making them a nice mobile task force. Russian Artillery In Game notes: - Soviet Art are on Free support, making them able to operate anywhere with anyone. - The Mortar Brigades are cut from the Art Divisions, making them a more mobile force. They are added under the Division they where in. Russian Air Force In General, because of the TOAW system is lame, insane and really stupid and most certainly not made for long campaigns, the air forces on both sides have to be unhistorical. This pains me a lot, but there is no way around it. Two major points (flaws) comes to mind: 1. The first piece of equipment in a unit decides whether it can reconstruct or not. You need 66% of available, first listed, equipment. E.g. a Soviet fighter formation with 106 I-16, in 1944 will not reconstruct if there is not enough I-16 in the replacement pool. As production of I-16 stops in 1942, there is not likely to be that number on hand. This happens even if there is enough of all the other aircraft in that formation e.g. yak-3. 2. When a air formation flies a combat mission it uses the longest range of the aircrafts assigned. This means that if 106 I-16 with a range of 17, is in the same formation as 0 (Zero) yak-1 with a range of 23, the I-16 will fly 23 hexes. What happens then, is that because the I-16 exceeds it range its strength is reduced to 1%. This means that for practical reasons, a drunk, armless, blind person in an old zeppelin, with a frozen water pistol, can shot them all down. And he will. This, of cause, among other problems, could be solved if there was enough events and no counter limit. In Game notes: Because of the bugs, the Soviet Air force has undergone some major changes. - Yak-9 and Yak3 is put together. I-15 and I-16 is put together. Lagg-3 and Mig-3 is put together. La-7 and La-5FN is put together. The I-16 is being produced troughout the war, this is done so the formations now reconstruct. This means, however that these start formations work best in local support, while counter attacking. Much like history, in fact. After use you should withdraw them and put them on rest. This way, you avoid having them fly at extended range and shot down. Most late formations now only have a single plane assigned. The attack formations now have the same range (the Il-2, and the La.5) This is now a potent fighter as well as a excellent ground support formation. Please note that some of the late Attack formations now hold lend lease fighters and are suitable for a fighter role as well German Structure: The Artillery Regiments are under the Headquarter, while most small units e.g. Panzer Jaegers equipment is distributed among the rest of the units in the Division. This is an effort to keep the number of German units under 2000, to enable them to split up units. Also it eases game play. German overall proficiency is 80. They will reconstruct at 70 German general supply distribution is 80 All German units start as veteran. German Infantry: In WWII a total of 389 German Infantry Divisions where active. Needless to say, Companared with the total of 57 Panzer, Panzer Grenadiers and SS Divisions, most of the fighting and dying was done in the Infantry. In 1941, when Barbarossa began, the German Infantry Divisions included the following: (Fighting subunits only) 3 Infantry Regiments, each with 3 Battalions (each with 3 Companies of 180 men) 1 Artillery Regiment 1 Reconnaissance Battalion 1 Panzer Jaeger Battalion 1 Pioneer Battalion In Fire in the East, a German Infantry Division consists of a Headquarter, with the Artillery Regiment, and 3 Infantry Regiments. In the Infantry Regiments, the reconnaissance, Panzer, Jaeger and pioneer Battalions equipment are added. This was done to ease game play and because of the limits of the TOAW engine. Because of the superior tactics, planning and overall leadership, the German squads are heavy Infantry squads, in addition to a small number of assault squads In 1942 the war in the east had drawn a huge chunk out of the German Infantry Regiments, and there were no replacements to refit them to full strength. As a consequence of this, it was necessary to cut the Companies size to 80 men, compared to the former 180. This however did not mean a proportionate loss of combat efficiency, primarily because it was much easier to command an 80 men Company than a 180. Besides this, the number of Battalions where reduced from 9 to 7. Later in the war, the Infantry Divisions were reduced from 3 to 2 Regiments. This is why the German Infantry Regiments start over strength. In fact, after 1941, almost none had its full Component of men and equipment, at any given time. The German Infantry Divisions in 1942, were only half the size as a similar US/British Division. Later in the war, the difference became much greater. This was one of Hitler’s greatest blunders. Instead of replacing the depleted Divisions, he insisted on mobilizing new ones, thereby reducing the number of actual fighting men. Improvements to German Infantry Divisions in Fire in the East: Most of the initial anti tank capabilities of the Infantry Divisions, becomes obsolete. In 1942 the German PAK 40/41 is added. The 75mm AT gun replaces the historical PAK 40/41 (Panzer Abweer Kanone); which in TOAW is underrated, as it doesn’t reflect the special types of German AT munitions. Tank Destroyers, Hetzers are applied as well. As the Soviet tank forces grew, it became clear, that the Infantry were ill equipped to deal with the increase in Soviet armor. Often an Infantry Division had a Company or even a Battalion of Tank Destroyers attached. Sturmgeschutz: like the above. When the Soviets tactics and firepower grew in strength, it became necessary to upgrade the defense and attack capabilities of the German Infantry Divisions. Although only around 50% got a Sturmgeschutz Battalion, I found it prudent to add it to all, as the Germans most certainly would have done, if they had the numbers to do so. It’s noteworthy to mention, that the Germans also used their Sturmgeschutz as tanks, and not like their Soviet counterparts, who used their Assult guns (SU/JSU) only as an Infantry support role. Assault squad AT+: This is to reflect the arrival of the Panzerfaust/Panzerschreck. These very efficient Infantry AT weapons, were widely used, and took a heavy toll on the Soviet Armor. (Who sometimes put mattresses on their tanks to counter them) These weapons where the forerunners of the modern Infantry AT weapons. The Germans developed special anti tank tactics, and where to a large degree capable of fighting off the masses of Allied tanks. Volks Grenadier Divisions: As all Volks Grenadier Divisions where actually reconstructed Infantry Divisions, there are none of these Divisions in Fire in the East. The Divisions were named Volk (peoples) Grenadier Divisions to boost morale and to encourage the German people. They were in fact, a bit weaker than normal German Infantry Divisions in Artillery, as there where shortage of 105mm Howitzers at the time. Garrisons / Coast forts: German garrisons in Fire in the East, are a mix of units that were either static, fortress or training Divisions. Also, a large part of the German forces were used to garrison vital ports. They will not reconstruct in Fire in the East. Security Divisions: When the war in Russia began, it was deemed necessary for each army group, to have some sort of rear security, to protect the supply lines and lines of communication from partisan groups and bypassed Soviet forces. As the war progressed, the need for rear area protection grew, as partisan harassment increased. The Security Divisions did not need a large portion of heavy weapons to deal with partisans, but needed enough to out gun any enemy. This need changed when the huge Soviet breakthroughs where achieved. Much too often these Divisions were thrown in to the shattered line, or used to fill the ranks of depleted Divisions. They often used whatever equipment they could get their hands on, including Soviet volunteers. Usually a Division contained quite a few different sub units, which again were rotated among them. In Fire in the East, their standard organization is made with normal rifle squads, and low in heavy weapons. Otherwise they are organized like an Infantry Division. None of the Security Divisions will reconstruct. Improvements to Security Divisions in Fire in the East: 75mm AT guns: As more and more of these Divisions saw frontline action, it became clear that they had to have at least some form of anti armor component. Mountain Divisions: The Gebirgs Jaeger Divisions where originally used in mountains, but much too often they found themselves fighting in the open. They where supposed to have light equipment, thereby enable them to function in rough terrain. There where 2 different structures, one for real mountain use and one for open or semi open use. In Fire in the East there is no distinction between the two types, the organization for the open one is chosen, although this makes them almost like a Infantry Division. They can with some right claim to be the ones that got the furthest into Russia as they planted their flag on the top of Mount Elbrus in the Caucasus. There is still some debate about this, since some recon elements reached Astrakhan. Gebirgs Jaeger organization (fighting sub units only): 2 Gebirgs Jaeger Regiments (3 Battalions each) Artillery Regiment PanzerJaeger Battalion Pioneer Battalion Mountain Feldsatz Battalion As with the Infantry Divisions, the Artillery Regiments are included in the Division Headquarter and the Recon, Panzerjaeger, Feldsatz and Pioneer Battalions are distributed among the 2 Gebirgs Jaeger Regiments. This also means that the 2 Gebirgs Jaeger Regiments, Companared to the 3 Infantry Regiments, have a larger Component of the subunits equipment. All Gebirgs Jaeger Divisions will reconstruct. Improvements to the Gebirgs Jaeger Divisions: (for more info see under Infantry Divisions) StuG-IIIg: a Company each 75mm AT: (In larger numbers than the Infantry Divisions as Gebirgs Jaeger Divisions only have 2 Regiments, to distribute them amongst) Assault squads AT+ Jaeger Divisions: The first Jaeger (Hunter) where formed in December 1940 as part of the 12th mobilization wave. The Jaegers were to be used in low mountainous or remote areas, where there was no use for fully equipped GebirgsJaegers. The Divisions were supposed to be light and maneuverable. A normal Jaeger Division consisted of (fighting subunits only): 2 Jaeger Infantry Regiments Artillery Regiment Reconnaissance Battalion PanzerJaeger Battalion Pioneer Battalion. Jaeger Divisions in Fire in the East: As with the Infantry Divisions, the Artillery Regiment are included in the Division Headquarter, and the Recon, Panzerjaeger and Pioneer Battalions are distributed among the 2 Jaeger Regiments. This also means that the 2 Jaeger Regiments, Compared to the 3 Infantry Regiments, have a larger Component of the subunits equipment. However, as the Jaeger Divisions are supposed to be light, they do not include heavy rifle squads, but normal rifle squads and only 100 of them. All Jaeger Divisions will reconstruct. Improvements to the Jaeger Divisions: Assault guns ( StuG-IIIg). In World War II a number of Jaeger Divisions received an assault gun Company/Battery. 