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Posts posted by Curry

  1. Hubert,

    Thanks for responding on this.

    We havnt heard about SC-II for so long its sort of become a myth. I am glad that you have rested our hearts at ease with some authority that it is not just a myth but a reality.

    I for one dont expect you to be here chatting with this rowdy crowd. Very surprised you even check the boards. (But glad you do). We are here for the community anyway,,, :D

    So stop posting and get busy hammering out code. (And remember to make those Jets more expensive too :D )

    You made a great game and I'm sure you will make it even better. Keep up the good work!!!!!!

  2. I dont think Battlefront is serious about a SC-II and if they are then its time line is so far out that many of us will lose interest in the game before it comes out.

    However, I believe Battlefront could put out a simple patch based on something Microsoft did that will help the game out greatly.

    I use to play a lot of AOE by Microsoft. (Age of Empires series). I played it on the zone for ratings. There are thousands of serious players of that game and I actually think there were more before. The game has gotten old.

    I am sure that Microsoft with their big bucks beta tested the game to death. However, like all games after it came out and serious players spent hours playing and dissecting the game they found tricks and gambits that the authors of the game never intended.

    Microsoft patched it. Like Battlefront has done. However, Microsoft did one simple patch and did one thing in that patch that I do not believe Battlefront has done. I could be wrong. But Microsoft solved many of the tricks and gambits by changing the costs of things in the game. They really didn’t find out what things should cost until they saw how players would use things. How serious players would use things to win I might add.

    Has Battlefront ever provided a patch that has changed the cost of certain things to bring it to reality and balance the game for how it was intended?

    Battlefront could provide a simple patch changing the cost of just three areas which would greatly change the game. It would give SC new life to old players and balance the play.

    1. Change the starting cost of units to reflect how players use the units. Air needs to cost more - increase to 500. Tanks increase. Subs lowered to tempt the axis to use them. What would you set the MPP cost for?

    2. Change the cost for Russian War readiness. Increase the cost for invading countires that were not histocially invaded by the axis. Sweden, Spain, Port, Iraq. This would help the allies. Terif has this game down so well he could give a good player 5000 MPP points to Russia. He would then "cookie cutter" his way as the axis taking every country but Turkey and be ready to invade Russia with a formidable force and win the Russian War. I doubt that is how the author of the game thought the game would be played out.

    3. Cost for tech. Make investing in tech or in certain tech more expensive.

    Just an idea.

    [ October 01, 2003, 01:17 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  3. The community is not dying, but has taken a step backward. It should rebound back. Should...

    This forum has become a small group community. And perhaps the owners of the board do not want that. The Terif-Zapp fight was disheartening for the community. I think the banning of Kunni will also have a short term negative affect.

    I’m not sure the TCIP community will rebound very quickly. As someone said in another post Terif, Zapp and Rambo were the backbone of that group. However, I am hoping that the PBEM community will grow. I firmly believe that is the way to play SC.

    Small group’s have a life cycle of their own. They are always losing people and always need new people. But when a large part of the small group leaves at the same time it causes trauma to the community. That is what we have here. But it can and should rebound over time.

    The problem I see is the moderators only want SC, SC, SC, SC, SC, SC, and nothing BUT SC ….. Well first off just about everything that has been said about SC can be found in past posts. New people will come and will ask those questions again. Older players will bring up new aspects but its all been said before. SC will be discussed but there has to be more than SC to be a community. Many of us here are not here just for SC but because we have formed friendships and have a sense of community here.

    Moderating a board is hard. I think they needed to do something because the silliness did seem to get out of hand. Myself included. HOWEVER , if they moderate so tight then the SC community will die away. Who wants to come to a forum board when they know all it has is questions and answers that have already been asked a hundred times. Perhaps that is what they want. I hope not.

    I have seen this happen before. I got to know and become friends with a group of people on a stock board several years ago. (when I use to make money on stocks before the crash). The same thing happened there. One leader of the group had the idea to form our own board. So he just went and formed a private group on Yahoo and we took most of the board with us. Then we would invite new people too from old board. It worked well. Perhaps an idea for one of the old hands reading this…..

  4. There has been many posts concerning the Tech aspect of the game. The randomness or luck factor that it brings to the game which is always hated by the one who is not getting the advances.

    Here would be an easy way to solve it for those that wish. Set a limit on how high a tech can go. For instance, Set a limit on two. No tech, can advance past two. A player can put as many chits into a tech as he wishes, but when it reaches two he has to reclaim those chits out of that tech so it will not advance any higher.

    This would cause players not to put 3-4 chits into any one tech knowing that if they get to level two jets they will have to pull those chits out of there and only get 50% of the value back.

    It will also keep techs relatively even. Even if a player is behind he can catch up knowing the other player will not be able to advance any higher.

    Just an idea.... Has anyone tried something like this before?

    [ September 30, 2003, 09:03 AM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  5. Rambo thanks for the report.

    Your thread here is directly related to SC in my mind. Because its about how a person will play the game = via E-mail or TCIP.

    Most serious gamers will enjoy playing the AI but the game will only have serious lasting power if you can play against other humans. SC is a great game to play against another human.

    However, I think SC is more suited for PBEM than TCIP. For one thing, burn out is less likely. You can easily manage a move or two or three moves a day without it consumming a major portion of your day. I think you end up enjoying the game more. Come on over and play some PBEM - didnt you use?

    [ September 30, 2003, 07:46 AM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  6. Jersey, Oh,,,,, that is too good. But not going there....

    On a more news worthy note - Sir Rambo we are all waiting for the press release.

    Perhaps Rambo is going to come back to the ranks of the PBEM folks and enter the PBEM league. Come on Rambo, the good thing about BMEM is you can play in your home court, your time zone. No more of this playing on the Euro's time.

  7. KUNNI SAYS Masturbator means man of God in swedish. what does it mean in your language?

    Well, in that case Kunni, then I am sure you are one Big Masturbator.

    Can't explain to you what the word means in English, perhaps Jersey can explain it to you. Jersey, we need your wisdom here to teach Kunni some basic English 101.

    JJ: Great pic. Just where do you find all those.

  8. CNN News Exclusive

    RAMBO RETIRES! Again. With little fanfare the former champ and SC superstar has stepped down from his quest for a fourth world title. Now both world champs, Rambo and Terif are out of the league. The World is waiting for a press release from Rambo himself.

    KUNNI AND MASTURBATOR! Yes that is right, Kunni is back playing in the Z-League and defeats Masturbator! (thought it best to edit some of my puns..... to protect the innocent....)


    (Just saw the above and thought we could use a little levity after what we have had on the board lately)

    [ September 29, 2003, 06:16 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

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