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Posts posted by Curry

  1. Iron, question? One thing I have never been sure on. When a unit has one level or bar of experince it counts as one. Correct. But lets say it has 1.5 or one and a half level of experience. Does it get credit for 1.5 or does it have to wait until it gets to the second level for the next increase of benefit?

  2. I learned from Terif to at least build one rocket early on after the fall of France. I then get it lots of experience pounding the London port. It has the early air cover from France. Then I ship it east to help against some Soviet troops. Its easy to get that Rocket up to full experience when invading the USSR.

    The question I have is do I spend the research tech to increase it and build more?

    Another place where a rocket is nice and to build up experience is in Sicily to hit Malta with.

    [ November 05, 2003, 10:26 AM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  3. Jersey, Kuni and Dragon - Three honorable Klingon SC Warriors.

    Jersey: - "all this talk about cheating makes me want to vomit up some blood wine"

    Kuni: - "Any honorable warrior would never cheat, We would rather die with honor! ESPECIALLY in SC!

    Dragon: - "UMMMPPHHH! in German that's UMMPHHH!"

    Jersey: - "Let's drink some more Blood wine and I'll Sacrifice my armor in a drive for Russia. Damn the Siberia Transfer!"

    Kuni: - "Jersey, stop talking and pass the blood wine!"

    Dragon: - "UMMPPHH!!!!"


    [ November 03, 2003, 06:30 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  4. I know you are a good player - I am also in favor of keeping the Polish situation like it is. The allies need everything they can get. In fact I wish Poland was harder to take than it is. If it was you wouldnt have the axis so strong. But just my view and I certainly am not that good of a player. smile.gif

    By the way who are you playing??

  5. Shaka,

    Excellent post. I sure agree that the USA had the ability and resources for a much greater force but for many reasons, diplomatic and political, it wasnt ready to commit to what it could do.

    However, I also truly agree that would all have changed if the UK fell to the Nazi's. The US political will would surely have all changed. Your idea of doubling the US MPP is a good idea. But would it stop all attempts at a Sea Lion invasion? Would it hinder the play ability of the game?

  6. Hubert, thanks for the post. Another well done post. I understand your thinking on the US reserve units and actually did know that most of those air fleets were for training. But didnt want to defeat my own argument. :D

    I also understand on not having a US home guard.

    For play ability the us or allied player should always guard the usa or canada. But many players dont and I have often just sent a corps over to the US/Canada and can take a city. It causes them defend the homeland.

    Again thanks.

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