75mm AT guns. As with nearly all other units, the Panzerjaeger Battalion were upgraded to keep up with the invention of more powerful tanks. SkiJaeger Division: Only one SkiJaeger Division where formed, from the 1st SkiJaeger brigade and the 19th Panzer Grenadier brigade. It was formed on June 2nd, 1944. It was a relative heavy unit, with captured Soviet tanks, and self-propelled guns. It was organized as follows (fighting sub units only) 1st and 2nd SkiJaeger Regiments (3 Battalions each and a support AT Company) 152nd Artillery Regiment (with 18th Heavy Mortar Battalion) 85th Ski Pioneer Battalion 1st Ski Fusilier Battalion 152nd PanzerJaeger Battalion 152nd Heavy Ski Battalion Ski Felderzatz Battalion In Fire in the East, the Artillery Regiment is under the HQ, and the subunits is pooled into two Ski Regiments. The Ski Division start at historical full strength and will not receive any upgrades. The Ski Division will NOT reconstruct. Cavalry Division: The only German Cavalry Division in the game is the 1st Kavalarie Division. Created Feb 14th 1940 from the 1st Kavalarie brigade, this unit fought in Russia until November 28th 1941 were it was converted to the 24th Panzer Division. It consisted of: Division HQ 4 Reiter Regiments 1st Reiter Artillery Regiment 1st bicycle Battalion 40th Panzerjaeger Battalion 40th Pioneer Battalion In Fire in the East the PanzerJaeger and the Bicycle Battalions are added to the other units. The Artillery is under the 1st Kav HQ. Fallschirmjaeger Division: Only one paratrooper Division will be available to the Germans. This is the 7th Fallschirmjaeger Division. This is a powerful unit, able to take key points and hold them. Remember the house rules about airdrop. Historically the 7th FallschirmJaeger Division where called the 7th Air Division, for camouflage. It was meant to finish off Case Blue by dropping Batumi. German Panzer Divisions, Motorized Divisions and PanzerGrenadier Divisions: Probably the most famous units of the German armed forces. Under skillful leadership, these units changed the warfare all over the globe. However the same Panzers that had proven decisive in Poland and France were not the same as the ones that entered the Soviet Union. In the fall of 1940 the organization where changed, following Hitler’s orders to double the numbers of Panzer Divisions. The Panzer Divisions where stripped of their 2nd armored Regiment. This meant that now each Panzer Division only had half the tanks, than it had previously. This meant slower off-road movement and a lighter punch. On June 5th 1942 the Schutzen Regiments, were renamed PanzerGrenadier Regiments, this is their start name in Fire in the East. In Fire in the East each Panzer Division consists of: 1 Headquarter, with the Artillery Regiment 1 Armored Regiment 2 PanzerGrenadier Regiments 1 Kradschutzen Battalion 1 Aufklar Battalion 1 Panzer Pioneer Battalion Other fighting sub units included in these are: Army Flak Battalion and Panzerjaeger Battalion. These are added into the other units of the Panzer Division, As the war progressed, it became clear that they needed some extra firepower, however there were no spare equipment left. Only a handful of Panzer Divisions received additional support units, in the form of StuG Battalions or an additional AT Battalion. These are added with the historical units in Fire in the East. The numbers of tanks in Regiments are the correct for the Barbarossa operation. Later the upgrades with Panthers and Tigers are taken from factory papers, witch states witch Panzer Division got these tanks. It’s all historical. The Kradschutzen Battalions where motorcycle Battalions, used for reconnaissance and sweeping maneuvers and where ideal to quickly capture key spots. In 1943 they where absorbed into the reconnaissance units, they will not reconstruct in the game German armored recon: The German Aufklar units have the historical Companonent of equipment. However, the armored cars have been standardized. The start armored car is the Sdkfz 231-8 and the other 2 additions are in 1943 the Sdkfz 233 and in 1944 the Sdkfz 234. These additions are made, as the Kradschutz where transferred to the reconnaissance arm of the Divisions, and only these 3 are chosen instead of the (more) historical equipment, because of the reinforcement system of TOAW. If we were to add the ability to have the correct numbers of all the various versions they had, they could end up having, if none were lost, more armored cars than the whole German army had historically. Mot. Divisions and PanzerGrenadiers: Now here comes the tricky part. There are no Motorized Divisions. They are all called Panzer Grenadiers. Originally they where called Schutzen Regiments, until June 5th 1942. Here they all start as PanzerGrenadiers. This is because there simply aren’t enough events to withdraw and replace them as the game progresses. And it saves unit slots, which is equally important, as the number of units where approaching the limit of 2000 even for the Germans. We wanted to keep the flexibility, of the Germans, so they can break down any units in the game. Furthermore two very unhistorical aspects are to be mentioned in the structure of the PanzerGrenadiers: 1. They have halftracks. Historically the Germans were notoriously short on halftracks. In general only one Battalion where equipped with halftracks. 2. They start with 75mm AT guns. The 75mm AT gun did not appear in numbers before 1942. However in Fire in the East, the PanzerGrenadiers, will have a full component of these guns, making them able to deal somewhat with the large Soviet tank formation. As experienced players know, its not smart to attack tanks with Infantry alone. These two upgrades make the PanzerGrenadiers much more powerful then they were historical, in addition to this they have the following upgrades in Fire in the East: Upgrades to the PanzerGrenadier Regiments: Sdkfz 251/16 Sp gun. Added as the Infantry guns became more mobile Marders for more antitank effect, 88mm AT gun, this is a historical and natural upgrade to the Grenadiers antitank capabilities Assault squads AT+. For the same reason as the other German units. German Artillery: In general, the German Artillery where shifted around different fronts during WWII. It’s difficult to withdraw units in TOAW, since this would simply drain events. As a consequence most will be on the eastern front, and most will not reconstruct. German railroad Artillery: The Germans used a lot of Railroad guns during the 2nd World War. This included thier own and captured ones, mostly French. Some special mention has to be made for formations like the 628th Artillery battery which had 2 600mm Karl mortars. Beasts on tracks, these were highly effective against the fort at Brest-Litovsk. The Karl mortars had a “smaller” brother named Gerat. They where “only” 540mm, and where used during the Warsaw uprising with horrific results. The most popular one was the 800mm Gustav Gun. Designed in 1937, by Krupp, and given to Hitler as a birthday present in 1942. The soldiers using this monster called it Dora, adding to the common belief that there where two. Only one was built. It served with the 672nd Railroad Battery, during the Sevastopol siege. It was later transferred to Leningrad. Another famous railroad gun where the Anzio Annie. It was used against the Anzio bridgeHeadquarter in Italy. However railroad guns were slow, had a slow rate of fire and used up a large portion of manpower. Given the shortage in men, this was not a good investment for the Germans. Most Railroad guns have been pooled together to save units in Fire in the East. They will not reconstruct. Artillery: Besides the Artillery attached to the Headquarters, the Germans had a pool of independent Artillery. This pool provided Artillery support where ever it was deemed necessary. As explained above, it’s simply not possible to make this work in the TOAW system. Most historical German Artillery will appear as reinforcements in Fire in the East. However most will not reconstruct. Nebelwefer: A ruthless piece of equipment. Originally used to lay out smoke, this proved highly efficient against enemy Infantry. The Germans were a bit slow in seeing this, but in the end came up with a highly efficient weapon. It was much more accurate than its Russian counterpart. However, its range limitations was a big drawback. In Fire in the East a historically number of Nebelwerfers units arrive. They will all reconstruct, thereby giving the Germans a bit back for the lost Artillery formations. German Air Force Look under “Russian Air Force” for explanation why the following structure is used. In Game notes: The late version of Me-109 is used from the start. In general, only one piece of equipment per formation is now used in all German air formations. Historically they blew the Soviet air force out of the skies, so this makes sense. The production of these late aircrafts, are now spread out over the whole war. As much more Me-109 late (24250) where produced, than of the Me-109 E/F (6200), this gives the Germans a really good edge, early on, but should make them weaker late in the game. The formations witch received Fw-190A in November/December 1941, starts with them, and their production is spread out through out the entire war. Most German minor countries now use the Me-109 E/F version, and early Ju-87/88. One exception is the Finnish air force. They are historical, but get 3 new air formations with late equipment. None of the minors air formations reconstruct. This is because pooled equipment is easier to play with. German Flak Never have so many troops been saved by the Flak as the German Infantry during Barbarossa. The Infantry simply had nothing that could kill KV tanks or for that matter T-34. It became routine to pick up the phone and call the flak people whenever you saw one of these monsters. Most famous were the German 88mm Flak gun. Designed to track fast moving aircraft, it was ideal in knocking out slow moving tanks. And furthermore it could do so at very long range. It had perfect optics and caliber. It was suited as both and anti tank/ anti aircraft role and as an Infantry gun. It was so efficient, that it was later designed as a real AT gun, and where used at a tank gun, mainly on the Elephants ( Ferdinand) , Tiger, Nashorns and Jagdpanthers. Simply the best all-round gun during WWII. Flak units are either Luftwaffe or army flak. Historically some Flak Divisions were transferred from the Luftwaffe to the army. This is also the case in Fire in the East, and they have the historical numbers of guns. Most Flak units will reconstruct. Independent Units: Feldgendarmeri: Military Police, is historically, they will however, not reconstruct. Pioneers: The Independent engineers were a vital part of the German offensive strategy. Most will reconstruct. StuG Battalions: During the war a number of independent StuG Battalions where raised, as independent support units for the Infantry. In Fire in the East they will receive a component of the good Jpz IV. Heavy Tank Battalions: One should mention that there will be more heavy German Tank Battalions than historically. This adds only to the flexibility of the Germans as they will not get more tanks than historically produced. JagdPanzer Battalions: The historically number of JagdPanzer Battalions will appear, and most with the correct historical equipment. However as these units, like most of the German Artillery, where shifted from front to front the Germans will probably end up with more than they did during WWII. This shouldn’t matter much, as the production stays the same. They will all reconstruct. Luftwaffe Field Divisions: During the winter of 1941, the German losses where massive, and the need for troops higher that ever. Goring, always looking for a way to please Der Führer, promised 22 Divisions to Hitler. However these units where poorly led, and under equipped. In 1943 they where absorbed into the regular army. They will not reconstruct. Bautrup: These units are for railroad repair. They will all reconstruct. Minors: A lot of other countries joined Germany against the Soviet Union. Their OOB is not always historically, but most are. We are still working on this. None of the Minor countries units will reconstruct. If you want to know more I can recommend reading the intro to Dr. McBride’s, Drang nach Osten scenario. Ostlegion: As the Germans liberated nation after nation from Stalin’s grip, more and more joined in the fight against their old oppressor. None of these units will reconstruct. If you want to know more I can recommend reading the intro to Dr. McBride’s, Drang nach Osten scenario. --------- Fire In The East_V3.2_Game Briefing June 22nd 1941 - May 1945 The Operational Art of War A Century of Warfare, ver. 1.04 Date: June 22nd 1941 - May 1945 Location: Eastern Front Time Scale: Half-week turns Map Scale: 10km per hex Unit Scale: Reg/Bde/Div levels Turns: 405 A short introduction: Fire in the East covers the whole second WW on the Eastern front. It is a massive scenario, on a 10km scale at Division/regimental level. It uses half-week turns, 405 turns in all. If you think this is too massive, I can personally