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Everything posted by Curry

  1. dial up - Rambo remember what Nancy Reagan says, "Just say No!"
  2. Dragon, thanks for the information.
  3. Just went over 1500 matches played. Any new players looking for an email game please take a look at the sticky thread at the top.
  4. Dragon, question - Did the PL ever get its English language site up? Just curious. Thanks,
  5. SC 1 had to be the best value when I consider how many hours of game time I had and how much I spent. BEST Vaule award!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. My Hat's off to Rambo for even playing Terif the Terrible. Terif is out of anyone's playing ability. I thought Rambo played a well played game and would have beaten almost anyone else in this game. On his buying too much air I think not. Against Terif you need that IF, yes IF, you can get some help with Tech. IF Rambo did get some help with Russian air tech it could have change the outcome of the game. I've stopped playing until SC II, but its nice to see some of the old hands still active.
  7. Top notch of Hubert and Moon. Well done.
  8. Kuni, you missed one of Jim's best quotes, on the Zapp Leno thread of his check list: """3) Les is grumpy ol' Canadian...Check""" Will miss him.
  9. JIM BOGGS posted the following in this thread, Time for the ol' checklist: 1) Thread is SC related....Check 2) Thread is humorous....Check 3) Les is grumpy ol' Canadian...Check Seems to pass the requirements there Zapp""" Hehehe, I had a great laugh at the time on that one. Will sure miss Jim.
  10. JIM BOGGS posted the following in this thread, Time for the ol' checklist: 1) Thread is SC related....Check 2) Thread is humorous....Check 3) Les is grumpy ol' Canadian...Check Seems to pass the requirements there Zapp""" Hehehe, I had a great laugh at the time on that one. Will sure miss Jim.
  11. Hey to all players. Just a quick update on the regular forum. Things have slowed down as we are all waiting for SCII but some are still playing. In fact we are approaching our 1,500 match. I will have a new mailing list out. Any new players out there and looking for a game via email check out the stick thread above and email the list to find a game.
  12. Things have slowed down but some are still playing and we are approaching our 1500 match. I will update the mailing list soon. Best to all.
  13. one more thing, he was far too young!
  14. Sad news JJ. A loss to our community here at Battlefront forum. Sympathy to his family. May he rest in peace.
  15. Curry


    we dont have challenges, just check out the sticky thread at the top, then email either the long list of all players, or the short list of the more active players to find a game.
  16. Curry


    take a look at the sc pbem league email me and we can have a game
  17. "lost" was not the right word because I did say I think they will come back. So if they come back they are not lost. Frustrated is a better word. But if the game is as I anticipate then it will be worth the wait.
  18. what did Kuni say? THE ANSWER IS - WHO KNOWS. I think they have lost a lot of people by the long wait, but they and we are expecting that it will be SO GOOD they will gain them back and many more when it does come out. But "who knows" when that will be.
  19. Hey guys, My game was only +1 setting. But I also used American forces in the USSR and then USSR forces in the mid east for awhile. I think it would be harder and more realistic to limit it. Bill does seem to be getting the expert at this. I was very challeneged at +1, never even tried +2.
  20. Curry


    I wish to post this here because many will not check out the sticky above for the SC PBEM league as often they do this. In the above sticky for the SC PBEM league I have listed the most active players. It is listed for the first time by their league name and their email address. For new players, this is a list of players that are currently the most active playing SC via email. For all players, this list for the first time will give you the players league name and also that players email address. So if you wish to write just one player seeking a game from him you now can find his email address to do so. Have fun and hope this helps.
  21. Well, the SC League is still going strong as we all wait for SCII. We now have over 1300 matches played according to the league site. To help new and vetern players find a game here is a new email list. VERY ACTIVE PLAYER LIST FOR SC PBEM LEAGUE These are the most active players currently. The list corresponds to the SC PBEM League site. So for instance when you go to the site and see a league name you may come here and find his email address and send him an email asking for a game. IF you are new this is a good list of players to send an email to asking for a game. Terif maludwig55@web.de FriendlyFire friendlyfire@fastmail.fm Runnug elgenstrom@hotmail.com Curry Currycook@hotmail.com Earl ofwhite22 pmbedard@attbi.com Steiner fukuokadave@hotmail.com AlenanderOK gmclauch@bigpond.net.au Bill101 bill.run@ntlworld.com RovingGreek (need his email) Panzer39 transam00@cox.net Rrweeks rrweeks@comcast.net Terppana tsalmeli@paju.oulu.fi Yeremenko yeremenko@free.fr Celticwarrior jdotchon@hotmail.com Nanope durape@yahoo.es Dak21PanzerDiv jesus.soria@mi.madritel.es Winti winti10@freemail.hu Kossuth robert.buki@telia.com CJ chrisjowalsh@yahoo.com Ludi dougmclean@comcast.net Azetcase jamescherib@msn.com Archibald archibald@blueyonder.co.uk Dutchstrom skolle@cybercomm.nl 131tmp rrharris@erols.com BigDog dhorkoff@hotmail.com DavidDaily d.p.dailey@worldnet.att.net 1stanhope stanhope1@sbcglobal.net [ February 09, 2005, 06:08 AM: Message edited by: Curry ]
  22. The game has changed so much from when these posts were written. Look at the dates. But it is an interesting read for fun. If you are new believe Sombra.
  23. Wonder if it will lead to a return to tank warfare. Sounds fun.
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