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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. Has any one seen this series and can give a short review? Thanks
  2. It may be too late for your wish. However even if it isn't too late, the criteria Battlefront uses for inclusion of a vehicle is is it used by front line units? Counter insurgency doesn't count. I don't know if your particular vehicle meets that criteria or not. Nice photos though.
  3. I feel the one to one soldier representation gives the same size unit in CMSF the perception of being bigger than the three man squad abstract in the CMx1 games.
  4. News! Being released Oct 31st. A new CMSF module, Combat Mission Shock Force:The Zombie Wars. Syria unleashes an army of undead against the NATO invaders. Read here how this started World War Z. http://www.amazon.com/World-War-Z-History-Zombie/dp/B001TIELWA/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1256569938&sr=1-7
  5. Okay, time to lock this one up before it gets out of hand. Oh damn, I can't do that!
  6. As I recall the way it went was like this: The American officer told his North Vietnamese counterpart "you never defeated us on the battlefield". The Vietnamese took a moment and replied "that may be true, but it is also irrelevent".
  7. Sherman did okay. (Sorry, that was trolling )
  8. Now I believe the Iraq War with it's non-existant weapons of mass destruction was a war based on little evidence, but few nations have gone to war with better cause than the US in Afghanistan. I thank those nations that have contributed in assisting us there. Are you sure you don't have your wars mixed up there?
  9. Don't worry Scipio. Since the original poster has not returned it is likely he has been struck by direct sunlight and turned to stone. I'm not sure what the Kosovo reference has to do with CMSF at all since that was an air campaign only by everyone.
  10. So who will the campaign be centered around? Some one suggested the Germans but to include Canadian and Dutch units in it at times.
  11. I seem to recall Steve saying they want to include both an Allied and German campaign in the Normandy game. If they don't, I'm sure there would soon be a fan made one. And since we're talking about campaigns again let me bump my earlier question:
  12. Reviving this thread, as it touches on my question somewhat. The CMSF campaigns were, of course, entirely fictional. This allowed the campaign designers to do what ever they wanted to design the most interesting campaign they could. Will the WWII game's campaigns try to be historical -which would, of course, stray from the historical results after the first battle, or will free reign be given again to the campaign designers to create a campaign that MAY have occured in the historical timeframe?
  13. What Battlefront may need to inspire them is an inside source. I believe they had current and recent US Army and Marine, German, Canadian and Dutch servicemembers helping them with TO&Es.
  14. I'm back from Wikepidialand. According to them, the only other user of the Leclerc MBT is the United Arab Emirates. Also according to them the Belgians are still using the Leopard I, is that right??
  15. While that may have been a common sentiment when much of the US was still gung ho about the Iraqi war 6 years ago, I think currently most of the US doesn't really feel strongly about the French one way or another, or at least doesn't dislike them any more than the British or Germans do, though that might not be saying much. Our current dislike is directed towards Iran, North Korea (and temporarily Libya I suppose). Even the Taliban seem to have receded in despicability in our short memory, though Al Quida still ranks high. Anyway yes it's a long shot but the French Army would hold my interest in CMSF I or II. If we had French kit along with what we're getting from other modules there must be someone else that could be added isn't there? The Belgians for instance?
  16. All I'm saying is it hasn't been ruled out completly. There was once a vague reference to a possible fourth module. I imagine it would only happen if sales for the NATO module are strong, and the module team, which is led by Webwing aka Cassio, has to wait for the first team to finish the Normandy game. Steve did mention that much of the work on the models for the Commonwealth Normandy module has been done. So it's possible Webwing's team might be waiting long enough to do another CMSF module if coding for Normandy game takes longer than expected.
  17. Oh, nothing definite has been said about it other than a vague reference to a fourth module once. But if sales for the NATO module are strong, and Webwing's team is waiting on the first team to complete Normandy, you never know, it could happen!
  18. I doubt if they've even begun work on CMSF II, so no decisions would have been made on who will be included. My advice: every one buy the CMSF NATO module when it comes out. If sales are really good (as they were for the Brits I understand) we may see the French in CMSF I.
  19. Those of us who like desert camo "because it's clean" had Gordon as a champion previously. Now that Gordons's retired from Modding perhaps we can count on MikeyD as our new hope. What do you say Mike?
  20. Those screenshots are nice but WHERE IS THE WIESEL?
  21. NO! If you show it, you have to include it! No more Tum Snatch disappearing vehicles.
  22. So they're going to officially call it the NATO module then. Before they said that was only an interim name.
  23. Mike, let me explain my random thought process. I was thinking way ahead till when they do the Kursk/1943 game, which would be the second one in the Ostfront series. I was joking about it yesterday, but it really does make sense for Battlefront to work their way backward on the Western front as well ,and since the Western front will have at least a year's head start we're likely to see US Lees in a Westfront 1943 game first. Anyway it's quite premature. I imagine we'll get to the 1941 game around 2015.
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