recommend playing Dr Daniel McBride's "Drang nach Osten" (Barbarossa) scenario which is probably the best scenario covering that operation. Fire in the East is as historical as it can get, when confronted with a historical vs. playable (And game engine limited) problem, the playable option was chosen. Because of the 2000 unit limit, most of the Soviet units will reconstruct, making some armies look rather huge while others had to be joined. This is very unhistorical, but because of the game engine limits it is a necessity. Research: Researching the OOB took one year alone, using many books and the German Bundesheer records and the Russian (in Russian) enclopidia of Russian combat units during the great patriotic war (official records of STAVKA). Other noteworthy sources are books by David Glantz, Charles Sharp, G Nafziger, Sir Liddel Hart, and last but not least, the ever inspiring Dr Daniel McBride Victory: In short if the Russian player captures Berlin before turn 405 he wins. Otherwise victory will be determined by victory points. This is one of the things that might be altered later, if testing shows that victory conditions are unbalanced. Soviet Production: Soviet replacements start at 25%. A certain number of Soviet cities will drop the replacement level, these cities where historical cities of production or huge significance. As an addition, there are Soviet factories on map that will drop the replacements further when moved (5%) or destroyed (10%) As most of the replacements are of historical proportions, it has great effect that the German player at least reaches his historical 1941goals, as this is used to calculate the historic replacements. If the German player gets further that historic, he will lower the replacements below the historical numbers. On the other hand if the Soviet player is able to hold on to more (or longer) than historical he will have a produce more than the Russians did historicaly. In December 1941 the Soviet replacements will go up to the normal and in late 44 the Russians will have another gear up. The numbers are calculated with complex mathematics. (Thanks Anders O Kristensen) This should press the Germans further into Russia, while the Soviet player has to stay forward to defend his production. Shock: German Forces have a general Shock value of 120 in 41, 105 in 42 and 100 in the rest of the game. The Soviet Forces have a general Shock of 100 in 41 and 42, 105 in 43 110 in 44 and 120 in 45. In Addition there are several local effects: The Germans have land shock 140 the first 2 Turns. They go to a general shock of 100 during the first winter. This may be raised to 140 by Typhoon for 6 turns followed by a reorganizing period of 12 turns with Shock 80. In the summer 42 they can raise their shock to 120 by Case Blau for 10 turns. They have a 140 Air shock the first 10 turns, and then 120 until turn 43. In 1942 they have a 110 air shock, and the rest of the war they have 100 The Russians have Shock 80 the first 6 Turns. The Russians Also have air shock of 5, going to 75 in turn 3, and 100 in turn 10. They can raise land shock to 115 by winter offensive option the first winter and to 120 the second winter. The second winter offensive will also give the germans a shock of 95 for 5 turns. Offensives: First Soviet winter offensive - Appears on turn 49, and is removed on turn 62 Second Soviet winter offensive - Appears on turn 143, and is removed on turn 165 Typhoon - Appears on turn 43, and is removed on turn 44 Case Blau - Appears on turn 91, and is removed on turn 117 Supply: Germans have a Force Supply of 30. This drops gradually to 20 during first winter, but recovers in the spring. It may drop to 25 with loss of Ploesti. They have a Supply Radius of 4. The Russians have a Force Supply of 24, rising to 37 over the years due to lend lease. In addition they have local effects of +5 the first and two last winters, and +10 the second winter. They have a Supply Radius of 4 temporarily rising to 6 during their first winter offensive. Loss of Stalingrad, and Maikop each gives a -5 penalty. Capture of Ploesti gives a +5 bonus. Capture of Istanbul gives a +2 bonus. Supply Sources: Axis supply is located in Berlin (15,104), Königsberg (64,84), Trieste (10,180), Helsinki (107,32), Budapest (47,162), Bucharest (87,201), Riga (93,65) Sevastopol (152,204), Taman (182,197), Athens (71,269), Hiuuma (90,44), Kingisepp (86,49), Istanbul (112,142), Ankara (147,254), Antalya (125,281), Tabriz (271,268) and Mediterrainean Islands with a port. Allied supply is located in Moscow (186,85), Leningrad (139,38), Kerch (179,196), Zavetnov (178,198), Stalingrad (245,156), Odessa (130,181), Sevastopol (152,204), Sibiria (296,54), Baku (298,231), Astrakhan (278,178), Hiuuma (90,44), Kingisepp (86,49), Istanbul (112,142), Iraq (248,294), Syria (168,294), Tabriz (271,268), Italy(17,241), Greek and Turkish coast (57,249), (71,269), (75,272), (77,269), (66,283), (103,270), (125,281), (155,283) and mediterrainean Islands with a port. Note: Some supply sources are removed with loss of certain cities. See: Cities of other losses. Rail: German Rail is 8000, going to 7000 in 44 and 4000 in 45. Rail Repair is 8, and Rail Damage starts at 25 and goes to 100 in turn 44. Soviet Rail start at 1000, going to 3000 at turns 3, 11000 turn 6 and 12000 turn 12. Loss of Moscow reduces soviet rail to 6000. Rail Repair is 10 and Rail Damage is 100. Air: German Air Transport is 2000, going to 1800 in 43, 1000 in 44 and 500 in 45 Soviet Air Transportl is 50, going to 100 at turn 20, 500 turn 40, 1000 in 1944 and 2000 in 1945. Sea: German Sea Transport is 3000 going to 2000 in 44 and 1000 in 45. Soviet Sea Transport is 2500 going to 3000 in turn 57. Cities of production loss: Minsk, Smolensk, Bryansk, Orel, Kiev Voronesh, Odessa, Zaporrozhe, Stalino, Rostov, Voroshilovgrad Krasnodar, Dneprpetrovsk, Tula Tiblisi Grosny Saratov, Ryzan, Yaroslav and Vologda each gives a 5% reduction in Russian replacements. Kharkov, Sevastopol, Baku and Leningrad each give a 10% reduction in Russian Replacements Moscow gives a 20% reduction in Russian Replacements In addition following cities have a Factory marker that will give a 10% reduction if destroyed, and 5% reduction if moved: Kalinin, Orel, Kiev, Kharkov, Stalino, Rostov, Dneprpetrovsk, Leningrad and Moscow x2. Cities of other loss: Maikop gives -5 supply to Russians and +5 to the Germans Ploesti gives +5 supply to Russians and -5 to the Germans Stalingrad gives -5 supply to Russians. Istanbul gives +2 supply to Russians due to shorter Lend Lease lines Loss of Konigsberg will remove german supply source in Riga. Loss of Novaya Ladoga will remove Russian Supply source in Leningrad Loss of Sevastopol will Remove Russian Supply source in Odessa Loss of Novorossiynsk will Remove Supply Source in Sevastopol Turkey: Will Join the war on the Axis side if one of the following three thing happens: 1) Germans capture Moscow. 2) Germans capture Sevastopol AND Cherkessy. 3) If the Russians declare war on them. Axis get +5% replacements if Turkey joins the war. Persia: Will join Axis if Russia declares war on them. Recon: German Recon start at 75, going to 35 in turn 39, 30 in turn 265 and 20 in turn 369 Soviet recon start at 5, going to 15 in turn 40, 25 in turn 150 and 35 in turn 250. Weather: Cool fronts and warms fronts will occur every fall and spring. Storms will occur every fall, winter and spring. HOUSE RULES - VERY IMPORTANT: 1) Minors may not stack, or attack together with other minors. 2) Hungarian, Rumanian and Slovakian units may not move before turn 4. The Finns may not move until turn 6. THIS IS REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT THEY ARE ACTIVATED BEFORE TURN 4 AND 6. If the Soviet forces moves into the respectivly minors, or attack any of their units, this restriction is lifted. 3) The German player may not invade, or sail in the Black Sea, except over the Kerch Strait. This restriction is lifted if Turkey joins the war. 4) Units are not allowed to paradrop more than 10 hexes away from any friendly unit. 5) The Finns may not move south of the original border north of Leningrad, or south of the Svir River at the Karelian ness, or east of the railway, going north from Karhumaki, untill after turn 30. There are no restriction on GERMAN forces in Finland, but the Axis player may only send one german division and three air formations to Finland. This is in addition to german divisions that start or enters as reinforcement in Finland 6) Factories may ONLY be moved after they are activated by a theatre option. 7) Axis forces are not allowed to enter the foot of Italy. 8) British units may only enter Persia, Turkey, Greece, Yugoslavia, Italy, Germany and of course Syria and Iraq. 9) No attacks may be made from neutral minor countries --------------- Fire In The East V3.8b CHANGES: Fire in the East September 24th, 2003 Changes from v2.0 to v2.01: -Changed Wiking SS Division's profiency from 80 to 90. -Put correct entry dates on a number of StuG and PzJg Bn's that were set on map from start. -Minor corrections to map. -RR gun was placed on a hex without rail. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- November 9th, 2003 Changes from v2.01 to v3.0: -Map changes: -Yugoslavian coastline redrawn. -Eastern Alps redrawn. -Part of Finland redrawn/added. -Bessarabia redrawn. -Various changes to roads/rails in Russia. -More major escarpments in mountains. Mountains now make for much better defensive positions. -Unit changes: -Russians had two 202nd RD in OOB. Removed one of them. -Russian 26th RD started on map. It now enters in turn 22 (Sep 3rd, 1941) in Gorki. -Entry point corrected for 28th army, 375 RD and 367 RD -Entire Russian starting deployment changed to something that should be more historical. -German 26th Korps under 9th Armee changed to 42nd Korps. -German 299th Inf Div changed to 129th Inf Div. -Event added which gives the German player the option to form 10 Panzer Brigades on turn 317. If he doesn't the tanks (+50% more) will be added to the replacement pool. -Readjusted Slovak army (Downsized) -Added Soviet build fleet option. Historical the Soviet Union had built a lot of ships (Worth around 1000 tanks in steel) which wasn’t completed on the 22nd June. Needless to say when the war came they did not have priority anymore. If option is taken it gives the Soviets 3 more fleet units (after one year) and extra ships in the replacement pool (after one year). In addition he gets a +4 supply bonus (after one year), but a 5% replacement reduction. (immediately). -Removed all Germans Stug battalions, and added them to the Infantry. As most had stug41, they would not have reconstructed after the production is halted. -Major change to Soviet air force. There is now no yak-9, all is yak-3. (Almost same stats in TOAW) -The air force is downsized, but now have a more homogenic range. In TOAW this is a major concern as ALL planes fly to the range of the one with max in the unit, however they do this at 1% and is therefore all shot down. -Another problem that concerns all units that reconstruct, is that 66% of the first equipment has to be available, otherwise it doesn’t reconstruct! This means that there is no I-15 anymore. They are now all I-16 and will be produced throughout the war. -The above is also the true for the German Luftwaffe, so all formations have been changed to the late model e.g Me-109 e/f to Me-109 late. The Luftwaffe is now stronger. -Found and corrected some bugs in equipment (155mm guns in some german units, 120mm in soviet etc.) -More slots now available for equipment on both sides. -Lend lease armor now appear in historical units, + a few extra. -Changed spelling of "Leibstandarte" (was Liebstandarte) -Following PZ REG are withdrawn, and replaced by new units: 1st Pz Reg 41 turn 152 2nd Pz Reg 41 Turn 163 3rd Pz Reg 41 Turn 167 4th Pz Reg 41 Turn 165 6th Pz Reg 41 Turn 159 10th Pz Reg 41 Turn 154 11th Pz reg 41 Turn 153 15th Pz Reg 41 Turn 166 21st Pz Reg 41 Turn 156 24th Pz Reg 41 Turn 169 25th Pz Reg 41 turn 155 27th Pz Reg 41 Turn 158 29th Pz Reg 41 Turn 157 31st Pz Reg 41 Turn 168 33rd Pz Reg 41 Turn 162 35th Pz Reg 41 Turn 160 36th Pz Reg 41 Turn 164 39th Pz Reg 41 Turn 161 -Gameplay changes: -Russian force proficiency set to 60. (Was left at 100) -Pooled tons of equipment to make the replacements list more playable. -The units in Mech Corps have been set to Local Reserve to simulate their attempt the first days to follow the general order to counter-attack. -GE rail damage changed to 25 until turn 44 where it goes to 100. -The event chain that makes Turkey join the war if the Germans take both Sevastopol and Cherkessy have been corrected. -The british units will now activate if any Axis unit comes within 10 hexes of 184,294. -Soviet war options for Turkey, Persia, Warsaw uprising and Bagration have been changed so they actually work! -18th and 2nd Panzer Divisions will be withdrawn on turns 238 and 325 respectively. -Soviet forces goes to shock 100 at turn 7 (instead of turn 9). -The “Invade Turkey” option will now disappear if the Turks join in other ways. One of the problems game testing showed, was the low number of soviet formations. There simply wasn’t enough to stop the German war machine. The following have been done to increase the number: -Most Militia now reconstruct in their respective cities. -I read trough all the unit histories for the Cav divs, to see if any where reconstructed. Not many where. But some do. -More NKVD now reconstruct -Renamed Soviet garrisons, and they all now reconstruct. