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Everything posted by Panzerfest

  1. I thought I was pretty bad.. Just picked up a BlackBerry.. it gets worse!
  2. Well this site would be a good place to start.. if you dare! http://encyclopediadramatica.com/LOL_WUT
  3. Micheal and John, I am referring to the pivoting style of schurzen bolted to the fenders with rounded/chamfered bottoms (sometimes tops as well) , the superstructure plates are seen commonly with this setup, although I seem to remember there being a obscure factory setup that incorporates these.. From my reading the 'Pivot' style was done by field workshops to a rough pattern and are first seen around Jan 45 with some sources saying 'late 44' all pics I've seen are from '45'. Be sure to check out.. Seelow Heights color footage! Osprey New Vanguard 37 pg 37 PanzerWrecks #6 66/67 I'll keep on digging and see if I can find more info.
  4. I believe that particular style of schurzen was only seen in the final stages of the war (Jan '45 onwards) and isn't relevant to the Normandy time frame. That said I would love to see them in the late-war module/game!
  5. We actually HAVE the moon; its movement and phases as well as a star map are simulated in CMSF!
  6. I'd love to see it show 'Conditions'- civ. density, time, wind, ect..
  7. Is that true about the PBEM files? If it is I picked the wrong time to start my first CMSF PBEM...
  8. I'm also up for a few PBEM games after getting back into wego mode, I'll play any side any scenario (as long as I have a fighting chance!) red/red blue/blues fine, have Marines v1.11. Any idea how big the attachments get? I just set up a Gmail account with 20mb limit, is that enough? Fire me a email or setup to wharton.i.r <at> gmail.com, I can probably maintain 3 games concurrently with good turn around so bring them on! thx
  9. Playing Debouche to Disaster (I think) I was staging a heavily reinforced platoon of Marines in the wadi leading to town, letting them rest up for the next push, when two T-72 boldly charged towards my position. One was taken out by an overwatch jav team while the other one charged blindly towards the apparent cover of the wadi, as soon as it crested the edge of said wadi it was met by a fusillade of AT4, LAW, 40mm and SMAW fire as the whole platoon, and supporting HQs, SMAW teams and scouts unleashed at almost at the same time! Unfortunately the T72s momentum carried it down the side of the steep incline, picking up speed as my guys continued to put a stream of AT weaponry into the ERA tiles as the tank rolled over and thru the 3 squads, 40mm was still being pumped into the ERA as it stopped in the midst of my HQ and support elements, where it finally let off the mother of all secondary explosions... Out of the 60+ men only ~15 made it thru the maelstrom. Needless to say my attack faltered after that.. Moral of the story dont bunch your teams up no matter how safe your position appears!
  10. My only real gripe with the bogging model both in CMx1 + 2 is when a is when a unit bogs on a road or track, there really should be some 'bonus' for using a road. If bogging on a road supposed to model a thrown track ot blown tire(s), from my reading there should be at least a chance of even a broken track being fixed even under fire in the timescale of a CM battle. Hell a blown tire or two shouldn't even stop most vehicles, in an emergency, at least till they get out of LOF and can change it (in 5-10mins tops on a road or dirt track). Im not sure how its setup right now but bogging should be linked closely to the experience of the crew (driver). Having operated both wheeled and tracked heavy equipment and as a avid 4x4er knowing your rides capabilities and limits is what keeps you rolling!
  11. How about having Area Fire commands target wider areas, like all floors of a building or group of buildings or all surrounding action spots to the targeted one. This would simulate uncertainty about the location of the target?
  12. I always think of Star Wars Sandcrawlers when I see AAVs! http://www.battlefront.com/community/attachment.php?attachmentid=217&stc=1&d=1232401072
  13. I agree that area fire works fine the way it is, I just find myself wanting to have another way to target a larger area for suppressive fire, so I dont feel so guilty with my plastering '?'s with accurate fire, if I had the ability to fire over a wider area to simulate a unit- a) firing at a landmark where enemy units are known to be but not accurately identified pouring fire at a area that friendly units are firing upon c) softening up a area with heavy direct fire. I'd use them in alot of situations where I COULD pinpoint the exact action spot where the enemy is. I was thinking it might be implemented for CMSF without UI changes by... alt/shift + fire = area fire alt/shift + fire lite = linear fire Im not getting my hopes up, but I think it would really add to the game. Maybe we'll see something like it in Normandy?
  14. I havn't seen it discussed but I was just thinking that having the ability to order a unit to area fire randomly into a number of action spots (similar to arty area or line fire) would be useful for suppressing treelines and clusters of buildings. I find myself cherry picking '?' with accurate area fire and would like to have a tool that would allow a wider area to be targeted, simulating a radio message saying 'ATGM in that treeline!' and the unit that hasn't spotted it blazing away with AC or MG fire until the offending tango is spotted. Additionally maybe area fire should be by default multiple action spots as right now the fire seems much too accurate for area suppressive fire...
  15. A modern Isreali module would be very interesting but I think they should do it right and make a CM Isreal vs Arab '68-'82 GAME with modules covering each separate conflict. How cool would that be!
  16. I have the same problem, it seems to happen within a minute at mission time 0512/0513 right when the sun starts to rise I get a CTD I have a save that crashes within afew minutes every time. I havn't really tried messing with setting yet.. Vista 64 Intel 2x3.4 Ghz (oc'ed) Diamond Viper RADEON HD3870 x2 w/ Marines
  17. Same here after I got the campaign fix, I beat the second mission with zero casualties even though I aggressively pushed my squads across those fields, after hammering a few (?) contacts with arty and airstrikes the map ended with one red MG team in a trench and something like 10-15 killed or wounded??!! I verified that Im playing the updated campaign but I could have beaten that mission with the scout/snipers alone.
  18. I had the same problem the first time I started the campaign, luckily the fixed campaign file was out so I had an excuse to restart. I believe I have a saved game I'll check later.
  19. i imagine your referring to the SdKfz 251/17 with 'Schwebelafette' turret. http://photos.kitmaker.net/data/15858/Title.jpg I would love to see the 251/21 'Drilling' modelled, I loved them in CMBB even though the model was just a placeholder!
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