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Posts posted by Curry

  1. Here is an update record of players in the league with at least one recorded win. Hopefully if you are new this will give you an idea of how good a player is.


    kurt88 4-6

    Reepicheep 12-10

    Bill101 20-8

    Rannug 18-5

    Terif 8-0

    nanope 7-1

    Jordy 4-3

    Curry 28-18

    earl of white22 11-9

    Dragonheart 2-0

    Tigleth Pilisar 4-1

    Steiner 3-2

    Sidius 3-5

    Flatus 1-5

    Panzer39 7-6

    Phrase 2-6

    Friendly_Fire 3-2

    AlexandertheOK 3-16

  2. Here is a list of players that I have played at least one game with and I consider fair, dependable and trustworthy. Some of these players I have played numerous games with mostly via email. Some are faster than others in returning moves but all have been reliable and will finish their game.

    A star next to their name means not only are they dependalbe and honest but also usually can get a move back to you very quickly. I have been able to play games very quickly with the players with a star besides their name becauase we usually get several email turns done each day.

    KURT - "the Belgiun wonder" An intermediate player like myself that will surprise you if you are not careful. Very thoughtful in his moves. I'm waiting for Kurt to take on The Sweedish powerhouse of sc email (Rannug)for the top place.

    REEP - "An Allied specialist and can put up a very tough defense of France. A top rated intermediate player that can play with the best.

    JORDY - An intermediate player who is exiled now in Japan working hard and looking forward to his return to Michigan. Jordy and I played a few email games so fast and hard that our wives/women banned us from playing each other for awhile. It caused my first SC burnout."

    BILL - "Once easy meat as a newbie, but has transformed his game into a feared SC warrior and an up and coming player. An intermediate player that can play with the best.

    RANNUG - "An "A" rated player with one of the best defenses of France, period! In my view he may at this time be the best player in the SC PBEM league."

    TERIF - "An A-plus rated player. When you mess with the best you lose like the rest! And Terif is the best!!!"

    DRAGON * - An "A" rated player that has become a heavy weight in the SC world playing in just about every league there is and current world champioin of that league."

    TIGLETH PILSA - "Watch the surprise sealion that did me in, a top rated intermediate player that can play with the best and not play the standard game but will surprise you."

    OAK * - I havnt played Oak in some time, but he is an intermediate player, honest and dependable. Also will help new players as he did for me. Renowned in the SC world for proving to Kuni that the Allies could win with no points given.

    FRIENDLY FIRE * - "Has steadily improved his game to the ranks of the better intermediate players. He can also play an email game quickly.

    ALEXANDEROK * A new player but dependable and fast with his moves back to you. He is steadily improving his game so dont let his record fool you.

    WEHRMACHT (Kani) * A new player just learning but very dependable. In time will climb to the intermediate class.

    GMCLAUCHLAN - He was a new player and now seeking to move into that intermediate class.

    STACEYSMITH - A new player but learning quickly.

    SIDIUS * A new player that is very dependable and learning quickly.

    There are other new players but I wont list them yet until they have been around awhile.

    [ March 08, 2004, 05:32 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  3. I will openly admit my computer ignorance right now. Just dont know much about the things all I want is for them to serve me.

    Anyway - in the PBEM league we have many new players, and all of a sudden many players are using the .rar file in sending the SC file via email.

    Help? What is the .rar file? Is it like a zip file? Where do I get such a program? Is it better than a zip? Why are so many people all of a sudden using it.

    Thanks to anyone that can answer this.

  4. With the Italians the trick is to invest whatever you do into a category where they get the benefit of either enemy or friendly tech that is already achieved. For instance if you put a chit into subs or ships I believe they get the bonus of the Germans already having acheived that tech. I think I am correct on this.

  5. Les, good thread.

    I have too many players to list that are great and dependable to have a game of sc with via email. Perhaps later.

    Also, some that are not usually drop out. I have had several players just quit on me and they usually drop off the face of the earth then.

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