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- November 10th, 2003 Changes from v3.0 to v3.1: -There was a corruption in the I/JG52. Somehow a double had appeared so there was a I/JG52-unit on both (66,96) and (76,94). This caused the game to crash when one was moved. This has been corrected. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- November 13th, 2003 Changes from v3.1 to v3.2: -A similar problem existed for a hungarian Flak unit located both at 66,154 and 77,161. If a game with v.3.1 is already started an ad hoc solution is to disband the one at 77,161. -corrected some hexes in Finland, that were marked as Soviet. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- January 9th, 2004 Changes from v3.2 to v3.6: -German general shock in 1941 is reduced to 115. -Soviet general shock in 1945 is reduced to 115. -Major changes in House Rules – please read the scenario briefing!! -Minor soviet coast batteries have been changed to mobile MG-regiments (they will reconstruct) -Added city of Oranienburg with Soviet supply source. -Added Mannerheim Line, and Soviet Leningrad defence line. -Added various forts at historical places. -Added 10.000 rifle squads, 1.000 heavy rifle squads and 2.000 trucks to the Soviet replacement pool. This is due to the historic ongoing Soviet mobilization (which started before 22-6-1941, and the conversion of civilian infrastructure to military infrastructure) . -Tweaked Soviet engineer/RR-crew/Heavy rifle squads. -Raised the proficiency of Soviet PVO air units at Moscow to 50%. -Reduced Soviet rifle replacements by 250 (due to the increase of their start pool). -Added more rail in the Ural/Sibiria to allow immediate rail movement of reconstructed units. -Added engineer BN to Shock Army and Guards Army HQ. -Added AT BN to Shock Army Rifle and GD Army Rifle Divisions. -Shock Army Rifle Bde have been changed to Ski Bde. -Removed Soviet garrisons and destruction Bde. Have been replaced by 15 Scorched Earth Rgt which arrive on turn 2, and 10 railroad construction Bde which start on map. -Changes Soviet fortifications to Mobile Fort Region MG Brigades. They will reconstruct. -Added German supply in Ventspils (79,58). -Removed German JG Divisions (97th and 100th) they now appear historically in 1942. -Redeployed some of the Brandenburger Special Forces to airfields, to allow them to paradrop on the first turn. -You can now move the Rumanian River Flotilla to the Dnestr river via the Black sea coats line. (An invisible river). -The German Typhoon theater option have been reduced to 130 shock from 140. And the following 80 shock penalty have been reduced from 12 turns to 10. -Added 6 Ceases fires which comes into effect on the following turns (both included) due to Russian Rain Season and Spring Thaw which turned the primitive Russian Roads into mud: 32-39 - Fall 41 82-89 - Spring 42 136-143 - Fall 42 186-193 - Spring 43 240-247 - Fall 43 290-297 - Spring 44 There are no cease fires in the fall of 44 and spring of 45, as the frontline had reached areas with better roads. -Redeployed German reinforcements to historical entry points (Divisions that were used in the Balkan operations) -Redeployed Russian reinforcements. Major forward reinforcements cities are now: Leningrad (140,37) Tikhvin (159,42) Kalinnin (174,72) Moscow (185,86) Tula (186,100) Orel (175,115) Kharkov (175,146) Sevastopol (152,204) Stalingrad (245,156) The German may note these cities as primary objectives, as their capture will severely handicap the Soviet player. -Reduced German air transport to 1100 in 1941, 1000 in 1943, 750 in 1944 and 500 in 1945. There is now only enough capacity to lift one full strength FJ division (with HQ). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- January 15th, 2004 Changes from v3.6 to v3.7 After 3.6 there where need for some changes. This is done in preparations for the Nordic version of FitE, with Murmansk and Archangelsk instead of part of the southern map (Turkey, Greece ect.) OOB changes: -There where some forts that we missed the first way around. They are now all replaced with Fort regions. -Most Coast units are now moveable and will reconstruct making up for the loss in Naval Rifle Brigades. -Some Naval Rifle Brigades have been added. Look at the bottom of the OOB Soviet for further information -Forts are now deployed Fortified, this goes for the Leningrad, Sevastopol, and Brest-litovsk Forts among others. -13th SE Regiment, is now placed in Odessa. -Soviet replacements: Rifle squads have been increased to 16.000, and there is another drop in the amount of replacements they will receive each turn by 200. This is to reflect the historic aspect of the major drafts in 1941, bought just before the war, and during the last 6 months of 1941 -The Soviet 7th, 23rd, 14th Armies along with the Leningrad Front, Leningrad PVO, and the Northern Front are now veterans, from the winter war. This includes a slight increase in proficiency. And only one house rule change!!!!!: -Axis: No invasions are allowed in the Black sea, except over the Krech Strait, AFTER the fall of Sevastopol, and only from the 2 ports on the one side to the 2 ports opposite. Unless Turkey joins the war. Then these restrictions are lifted. Soviets are under the restrictions mentioned elsewhere. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- January 22nd, 2004 Changes from v3.7 to v3.8 -Corrected events. They had changed themself for some reason, so Theater Options would activate the wrong soviet factories. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- July 7th, 2004 Changes from v3.8 to 4.1 -Removed approx 25 hexes from south part of map (part of Turkey and Syria) and instead added Northern Finland, Norway and Sweden as an "off-map" box. Archangelsk are now included in map as well. -Sweden is added along with it's army. It can be activated by Theater Options. Explained in the briefing. -Added German units for the Artic region along with additional finnish divisions. -Added Soviet units for this region. -Added more Soviet Naval Rifle Brigades and Militia Divisions. -Removed the Soviet factory counters. Changed the production gearing to make the probable total production as before. -Soviet Rifle Squad replacement was adjusted incorrectly when they recieved 16000 in starting pool. Rate has been lowered slightly. -Soviet units will now reconstruct in Gorkiy (230,107) instead of Sibiria, giving the units an approx 70 hexes shorter trip to the front. -Added more empty equipment slots for SU-85 Tank Destroyers, to avoid useless production. -Removed starting T-70 equipment from a number of Tank Brigades. -Changed all BA-3/6 to BA-10s. -German PzG and Pz Regs have recieved slightly more recon units, to give better movement in enemy territory. -Adjusted production slightly for various equipment for both German and Soviet player. -Changed types and numbers of tanks in Tank and Mot. Divs. -Increased Soviet Supply Stockpile level to 30. -Added optional Theater option to allow axis player to bully Sweden and Turkey into joining the axis. (Purely "what-if" option) -Corrected entry points for a few Soviet units, that started in odd locations. -Finnish divisions have been pulled back 1 hex from the border. -Made a few map changes to border, rail and rivers in border area. -Modified initial German deployment. -Changed unit color of German and Soviet Special forces. -Corrected unit color for Soviet Guard Air Divisions and Brigades. -Made Soviet Guard unit veterans. -German rail damage is changed to go to 75% on turn 15 and 100 in turn 32. -Soviet Air Transport now goes to 850 (instead of 1000) in 1944 and to 1250 (instead of 2000) in 1945. -German early Panzer Regiments (Pz Reg 41s) will not reconstruct if disbanded or destroyed. -Soviet 109th Mech Div was present twice in the OOB. Removed the one under SW Front. -Made slight corrections and more elaborate explainations in the House Rules. Probably more we forgot to put in here. [ July 07, 2004, 11:50 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  25. -Century Of Warfare- Europe Aflame 3.3_Full Briefing http://www.wargamer.com/gamesdepot/search_game.asp [ Click the Down Arrow and select -THE OPERATIONAL ART OF WAR:CENTURY OF WARFARE....THEN...choose Europe Aflame or Fire in the East or whatever one you wish and Download the ZIP-File ...UNZIP and read the README NOTES. ] Location : Scandinavia, Europe and the Mediterranean littoral. Opponents : Axis & Allies Scale : 25km per hex, Corps level Description : An OPART 300 scenario for TOAW-CoW, covering WWII in Europe and the Middle East, with a smaller linked map to the Horn of Africa. Can be played as a straight historical game, or a variety of Theatre Options allows players to try alternative strategies. 350 one week turns, in view of the complexity two player only (i.e. no PO). Corps level, with separate air fleets and navies. Full briefing attached as a zip file. ---------- Europe Aflame - The Second World War for TOAW-CoW (PBEM only). By Ulver Nielsen (ulver@ulver.dk) and Mark Stevens, with fulsome acknowledgements to Trey Marshall. Full Briefing This is the extended version of the Player Briefing, containing a great deal more information than comes with the Scenario Briefing attached to the game. If you are bothering to read this, it is assumed you are the type of player who actually likes reading a detailed overview of events, suggestions for play, designers' notes and the reasons underlying various game features. Accordingly, this briefing will go into some depth, explaining in particular exactly how Theatre Events are triggered and what their effects are. It will assist you if you are familiar with the TOAW Editor and database. If you want to examine every unit in detail - its strength, rate of resupply, where and when it (re)appears, etc., you will need to look into the Editor. We appreciate that many players do not enjoy knowing the specifics of these beforehand, and Mark in particular is very eager to discourage a ‘chess‘-like approach to the scenario. If you are one of the former, you are advised not to read this version of the Briefing (but do steady your nerves for some possible shocks during your first - and indeed any subsequent - games, although we have designed the scenario to flow along broadly historical lines). The scenario was originally designed by Trey Marshall, who has produced many other games for the TOAW engine. He was kind enough to encourage Ulver and Mark to develop the scenario further, and over the last few years there have been many changes to the original, based upon comments by players and additional research. For ease of reference, all information needed to play will be presented here. If you have read the Basic Briefing there will be a certain amount of repetition. Please bear with us. We have decided this is preferable to having the reader constantly being required to refer back to the shorter document. Some News