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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by John1966

  1. Sure this must have been answered before but I can't find in any of my searches. So apologies if this is an old one - I haven't done CM in a while. Two bazooka teams; both take casualties. So I now have one team of one man and a bazooka, and another team of one loader with four rockets but no bazooka. Can I somehow get these two to work together? They can't form into a single team (as far as I'm aware) but can one load for the other? Thanks in advance (sure it's an oldie).
  2. But you can't recombine between battles during a campaign either (as far as I am aware). Which is quite annoying.
  3. Yep, my favourite SL "gamette" (as I believe they were called) too. Bring on the Norwegians.
  4. Is that right? Well that means I didn't really get to the bottom of that C2 oddity I was experiencing a few months ago...
  5. Wouldn't it be nice if there was something in tht UI to indicate the radio isn't working?
  6. Must say that I'm rather fed up with the Western Front 44-45. Playing the Brits makes a change but I'd rather do the Eastern Front or even the Med. The desert itself can be a bit dull but I'd still like to see it in CMx2. That's after 35 years or so of wargaming both cardboard and pixelly. Models and figures even. I've never had a proper PTO wargaming experience though. Never got hold of the ASL PTO modules back in the days of having the time on my hands to actually play them. I think Uncommon Valour is the only real go I've had at PTO.
  7. I know BFC have said they won't go back to Africa but I do find it a bit puzzling. I never played CMSF but I assume they got the desert environment nailed, so wouldn't a WWII Africa module be an easy win? Or is it that they can face modelling all those Italian vehicles?
  8. I practice bass riffs while its loading. The music is annoying. I can't even find a riff that fits it...
  9. You've seen the beta-version of Combat Mission: Farmville, then?
  10. If you need a proper answer, go to people who paint minatures: http://theminiaturespage.com/boards/msg.mv?id=229184 Roy Dunlap also seems to agree that the British thought they were too hazardous and usually removed them. Not all, though, according to the above thread.
  11. BFC have confirmed that this'll be in the "Combat Mission: Farmville" app. Can't wait. Facebook will be in meltdown.
  12. I'm simply going to get nothing done. "Darling, I'm just popping to the toilet. I'll see you in about an hour and a half..."
  13. Well if they can bring out something I can play on my phone I'll buy it.
  14. How come I never got no 57mm ATGs? Didn't command anything bigger than a zook for the whole campaign...
  15. Totally agree. +1 to that. Etc, etc. Infantry will automatically spot an enemy AFV within 30m. Easy to implement. Not perfect by any means but would stop some of the many, many invisible tank situations we've all seen. My best example was being able to sneak up on an ATG because they were looking the other way. They didn't spot my Sherman until it was about 5-10m away. They could SMELL it at that range.
  16. Oh I think the donkey thing is worthy of a whole module itself. It appears to need some sort of apparatus to actually hold the donkey upright which you'd have thought made the donkey redundant. But then I suppose it could lift the whole thing and then settle back down once in range. I assume Hans here just didn't want to carry the panzerfaust. "Hans the Laziest Soldier of the Wehrmacht and his Donkey Gretel"
  17. I had this happen to me and it wasn't a QB. Panther up against the bocage and two Shermans come out in front of it. One stops to engage and the other goes flat out around the bocage and takes my Panther out with a side shot. As was playing WEGO and it all happened within a turn so I couldn't intervene.
  18. Gamey, then. They were promised shell holes but didn't get them so it would be inaccurate for me to use the prep arty to create some. Mind you, any made in the water (assuming the engine makes shell holes under the water) wouldn't be quite the hazard they might be to infantry as pixeltruppen don't appear to need to breath (unlike their RL equivalents).
  19. If I chuck my opening barrage onto the beach to make some craters, am I being gamey? On one hand, I believe that was part of the intention IRL. On the other, I don't think the designer intended it. Trivial, I know. But one does think about these things.
  20. Those APDS rounds were supposed to get them all the way to Berlin.
  21. Sadly I didn't. It was a campaign and I just ploughed on into the next one (and I never save during a game unless I'm planning on retiring for the night). I suspect you're right about a bug but it didn't occur to me at the time as he did actually use the zook in the end...
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