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Posts posted by Curry

  1. Hubert,

    Thanks for the post. Can't say that I agree with everything in it but as you pointed out many of the things are debateable. But an excellent post and we know where you are coming from now.

    One item in the back of my mind is what the USA could have put into the war effort against what she historically did. Germany, USSR, the UK, put everything into the war. At least and especially so in the way of man power. All those three nations were short men toward the end of the war (including with the ussr using women in many ways). The USA never got near that type of use of their manpower.

    Another item is how easy it is for the axis to land a corp or an army in the USA. Now you stated I beleive that the US had air at home (you said 4 at home and one in the carribean/panama for a total of 5). But how is that air reflected in the game. Its not. Instead Italy can land a random army or corps and take Boston. I say let them have Boston - LOL, but serious not a reality.

    In any case, the game you created is in my view excellent and game playability is more, no much much more, important than historical accuracy. To me its more of a game of Grey's verses the Red's and Green's like Shaka has wisely alluded to.

    Perhaps some of us American's just like to bitch (we ususally just bitch against each other, I think its part of the bill of rights smile.gif )

    Again thanks for post - well done and we all look forward to SC-II.

    [ October 26, 2003, 04:42 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  2. With respect,

    Your number one point is "no diplomacy"

    SC is meant as a two player game. What diplomacy is there for two players???? There is a great game for diplomacy, its called diplomacy.

    SC is not meant for diplomacy. I like it without any diplomacy.

  3. Les the Sarge - good point.

    I'm not backing off Rambo's main point. The USA is not represented correctly in this game.

    I believe Shaka, who is much more into historical accuracy than I, reserached it and told me that the game has all the US MPP/lend lease already going to the UK and USSR. That reality would have the USSR with less MPP which for game play just would not do. Shaka perhaps can post that information here again if he would, if I am correct that is.

  4. Jersey,

    as I said when I posted. I dont want to go there, but felt forced to go there.

    I agree and disagree with you. The average German (of that day) does not bear that guilt. However, the average German does bear that guilt in that he is a member of that nation or culture.

    Too long of a debate for this forum and its not intended for this SC space. But I do also agree with your post on how we have made this personal. I hope those who I have made it personal with will forgive. The heat of the moment over took me.

    But bottom line, I still strongly agree with Rambo, the USA is not represented even close to histoical. But then that is why I DO NOT THINK SC is a historical game. Its just based on some history.

    [ October 24, 2003, 09:55 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  5. Well, Since Bullwinkle has included me with Rambo I will respond.

    1) Bullwinkle - your name seems to fit you. The cartoon that is. What is your point. Instead of just spitting out give some details please? How are Rambo and myself sick and pathological?

    2) I didn’t agree with everything Rambo was saying but with his main point. The US is not represented Accurately. I didn’t even see what he said about the Dresden bombing until now. His main point is correct. The US is not represented even close to its historical representation. Germany would not have been defeated without the US. That I believe is a TRUTH!

    3) Xwormwood, Good post and I agree with you.

    4) Rambo goes overboard. Its just Rambo, if you have been around here for any length of time you would know that. I don’t need to defend Rambo. He doesn’t need defending. We are all different characters.

    5) On the bombing of Dresden itself.

    A. Whoever said it was the Brit's I believe they are correct. In fact the strategy between the Brit's and the American's greatly differed when it came to bombing. The Brit's under Sir Arthur "Bomber" Thomas were just into totally bombing the German cities and thought that would bring the Germans to their knees. The American's were into precision bombing and went after specific targets.(for that day anyway, for our day it was a joke what they called precision).

    B. As to what Rambo said about Dresden "deserving". Well I don’t want to go there but I think if I had to defend that I would be able to. Germany deserved what she received from the allies and the soviets in the destruction she received. Germany started the war, she was ruthless to other nations she conquered, 20 MILLION soviets died, the HOLOCOST, When the Czech resistence killed one SS/Nazi leader the German's kiiled a whole town of 5,000 Czech's in return. ECT..Ect... Ect... I could give example after example. I am sorry to offend any present days Germans. I really love Germany, spent two years of my life there and have visit several times after that. I am of German heritage. Have good friends there. I am just glad that is all over and I did not have to live through that.

    6) Marklavar, dont go there about 9/11. Not a fair analolgy by any stretch.

    [ October 24, 2003, 09:41 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  6. Depends depends depends........

    Does the USSR give it up

    Do they fight a front line

    Do they withdraw and keep a corps there

    or keep an army there?

    Depens also how much effort you want to take it with as axis. Usually pass it by and come back later. Or, many many other options..

    so it depends... tongue.gif

    [ October 21, 2003, 10:57 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  7. Man, all this computer tech stuff, I wouldnt be able to cheat if I wanted too. Wouldnt know how. My point is most people are like me.

    Rambo - you really think people have those things for SC? Would not surprise me though. There is a whole web site dedicated to cheats for playing on the zone.com (zonehacks.com).

    Dont beleive Zapp cheats. Simple reason, he would have beaten Terif a lot more than once or twice.

    [ October 18, 2003, 09:22 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

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