Strings don't directly effect the game, and are for historical colour only. Occasionally some may appear out of sequence, or be repeated, depending on how your particular game is developing. (There are not enough Events to cancel every possible redundant or reoccuring News String.) The scenario begins several months before the historical outbreak of World War II. German forces have mobilized and are massing on the Polish border. In accordance with the soon-to-be ratified Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, the Russians are eyeing the Finnish border, the Baltic States, Eastern Poland, the Rumanian province of Besserabia, and Iran. However, from this point on, the Axis Player is not forced to follow the historical schedule, but is free to change the plan for the conquest of Europe. Indeed, if the French chose to extend the Maginot Line there will be the opportunity for Germany to tackle the USSR first in conjuction with the minor powers of Central and Eastern Europe. Using Theatre Options, the players can choose which countries to invade. In addition, neutral countries may also be activated by a pre-programmed entry schedule, based on the dynamics of the game and a certain random element. Your actions, and the actions of your opponent, will affect the turns of entry. These are detailed below. The basic land unit of this game is the corps; however, it may sometimes be advantageous to divide the corps into several divisions (e.g. to block ZOCs, to cover very open territory, or to use limited sea transport). Losses may force units to break down into their component sub-units: they can reform. Air units are Fighter/Bomber Groups, Luftwaffe Air Corps, or Russian Air Armies. Navies vary from single ‘1 - 1’ units to half-a-dozen larger units each for the major powers (but fleets are still basically giant floating artillery units, and should be treated accordingly). We have made a number of political assumptions when designing the game: one of the most contentious is that Stalin's Russia was an aggressive, expansionary state, with ambitions (if the opportunities arose) well beyond the limited seizures of land achieved pre-'Barbarossa'. Unlike in many similar games, don't expect the Soviet Union to content itself with parts of Finland, the Baltic States, East Poland and Bessarabia, then sit quietly waiting to be attacked by Germany and its allies at their leisure, irrespective of the overall situation. Apart from the option to complete the conquest of Finland while still allied to Germany, the USSR may choose to enter the war a month after the Germans land in the United Kingdom, as they approach within six hexes of the Turkish capital, Ankara, (75% chance) or sometime between turns 110 (August 1941) - 150, if the Axis has not attacked by then. The USSR may also enter Iran to create a more defensible southern border and forestall any problems from the pro-Axis Shah. Pre-'Barbarossa' the Soviet forces were deployed - and deploying - in forward positions with their armour well to the front and the air force in advanced air bases (which partly accounts for the early disasters), and contingency plans existed to attack Germany, Hungary and Rumania. Research after the opening of Soviet archives following the collapse of the Soviet Union has shown that the idea that Stalin completely ignored his own General Staff's, intelligence service’s and Allied warnings of an impeding Axis attack because he somehow 'trusted' Hitler are no longer tenable: Russia itself was manoeuvering into an offensive position, and was fulfilling its treaty obligations to Germany to keep Hitler quiet. In simple terms, Stalin was 'beaten to the draw' in June 1941. He needn't necessarily be with you in command (but see below for the various German defensive bonuses). To achieve the results we wanted, and to introduce a greater degree of flexibility, we have deviated somewhat from Trey's detailed and extensively researched order of battle. Game design, and the limitations of the TOAW database, often forced us to choose between playability and absolute historical accuracy, and faced with those choices we have generally chosen playability. There's no point writing in to point out, for example, that the Rumanian 73mm anti-tank gun wasn't introduced until March 1943! There are a number of instances where we have applied this principle to achieve realistic results with very 'unhistorical' equipment. Perhaps the most obvious example is our use of late war heavy tanks to give the massive forts of the Maginot Line what we consider to be realistic defensive strengths. There is simply no actual equipment in the database that adequately represents these massive steel and concrete underground fortifications, with their pre-ranged, interlocking fields of fire and wide minefields. Some units are necessary to accommodate examples of 'what might have been'. For example, we have assumed that an early Soviet attack on Germany pre the historical 'Barbarossa' would have resulted in extensive fortification of the eastern border, mobilisation of additional German reserves and an earlier shift toward full war production, which did not occur until 1943. In this eventuality, such a Soviet attack on Germany will trigger additional German reinforcements, both immediately and over time, that would otherwise not appear in the game. It also reflects the idea that Goering and Raeder had persuaded Hitler to follow a 'Mediterranean' strategy, so the Germans would have been better prepared for a defensive war in the East. There are also potential Belgian and Dutch Axis regular forces, ‘Free Russians’ after a Soviet collapse, Arabs, assorted Russian anti-Soviet rebels, an Axis 'UK Protectorate', etc. Victory Points - Or, 'Is Narva as important as Benghazi?' The allocation of Victory Points has been particularly difficult in a scenario of this complexity. What should constitute an Axis 'victory': clinging onto Berlin for one month later than historically; control of Western and Central Europe by 1945; or only the final surrender of both Great Britain and the USSR? Players are strongly recommended to mutually agree their own criteria before starting to play. Having helped to design such a fluid and dynamic scenario, we don't want to put players into a Victory Point straitjacket based on our own conceptions. More as an aid to this process than as a definitive answer, we've adopted the following policy. The number of Victory Points starts off as equal (470) for the Axis and pro-Axis, and Allied and pro-Allied, countries in 1939 - including countries like Spain, which never entered the War. As the game develops, players can see how the balance is changing relative to that initial position, and form their own judgements accordingly. (Several countries, e.g. Turkey, Belgium and Holland, can join either side, depending on the overall strategic situation, while some may change sides, e.g. France and Rumania, after their defeat.) The Points themselves are potentially contentious, representing as they must a mixture of political, economic, strategic and historical objectives. For example, Italy's possessions in North Africa and the Middle East, and the Horn of Africa, were largely worthless from an economic point of view: but the maintenance of that fragile 'empire' was of crucial political importance in sustaining its will to continue the fight. Many of the effects that would be represented by Victory Points in similar boardgames are built into the Events List: the fall of various industrial and strategic centers (e.g. the oilfields at Ploesti, the industrial centre of Stalingrad) will affect the level of supply, while the capture of a country's capital will usually remove all of its military units from the game. British loss of Gibraltar will allow the powerful Italian fleet to enter the Atlantic, Channel and North Sea (if Italy is active), while the fall of various major cities will prevent the arrival of their scheduled reinforcements. In general, we've adopted the following policy for allocating points: Major Powers' capitals: 20 (other than Berlin, which is a special case) Medium Powers' capitals: 10 Minor Powers' capitals: 5 'Strategic' objectives (e.g. the Suez Canal, Leningrad, Malta, Swedish iron ore mines): 10 Other major industrial/population centres: 5 Other Objectives (usually along pre-War border areas, or those on an important route, like the Road to Moscow): 1 In a game of this size, haggling over whether Köln (Cologne) should be a '4', while Kiev should only be a '3', seems pretty pointless. However, we would emphasize again that it is up to the individual players to decide - preferably in advance - what they consider to be realistic aims and objectives. Of course, the advantage of not doing so is to allow both sides to claim victory! (That's the way we usually do things.) Since the TOAW game engine, despite its general excellence and flexibility, was never designed to simulate warfare on a strategic level, we really are pushing its boundaries with this scenario. One regrettable consequence is that we have been forced to introduce a number of House Rules to cover constraints that simply couldn't be build into the game engine. House Rules (Player enforced) Players may not attack, or move their units into, other countries until they are formally at war, or allied. (Only Germany and the Soviet Union start the scenario as fully mobilised participants.) The News Briefing is very comprehensive and specifies when countries enter the game. Play as if an exclusion zone covers non-participating countries until they join either side, although you may ship units through (not to) the ports of a friendly neutral (except for Istanbul). If you want to invade a country you must first pick the appropriate Theatre Option to declare war (or possibly bring it in as an ally). Please note that you must wait until the start of the turn after you pick the Option before actually entering the country. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL. If no option exists you may not invade that country (at least yet). Keep a very close eye on the News Briefing and the Theatre Options, as these will change dramatically according to the dynamics of the game. Once a country enters the game it is permanently involved. Besserabia, the Baltic States, Arabia, Iraq and Persia are exempt from this rule and may entered by either side physically able to do so. The Soviets can only enter Eastern Poland after Germany is at war with Poland, or Poland has entered the war on the Axis side. This rule is essential because inactive countries' units are unable to move until the turn after a declaration of war (or alliance). As the Axis always moves first in a turn, this still allows Germany its historical preference for attacking a neutral country before the latter can redeploy its forces. Most neutrals start in their capitals and other major cities, or stationed along their borders. No Axis units may enter the US, Canada or South America. No units may be disbanded, except those land units forced onto ‘Sea Supply Roads’, which must be, and the special reinforcement Western Allied force which may be assisting Finland, immediately after the Germans attack Russia, or if the Russians attack Germany and Finland. The Swedish volunteers there may remain in play. Partisans/Militia (Guerilla, Irregular Infantry and Garrison units) may not voluntarily leave their home country, neither may the British 'Home Guard' units triggered by an Axis invasion. This does not apply to the Finnish ‘guerrillas’, which represent their ultra-mobile light infantry units and are treated as part of the regular army. Guerillas pushed over a frontier should try to get back inside their territory, without being obliged to make suicidal attacks. Regular units and Garrisons pushed into a neutral country should be disbanded (’interned’). Vichy units start inactive, but the Axis may pass freely through them. The three separate Vichy formations (Metropolitan France, North Africa and Syria) are only activated by Allied units moving adjacent to them. The Germans can also enter neutral Rumania, Hungary and Bulgaria after November 1940 - this is covered by a News String. In order to avoid the completely