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Everything posted by Sanok

  1. You can also tell by the reactions of the men getting shot. A wounded man will cry out that he's hit, or hit in a certain body part, or yell for a medic. With a kill, you'll hear a death scream.
  2. The bridge that needs to be controlled is basically in the center of the map. The Op type, I believe, says Destroy.
  3. I recently began playing a pbem operation, my first ever, a CMBO op based on Market Garden. I'm the Axis and my objective is to control the bridge across the wide river. Currently, I control my side of the river and my opponent controls his side. With no flags, what's the point in trying to cross the bridge, which is long and exposed? Why should I bother? Crossing is sure to cost me some troops, and with no flag on the map, what's the incentive to do that? Other than casualties, how does the game program determine a winner?
  4. You can also move Allied units by highlighting all the units and hitting P, without clicking on a specific unit.
  5. There's a scenario for CMAK called Eder Dam that has an excellent map. It's very challenging for the attackers trying to take the dam.
  6. Are all the scenarios from the original SD on the new one? Just curious.
  7. I can sympathize. Lately, I've been getting whomped in tank battles. It doesn't matter which CM game I'm playing or which side I have, I lose the armor battle. If I'm the Russians, they couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, even if they were inside the barn. If they do hit, it's a ricochet. If I'm the Germans, their vaunted optics suddenly stop working. In a recent game, I lost six T-34s against a King Tiger that seemed to have a laser targeting system. It was killing them from 1200 meters with one shot. Of course, my tanks couldn't hit the KT worth anything. CM is great, but it can make you pull out your hair.
  8. I agree. Also, once an ATG is spotted, it's basically dead.
  9. I don't see anything wrong with the way he wrote this. It's all true. My peeve: An overwhelming attacking force slices through an inferior defending force, while facing a time limit. Boring to play as the defender. These types of scenarios are all too common.
  10. You don't need to buy the special edition. You can mod your graphics, and most of the scenarios are online.
  11. I was afraid I'd need to do that. lol
  12. I need the BMP numbers for things like woods, tall pines, brush, etc. I can look at them in the game BMP folder, but it's hard to find them all, and it's difficult to tell some of them apart.
  13. Is there a list for terrain base BMPs? I've been searching, but haven't found anything.
  14. What would be different if you sent a half-squad?
  15. I knew pbem was still up in the air, but since the game had been officially announced and more coding had been done, I wondered if there had been an official answer.
  16. Forgive me if BFC answered this, but I haven't been able to read every post in every thread. Will there be pbem in the CM2 games?
  17. I completely agree. This is what I was going to say, but you said it first.
  18. It could be the best game anyone ever creates, but if I don't care about the setting, it means nothing to me.
  19. Yes, this has been discussed numerous times, but so what? If you're tired of it, don't respond.
  20. How about *ANY* spotter in AK or BB? The rounds fall so spread out, they're all pretty worthless.
  21. I do this all the time and the HQs seem to spot the same as they would without the arc. Of course, I've never specifically tested it in the editor.
  22. In my airstrike horror story, I was playing a CMBO scenario via email. It was one of the first turns of the game, when I hear a plane coming. It dropped its bombs on some vehicles I had traveling on a road. I lost three trucks, the three 105mm guns they were towing, a 150mm rocket spotter, and a company HQ.
  23. In a recent pbem game in a CMBO scenario, I had a plane show up four turns later than it was supposed to arrive. It then proceeded to drop its bombs on two men fleeing from an enemy tank a bazooka killed. About a hundred meters to its right, was a nice 88mm ATG and a concrete bunker the pilot decided to ignore.
  24. In a recent QB, I had a Daimler AC take a hit from a German 20mm HT. The AC suffered one crew casuality. It was shocked for about ten seconds, then ended the action phase by firing two shots while the crew was panicked. I have all three CM games and have been a CMer for about three years. In that time, I've never seen any unit fire while panicked. I have a screenshot saved in My Pictures on my computer, but I don't know how to post it here.
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