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Kilroy Lurking

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Everything posted by Kilroy Lurking

  1. Rich, thanks for the pointer! The trouble with (or great advantage) with Battlefront games is that one spend as much time modding, trying out different combos/tactics etc and keeping up to date on the forums as actually playing the games. Not to mention reading up on all those areas that the resident Grogs are so intimate with. Now it seems I have to delve into the depths of this computer (PC!) and learn the mysteries of the Editors and do some tweaking! David
  2. Brit Hi! Really enjoying this game - first impressions and some feed back. I am playing the 1940 rule set with, 1 opponent (AI), Maps 1800 x 1200, small continents and between 20-50% land - and the RMG always gives me and the AI two starting cities on extremely small island usually without any land resources.... These cities are always valued at 10. It would seem that Capital Cities should be rated amongst the highest... Adding to the win conditions to include Capturing the enemy capital or some other "strategic" position would IMHO be worthwhile. A small nit-pick!: Artillery is too useful. In what I consider is a rather a gamey tactic, capturing all "Neutral" cities on a land mass is possible with only one artillery unit. It also moves to fast - I think that in the 1940 era artillery was towed (slowly, often by horse). Tank columns were often outrunning supporting artillery. Movement on par with infantry would be more realistic. In this particular 1940 game introducing a dedicated AA unit and deleting the AA capability of artillery might also improve unit balance. (With AA Cruisers, maybe). David
  3. Umm.. I stand ....corrected! I think that when i tried it out on my Mac mini it was with XP running under emulation and before Parallels upped the graphics support. Well over a year ago and the memory cells are diminishing. Glad to hear it runs - might even influence my next computer purchase. David
  4. Back to the Thread... Are Trains or rolling stock going to be in the game (not necessarily moving!)? Also Ponds. lakes, rivers..watery stuff (Sorry if I missed a post on this) David
  5. YD - I doubt if any new Mac with the on board graphics GF9400M would play CM:SF. I keep an old (My son's cast off) PC a Pentium "D" I think with a GF9600 card, which I use only for Tank bashing and Dragon squashing. An Intel Mac mini I use for day to day stuff. Macs in this neck of the woods run to 2 or 3 times the US$ (while local PCs are roughly equivalent, so I pretty well have given up the Mac platform for "Real" games. David
  6. Yes, I also played the Demo under parallels 4, but on my mini's new hard disc it seems a waste to instal a full Windows OS which I basically will not use for any thing else.
  7. Many thanks to whoever rewired the e-mail system to make it compatible with my ISP so I could receive the new passwords and place an order - I now have EoS up and running. No chance of a Mac version ? David
  8. I Really Want to Buy This Game But... I am unable to activate my account - New password sent by battlefront Robot but not received (many times). The system will not let me open a new account with my current email address(?). I opened a "Ticket" in the help page (XAX-247584) on 8th Feb but as yet no reply. I have also checked my junk mail folder and "Whitelisted" <sales@battlefront.com> on my server. Are there any more options short of my asking my wife to open an account and order it for me? David
  9. ....I'll go back to playing games and let you do the marketing.... David
  10. I am not sure I see the logic in this - If I could pre-order and decline the option to have a hard copy posted (and save the shipping charge) it would be a win win situation for both of us ? Yes? David
  11. The bug is still there in the latest build. I played one game and it happend three times. (I never thought to just press Alt - but I am a Mac man so what do I know about these things!) David
  12. Quote: "Is this bug in the latest version? I ask because I thought this bug was fixed in one of the updates, and I wasn't sure if you were running an old version." It was with the ..8806 and previous versions. I haven't tried the latest update though it is installed now. Umm... I am getting a bit bored with the "Island Map", I don't suppose you could make available an alternative? In the interest of playtesting of course... David
  13. A small bug.. At the end of the "progress bar run" the game occassionally freezes - this happens if the window which gives the "city build options" is needed to open automatically at the start of the new turn. This window does not appear and the game freezes...but pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del to bring up the Task Manager Window causes the city build options window to appear and the game continues normally (The TM Window is closed without other action). David Chaos breeds new ideas whereas as Order simply perpetuates old ones.