unhistorical use of both sides' minor allies - i.e. the Portugese storming bravely ashore at Archangel - we suggest that they be restricted to their actual, or at least potential, areas of operation, as well as their home countries (this in addition to the limitations on partisans and guerillas already mentioned): 'The Balkans' - Yugoslavia, Albania, Rumania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Greece, including the Greek Islands, and European Turkey including Istanbul 'North Africa & the Middle East' - Morocco through to Asiatic Turkey and Iran, and the USSR south of and including Astrakhan 'Scandinavia' - Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark 'Western Europe' - the United Kingdom, Eire, France, Spain, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal and the Mediterranean Islands Specifically Portuguese, Dutch, Belgian, Irish and Swiss units are restricted to Western Europe Norwegian units are restricted to Scandinavia Polish (Allied and Axis) units are restricted to the USSR, the Baltic States, the Balkans and Germany - however the Free Poles who reform after the fall of Poland are regarded as British units Turkish units are restricted to the Balkans, and North Africa & the Middle East. Greek units are restricted to the Balkans, Crete and Corfu Yugoslavian units are restricted to the Balkans and Italy Rumanian, Hungarian and Slovakian units are restricted to the USSR, and the Balkans Croats and Bulgarians are restricted to the Balkans Swedish and Finnish units are restricted to Scandinavia and the USSR north of and including Moscow Spanish units are restricted to Western Europe and North Africa & the Middle East (except for the 'Blue Division' which is unrestricted) Iraqi, Iranian and Arab Revolt units are restricted to North Africa & the Middle East Vichy French units are restricted to Western Europe and North Africa & the Middle East Ukrainian partisan are restricted, oddly enough, to the Ukraine: east of the River Dneister, south of the Pripet river and west of the city of Dnepropetrov. The Pro-Axis Britian forces are restricted to the UK (not the British Waffen SS) US, French, Italian, German, British and Soviet units are unrestricted, including the French ‘Paul Reynaud Government’ units, and German Waffen SS units whatever their nationality. The various Russian, Cossack and Muslim volunteers who may join a German invasion of the USSR are unrestricted - some served as far afield as France and Italy. If you feel these are unduly restrictive, discuss it with your opponent in advance. Optional restrictions - to be discussed and agreed prior to the game Entrenching: most units have a capability to ‘dig in’, which strengthens their defensive capability and limits supply. Unfortunately these entrenchments do not disappear with the unit, but remain throughout the game. It is quite possible to deliberately cover most of the map with these, which slows the game enormously. Suggested limitations would be adjacent to or one hex from enemy units; in or adjacent to dense urban hexes; on or adjacent to national borders, or riverlines; in ports, beachheads or towns, in existing fortifications, or single hexes needed to prolong an entrenched line to the next eligible point. Minor Neutral reinforcements (This does not apply to the French, British, or Italians, even though they start as nominally ‘neutral’). Most neutral countries’ forces are fixed in the positions and strengths that existed when they historically entered WW II. Some neutrals get additional reinforcements if they haven’t been attacked by then, which aren’t fixed in position. If you allow them to move, most players will race into the capital and entrench, which may make defeating the country far more difficult than it was historically - it’s worth agreeing in advance whether to allow this, or whether such reinforcements should remain in place. Allied Cooperation It is also worth discussing whether to allow troops from the Western Allies and the USSR and its satellites to sea transport to each other’s side of the map. Some players feel that this gives the Allied Player too much flexibility, and would have been politically unlikely, although Stalin did request British and American troops during the darkest days of the ‘Barbarossa’ offensive, and Churchill famously declared that ‘...if Hitler invaded Hell, he (Churchill) would at least speak to the Devil.’ Parachutist/Airlanding range Fixed by the game engine at an unrealistically lengthy 100 hexes: you may wish to agree to the more likely figure of fifteen to twenty hexes - this would still allow UK-Arnhem, North Africa-Sicily and Greece-Crete. The US Entry Variable US entry into the war is guided by the US Entry Variable ('USEV'). We’re working on the presumption that the political elites in the USA did not want to see Europe and the Mediterranean dominated by the Third Reich and its allies. The two critical thresholds are an entry variable of 50 that releases US aid, and an entry variable of 100 that results in the US entering the war. There are two ways this variable can change. (i) It automatically increases over time and (ii) it can be influenced by the actions of the players. The US may enter even before this reaches 100 following particularly dramatic events, e.g. the attack on Pearl Harbour, the collapse of the USSR, etc. No message will appear whether or not the USEV is increased: this is to discourage an unrealistic strategy based on counting every single point. Timed increases: turn/chance/USEV points 8-150/75%/+15 60-70/75%/+15 70-100/75%+15 80-130/50%/+20 128-168/75%/+15 128 (Pearl Harbour)/75%/+15 - 50% Automatic US Entry 138-178/50%/+20 183/100%/Automatic US Entry: (end December 1942) The following player actions will increase the US entry variable, perhaps after a few turns delay: Axis enter Warsaw, or Poles ally with Germany/50%/+20 Axis chose Theatre Option 'Battle of Britain'/75%/+7 Axis move to within two hexes of Paris/75%/+20 Fall of Paris/100%/+25 Entry of Italy as Axis ally/75%/+20 Axis chose Theatre Option to attack Denmark/Norway/50%/+10 Axis chose Theatre Option to attack the Low Countries/75%/+15 Axis chose Theater Option to attack Yugoslavia/50%/+7 Axis chose Theater Option to attack Greece/50%/+7 Axis chose Theatre Option to enter Spain as ally/75%/+20 Axis troops land in England (hex 60,37 radius: 11 hexes)/75%/+15 Axis chose Theater Option to attack Switzerland/50%/+20 Axis captures Stalingrad/75%/+35 Axis captures Moscow/75%/+35 - 50% Automatic US Entry Axis captures London/75%/+35 - 50% Automatic US Entry Axis captures Suez (town)/75%/+15 Axis chose Theatre Option: 'Germany raises additional forces in the 1930s'/100%/+30 Axis chose Theatre Option: 'Germany and Italy build carrier groups in the 1930s'/100%/+15 Surrender of the USSR - Automatic US Entry The following player actions will decrease the US entry variable: USSR occupies Baltic States (hex 112,62)/50%/-10 Allies chose Theatre Option to attack Finland/75%/-15 Allies chose Theatre Option to attack Belgium/75%/-30 The Soviet Union enters the war/100%/-20 The release of US Lend-Lease equipment when the USEV reaches 50 will reduce the total by 45: alternatively you may consider this as the Allies forming additional units and purchasing extra equipment, either of which 'reassures' the US. Lend-Lease destroyers: this gives the UK a naval unit containing 50 destroyers. In addition Allied supply is increased by 4 Lend-Lease aircraft: this dumps about 2000 planes (and two new air units) into the Allied replacement pool. There are slots for these aircraft in the French/British orders of battle. Lend-Lease AFVs: this immediately dumps about 800 tanks into the Allied replacement pool, and two armoured divisions with a combined strength of about 600 tanks appear (one in the UK and one in Egypt). There are slots for these tanks in the French/British orders of battle. After 20-39 turns an additional 2000 tanks are dumped into the Allied replacement pool. Supply Supply is a crucial part of the scenario: much of the strategy of the game revolves around controlling these sources and in taking them from the other player. They represent either industrial or population centres, major ports, choke points in the sea lanes, or actual or potential sites for full-scale sea invasions. When launching sea invasions, do consider from where they will draw supply! The following is a full list of supply sources: Axis: 105,60 (Königsberg). Axis: 93,122 (RHODES) Axis: 87,59 (Berlin). Axis: 75,54 (Munster). Axis: 47,93 (Tunis). Axis: 84,73 (Vienna). Axis: 88,78 (Budapest). Axis: 100,93 (Bucharest). Axis: 90,96 (Sofia). Axis: 102,109 (Istanbul). Axis: 107,71 (Brest-Litovsk). Axis: 50,138 (Addis Ababa). Axis: 64,73 (Milan). Axis: 26,61 (Madrid). Axis: 46,107 (Tripoli - Libya). Axis: 91,139 (Alexandria). Axis: 11,71 (Tetuan). Axis: 60,53 (Paris). Axis: 137,143 (Baghdad). Axis: 63,100 (Messina). Axis: 110,45 (Stockholm). Axis: 122,47 (Helsinki). Axis: 146,23 (Petsamo). Axis: 100,36 (Oslo). Axis: 80,98 (Tirana). Axis: 81,120 (Suda Bay). (CRETE) Axis: 55,105 (MALTA). Axis: 12,68 (GIBRALTAR). Axis: 62,124 (Benghazi). Axis: 62,44 (London). Axis: 63,47 (Dover). Axis: 58,43 (Southampton). Axis: 55,29 (Dublin). Axis: 51,40 (Plymouth). Axis: 51,88 (Cagliari) (SARDINIA). Axis: 63,87 (Rome). Allies: 72,98 (Taranto). Allies: 0,27 (USA/Canada) Allies: 62,39 (Birmingham). Allies: 62,44 (London). Allies: 54,47 (Cherbourg). Allies: 12,54 (Lisbon). Allies: 12,68 (GIBRALTAR). Allies: 1,69 (Casablanca). Allies: 31,81 (Algiers). Allies: 47,93 (Tunis). Allies: 66,92 (Salerno). Allies: 68,66 (Zurich). Allies: 91,139 (Alexandria). Allies: 93,144 (Cairo). Allies: 55,49 (Normandy - historical site for D-day) Allies: 72,49 (Amsterdam). Allies: 111,116 (Ankara). Allies: 63,49 (Calais). Allies: 61,75 (Genoa). Allies: 84,112 (Athens). Allies: 87,88 (Belgrade). Allies: 102,67 (Warsaw). Allies: 131,53 (Leningrad). Allies: 140,67 (Moscow). Allies: 149,91 (Stalingrad). Allies: 144,117 (Tblisi). Allies: 100,36 (Oslo). Allies: 63,89 (Anzio). Allies: 161,76 (Omsk). Allies: 148,26 (Murmansk). Allies: 55,105 (MALTA). Allies: 16,146 (Cape Town). Allies: 51,72 (Marseilles). Allies: 141,148 (Basra - 'Indian Supply') Allies: 68,51 (Antwerp). Allies: 60,53 (Paris). There is a 'Sea Supply Road' to provide Allied supply from Cape Town or Basra to the Horn of Africa, and similar 'roads' linking Belfast to the British mainland, Corsica to Sardinia, and Malta to Sicily, the Mediterranean Islands to the mainland, and Scapa Flow to Narvik. These should never be used for land movement and any units forced to retreat onto them must be disbanded. Sea assaults should NOT be launched from these Sea Supply Roads to land, but only from adjacent sea hexes. The minor roads across the Kerch Straits, Athens-Euobea, the Danish Islands - Sweden, Sweden - Visby and Estonia - Saaremaa, Turkey - Rhodes, the Balearic Islands, and some other minor islands are playable: they represent narrow gaps where local shipping allows ‘land’ movement. Sicily is separated from mainland Italy by a super river: this can be bridged by Engineer units or some other units with engineering capability, as can the 'super river' between Spain and Gibraltar. The single hex rail link between Egypt and the Sudan is playable, although paratroops should not be dropped on it. The capture or loss of key supply sources will cause significant shifts in supply, or dump additional equipment in the Replacement Pool. (By disbanding units not on the map). Unless explicitly stated, recapturing the hex does not reverse the supply shift. This is a limitation of the game engine Details shown as: hex number (location) (Supply Points) which side penalised/benefits 128,20(Narvik) (5) Axis loss About 30 turns after the United Kingdom goes to war with Germany the Royal Navy will (automatically) cut iron ore shipments from Norway. This results in a supply loss to the Axis of 5. To reverse the supply loss, the Axis Player needs to capture Narvik (hex 128, 20). The event list supports Narvik shifting owners an unlimited number of times, with the consequent supply shifts. If Germany attacks Norway the effect is immediate, but will be reversed if the Germans capture the town.. 84,73 (Vienna) (3) Axis loss 147,113 (Grozny) No supply effect. Capturing the hex will add significant equipment to the Axis replacement pool, representing the effect of increased oil supplies. 