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Posts posted by Curry

  1. JJ - Agree with you that the USSR would not have joined the war with what Germany did historically until at least 1943 or later. However, we dont know what the USSR would have done if for say, Hitler invaded Sweden which is so close to the Soviet Union. But for game playability I also believe Bill is right. What makes SC so fun and playable is that the axis knows the USSR will enter the war. If the USSR would not enter the war until attacked by Germany and Germany could wait until it first killed off the UK and anyone else Germany would win every time. So I guess IMHO you both are right. smile.gif

    [ November 30, 2003, 06:55 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  2. Sorry Dragon, its a real pain when that stuff happens and especially so for us computer challenged people.

    I still have a problem with not being able to host a game. And I did have some problems of playing another game on line and it turned out to be my firewall that I had to readust. But it sounds like you did that already.

  3. I dont remember seeing this subject in my searches of past threads so here goes.

    Why is it that the USA war readiness increases so much more than the USSR war readiness when the axis invades Sweden.

    Axis invades Sweden and the

    - USA war readiness goes up around +16%

    - USSR war readiness goes up around +5%

    I would think that with Sweden so close in proximity to the USSR, and accross from the Batic and Gulf of Botnia, and influencing concerning control of Finland, that if the Axis invaded Sweden that USSR war readiness would increase more than the US readiness.

    If the USSR readiness increased at the same rate as the USA, around another 10%, it might help the allied cause and help stop the "axis cookie cutter". I dont think it would stop it but it would help the allied cause with the USSR coming in earlier. And that 10% would make it harder for the axis to get control over Spain or another minor before the Russian war.

    For SCII this would be something I would change.

    [ November 25, 2003, 07:45 AM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  4. Just did a little playing around to find out which countries would be the most cost effective for axis to attack in regards to gained MPP verses the war readiness of US/USSR.

    Please understand this was just for fun and not to be taken as some guide of which countries to attack or not to attack. Those choices are usually based on strategy. Although, certainly the cost of war readiness is a factor in that process.

    The lower the number the less cost effective it is in regards to the MPP points you gain verses the war readiness you give up in attacking that country. So the higher the number the better.

    The first column is for the USSR

    The second column is for the USA

    The last column is the war readiness of both nations combined.

    Country USSR USA Total of both

    Yugo .88, 2.0, .62,

    Turk 1.2, 6.6, 1.0,

    LC 3.2, 2.1, 1.3,

    Denmark 4.0, 2.7, 1.6,

    Spain 8.7, 2.6, 2.0,

    Vichy 8.8, 2.9, 2.2,

    Iraq 4.5, 4.5, 2.3,

    Sweden 11.2, 3.5, 2.7,

    Norway 7.0, 11.2, 4.3,

    (Norway and Sweden assuming both taken by axis)

    Remember this was done just for fun. Not as some chart of what to attack or not.

    My only question would be on Sweden. Why is it that the USA war readiness goes up so much more for Sweden than the USSR? I would think that with Sweden so close to the USSR that it would be just the opposite. Mr. H.C. ????

    [ November 24, 2003, 10:02 AM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  5. Curry posts

    Zapp, thanks for sharing this in the open and not keeping it to yourself.

    Now that it is in the open isn't it equal for all to use? Could it at all help the allies?

    Rambo responds

    Curry --- Dude, maybe nobody should have reported all the other bugs found? Maybe there NEVER should have been any patches? Who are you to decide. Zapp & I played a game, reported the facts, & suddenly you're a FIRMWARE RELEASE MANAGER? Are you a FIRMWARE RELEASE MANAGER? Please let me know.

    Rambo? What is the problem DUDE?

    [ November 18, 2003, 08:51 AM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  6. Dragon,

    There still are many playing and enjoying the game. Its the Z-league crowd that has come crashing down. Zapp did a great service for the SC community starting and running the league for a long time. Perhaps as Rambo said, it had run its course.

    But dont think that everyone was invovled in the Z-league. It's the old debate of the Tcip players verses the email players. If you look back at past threads I believe there should be several good posts on this subject.

    Many of us are still playing friendly games via email. We are still enjoying our friendships and still playing SC.

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