  14. Ability to build AA units is needed. In the few games I have played bombers rule. David Chaos breeds new ideas whereas as Order simply perpetuates old ones.
  15. Umm.... There must be a polite way to answer this question? David Chaos breeds new ideas whereas as Order simply perpetuates old ones.
  16. Units and groups are very picky about orders. To unload/load a unit from a group the group has to be disbanded or the unit exited from the group first. Frustratingly transports that appear to be in aport are not always in and will not accept loads untill they have been given new orders to enter the port. Also transport on the way to, and with orders to pick up units from a port appear in the list of units in the port if that port is checked. This is confusing when many units are in play. Ideally both the transport and its targeted pick ups should in some way be highlighted (Greyed out?) Slightly off topic: When groups attack without being given a disembark commmand do they get disadvantaged? When groups attack are there any advantages/disadvantahes to mixing units, say tanks and infantry? or infantry and arty? Is the arty sucked in and looses its stand off status? When several groups attack one target in the same turn are they considered independant or do they get some sort of bonus? It would also be nice to have some command to be able to click on a unit and have all units of a similar kind be highlighted on the map. Also this game is far to addictive - I am seriously considering laying off until the full game comes out. David Chaos breeds new ideas whereas as Order simply perpetuates old ones.
  17. Umm... I am playing this demo on aMac (mini) using Paralles with the Windows bit insulated from the nasty Internet. Any chance of stand alone dowloadable patches? (Even better would be a Mac version) This is looking like an addictive game, but the Battles need to be more interesting/informative, say a popup window with the participents getting visually reduced. David ...Chaos breeds new ideas whereas as Order simply perpetuates old ones.
  18. ......Reduced to connecting direct to the internet. Trying to install license for the Marines produced an error window saying; "Unable to get or install a license! Retrieval of license failed with error code =401. trans-order-id is missing" This seems odd as I bought the CMSF/Marines Bundle.....and the Brits/CMSF updated to 1.2 seem OK? David
  19. Hi! Purchased and downloaded and installed the BF Module - installed the "Off-line" e-license but CMSF started up with out the Marines Module installed. I originally bought the CMSF/Marines combined. Is this because the Marines is not patched automatically to 1.20? David
  20. Try playing in "WEGO" then you get to see any action in any place any amount of times. You even get to make reasoned commands to any or all of your units. David
  21. Yea, we are all a bunch of lazy s*ds. What is needed is a "PoP up" thingy in the Battle results screen with a ratings "checkable score card" linked to the email address of the scenario designer with a "Send button". We live in a computerised century... David Chaos breeds new ideas whereas as Order simply perpetuates old ones
  22. He He! ....and i seem to get only "Transport" with maybe some Armour thrown in. Check out the "Post 1.11 bugs here" thread for my Post and replies. David Chaos breeds new ideas whereas as Order simply perpetuates old ones...
  23. ....And if I choose "Light Infantry" I could possibly only get Humvees of the Catering Corps.... David
  24. Is there a way to Map the Spacebar to the "Middle" (third) mouse button so a "click" brings up the Command options menu? David
  25. Not sure whether this is a bug or a quirk of Quick battles but selecting (Marines) Medium Map, Armour I am getting 12 "AAV-7A1" all of which are passengerless - I can get 4 Abrams as well at the default -10% but none at -30%. My gut feeling (though not being a Grog regarding current deployment policy) is that these vehicles are carriers and while'st being armoured are not strictly tanks and should be catogorised as Mechanised Infantry (ideally full of same!} I have avoided QBs in CMSF up until now but decided to give them another go... Otherwise 1.11 seems really good - have replayed some scenarios where some of the bugs (now fixed) irritated me (such as the TOW vehicles sitting in the open while reloading) David
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