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Posts posted by Curry

  1. What about all those Pro-Axis Nazi's in the USA, especially in Idaho! : :D

    Seriously, before 1940, there were pro-Nazi's, Facits would be a better name in many of the countries of Europe, as well as in the USA. In some countries very very small, in some perhaps a significant minority,. But one can hardly make a statement, that most of those Euro's were nazi's.

    Oh man, I like Rambo, but sometimes his statements like this make the USA stero-types seem true that only red-necks live in Idaho.


    As far as Denmark, Hey dont Knock Denmark, spent two great weeks there with a good friend. Great ciy Copenhagen. Sometimes they even come up with a good Football/Soccer team too. :D

  2. We have had a number of new players join the league since this last posting. We must be close to 60 players in the league now.

    I have been extreemly busy with work and family and have cut back on my gaming. But when I get some more time I will once again try to update the list.

    For those NEW PLAYERS just drop an email to the list and ask for a game.


  3. I dont know what happened. But I sure do need the handicap against the mighty Dragon. He has this massive army waiting to attack the women and children of Mother Russia. We need all the help we can get.

    Seriously. That whole Russia Readness is often a mistery to me. At times I think I have it figured out and then these things happen. I have had this happen to me as well and Dragon is right it can be very upsetting.

    I thought that an air fleet counted as an army. So that is how it may have happened to me and perhaps Dragon in this case. Or perhaps Hungury joining so late.

  4. Dragon, I thought it was 89%, then my turn and then yours. So when you moved it moved over 100%

    Whatever the case that Russian War readiness is often a tricky thing. I have not completely figured it out. I remember recently Rambo had a thread on it too. Can be frustrating because sometimes it seems to not go according to the best layed plans.

  5. earlpitts.jpg

    Saluting Rambo, Uhmerikun! Go Get Um!!!!!!!!!!!

    Top Ten Signs that a redneck FROM IDAHO has been working on your computer.....

    10. The monitor is up on blocks.

    9. Outgoing faxes have tobacco stains on them.

    8. The six front keys have rotted out.

    7. The extra RAM slots have Ford truck parts stored in them.

    6. The numeric keypad only goes up to six.

    5. The password is "Bubba".

    4. There's a gun rack mounted on the CPU.

    3. There's a Skoal can in the CD-ROM drive.

    2. The keyboard is painted in camoflague.

    And the number #1 way to tell if a redneck has been working on your computer is....

    1. The mouse is referred to as a "critter".....

    (for more fun humor like this go to earlpitts.com)

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