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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. I have to throw in my "Congratulation's" as well!, you are breaking New-Ground here n0kn0k , maybey Hubert can help out with that nagging B.C. vrs A.D. dilemma?.
  2. It's encouraging to see the the "Never Give Up!!!, Never Surrender!!!" spirit...alive and well!. May the 'Martian Chronicle's-WAR OF THE WORLDS' carry on relentlessly to it's final appearance!.
  3. Just because some of us are not constantly commenting, doesn't mean that we are not interested!. It's just that life's business/problem's get in the way sometime's and we are just not as ready-willing & able to be at all place's at once!. In time, yes i myself will even have more time than of late for these venture's!.
  4. Europe & Asia hold huge amounts of U.S. Dollars,...so if the U.S. Dollar did collapse,...you can count on it that only the U.S. wouldn't suffer,...many other nation's would likely even just suffer more!. We will be seeing sign's from this day onward's of a progression of event's leading up to the very likely collapse of the U.S. Dollar, but it will not happen all at once. The 1st MAJOR incident that i see happening is that in late 2007... around 1 1/2 Trillion Dollars of 'ARMS'[Adjustable Rate Mortgage's] will be coming due, and many/most of those holder's of that particular set of Mortgage's will fail to requalify for them!. That will mean around 4-Million homeowner's will lose their homes, right there and then. As of this moment, there is a 34% increase in available homes for sale as compared to the year before [Not withstanding that many homes have also been removed from the for-sale market until next spring, when these seller's will try to re-sell their home's again]. Once that ARM's situation take's place in the latter-half of 2007, then greater instability will be shown to be in the housing market[No way to hide it anymore], which will help fuel more panic in the Housing industry which according to estimates will ultimately involve at least 40-Million Home-Owner's. Not only that, but i believe that around 25% of American job's rely on the Good-Health of the Housing Industry!. Once the U.S. Dollar collapse's, then...according to Rumor, the 'North American Union' is to take place against everyone's wishes,...and the 'Amero' [New Replacement Currency] is to take place of the Mexican Peso, U.S. & Canadian Dollar. A 12-lane Super-Highway is as of now as i speak being planned to go into construction right away. This High-Way will run from Mexico through Texas...to Kansas City and finally to Canada. Ships from ASIA will then go-to Mexican Port's to unload their cargo at less than Union Rates of the West Coast...& Mexican Truck Driver's will be moving this Cargo/Good's throughout the North American Union. I sent some of this information to 'Lou Dobbs' and others from where i found it, and Lou has been bringing this subject up frequently,...so i can't JUST BE FULL OF IT!. I am in dread of what is about to take place!.
  5. I am in the same situation as the rest of you all!...I even have not bought another game either!. Hopefully, the MODS will not stop coming out, as they keep playing SC2 very interesting!.
  6. YES!...Britain is very-aggressive in the Middle-East!, I barely hung-on while it was taking place.
  7. I enjoy your game very much as well 'Thrawn!' , at least the player in your game has time to develop the game...and has a real chance to accomplish the tasks/objective's that were accomplished historically!. Im playing European Theatre 2, & overall...it's very good for me anyway!, however German Supplies seem a little overly restricted and the Russian's seem to be a little too numerous. Those are just 1942 mid-year observation's,...so i haven't yet had the chance to see this particular game to it's conclusion yet,...and so can't say for sure whether my Observation's to this point really have any merit!.
  8. Coming Up!...Soon!. **** OK!...[initial Impressions]...so far even though ive only played 2010-07-01 & 15 & 22 The Game seem's much more reasonable to play!. EG: Russian AirPower is not Unbelievably Overpowering. Russian Fleet action is also...not so quite one-sided as well!. Combat seem's to be working well [Fair & Even-Handed], nothing for me to complain about here. Supply is almost never what we would like, but for the North American Command, it is adequate enough to continue operations without cripiling the effort!. The only major complaint that i have so far, and it wouldn't be due to what you did, but turn 2010-07-22 took the better part of 40 Minutes to complete???. The game is interesting enough that i almost don't mind the extra time that it takes to complete the turn,...'however!' if Hubert Cater could give you some tip's that could cut down on that time consumption without 'Gutting' your game, it would be 'much' appreciated!. Right Now im still entralled with 'Thrawns' European Theatre', but that shouldn't last forever, so one day again, your game will be much more important on the game play list!. What i really want is a modern, present day game depicting the crises that we have in the Gulf & the Middle East!. That's what i would like most of all, perhap's other's are of the same mind???. I've suggested a title for this depiction in the past!. I thought of using "THE RED CRESENT!",...as the 'Cresent' is an Islamic Symbol that symbolizes their culture, it's even used on their Ambulance's instead of the Typical 'CROSS' that almost everyone else uses. 'RED' would stand for the Bloody Fighting in the region that would be a result of trying to create this new 'ISLAMIC EMPIRE!'. That's it for now until i play the game somemore, i'll be gone for a few days very soon, so it will have to wait a bit!. Hopefully some of the other's will care to put in their observations as well!. [ January 27, 2007, 12:52 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  9. Remember 'Leonadis & the Three Hundred Spartans' who at a highly defensible position held off the entire invading Persian Army for day's. 10's of thousands of Persian's attacked them and failed [including the Prized Elite Immortal's] until much later when a Goat Herder helped the Persians to Outflank the Spartan's [For his 30 pieces of Silver]. So!!!....Numbers alone are not always the deciding factor, Many factors including defence location/positioning as well as readiness of Defence are of paramount importance!.
