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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. Steve has said that if the Battlefront guys were in this soley for the money they'd be doing something else besides Wargames. Maybe I'm naive but I believe them.
  2. Darknight Cannuck says the Wasp became available in Oct '44. Kanonier Reichman says soon after D-Day. Who will win this difference of opinion? I like Darknight's list of vehicles that can still be added by the way. Maybe not quite as sexy as this Pack has but still good stuff.
  3. Will you tell us when you've made a decision?
  4. When I think of Crabs of Doom I am usually thinking of something else.
  5. I can't speak for BFC, but I'll speculate that "crab" vehicles and their mine clearing function is an entirely new feature that probably took a bit of work. I think the trailer to the Churchill Croc is a first too unless one counts towed anti-tank guns. It's possible buyers are incuring some early user costs with this pack and when similar vehicles are introduced in other games the cost will be less. I'm jazzed to see the Flak Panzer 38 which I've been lobbying for for years. My only disappointment is that some additional soft vehicles would have been fun.
  6. I think making upgrades for the older games is a great long term strategy. It tells buyers their purchases will be supported down the road. Also I think releasing new games/modules too close together can cannibalize sales. I think in general the folks who post here are the most ardent fans and tend to buy everything. I don't think that's true for the customer base as a whole.
  7. That's interesting Buzz. I know it's just speculation at this point, but what would such a move allow that can't be done now?
  8. I don't think there will ever be a North Africa module for Fortress Italy. I think North Africa will be an entirely new family if they ever do it. It will probably have to wait until the Bulge and Kursk families are well underway so we're talking years from now in my estimation.
  9. I don't have 3.0 yet and I was curious if they might come in especially handy in the bocage?
  10. Would anyone besides me like to see the Dodge WC51 "Beep" 3/4 ton 4x4 light truck? It's like a Jeep, just a bit bigger, hence "Beep". It performed the same roles as a Jeep.
  11. Ah yes good one. I'm thinking it hasn't made it into the game yet is because it would be expected for it to perform one of its historical roles of towing the big anti-tank guns. Including the Sdkfz-7 would highlight the fact they can't be moved yet in the game, and maybe they don't want to do that.
  12. MikeyD aren't they to be called Battlepacks, not Mission Packs? Mission Packs implies campaigns to me which they may not contain.
  13. Umlauts answer is spot on and will have to do as I really don't want any one on the Battlefront staff spending time answering this question. Opps too late Mike already did. Well I hope it was on his free time.
  14. I wouldn't mind it though if troops didn't shoot at empty enemy light vehicles.
  15. Nashorn Jinx? I don't remember that one.
  16. Womble, that's pretty much my view too, but I wanted to throw it out there for discussion as we haven't had much official news of late to talk about.
  17. Just for discussions sake, would any one be in favor of a remote chance of a vehicle becoming immobile due to breakdown? The percent chance would be varied by a ballpark figure of the vehicles reputation for reliability (Shermans lower, Panthers higher chance). I say ballpark as there are probably no firm statistics.
  18. I must confess I haven't actually played with the Nashorns, but my experience with Marders is that they can survive longer than they did in CMX1 and I carried that experience over to the Nashorns as a generalization of self propelled AT guns.
  19. I think the big maps and lack of Borg spotting we have now shows the usefulness of self propelled AT guns like the Nashorn and Marders much better than the CMX1 engine did.
  20. Is the Nashorn/Hornisse thing like the Ferndinand/Elefant thing: two names for the same thing?
  21. It's a good thing you found this BEFORE the patch was released.
  22. Just did some poking around online. It looks as if all Soviet Airborne divisions had been converted to Guards Rifle divisions by our timeframe.
  23. I'm thinking there's a lot more people who'd like to see Black Sea released earlier than would like to see tank riders for CM:BN.
  24. I don't know if this is the official word or not so you can take this quote for what it is.
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