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Posts posted by Curry

  1. Playing too many games, so in one game for something new I have an Italian corps take Paris.

    Sure, not the wisest thing to do but its just for the fun of it.

    I come up with this great plan, Germans will take everything else so they will have enough MPP. The Italians will have the right to defend France and control the Atlantic.

    I invest in Subs for Italy since they get the catch up bonus anyway and get lucky and get level 2 subs rather quickly, ready now to build a fleet of these super subs in the Atlantic French ports. Just like when Germany takes France and you can build a German sub in those two French ports.

    Whopppssss. No can do. Italy still cant build those subs in the Atlantic even if they have taken France. They still have to build those Subs in the Med and send them all the way around into the Atlantic.

    So much for the best laid plans...

    Question is Why can't Italy build in those ports like the Germans can if they take France?

  2. Concerning the Rape of Nanking

    The high estimates are 400,000 killed, the low estimates are 250,000 killed.

    Here are sites that back up both claims



    Skanvak stated

    I am of course well aware of the japanese attempt to cover up such things. I don't excuse the war crimes but they are not incomparable with the ones the US commited (the concetration camps),
    They are not incomparable with the US war crimes? What US war crimes? What crimes did the US do that killed off 250,000 to 400,000 people and raped upwards to 80,000 women? And the Naking event was only one event in China during a period from 1936 to 1945. Nine years of brutal occupation over many parts of China.

    What country are you from and what University did you learn such propaganda from?

    Perhaps we have an English problem or a cultural problem here. I dont understand where you are coming from. Perhaps our Distinguished professor of the battle front forum, JJ, can help me. What am I missing here. I dont understand where this guy is coming from at all.

  3. Thanks Friendly and Jersey,

    I remember my friend telling me about the hatred that the Chineses had for the Japanese when he taught English there. And how he kept trying to translate that local holiday and kept asking the Chinese about it that it had to mean something else, (he was in the north of China which was under Japansese occupation for a long time), But there was no other way to tanslate it into English except, "Hate Japan Day".

    JJ- I think it was not only MacArthur but the US government that did not want to highlight Japan's role in China after the war had eneded. Japan was becoming a US ally and China had turned communist. So not only in the US but in all the west we did not hear too much of Japan's role in China.

  4. Shanky, what are you talking about? What planet have you been on lately?

    The rape of Naking alone in early 1938, BEFORE most of WWII, Japan killed 400,000 Chinese civilians and raped and estimated 80,000 women. That was early in the war still before the US ever came into the war. You can find books in most languages on what is simply known as the rape of Naking. Seldom in history is a city so, dont know how to describe it except, literally killed off and raped, is it simply known as the rape of Naking.

    I have a good friend that taught English in China back in the 1980's. The Chinese still had a holiday back then, litterally in English it translated into "Hate Japan Day". Not remember the war, or remember those who died, but Hate Japan Day.

  5. It does seem that we have an increase in new players which is good. I also see that in the PBEM league. However, it also seems to me that the forum has quieted down somewhat. A year ago when I first got SC and just played the AI I would come online and just peak at this forum. It seemed "wild and crazy". I finally got involved in playing other humans and active in the forum last summer. Then it also seemed active. Perhaps this is a regular cycle that happens here. Perhaps JJ can give us some of great wisdom of his and give us his view.

  6. For email check the SC PBEM league

    There is also now the PL league

    And Kuni has started the World league of players playing TCP/IP live.

    I will bump up some posts that will have links for these to help you and anyone else find them easier.

  7. Shaka has some excellent points on this subject but the threads may be old, yes very old by now.

    He is the pro on this subject.

    But as Edwin has already stated its already built into the USSR war production and that is why the USA has a lesser role in the game.

  8. Kuni quote:


    WHat I really hate is this gang of stupid folks that always sticks up for DH, Terif etc when u critizies the,

    Rambo (01:12 AM) :

    then bitch slap these Nazis on Panzerliga!

    Kuniworth (01:16 AM) :

    I waant this to be posted;

    Believe me guys I have no intention of doing this for my own cause. I am just fed up with continous insinuations that I don't play my games properly. No one else than Dragonheart ever complaned and since this issue was straighten out 2 months ago I refuse to see it opened again. THat me and Iron Ranger have not started our game in fall blau tourney is nobody's fault but due to lack off time for both players.

    DH is a excellent player and should be treated fair. I don't want to punish anyone but I am so FED UP with this particular issue. - end of quote

    SO anyone that may dissagree with you are just a bunch of "stupid folks".

    My view on this comedy is simply this - there is a lot of smack talk or trash talk. When you use it to penalize another player in what is suppose to be a friendly league you are giving yourself the appearnance of impropriety.

    Then to come back and call us "stupid folks" because we do not support your view is just childish.

    [ March 11, 2004, 09:14 AM: Message edited by: Curry ]

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