  10. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16769024/ Gulf: "Burns says U.S. 'will protect its interests if Iran seeks to confront us'" The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS John C, Stennis steams out of the naval base at Kitsap Bremerton, Wa., on Tuesday on its way to the Gulf . Tugboats guide the USS John C. Stennis around as the ship leaves Naval Air Station North Island in Coronado, Calif. Saturday, Jan. 20, 2007. The USS Stennis and its carrier strike group left San Diego Bay on a deployment to the Persian Gulf. Sailors man the rails onboard the USS John C. Stennis as she sails away from Naval Station Kitsap, Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2007 at Naval Station Kitsap in Bremerton, Wash. The Stennis carrier strike group of eight ships and nine air squadrons will arrive in Mideast waters in a matter of weeks, after crossing the Pacific and Indian oceans.
  11. http://www.airamerica.com/node/3207 Submitted by Uffdaguy on January 19, 2007 - 11:29am. | login or register to post comments | email this comment I think we are going to have to face that possibility in the coming years, as China and the US look for more energy sources as they continue to grow. It won't be a clash of ideologies, it will simply be a scrap over resources. That's what led Japan into WWII, even though their top military minds like Yammamoto warned that they would lose if they attacked the US. A country that sees economic strangulation due to a lack of resources is like a wounded animal, and it will make irrational decisions. Why else do we continue to stir the pot in the Middle East? It has nothing to do with establishing democracies, saving people from brutal dictators, or preventing the acquisition of WMDs. It is all about securing oil for the economy. I am still waiting for Bush to start making a strong play for Venezuela. After all, they have a lot of oil, and they aren't halfway around the world. A logical person would try to secure that source as soon as possible.
  12. Im in favour of your idea SeaMonkey!. Having a truly unscripted OR partially scripted, unknown unknown's in a game like this would make it truely exhilerating!. I still like having the regular WW2 Historical Venue', but having an AHistorical Situation would be refreshing at the least!.
  13. Thats something that i knew nothing about JerseyJohn _Thank's for forwarding that information!. Is Lend Lease of WW1 U.S. naval resources also represented in SC2?[Perhap's???].
  14. Thrawn78!: I want to suggest adding in the American Torch Landings in North Africa...which are not taking place in your game,as well as the Sicily & Italian Alled efforts!. Of course, then the Afrika Korps & the Italian Army need to be properly represented as well.
  15. YES Jon_j_rambo ,...it will start off as in 'The Days of Noah',... then when they are crying 'Peace and Security', continued> 'Then the End Will Come'. I can't even make myself see/understand how there will ever be cries of 'Peace and Security?????'. How could that ever happen?. Our 'ENTIRE' history has been contrary to that!.
  16. Yes!... arado234 , as this situation could escalate into an all-out Nuclear Exchange. I really hope that the leaders in this world are not that crazy!. If Israel goes it alone, perhap's the scenario or result that i just mentioned might not happen, but if the U.S. get's involved,...that i think might be another story!. If you believe in the Bible at all, it mention's that the 'Earth was made for man, and that it will not be destroyed, but remain forever!'. However it does not mean that limited nuclear exchanges will not happen. Another verse explains that God will bring to ruin those ruining the Earth [Nuclear Weapons use would also apply i would think...as in "Ruining The Earth".] I am as well, very fearful of this combustible situation,...and i hope that it will not happen!. [ January 20, 2007, 12:26 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  17. The Saudies & Jordanian's are also threatening to get involved in Iraq if the Shi'ites start slaughtering their Sunni breatheren there. So Mahmoud Amadinejad's hopeful take-over/Control of Iraq might not now be quite as easy as he was hoping it was going to be!. China i think displayed their Satellite Killing Ability in a timely fashion...to make the U.S. think twice about venturing forth against their Buddy Mahmoud Amadinejad!. The Chinese Government Owned State Oil Companies have just recently invested $20-Billion Dollars in Iran in order to aquire Oil Supplies!. If Iran was to have contol over Iraq, then China would stand to benefit greatly from this new additional source of Oil, which would now 'Not' be controlled by the U.S. . A last important note!, the Russian's are reported to have 6 Submarines in the Persian Gulf!. Recently the Russian's also made a Major-Delivery of Defensive-Missiles to Iran as well as a shipment of Missiles that have the Range or capability of reaching Tel-Aviv!. [ January 20, 2007, 11:02 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  18. I bet 'NOT' also arada234 , there is still an 'Age-Old-Effort' or 'Power-Struggle' to 'Control The World!'. Big Boy's with Big Toy's just cannot stop being tempted in the SandBox of the world to achieve the Ultimate Victory![Total World Control].
