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Everything posted by John1966

  1. Definitely not as he did eventually use the bazooka. Its just that he spent two minutes firing his rifle first. Neither he nor the Stugs moved in this time. Funnily enough he waited until the loader bought it before using the zook. "Damn, my loader's had it. Loader? Hang on a minute, why have I got a loader with me? Oh, of course. Silly me. Where did I put that tube thingie? Ah, here it is. Wondered why my gear seemed so heavy..."
  2. Got a bazooka team in a perfect position to the side/rear of a couple of Stugs. Just under 30m range, seven rounds available. Both Stugs are buttoned. So what does tube guy do? He spends two full minutes firing on them with his rifle until he remembers what that long thing strapped to his back is for. KOs one and imobilizes the other so shouldn't complain too much (although by then his loader was dead and eventually so was he). Tried covered arc and targetting. So what's all that about then? Surely a crack (because he was) tube guy in a perfect firing position is going to know what to do. And no, he wasn't in or even near a building.
  3. I realise we're talking about panzerfausts here but rather than start a new thread... Got a bazooka team in a perfect position to the side/rear of a couple of Stugs. Just under 30m range, seven rounds available. Both Stugs are buttoned. So what does tube guy do? He spends two full minutes firing on them with his rifle until he remembers what that long thing strapped to his back is for. KOs one and imobilizes the other so shouldn't complain too much (although by then his loader was dead and eventually so was he). Tried covered arc and targetting. So what's all that about then? Surely a crack (because he was) tube guy in a perfect firing position is going to know what to do. And no, he wasn't in or even near a building.
  4. Well quite. This is making me think that one dare'nt risk having tanks, mortars or, in fact anything that can chuck HE, in a covering fire position. Some posters have said this is realistic which, I suppose, is a way of looking at it, if only in terms of results. But on the other, it seems that, basically, our pixeltruppen are not acknowledging the existence of their fellow (friendly) pixeltruppen. That's not realistic. In short, "Hey! There's a bad guy. I'll blow him up even though he's stood two foot from my NCO" is not realistic, even if the result gives the illusion of realism.
  5. So my boys paste the trench from the comfort of the hedgerow. Things look quiet so I send a scout team forward. Then two previously surpressed Jerries pop up. My scouts engage in CC (as far as they can without CC actually being modelled) and kill one of the Germans. They're about (no doubt) to dispatch the other when the light mortar that is still sat in the hedgerow spots the surviving German and starts lobbing mortar shell of its own accord, right on top of my scout team who suffer an immediate casualty as a result. Is that right? No-one else opened up. Just the one unit that could cause friendly casualties. I realise I had no covered arc but was it really necessary? Surely a mortar team should know not to fire on their own side (unless specfically ordered to do so - which they weren't). And like I say, about a dozen guys with various firearms decided not to.
  6. But wasn't the problem the ability of a tank to spot when it was buttoned? If the TC is exposed then I'd expect good spotting ability... And while I think about it, with all these realistic ballistics and WYSIWYG whatnot, how do you "nerf" the game quite like that anyway?
  7. Yep. I'm playing tabletop wargames just like it was 35 years ago. And I very much mean that as a compliment (to the game and the pic).
  8. Could be a perfect desciption of School of Hard Knocks.
  9. Thanks for the response. So why aren't they marked as objectives? I stayed clear of such potential strongholds just in case they held ATGs etc. I knew there might be a counter-attack so I protected my flanks accordingly but I didn't go off chasing after real estate that my orders hadn't asked me to take. I just went after the objectives as marked.
  10. I suspect they were worried about losing the only pair on binoculars...
  11. Didn't happen to see an "East Flank Road" or a "Chateau" while you were there?
  12. Last mission is tough if you find yourself understrength, but not impossible. SPOLIER There's more Shermans out there than you'd expect and the armour clash will ultimately decide the battle. What puzzles me is that I apparently failed to secure two objectives that I can't see on the map... (East Flank Road and The Chateau: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=103115)
  13. Typo. Should be Panzers Marsch. (My S wasn't working, it would seem)
  14. BUMP! C'mon, where's that road and and chateau?
  15. Major victory so shouldn't complain. But... SPOLIER Apparently I didn't take the East Flank Road and The Chateau. What East Flank Road? What bloody chateau? Looked at the map; couldn't see them. Secret objectives? How very Zen...
  16. That wasn't in CMAK. Perhaps I should download it now...
  17. What I always loved about that song was the way she just wanted to show the world that Canadians didn't understand irony either...
  18. *sigh* I was being ironic. (You've installed the irony mod, I assume. ) British irony at that. (Our parents all told us to talk proper because we had better educations than them. See British films of the 1960s. But I digress. Quite a lot, in fact) But are they in or what? (That was irony again, BTW)
  19. Won't be downloading this for a week or two; but just checking. Somebody tell me me English accents are in, right? You lot might be excited by Churchills etc; I just want my artillery delivered by someone speaking proper.
  20. I liked the CMx1 command delays. (To a point. Obviously. Giving a T34 several waypoints to follow a road that produced a 73 minute delay was not the biggest selling point of command delays. But I like CMx1-style command delays in theory, at least)
  21. No idea what the real world situation would be but in CMBN, they'd have no chance. Mind you, they like to start wasting the ammo at longish range so they must have high expectations.
  22. They're doing Jethro Tull lyrics now. I hope BFC grasp the gravity of the situation and release the damn thing soon for all our sakes.
  23. Does the coding take into account that an experienced crew is only experienced at being a crew? I can see that the pistol is a good weapon at very short range (self-protection), but how good are a crew going to be with them? Furthermore, if they are (for arguments sake) an elite crew, then they can only be considered elite while they're being a crew. ie Sitting in their tank. If they're running around being shot at in nothing but the shirt they wear then I'd have thought they'd be pretty green at that kind of action. So maybe the solution is for them to have two different morale qualities (if that's the right phrase). One for in the tank and one for when they're not in it. In other words, an elite crew changes to green when it dismounts. (But goes back to elite if it remounts)
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