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Posts posted by Curry

  1. Sorry if this is the wrong place for this, but I thought in this forum with all of you brilliant players we could find some help.

    I'm trying to help a new player play a game via email. However he has been having troubles getting the game to work on his computer. I'm a computer challenged person and so I was wondering if someone here could help us.

    He says, "Hi - sorry to be a pain but I've downloaded it but nothing's showing in my PBEM directory when I load the game - what am I doing wrong? still can't get your file to appear when I load SC - I've downloaded it and saved it to PBEM but can't get it to work. Sorry this is very frustrating"

    Any help? THANKS

  2. Nero's cat and TO ALL OTHER NEW PLAYERS.

    1. Join the league (link above)

    2. Send out an email to the list saying you are new and would like to play a game with someone that knows that or another new player.

    3. There are several players in the leauge who will be glad to help you out, get you started with a game and give you tips in playing along the way.

    4. Dont be afraid to start. We all lost many games at SC when we made the transfer from playing AI to humans. But if you stick with it you will find it a most enjoyable and somewhat addicting game.

  3. Friendly,

    No problem. It's been a good fight and you are still fighting well in the USSR. I thought you had me stopped for awhile. I was just wondering if more players felt like it was unsportman because I never felt it was.

    I agree with you that it is unrealistic but I have also learned from playing numerous players to keep something to defend the USA or Canada. I have learned the hard way as I left Canada or the USA unguarded and have a player take it or take several US cities with corps and do so much earlier than mid 1943. It forces the allies to have a garrison.

    I can see that a house rule that the Axis cannot land in Canada or USA until the UK and/or the USSR falls may be a good thing. The reason being is that would help the Allies so they wouldnt have to garrison those nations and have a bit more to fight with against the stronger axis.

    Not a bad idea although I have never played with such a house rule.

  4. Question for all those willing to respond.

    Is it poor sportsmanship to attack the USA as axis before the UK falls?

    Here is the setting. It's a good game with me and another player. I wont tell you which side I am, but its been a good game and has been closely battled all along. It's July 1943. Axis controls everything but Turkey and is slowing making progress against the USSR. The Axis line has Lenigrad, is close to Moscow, in front of Kharkov and finally starting to make some progress on the Karkov/souther front. Sevastapol, the D-river line is still held by the Russians. The Russians started with a good bonus of MPP's and have been very hard to push back.

    In the west the Axis has complete control of the Atlantic with subs and a strong Level 3 Italian navy. Germany also has 3 to 4 Carriers which are either near Lenigrad or they move out to the North sea to attack the UK. The western Allies has US armies and Air in the UK. The UK air was strong but a recent air battle between the axis western air fleet and the UK air reduced both western air fleets.

    The Axis sent three corps to the USA coast to endanger a very weakly defended USA. Forcing the Allied player to respond by sending air and army forces quickly back to the US.

    The allied player thinks this is "poor sportsmanship" to attack/invade the US before the UK falls.

    What do you think? Is it?

    Remember its July 1943 and the Axis has control of the Atlantic

    [ December 09, 2003, 10:44 AM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  5. Superboot #4

    Dragonheart (former Zappleagueplayer) aka Königstiger (Panzerliga) ag Königstiger aka Dragonheart......no bid, no rules, battle for honor....

    two generations clash.....

    Game is suspended after 5 turns as Dragonheart accused Königstiger as cheater using MPP creator module......enabled him to buy 10 axis carrier within 5 rounds....

    But the odd thing for Königstiger is...how could Dragonheart find out that he has bought 10 carriers???

    The simple answer is Dragonheart was using his FOG-Sniffer tool.....

    Well both parties agreed that it is a draw.

    As founder of this noble thread I must give the award to the best AAR to Dragon for this classic replay of Dragon verses Dragon, or was it Konigstiger verses konisgstiger?

    A classic Dragon!

  6. Kunni - hope you still check here,

    Dont know how to contact you with the other site down. I'm looking forward to getting the "Kunni-Lesson" in Fall Blau. Email me and we can try to set up the game.

    I can play a lot of moves via email if you wish to go that way.


  7. Kurt,

    Is this tcip or pbem or a combination? Just to be clear.

    May join up but suspect that since I have never played that campaign I will get my *&*( kicked. It has taken me a year just to get the 1939 campaign down to an intermediate level. LOL

  8. Selling to the French so the box highlights British Spitfires. This is selling in France right?

    Here is my idea

    Highlight on the box that classic picture of the the Nazi's marching past the Arcdetriumphe on the Champselyse would be better.

    (sorry for any spelling errors)


    Hey just a joke all.. :Dgrey_res4.jpg

    [ December 03, 2003, 09:44 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

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