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Everything posted by dangerousdave

  1. I'm with those who believe it has to be WWII, western front. Either Normandy or Bulge. From a marketing standpoint, this is the best way to launch this thing. We also need a setting that allows for big bad tanks. The eastern front would allow for the latter, but the market interest is not as high. Either that, or Starship Troopers.
  2. The most important thing to do with CMX2 is to create another game that I will want to play over and over for a long time. Given past performance, I have no doubt but that BF will do that. I trust you guys to figure out great ways to dazzle your audience. My suggested improvements center around making it less likely that we players will feel like something fundamental is happening that just shouldn't. Such as... Ability to give more types of orders to prevent units from behaving extremely irrationally and to improve responses under fire. The traffic jam is the worst feature. No real tank driver would just run into the tank in front of him because he is blindly following orders to move to the next waypoint... I want units under fire to behave like men who want to live. When a platoon of tanks is ordered to advance across a RR track, e.g., and the first two brew up because of the hidden 88, then the rest of the platoon should stop and think thrice (at least) before proceeding up over the tracks (let along running into the back of the burning hulks!). Of course, I want to be able to order the whole platoon to charge no matter what happens as well. Perhaps a greater variety of move orders. I want to be able to order my tank destroyers to retreat back into cover after shooting ... automatically, not just when the numerically superior enemy returns fire at my thin skinned Marder. TacOps has an order like this (retreat after firing). I want to be able to see the terrain without having to adjust my camera several different ways. Perhaps a feature that allows one to toggle contour lines on and off. I also want to be able to figure out what a given unit can see without having to drag blue LOS line around the map ... perhaps like in East Front, etc, where the areas that are visible can be toggled with light, vs darkness for areas which are not visible. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us. Keep up the great work!
  3. Isn't it high time for: Greneda, 1983. The Gipper's War. ???
  4. I'd like to put in for getting those as well, please. Email in profile as well. Cheers! DD
  5. Hey GaJ, don't you owe me a turn? I agree with WN and others who snatch fun from the jaws of defeat. That's the time to experiment and have fun with the game. My turn rate is pretty high already, but when I'm losing I think I get faster. I would never consider quitting, and want to get on to the next game so I can win! I've only had a couple of opponents up and quit, I assumed they just died or something, so no big deal. What I hate is the slow down thing. Real life happens to everyone at times. But the obvious slow down when things are not going well is annoying. Hell, just surrender if its that bad. Good ways to avoid these problems: As GaJ pointed out, join a club. Keep a list of regular opponents. I have a handful of guys I play regularly. Friends develop and they don't screw each other over. Play in tournaments. While slow down is not unusual in these, people usually don't quit except for good reason. Then you get a sub. Plus, the time limits help with the slowdown factor. You can find more tournaments at the clubs, like the blitz or band of brothers.
  6. You mean those armored piercing rocks we're lobbing at you? Oh damn, I hope that wasn't a spoiler. Resent file 020
  7. Hey GreenAsJade, if your frustration is about our battle, its your move. let me know if you need me to resend that file
  8. First file sent: Loaded for Bear. Others will go out tonight or tomorrow. Great maps in these games!
  9. Spanish Bombs, I emailed back. Count me in! Who do I shoot at first?
  10. Kingfish, thanks. But there have to be two more guys out there who want to step up and play. Come on, guys, step up!
  11. Drat! I was on vacation last week, had a great time in Hawaii, but it looks like I missed the cut on the finals? Please put me down as an alternate, or pair me up with some other late comer. Sending email too.
  12. Ace Pilot, um ... if we haven't followed exactly that format, do you want us to resend? I have all that info (except group number) in the AAR, but not all at the beginning. I thought it would be more suspenseful to put the score at the end. The file naming convention has been followed to a T however.
  13. Final AARs finally sent. Whew! Now, if Platehead will just forget to do his I might have a shot of making the cut ... Actually, it is only fitting that Platehead edged me out in the scores for the group since that is what he did in our head to head game, the evil St. Eddies. Way to go Platehead! My ranking of scenarios: 1. Highlanders. Loved the force mix, the map, the situation. I love attacking with mechanized forces and lots of tanks and was fortunate to have the Axis in this one. 2. Moltke. I thought I'd hate it. I was defending in a city with just a bridge to watch. But it was great fun. I too failed to notice the reinforcements on the far side, but only for a few turns. 3. Wet Triangle. Again, lots of tanks, say no more. 4. Maleme. I won, so I can't put it last. I enjoyed setting up the defensive fields of fire and actually seeing them work. Plus there was that great bombing run that foiled his attempt to take a flag in the rear with one of those toy tanks. 5. St Eds. The one I love to hate. I may never get over this one. Thanks to all the organizers and volunteers, and to all my fellows in Group 11. Honorable mention to GSX for taking over some tough games in progress. Looking forward to playing in the next round, even if it isn't for the trophy, though I think I would have Walpurgis Night's number this time....
  14. All five done, just wrapped up Moltke. Thanks to Group 11 for a very exciting round. Better get on those AARs now.
  15. GSX - I emailed you back. I have been having problems receiving text files for some reason, especially from you. I think my ISP (MSN) is being quicker to screen them out perhaps.... not sure. With others that I have had this problem, zipping the file has cured it. However, I am going to switch my gaming email to gmail to hopefully do away with this problem. Thanks
  16. Hey, does anyone know if CMX2 is going to have a PBEM feature? ::ducking::
  17. Fewer words of truth are rarely spoken! </font>
  18. I installed the latest version of PBEM Helper and am unable to send email through it. Everything else works. I tried emailing fuerte at the email provided in the program, but it bounced back from the server. I get this error when I try to mail the files: Error 32051: Property is read only when not using compose buffer. Set MsgIndex =-1 (MAPIMessages) Does anyone know what this means, what I need to do, can it be fixed, etc? Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks.
  19. I too am underway with GSX. Glad you jumped into the fray!
  20. Group 11: Has anyone made contact with GSX (PittPanther sub)? I sent him an email and game file, but have received no response at all.
  21. Platehead, er, yes, of course I knew that! It's that damn battle! I tried to wash it from my memory, but can't seem to manage. Nevermind!
  22. Platehead, I last sent you a move for Moltke on the 20th, haven't heard back. Sending again today. I'm done with Wet Triangle and St Ed's and well over half way on Highlanders and Maleme.
  23. Ha! It could be the AWOL feature. Problem solved however. They were two halves of a split squad, done that way at setup in the scenario. I had no idea I was moving them together.
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