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Posts posted by Curry

  1. I like the original plan of getting 50% for the navy ships instead of cutting it down to 10%. I know its not historical at all. But it would help the French and in this game the allies and the French need all the help they can get. This again is only from a game playability stand point, not historical or realism.

  2. More than likely we all have whined or ranted a bit.

    Some of us whine during the game or in the AAR at the russian war readiness, or tech not going our way.

    Or we come on the battlefront board and whine about the whiners we play.

    [ February 25, 2004, 05:46 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  3. 1buff%26rickchamps.jpg

    Dragon that would be fun, I can imagine it like a super heavy weight all star world federation wrestling match. I can see Europe going to war again as the Duetsch speaking connection battles the Sweedish connection.

    In this corner,,,,,,,,,

    The Duetsch speaking connection.

    Starting with the world famous and past world champion, computer mind - Terif the terrific. With his partner, the new phenom of the SC world - the Klingon Warrior from Vienna - Dragon!

    Verses - in the other corner

    The Swedish connection........

    with the past world champ, known as the Air-King of SC, it's Zapp! Along with his partner, The new champ of the world league,banned for life from the battlefront forum for his many escapades, the beloved of many and hated by some, the controversial figure of SC, Kunni the Killer Sweed!

    [ February 19, 2004, 01:15 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  4. Thanks for all the comments. Very helpful. I'm an intermediate player, and a bit ol fashioned so I still like the 1:8 or 1:10 system. But will have to try the new system. I like the fact that it gives the US a bit more influence in the game which would be a bit more historical.

    I like the mirror system best and I think it is fairest. That whatever you agree to both players play a game as axis and then allies. I think this is also best for newer players who need to learn both sides.

    Thanks again for the help.

  5. Bidding on a 1:8 basis would mean that when you make the bid you are bidding to play the axis side and willing to give mpp points to the allies

    On a 1:8 basis it means you are willing to give the following if the bid is 100.

    100 mpp points to the UK and

    800 mpp points to the USSR

    so the allies start the game with those extra mpp points.

  6. Hey all

    For those of you playing in the German Panzerliga league and in Kuni's world league are you mainly still using the 1:8 system in bidding?

    Or are you now using a different system?

    Just curious, We have many new players in the SC PBEM league. One new player told me he has several games going in various places and hasnt gotten any bonus MPP to play allies with. Shame on anyone to take advantage of a new player and not giving a new player points. I usually always give a healthy bonus to new players.

    So I was then thinking well maybe the bidding system has changed.

    Thanks for an answer in advance.

  7. Check out the pbem league if you are interested in playing via email. All sorts of different types of players from newbies to the best.

    If you want to play live via the internet then check out the other leagues that Dragon has linked to. I think in those leagues there are some of the very best players also.

  8. Greetings, sending this out as a newsletter to all in the league but thought I would also post it here on the BF forum.

    We continue to have new players in the league so I wanted to update everyone and especially the newer players on a couple of points that some had confusion on. I also hope to get another new email list out soon. I am layed up at home at the moment, I had a surgury this week and am to take it easy. I'm being medicated so I can blame anything I say that is wrong on the medication.

    A couple of points I wanted to clear up.

    1) If you wish to change your email. Please do it on the site. It is just too much work for me to try to change everyone's email when they have a change. If you will update it on the site, It will be updated when I send out the new list because I always use the site email.

    2) RULES and HOUSERULES - Here is what is written in our houserules section on the site.

    "We want this to be as simple as possible - therefore anything that the game allows. Deal with it - players can set their own house rules before starting the game. If no houserules are set then anything is possible. If there is a reload problem the players will bring the dispute to the attention of the League administor and he will make a ruling. He will either have the game forfeited (in extreem cases only), or have the game restarted with an MPP penalty, or penalty in a future game, or nothing. Please be careful and have NO reloads. Have HONOR. Any house rules and bidding is completely up to the players."

    There has been some confusion here between players. The league does not have any set rules so all players are responsible before their game starts to set up any houserules. A few players thought we were going by the old Z-leauge rules. Some others thought that we did not allow amphibius landings on the same turn as a declaration of war. No that is not true. You could even try the Rome gambit or the Riga gambit if you would like if you play with anything goes. When we started the league there were so many ideas of what should be allowed or what should not be allowed that we simply felt the players in the game should decide. So please when starting a game set any houserule that both players will agree to. If no houserules are set then the game is wide open.

    Take care and Happy Gaming.


  9. Greetings, sending this out as a newsletter to all in the league but thought I would also post it here on the BF forum.

    We continue to have new players in the league so I wanted to update everyone and especially the newer players on a couple of points that some had confusion on. I also hope to get another new email list out soon. I am layed up at home at the moment, I had a surgury this week and am to take it easy. I'm being medicated so I can blame anything I say that is wrong on the medication. smile.gif

    A couple of points I wanted to clear up.

    1) If you wish to change your email. Please do it on the site. It is just too much work for me to try to change everyone's email when they have a change. If you will update it on the site, It will be updated when I send out the new list because I always use the site email.

    2) RULES and HOUSERULES - Here is what is written in our houserules section on the site.

    "We want this to be as simple as possible - therefore anything that the game allows. Deal with it - players can set their own house rules before starting the game. If no houserules are set then anything is possible. If there is a reload problem the players will bring the dispute to the attention of the League administor and he will make a ruling. He will either have the game forfeited (in extreem cases only), or have the game restarted with an MPP penalty, or penalty in a future game, or nothing. Please be careful and have NO reloads. Have HONOR. Any house rules and bidding is completely up to the players."

    There has been some confusion here between players. The league does not have any set rules so all players are responsible before their game starts to set up any houserules. A few players thought we were going by the old Z-leauge rules. Some others thought that we did not allow amphibius landings on the same turn as a declaration of war. No that is not true. You could even try the Rome gambit or the Riga gambit if you would like if you play with anything goes. When we started the league there were so many ideas of what should be allowed or what should not be allowed that we simply felt the players in the game should decide. So please when starting a game set any houserule that both players will agree to. If no houserules are set then the game is wide open.

    Take care and Happy Gaming.


  10. PS - I just took a look and we have had 188 games played so far in the league. I'm hoping that the league will provide enough players where everyone can find a game whether its the standard game or a varient.

    1 kurt88 4-5

    2 Reepicheep 10-9

    3 Rannug 12-4

    4 Bill101 14-4

    5 Terif 8-0

    6 Jordy 4-3

    7 Curry 22-16

    8 Dragonheart 2-0

    9 Tigleth Pilisar 4-1

    10 nanope 4-1

    11 Flatus 1-5

    12 Panzer39 6-5

    13 Phrase 2-5

    14 Friendly_Fire 3-2

    15 Sidius 1-4

    16 earl of white22 7-6

    17 AlexandertheOK 2-12

    [ February 03, 2004, 08:53 AM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  11. Jersey, you are so right on if the UK invaded Ireland no help would have ever gone to the UK. FDR was already hard pressed doing what he could do for Churchhill and the UK against all those isolationists. With the very large Irish American sympathies in the US if the UK ever invaded the UK I dont see any help going to the UK. Of course Churchill knew all this and the UK would never have invaded Ireland for this reason plus several other significant reasons.

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