134,106 (Maikop) No supply effect. Capturing the hex will add significant equipment to the Axis replacement pool, representing the effect of increased oil supplies. 12,68 (GIBRALTAR) (3+3) Multiple effects. Capturing will both increase Axis, and reduce Allied, supply. In addition, Axis Sea Transport capability will be increased to 6,000. The entry of the USA will reduce this extra transport capability, so make the most of it! 83,122 (Herakleion) (1) (Crete) (Axis gain) Improved security for Axis shipping 55,105 (MALTA) (3) (Axis gain) Improved security for Axis shipping 63,87 (Rome) (3) Axis loss The supply penalty for the Axis is in addition to the surrender of Italy. 101,92 (Rumanian Oil Refinery at Ploesti) (3) Axis loss 149,91 (Stalingrad) (4) Allied loss 140,67 (Moscow) (10) (Allied loss) Multiple effects. In addition to the supply loss, replacements will be reduced by a multiple of 0.8. Recapturing the hex will increase Allied supply by 7 and increase replacements by a multiple of 1.15. 148,26 (Murmansk) (4) Allied loss This was the main port for Western Allied aid to the USSR 96, 144 (Suez Canal) (4) Allied loss Ships from the Far East, India and Australia would have to go round the Cape. 62,44 (London) This will cause a 20% drop in Allied replacements for about eighteen months 62,39 (Birmingham)(5) Allied loss Loss of this hex leads to the surrender of the United Kingdom, after a 1-4 turn delay. Some guerillas, land and naval units will fight on (‘We shall never surrender’ - Churchill) 60,53 (Paris)(3) Allied loss This also leads to the surrender of France and the creation of Vichy. After a delay, this will also dump captured French equipment into the Axis Replacement Pool, and allow the formation of SS 'Charlemange'. 157,124 (Baku)(4+4)(Allied loss + Axis gain) Axis capture of this hex will also result in additional replacements being dumped into the replacement pool, extra reinforcements and cause Turkey to enter the war on the side of the Axis. Recapturing the hex will reverse the supply shifts (only!). Baku was the centre of the Soviet oil industry. We're assuming that the Turkish military would have decided to join the 'winning' side at this point, as they eventually did when the Russians neared Budapest. In addition, the following events will affect supply: US Lend-Lease destroyers (4) Allied gain Sea convoy routes better protected US enters war (4); Allied gain US convoys begin delivering supplies to the UK (5) - Allied gain about a year after US entry into the war Allies have successfully countered the U-boat Threat (5) - Allied gain about eighteen months after the US enters the war Should the Soviet Union be conquered, Allied supply will be increased by +25 to reflect more material becoming available to US/British/French forces (i.e. no more equipment or material need be shipped to the Soviet Union via the Murmansk Convoys or Persia) and a shift to an all-out war economy. Offensive Theater Options. Due to the limitations of the game engine, these bonuses apply across the entire Theatre. Generally, it makes sense to use them for their intended purpose, however we try to rationalise the overall effect as representing the pressure a major offensive would have on other fronts, i.e. Operation Overlord in the West will draw off supplies and reinforcements from the Eastern front, etc., even if no units are physically moved by the defending player. Overlord (D-day) - Allied supplies increased by 16. After 12 turns, Allied supply reduced by 10 resulting in a permanent bonus of 6 Shipping increased to 50,000 for 3 turns, then reduced to 25,000, resulting in a permanent bonus of 14,500 (from 10,500) Air Transport increased to 9,500 for 3 turns, then reduced to 5,000 Available about eighteen months after the US enters the war Operation Barbarossa Axis supply bonus 20 for about two months. Allied air shock penalty of 50% for about a month Allied land shock penalty of 80% for about two months. Available when Germany attacks the Soviet Union (not the other way round): the Red Army was wholly unprepared for the blitzkrieg: note that this option can be delayed until after the Axis invasion of the USSR. It is meant to simulate the shock of the German attack on the Russians - if the latter are occupying a line well back from the border, all or part of the effect would be lost with an automatic trigger, but the option will trigger automatically if not used within four turns of the German attack. Battle of Britain If this air battle is won (50% chance) the Axis receive a sealift of 8,500 between 6-9 turns after the beginning of the battle. This bonus lasts for two turns, after which it falls to 6,000 resulting in a net bonus of 2,000. Germany also receives bonus reinforcements. (Specialist air and sea assault troops.) The Option becomes available after the surrender of France, and disappears six months after the US enters the war. An Axis defeat leads to the permanent withdrawal of a bomber unit. Some Players have (rightly) pointed out that the chance of success should depend on the airpower ratio and tactics used: but there is no way to simulate this in the engine Case Yellow (Blitz France) Option Available as an Axis Theatre Option in Spring 1940, and gives the Axis three turns of 175% shock bonus. After those three turns the Axis suffer a shock penalty of 90% for two turns (representing the need for resupply and repairs). Shortly thereafter, assuming France has not yet been conquered, an option to resume the offensive appears. Choosing that option will give the Axis a shock bonus of 130% for ten turns. Both disappear with the surrender of France The French were wholly unprepared to face the blitzkrieg Not available if the Germans build the Siegfreid Line. Occupy the Low Countries (can, in fact probably should, be used in conjunction with Case Yellow) The Allies automatically suffer a two turn penalty of shock 70%, starting after the turn the Axis chooses the 'Occupy the Low Countries' Theater Option. Eight turns after the start of the attack on France (‘Case Yellow’), the French receive a number of high proficiency units representing the Allies attempting to reorganize their forces to counter the Blitzkrieg. These units are essentially empty shells, but they have a very high priority to receive replacements. 1-5 turns after the Axis penetrate to within two hexes of Paris; 'De Gaulle' organizes a French Armoured Division in the Free French colors. If France surrenders beforehand the Event is cancelled, however if De Gaulle arrives this division won't surrender, but will fight on as the nucleus of the Free French Army. (This is more to add flavour than being completely historical, but that is the way it happened in the Hollywood version where Bogart played De Gaulle, presumably with a huge false nose!) The Battle of France is therefore typically a two-stage affair. Given that Germany receives quite a few reinforcements that will be available for a 1940 (but not a 1939) attack, it is very chancey to attack before the winter of 1939-40 stops all combat. Should the Axis fail to knock out France in the first phase, it risks winter forcing a lengthy pause, giving the French time to reorganize and redeploy her army, resulting in a far stronger French defense in the spring of 1940. The 'low risk' approach is therefore the historical one, waiting until the spring of 1940 to attack France, using the Occupy the Low Countries & Case Yellow Options in combination. Even then, the Allied Player is not obliged to be as ill-deployed as his historical counterparts. Sea/Air lift changes (other than specified above) Axis Sea Transport starts at 4,000 Axis Sea Transport rises to 6,000 after a successful Battle of Britain Option (after a brief 8,500 bonus for two turns) Axis Sea Transport rises to 6,000 after the capture of Gibraltar Axis Sea Transport falls to 1,000 about one year after the US enters the war Axis Air Transport starts at 3,000 Axis Air Transport falls to 2,000 about six months after the US enters the war Axis Air Transport falls to 1,000 about a year after the US enters the war Allied Sea Transport starts at 5,000 Allied Sea Transport rises to 10,500 about six to nine months after the US enters the war Allied Sea Transport falls to 25,000 after the completion of 'Overlord' (which provides a brief 50,000) Allied Air Transport starts at 500 Allied Air Transport rises to 1,500 about a year after the US enters the war Allied Air transport rises to 6,000 towards the end of the war Allied Air Transport goes to 5,000 after the 'Overlord' Option (which provides a brief 9,500) Other Shock events Winter effects Cease-Fire Event stops all combat in the winter of 1939-40 (the 'Sitzkrieg') and restricts sea and air movement: this is a psychological as well as a weather dictated pause. Begins between turns 24-26 Ends between turns 35-37 There are similar, shorter 'cease-fires' in Spring and Autumn 1941-2-3-4, representing storms, floods, mud, etc. (During these periods ships and planes can only move along 'friendly' sea hexes: so as they approach it might be prudent to send your navies on voyages to create friendly corridors for movement during the cease-fires) Winter 40-41 Effect: Axis shock penalty 80% Begins between turns 75-79 Ends between turns 86-90 Winter 41-42 Effects: Axis shock penalty 80% Begins between turns 128-132 Ends between turns 135-138 Winter 42-43 Effects: Allied shock bonus 120% Begins between turns 178-181 Ends between turns 192-193 Initial Axis Blitzkrieg bonus - representing the high state of training and preparation, and the new tactical doctrines employed by the Germans in the early part of the war: Axis shock bonus 115% Begins turn 1 Ends turn 172 Axis air shock bonus 120% Begins turn 1 Ends about a year after the US enters the war Allied air shock bonus 115% commences about two years after the US enters the war, representing the deterioration of the Luftwaffe in the face of more and better Allied planes and the effects of Allied strategic warfare. The Allies in fact started to achieve air superiority in the West from mid-1943, but the Luftwaffe maintained the fight in the East for much longer: it is difficult to make this distinction in a game of this size, and players should remember that by mid-1943 Italy, which had a sizeable air force, had surrendered. Surrender The United Kingdom surrenders following the loss of Birmingham, and small,weak Pro-Axis forces will be deployed in the UK. About a year after the surrender, regular German coastal defenses and naval guns will be built in most of the ports. The Soviet Union surrenders with the loss of both Moscow and Stalingrad (even following their earlier occupation, not Axis physical control of both) Vichy collapses with an Allied capture of Lyons, but may surrender following the loss of Algiers (50%), or (will) if Hitler bribes Franco to enter the war by giving him the French colonies in North Africa. A Pro-Axis Poland surrenders with the loss of Brest-Litovsk In addition to an automatic surrender with the fall of Rome, there is 50% chance Italy will surrender with the Allied capture of Messina. Italian forces in Ethiopia will surrender with the Allied capture of Addis Ababa, except for the ‘Savoy Grenadier’ unit (representing the Italian national forces as opposed to colonial levies) that fought longest and hardest. Other countries surrender following the loss of their capital. In some cases there may be a short delay before surrender takes effect. Some minor nations or formations, like the Persians, the Belgian, Croat and Italian Fascist militias, the Waffen SS and Russian volunteers who’ve joined the Germans, never surrender: there was no going back home for such men, and many were executed or died in labour camps after the war. A few units may reconstitute and fight on even when their countries surrender: this is a limitation in the game engine - we suggest that these units be regarded as volunteers fleeing to friendly territory and reforming in exile, fascist die-hards, etc. They add a welcome element of uncertainty into the