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Posts posted by Curry

  1. Thought this related to this thread. I quote from William Manchester's The Last Lion concerning how the Pole's fought.

    "Their government (Polish government) and high command had left Warsaw for Rumania, leaving orders to fight to the bitter end. The Poles did; fuled by patriotic fervor, they barricaded streets with streetcars, stopping Reichenau's tanks, his infantry was forced into the ugliest and most dangerous close combat - house to house, room by room. By that myterious process which telegrahs news throughout a country, even after its communications system has been destroyed, all Poland knew what was happening in Warsaw, and thousands of Poles folloed its example. Guderian plunged deep though the Polish rear to Brest-Litovsk, but when he tried to storm the town's ancient citadel, he found and obsolete Renault tank had been jammed, and welded, into the doorway. Warsaw, starving, lacking water, pounded around the clock by Nazi planes and artillery, finally capitulated ten days after the Russian invasion. Pockets of resistance fought on, though the last major stronghold, 17,000 men in Kock, did not lay down their arms until October 7. Menwhile, 100,000 Polish soldiers and pilots had escaped to Rumania and made their way to England, where they would fight in Free Polish battalions beside the British, French and later, the Americans; Polish destoryers and submarines reached the Orkneys and joined the Royal Navy." end quote.

    [ October 13, 2003, 05:53 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  2. Sixth - are you invading the LC on turn 2?

    If your Dad is doing the LC then go to Terif's advice which is posted on how to beat the Dutch Gambit. His advice works for I have tried it out. You can make an ally player pay for pulling the Ductch Gambit. Yes it will take longer to get through France, but the USA will enter much much later.

  3. Excellent Terif.

    On Defending France. Runnug is the best that I have played against in defending France. He throws everything he has into the battle and watches the Itialian readiness well. He will bring his ships and carriers into the fight as well as a few corps of Brits. What is best for breaking through a tough French defense, air fleets or another HQ? I dont beleive you said, do you disband the French air to build more Corps or keep it?

    How about joining the PBEM league? Nice slow pace. No one will force you to play a game. You only have to play one game in six months to be in the league. Come on.......... :D

  4. Excellent Terif.

    On Defending France. Runnug is the best that I have played against in defending France. He throws everything he has into the battle and watches the Itialian readiness well. He will bring his ships and carriers into the fight as well as a few corps of Brits. What is best for breaking through a tough French defense, air fleets or another HQ? I dont beleive you said, do you disband the French air to build more Corps or keep it?

    How about joining the PBEM league? Nice slow pace. No one will force you to play a game. You only have to play one game in six months to be in the league. Come on.......... :D

  5. Good answer by Iron. It depends.

    I use to think its best to send units and a HQ to the Mid-East. Not that I would hold it, but to hold it for as long as possible.

    Now I'm thinking its best to buy air.

    Like Iron said, depends on what your goal is. But its a good discussion and would like to hear the answer from Zapp, Terif and Rambo.

  6. Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

    Okay, I think I'm sold.

    I'm going to try the demo out (though I am still confused as to what I am doing clicking and clicking and watching results -- instructions aren't real clear here) and if I like it, I'll order it later this week.


    Demo's are for little girls, just buy the game already! It's only 25 bucks or something. </font>
  7. LEt's talk about a time. How about 6 months. That would be that you have to complete just one game in six months.

    Now remember you can take longer actually in another game (although I cant think any of us would do so) It does mean that you would have to be committed enough to play just one game in six months. When we agree on a time, I will go into the admin files and change the time from 90 days to whatever we think is best.

  8. Thanks to Kurt for doing this. Kurt has become co-admin and is as much in charge as I am.

    I think we will be flexible. The spirit of the rule is so that we dont have players who start a game, then just stop, or quit when things look bad for them. The right thing would be to post the loss if you quit the game once it has begun. It would be best for all the players to weed those players out. Or else they will be starting games with many players in the league and then simply quitting and wasting a lot of our limited gaming time.

    If anyone has a better idea of how we can achieve that goal let us know. Perhaps Kurt can add his view he may be able to express himself better than I can.

  9. Hey, I agree with Bill. You can't set the USA or USSR war readiness to zero because of game playability. If the game started with Russian war readiness at zero the axis would be in a even better position than it already is. If it was at zero then all the increases would also have to change. Its the same old debate on this board about historical verses game play ability.

    This game is NOT a historical reinactment. Its just a game "based" on history. As I said above, same old debate that has been on this board since day one between the history nuts and the game playability nuts.... :D

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