  19. U.S. National Debt [Mostly INTEREST on Borrowing] $8,600,000,000,000.00 U.S. Trade Deficit $70,000,000,000,000.00 Consumer & Corporate Debt $40,000,000,000,000.00 China & Foreign Nations invest in U.S. Government Bonds, Etc to the tune of around $3,500,000,000.00 Per-Day until the U.S. Economy starts to weaken too much [it's happening NOW!], then they will invest less in the U.S. Dollar and invest more in Oil, Commodities, The Euro and such...to diversify their investments and keep their losses to a minimum if and when the U.S. Dollar Crashes. http://www.usagold.com/amk/usagoldmarketupdate11507.html George Bush's speech on Wednesday night revealed a president who was not only prepared to ignore the advice of the Baker Commission (which essentially advised a withdrawal from Iraq), but also one who was determined to escalate the war with a troop increase, and perhaps push it beyond Iraq's borders. "We will interrupt the flow of support from Iran and Syria," said the president. "And we will seek out and destroy the networks providing advanced weaponry and training to our enemies in Iraq." On Tuesday, U.S. forces launched an attack against Islamic militants in Somalia. On Thursday, U.S. forces raided an Iranian consulate in Iraq and took five Iranians prisoner. These actions indicated that the president's speech merely announced an escalation in the Middle East which had already begun, and that the United States was willing to extend the war zone beyond Iraq's borders to Somalia and possibly Iran and Syria where Islamic militants have established havens. Once the reality sunk in, gold reacted. Adding to the nervous mind-set in the markets, a story published in last weekend's London Times warned that Israel had drawn up secret plans for a combined air and ground attack on nuclear targets in Iran. Concerns about an Israeli attack on Iran gained momentum this past weekend when the Financial Times published an article under the headline "Spectre of nuclear neighbor leaves Israel braced for action." The article explained that 2007 would be a decisive year for "halting Tehran's perceived nuclear ambition." Iran, Israel believes, will have the bomb by year-end. Tel Aviv, this article suggests, will be forced to act in 2007 if the United States doesn't. Israeli tactics, according to the Times' report, could include the use of nuclear bunker busters that penetrate underground. (They say the radiation therefore will be contained.) Most disturbing, the Financial Times article quotes a Princeton Islamic scholar, Bernard Lewis, as saying that Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad, who has threatened to annihilate Israel, "actually wanted to provoke nuclear conflict as a means of hastening the arrival of the Mahdi, the Muslim Messiah," and that "[H]e and his immediate circle really believe that the Apocalyptic age is now." [ January 17, 2007, 09:15 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  20. Stalin's Organist!... Thank's for the correction, you are right, the Argentinian's used 'Exocets' NOT 'Silkworm' Missiles!. I was drinking an 'Old English Porter' at the time of that writing, so i forgot about the Exocet.
  21. I just found out recently that Iran has a Army or can quickly muster an Army of 1,000,000 soldiers. They also have a huge allotment of 'SilkWorm' missiles, such as the one that destroyed the British Warship in the Falklands war. And as well as a huge stockpile of regular Missiles that can strike Israel. I do not know what else they have, but i would assume that the Russian's & Chinese have been providing them with a wide variety of updated weapon's for all occassion's!. The Attack on Iran im sure will not be a ground assualt...like Iraq was, instead it will be an Air-Attack with Low Yield Nuclear Bunker Buster bombs to destroy Iran's Nuclear Facilities,...which i think are mostly exclusivly UNDERGROUND!.
  22. There is a great likely-hood of an attack on Iran by SpringTime!. It's also likely that if it does indeed take place, that it could make WW1 look like 'a Walk in the Park!'. At this moment a 3rd Carrier group is steaming toward's the Hormuz Straits!, Patriot Missile Batteries are/have been allocated to friendly neighboring nation's, and 21,500 more troop's are going to Iraq, even though common sense tells you that these additional troop's will not be able to make any real difference in BagDad!. So what are they really for?, maybey to help control a Shiite rampage when Iran is attacked? [since Iran is mostly Shiite]. Anyway, this situation, if it does happen could escalate into WW3, im not being far-fetched!. So finally, if someone is interested in doing a 'Current-MOD!', perhap's this is your cup of tea?. Added Jan-17_2007 [ January 17, 2007, 08:44 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  23. The CMODS Link tends to be temporarily disfunctional from time to time!. Keep rechecking, it will clear up eventually!. http://www.cmmods.com/web/CMMods.nsf?OpenDatabase&login
  24. Leedsunited40 ...i don't fully understand what you are displaying here, because i don't have access to that information off-hand [im Ignorant About It], however it look's like your barking up the right tree!. A refreshing change for once!, it not just a number's game!.
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