scenario. Entry of Neutrals Theatre Option based entries: The Axis has Theatre Options available from the start to declare war on Poland, Denmark/Norway; the Low Countries; France/UK; the Soviet Union; Yugoslavia, Turkey and Switzerland. An option to attack Portugal appears if Spain joins the Axis. Should Germany declare war on France/UK or the Low Countries, Poland will join the Allies. (Exception: if France has extended the Maginot line to the sea, Poland will only join the Allies if directly attacked by Germany) A German Option to attack Poland appears on turn 3 - so that the Axis Player knows whether the Maginot Line has been extended before making his choice. The Allies can also declare war on Italy without penalty once the US enters the war. Should Germany declare war on the Soviet Union without having attacked any neutral (other than Turkey) the Western Allies will not react (we're assuming that they couldn't care less), but will mobilise between 25 - 55 turns after the Germans attack. This is only likely if the French have chosen the ‘Extend Maginot Line’ Option - see below If Germany declares war on any country other than Turkey or the USSR, an Option appears for France /UK to declare war on Germany. Note that this only applies if Germany chooses a Theatre Option to declare war on a neutral: it does not apply should that country go to war with Germany, or mobilises without declaring war. Once Germany is at war with France, an Axis Option appears to bring Italy into the war. Doing so before Axis units are within two hexes of Paris will cause Yugoslavia and Greece to enter the war. However, although their troops may then redeploy, they are not actually Allied until the Axis declares war on them (separately). An Allied Theatre Option exists for the Soviet Union to declare war on Finland from the start of the scenario (the 'Winter War'). This was actually limited to a border war, but the Allied (Soviet) Player is free to attempt to conquer Finland outright, even prior to the outbreak of the Soviet-German war. An exclusion zone has been deliberately placed so as to make this difficult. If any Allied units advance to within 3 hexes of hex 123,46 prior to the Soviet Union going to war with Germany, Finland receives additional reinforcements representing Western and Scandinavian assistance (this was proposed in 1940, and the troops were actually being assembled before being diverted to Norway). Once Germany is at war with the Soviet Union this exclusion zone disappears, and any remaining Finnish ‘Allies’ should be disbanded except for the Swedes (French and Norwegians interned). Whether or not the Russians ‘win’ they’ll get three armoured corps some turns later, representing their learning some lessons about modern warfare, and immediate additional replacements (approximately 12,000 assorted infantry squads, 1,000 tanks, 500 Heavy Machine Gun Squads and 500 45mm Anti-Tank Guns). Once France/UK goes to war with Germany, Options for the Allies to declare war on Spain, Sweden, Belgium and the Netherlands become available. After the Fall of France a Theatre Option becomes available for Germany to activate Spain as a full ally at the expense of Vichy France (Franco demanded the French North African territories and tonnes of equipment and raw materials, but Hitler decided to stick with Petain). Doing so will mean the collapse of Vichy France, and significant French ‘Paul Reynaud’ forces, including French naval and air units, will rejoin the Allies. This Option may disappear (75% chance) one year after the US enters the war. Should France choose to extend the Maginot Line to the sea in the pre-war years, an Option becomes available for Germany to pressure Poland into joining a German attack on the Soviet Union. This Option disappears when Germany goes to war with France/UK, or - obviously - Poland. This also affects the Allied diplomatic position in Central Europe - see below. Other entries Vichy France This starts as an inactive Axis nation. Axis units may pass freely through it, but the separate formations (Syria, North Africa and mainland France) will only activate - individually - if Allied units move adjacent to them, or, in the Levant only, if the Allies move to within three hexes of Damascus. From then on they may be used as Axis units in every way. Finland (Axis) 60% following a German war with the Soviet Union Axis capture of Leningrad Sweden (Axis) 50% Axis capture of Leningrad (but not if Finland has surrendered beforehand) Rumania (Axis) France extends Maginot line to sea (the presumption being that such a move would signal its intention to adopt a purely defensive strategy, and completely undermine pre-war French diplomatic efforts to sponsor a 'Little Entente' in Central Europe). Soviet Union goes to war with Germany 25 % following the Fall of France 25% German attack on Yugoslavia 50% if the Red Army occupies Besserabia (Hex 110,87 - Chisinau) Hungary (Axis) France extends Maginot Line (as above) 1-3 turns after Soviet Union goes to war with Germany 75% if Germany attacksYugoslavia 25% following the Fall of France Bulgaria (Axis) 25% if Rumania enters 25% following the Fall of France 75% when Germany attacks Yugoslavia 80% if Greece joins the Allies This does mean that there is a very slender chance of Bulgaria remaining neutral Ireland (Eire) (Axis) Axis capture of London (Eire had fought a bitter guerilla war for independence with the UK immediately after WW I, and its constitution claimed the whole of Ireland as the national territory) Iraq - (Axis - Theatre Option to raise a nationalist revolt - this occured in 1941, but was speedily put down) A small British unit - ‘Habforce’ will appear in Habbaniyah Air Base, representing the base garrison and assorted logistic troops, RAF personnel, etc., and an Indian Expeditionary Force will be dispatched to Basra. Becomes available if the Axis capture El-Alamein Iran/Persia (Axis) Allied forces within 8 hexes of hex 150, 137 (road junction leading towards Tehran) A few weeks after an Iraqi Coup (this will trigger an Allied Indian Expeditionary Corps in Abadan) Turkey (Axis) Axis captures Baku - the Turkish military decides to join the winning side Turkey (Allies) Allied capture Budapest Belgium (Allies) 25% chance if France goes to war with Germany. (Exception: cancelled if the Maginot Line has been extended) Belgium (Axis) If attacked by the Allies Holland (Allied) If attacked by the Axis Holland (Axis) If attacked by the Allies Poland (Allies) Germany declares war on France/UK or the Low Countries (Exception: cancelled if the Maginot Line has been extended, when Poland may turn Axis) Greece (Allies) 50% if Axis chooses Theatre Option to invade Yugoslavia 50% after a 1-5 turn delay if Bulgaria joins the Axis Italy enters the war prior to the Axis being within two hexes of Paris The country is an active neutral, not Allied, until attacked by the Axis Yugoslavia (Allies) 75% if Germany and the Soviet Union go to war Italy enters the war prior to the Axis being within two hexes of Paris The country is an active neutral, not Allied, until attacked by the Axis Portugal (Allies) If Spain enters on the Axis side 50% once the United States enters the war Other Events If the Axis lose control of the key industrial basin of the Ruhr (named hex) its replacements will drop by 25% (permanently). In an effort to simulate the Allied strategic bombing campaign some German replacements are locked into major cities labelled 'German Industry'. These are gradually released into the Axis replacement pool throughout the game, but until then can suffer losses due to Allied bombing, meaning that less men and equipment will enter the game: they can be defended by Axis fighters and flak units. The Allies can also initiate a 'bridge blowing' campaign, which can similarly be regarded as an integral part of the strategic bombing campaign in that it will slow Axis redeployment and lessen supply. The 'Build Siegfried Line' Option deploys a series of strong fortifications along Germany's border with France and Belgium (effectively a German version of the Maginot Line). It is only available on turns one or two. Choosing this Option removes the 'Case Yellow' offensive option, which will greatly handicap any subsequent attack on France. The fall of Cairo triggers an Arab uprising, with some small Arab units joining the Axis in the Middle East. Between 30-49 turns after the Axis goes to war with the Soviet Union, partisans (Guerilla and Irregular Infantry units) will deploy behind the German lines in Russia (if the Germans have advanced far enough!). If the Axis goes to war with the Soviet Union prior to turn 25 a small number of pro-German (Nationalist) partisans will deploy in the Ukraine. 4-10 turns after Finland is attacked pro-Axis Finnish ‘guerrillas’ - light infantry reserves - will deploy. Pro-Allied partisans will deploy in Greece and Yugoslavia after they are conquered. Additional (Communist) partisans will deploy in Greece, Yugoslavia and Turkey some time after the Soviet Union enters the war. About eighteen months later the Allies switch their support from Milhailovic to Tito, and the Chetniks defect to the Axis. Pro-Allied partisans will appear in Spain should Spain enter the war. If the Axis goes to war with the Soviet Union before the Allies have occupied hex 112, 62 - two hexes south of Kovno, on the Lithuanian-Polish border - the Baltic States will join the Axis and deploy small infantry forces. When the Allies occupy the Baltic States (hex 112, 62 - as above), Besserabia (hex 110, 87 - Chisinau) or Warsaw, additional Soviet Border/NKVD Troops will be deployed. The Soviet-German War triggers a timed series of events that places additional equipment in the replacement pool, and deploys reinforcement for both sides. These are not shown on the Expected Reinforcements schedule: don't be surprised! The entry of the United States triggers a series of timed events deploying US reinforcements, supply, air and shipping enhancements, and Events (e.g. Operation Overlord'), again, these are not shown on the Expected Reinforcements Schedule. 4-13 turns after Yugoslavia surrenders pro-Axis Croat forces (Pavelic's 'Ustache' milita) will deploy, together with Waffen SS Croats and Muslims 10-19 turns after Spain surrenders to the Allies a pro-Allied Spanish Government will be formed in Madrid. This will deploy Allied controlled Spanish forces A few turns after the Allies conquer Rumania pro-Soviet Romanians will deploy, and similar pro-Soviet Bulgarians after the fall of Sofia. Assorted small anti-Soviet rebel units will appear as the Axis approach the Caucasus. Some time after the surrender of Italy, Mussolini will be rescued by Otto Skorzeny, and two weak corps of pro-Axis Italians will appear in the north, opposed by Italian Communist Guerillas. Players familiar with the TOAW Editor can use the Scenario Dump to examine the structure of the game in more detail. Conclusion Congratulations if you've managed to read this far. It is a very lengthy summary for this type of game, but you will find this scenario far more rewarding and challenging if you fully understand the implications of your moves and strategic options. A number of wargamers have played this extensively for over two years, but it is not impossible, given the complexity of the event engine, that some bugs may still lurk in the shadows. If you locate any, or if you have any comments on the game in general, do feel free to contact the Message Board at www.warfarehq.com. Similarly, we've tried to research it properly as history: again, if you spot any 'howlers' do let us know. Finally we must thank Trey Marshall, whose original design we've so massively reworked. Trey has designed several other excellent and detailed scenarios for the TOAW series. Ulver Nielsen & Mark Stevens - October 2000 (latest revision May 2004) See the Website (access via www.warfarehq.com) for a discussion board with many insightful comments and suggestions from players, and the designers' pitiful excuses. “You may not be interested in War: but War is interested in you.” Leon Trotsky [ July 07, 2004, 09:57 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
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