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Posts posted by Curry

  1. An excellent suggestion that I will add to the rules is the following.

    England is NOT allowed to disband and naval ships. Since this is just a battle of France England does not have to concern itself with the possible Sealion. Therefore to keep the game what we know it England is not allowed to disband any fleets.

    However, France is allowed to disband naval units since some players already may use that as a stategy in defending France.


    This is a battle of SC using only the beginning of the Fall Weiss game, The Battle of France! The Cookie cutter axis method won’t help you here! It’s who can get to Paris first that wins the day!


    * Single elimination tournament

    * Each Player plays once as allies and once as axis.

    * The Player that conquers France (takes Paris) at the earliest date wins the round and advances. (In the case of a tie a coin will have to be flipped to see who advances.no one said life is fair)


    * No MMP points given

    * Allies Cannot attack Low Countries on turn 1.

    * Allies can attack Low Countries on turn 2 if Axis has not yet done so.

    * Axis must conquer Poland by the end of their turn 5 or they automatically lose.

    * England is NOT allowed to disband naval ships. Since this is just a battle of France England does not have to concern itself with the possible Sealion. Therefore to keep the game what we know it England is not allowed to disband any fleets.

    However, France is allowed to disband naval units since some players already may use that as a stategy in defending France.

    * Axis is not allowed to disband Naval units. This includes Germany and Italy if and when Italy enters.


    Sign up and you will be placed in a bracket. It’s single elimination.


    * You may play either via live internet or PBEM.

    * If you play by email you need to make at least two moves a day and make this game a priority.

    * If you are lagging up the tournament you will be declared the loser and your opponent will advance. Don’t care who your are or what the excuse it. You may have a truly legitimate excuse. HOWEVER, you will need to understand that this is just a game and that the whole tournament cannot wait upon you.


    If some of the old timers see a need for toher rules or items of information please email me at “fordiplomacy@msn.com”. I would rather you not post them here on this thread but email those items to me so that if they do apply I can then put them into these official rules.

    SIGN UP BY POSTING ON THIS THREAD - We will start as soon as we have enough players, IF there seems to be an interest. We will see. Who wants to be the King of France?

    [ April 06, 2004, 03:19 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  3. Attaching a leader sounds like a good idea.

    Also, leaders with more in depth ratings would be much better. For instance, I like the idea of giving Patton an extra action point.

    Or on Monty: I think it was Churchhill himself that said of Mongomery, "He is inscrutable on offense and insurmontable on defense." Which sums up my feelings on Monty wholeheartly. He should be like a 6 on offense and a 9 on defense. (sorry to my UK friends, just my view, and I think Churchhill's too. smile.gif ).

  4. I wonder if SC II will have anything like this. And I'm sure we have discussed this before in some way but thought I would put it out there again.

    Special Units.

    - Not just an American Ranger battalion or another elite unit of any country. I think that would be way too small to represent in SC. But what about like the Waffen SS. They were formed not in battalions but in divisions and could fight along side each other. Perhaps for the game purposes a corps that could be raised for extra MPP and have an extra point of strength or starts with a bar of experience. Or, both an extra point and an extra bar of experience.

    This came to my mind when Jersey mentioned how in the plains wars with the Americans Indians the US calvary solider would acutally save the last bullet for himself because the Indians didnt take prisoners except for women and children and would torture prisoners.

    My father, who fought as a foot solider accross Europe as a part of Patton's army, (If I can brag on my dad I'm proud to say he has two purple hearts and one bronze star) he would say the German's were just soliders doing their job like we were doing ours. We understood them and had respect for them, we always treated them with respect when we captured them. But with the Waffen SS it was different. He said they would quickly find out if they were fighting the SS and it was different. (He never got into the details of what "different" meant but from the context it meant they fought much harder and prisoners wern't taken on either side)

    I have also read where on the Russian front the Waffen SS just did not surrender. Because they knew that the Russians did not take Waffen SS as prisoners. Much like the American calvary in the plains wars I guess. Has anyone else heard this?

    [ April 01, 2004, 10:00 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  5. This thread seems to have a life of its own, From the A-bomb to the Indians.

    I liked Jersey's comment about saving the last bullet for yourself which was so true. The American Indians were great warriors. They would make proud any great warriors or soliders whether Waffen SS, American Rangers or Klingon Warriors.

    Yes, on the whole they were treated poorly. Of course there were exceptions. But they are getting their revenge now on the white man. They are making a great killing, that is financial killing on the white man with all the Indian casios. For those in Europe or other parts of the world who may not understand. Indians are allowed to put up Casion's for gambling on their land or reservations through loop holes in the law (I'm sure they dont call them loopholes) that dates back to when the reservations were formed in the 1800's.


    [ April 01, 2004, 09:36 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  6. Does anyone in the Panzerliga know when it will have its English site up. It sure looks like it is a well done site and I know that it has added a good number of players to the SC community.

    I was going to try to get involved but the language barrier was a bit too much for me.

    I think when it gets its English site up it could attrack not only UK or USA English speaking players but many others who know more English than German.

  7. Need help from those who understand the Siberian Transfer better than myself.

    In a game where Russia recieved a bid of lots of extra MPP. The Russian built a large land force of corps and Tanks. Lots of Tanks.

    In the south there were tanks holding the River by the mines. So I just held there and attacked in the north to Leningrad and Moscow. I took both Leningrad and Moscow. Now the south is pulling back, but still no Siberian Transfer.

    Is it possible to lose Moscow and Leningrad and still not recieve the Siberian Transfer? I thought I read before that it is also dependant upon how many units the Russian had. Would the number of Tanks influence that too?

  8. Lots of good comments by all. Rambo is the founder of the Rome Gambit and made some good points. He should know it best. smile.gif

    If you do a search you will find discussions on it in the past. That is how I searched to see how to do it and practiced it with hotseat. It does work.

    The gambit that bothers me the most is the allied Dutch gambit, but not the allied Dutch gambit on turn two but on turn one. Does that have a name of its own? Had that recently done to me and beat it by following Terif's advice. His advice on how to beat it really does work. But its a real pain. It also is just so much luck for the allied player. If he doesn’t get the LC on turn one then the game is essentially over. I think its only about a 50/50% chance of succeeding.

    However, Liam makes some great points on the Riga gambit. How that ever got thrown into the same category as the Rome gambit I don’t know. It seems like a valid amphibious invasion to coincide with a land link up invasion to me. It also seems to be something that historically was at least possible. (Perhaps not probable, but possible where the Rome Gambit was not possible).


    We now have 23 players listed with at least one win. We have more new players that have not yet recorded their first win, but will.

    Player - wins/loses - skill rating

    1 kurt88 4-7 1422

    2 Reepicheep 12-10 1627

    3 Rannug 21-5 1751

    4 Bill101 20-9 1666

    5 Terif 8-0 1690

    6 nanope 7-1 1649

    7 Jordy 4-3 1557

    8 Curry 36-18 1705

    9 Friendly_Fire 7-2

    10 earl of white22 1513

    11 Dragonheart 2-0 1565

    12 Tigleth Pilisar 4-1 1566

    13 earl of white 1-0 1541

    14 Steiner 6-3 1564

    15 Sidius 3-5 1473

    16 Flatus 1-5 1401

    17 Panzer39 7-7 1476

    18 Yaggmoth 1-1 1518

    19 Phrase 2-6 1449

    20 AlexandertheOK 6-16 1411

    21 Bellmann 2-0 1549

    22 Wehrmacht 1-7 1427

    23 King Kristian 1-0 1530

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