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Everything posted by John1966

  1. No but perhaps I'd just never noticed before. Raised a ticket and they tell me the store is the only bit that is secure.
  2. So is it actually secure then? Not noticed the message before and Battlefront do have details from purchases.
  3. Getting a message coming in the address bar tonight saying website not secure. Tells me not to enter details as they could get stolen. This is on the main Battlefront site too. Is there a problem?
  4. So far my only problem is that it's been really hard.
  5. I had a really close look to see how it happened. When we got the Tiger there were Churchills on three sides and it fired a few shots backwards towards the general direction of where the PAK40 was placed (although I was unaware of it at the time). I'm guessing one of AP shells overshot. A lot of damage on a infantry target for an AP shell though. And for the life of me I couldn't work out the position the Tiger had been at and the location of the target it was aiming at. Must have been a wild miss.
  6. Can we have a movement order that's a bit faster than Move but a bit slower than Quick? You know, when there is some urgency but they've got a lot of ground to cover.
  7. I've just discovered it! I love it. Why did know when tell me about it? (I've been away) It feels like CMx3 with it on. Probably.
  8. ... or at least I thought it was. Reviewing the post-battle map and among one of the enemy Tiger's kills was a 75mm PAK40. Which was strange as I'm pretty sure I didn't have any ATGs, let alone German ones as I was the British. Examining the map closer I found a knocked PAK40 along with casualtied crew that I was unaware of and hadn't been anywhere near. Does the AI often friendly fire itself? I also noticed they're FO was alarming close to where he'd been dropping his arty.
  9. And when I finally got the last Tiger the crew bailed out surrendered. Which was probably for the best.
  10. There's always that one guy left. Just had one being blasted by two tanks and two infantry sections but he carried on blasting away with his MP40 (they always have an MP40) for several minutes, causing casualties, until he eventually died. I remember many years ago that there was a lone survivor with an MP40 in the corner of a field on my left flank. Could have ignored him but I knew he'd be a pain. Sent a full section to deal with him. As they ran down the road in single file up against the bocage, he popped and gave a single burst. All ten of them simultaneously showed the red cross of doom. Should have taken a screen print as I always wondered whether it was even ballistically possible.
  11. Oh, it's not a problem. Just annoying. My crews are usually a bit panicky when they bail. This one wanted to win the war singlehandedly.
  12. And another thing. In the same scenario we got a Tiger and one of the crew who bailed out shot one of my platoon leaders with his pistol (before being taken down in a hail of .303). That's really annoying.
  13. Sniper fails to spot Tiger. Tiger spots sniper.
  14. This. Playing the Brits isn't about taking the objective. It's about taking the rubble that used to be the objective.
  15. I take it all back. Just took out a Tiger by unloading an unfeasibly large amount of 25 pounder on it. As we all know, it was worth the unfeasibly large expenditure of ammo.
  16. It occurs to me that in the scenario that prompted me to post this, I would have definitely got a better result if I'd said, "Sod this. They can keep those two objectives. I'll settle for the farm and a nice cup of tea when we're done."
  17. You know what? When I got to that field the ATG was still manned and functioning! Bloody 25 pounders...
  18. In the current scenario I'm playing, one of the objectives was a château. I hope they didn't want it in tact because it's already rubble.
  19. There used to be one in front of the artillery battery in Bristol but I think it was removed in the early-'80s.
  20. And they turn up with a lot of it and generous supplies of ammunition. I've just got back into CM so I download the Commonwealth mod for the first time. Haven't played the Brits since CMx1. As they seem to be a bit under firepowered in the infantry department, flinging arty about is the way. It'd be rude not to use it all up. So most of the time they're making tea waiting for the arty to demolish the objective. Last two scenarios had explosions going off for the whole game. And yes, I really did turn a field into a moonscape because someone spotted an ATG. Think we got him though.
  21. Actually it was "His Majesty's finest goofy gear" back then.
  22. Her Majesty's finest goofy gear, thank you very much.
  23. "Possible anti-tank gun spotted." "Four 25 pounders until we're out of ammo. I can wait."
  24. Scratch that question. Just remembered they have yellow bases.
  25. I always wondered how to differentiate. Is their colour for the walking wounded? The ones who are yellow in the display but can still fight?
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