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Posts posted by Curry


    CURRY AXIS: Turns 16/17 Surprise, the French syrian forces surprise the ITalians and land in Italy and take Bari. The ITalians counter and take Algiers. In the fighting up north a British ship is killed, and a British army is killed in France. But the line remains the same.

    KOSSUTH AXIS: Turns 17/18 The Germans again cross the river only to be destroyed and the allies take the key river hex. Same story, Germans kill a corp and cross, allies counter and kill the German army and retake the hex with a corps, this time Canadaians.


    CURRY AXIS: Turn 14/15 The allies counter attack the German armor unit that was used last turn, knock it down to 2. In a last effort to kill the armor a British carrier ties to kill it off but is interecepted by a strong luftwafe and is instead killed off itself. The armor suvives, barely. The Germans withdraw the armor and counter attack destroying a French army but the lines remain the same along the FrenchLC line. In the Med the Brits come out of hiding and attack the Itlaian corps that is ready to land on Malta, but the two ships, a BB and a Cruiser cant kill it but knock it down to a 2. The Itailians still take Malta and the Italian Navy which is ready attacks the British ships sinking the BB and damaging the Crusiser.

    This is a bloodly battle all around in both matches.

    KOSSUTH AXIS Turn 15/16 The Germans attack the Canadians again and with strong air support finally destroy the Canadians and advance an armor unit accross the river. The allies strike back and counter attack destroying that armor unit and sending a British corps to hold the key hex.


    KOSSUTH AXIS: Turns 13/14 April 1941.

    Naval battle just north of Denmark, one British BB is sunk. Allies strike back and knock a cruiser down to 1. The Germans attack the Canadian army again and try to cross the river, again fail as those Canadians hold on to that hex.

    CURRY AXIS: Turn 12/13 March 13th, 1940 The Axis destroy one French corps on the front line, but do not advance and the line holds the same. Axis also bomb Copenhagen with air power. In the atlantic German subs laying at the west end of the channel find an entire Canadian army trying to cross the atlantic and destroy it. And finally a British Carrier is sunk trying to intercept German air. The Italian front is quiet as the Italians cannot break through the mountain passes.


    CURRY AXIS: Turn 10/11 It's a repeat in the arden. The allies kill off the German unit and retake it. Then the axis kill off the allies, but this time dont take it. The Surprise is that Italy joins the war. The allies are ready for them and have three corps lined up in southern France. But how will this affect the game now?

    KOSSUTH AXIS: Turn 11/12 Denmark falls to the axis. The Canadians hold the River hex and the Germans attack it and try to cross but the Canadian army holds it. Then reinforced.


    KOSSUTH AXIS: Denmark almost taken. Germans attack hex infront of Brussels, wear it down but cannot destroy it and take Denmark at the same time. They have to now attack over the river. The allies reinforce the hex in their turn.

    CURRY AXIS: The allies counter attack and destroy the German corps that took the ardenese. But the Germans again counter attack and destroy the british corps that retook the arden and retake it again. They also wear down a French corps. But Denmark holds out with a large British fleet surrounding it. However, the axis subs keep taking MPP points away from the Brits each turn out in the atlantic.


    CURRY AXIS: Turn 6/7.

    The Brit's send a heavy Naval force into the Baltic. The Germans make their first key mistake and are not ready, the Brits sink on cruiser and damage another. However, the sub that did half damage to the carrier dives and then limps away still alive. The Brit's also sent the French allies help in the way of an army and a corps landing in France. A French HQ is seen in Paris. The Germans go after the key ardenese hex and attack it. Its a hard fight with heavy losses but they destory the French army there and take the hex with a corps. The Germans subs are still free in the atlantic. It appears to the Germans that the allies are disbanding the French fleet and sending a massive British fleet into the Baltic. We will see if that is true.

    KOSSUTH AXIS: Turn 7/8

    The Dutch corps is easily destroyed in Denmark and Copenhagen is worn down in another attack. The Germans attack Brussels and destroy the French army that held it. But do not take the city. The allies retake the city sending another French army into Brussels and counter attack with the Brits destorying a German army. It's Dec 10, 1939.

  7. Next Round

    CURRY AXIS - Sea battle around Denmark. A German Sub attacks a British Carrier and knocks it down to 5. Then they say their prayers and get ready to die the next turn. The Germans transfer the troops from the Polish front, but also attack and kill off one French army. But do not advance yet into France.

    KOSSUTH AXIS - The Germans attack Warsaw with all they have and it falls. But amazingly Poland will not surrender. They still hold out in Konigsberg and southeast Poland. In the west Denmark is attacked. The Germans also concentrate on a full strength Dutch Corps that has advanced all the way to the outskirts of Hamburg. It stays alive at 1 point and flees into Denmark. The French and British consolidate their lines.

  8. Turn 2

    Kossuth as axis: The Poles are surrounded in Warsaw but Warsaw still hangs on and is reinforced. A Polish corps moves into an empty Konigsberg and holds out there.

    In the west the German's attack the Low Countries but amazingly the stubborn Dutch and Belgiums hold out. The Corps is down to 1 point, but it holds. The British move into Brussels and counter attack with two French armies to destroy a weakened German corps. In the Atlantic one sub is found and sunk.

    CURRY AS AXIS : Denmark attacked. A large land force including two armor attacks Poland and takes Warsaw also killing another Polish unit. the Poles have had enough and surrender.

    In the west the Germans attack the LC and take Brussels with a corps. The LC surrender.

    [ April 10, 2004, 08:40 AM: Message edited by: Curry ]


    Curry verses Kossuth (Curry wins)

    Wehrmacht verses Alexander (Alexander wins)


    Yaggmouth verses Sanmayn

    Sandy verses Rannug (Runnug wins)


    Winner of bracket A then Plays the Winner of bracket B


    Edwin verses Avatar

    Cpl.Steiner verses AngelDust (Angel Dust wins)


    BrianseminWise verses EarlofWhite (Earlwhite wins)

    Panzer39 verses FriendlyFire (Panzer wins)

    Winner of bracket C then plays the winner of bracket D

    The Winner of bracket A/B then plays the winner of bracket C/D for the championship


    Good Luck to all and have fun.

    [ April 28, 2004, 07:31 AM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  10. The Brackets are set and will soon be emailed to you.

    A few things before I email the brackets.

    1.. If you are having trouble with getting a player to start a game or continue a game please let me know. Tournaments have often not worked out because of this on the SC forum. A player will get two warnings and then forfeit the match.

    2.. We have one player without an email. I hope to get his email from them via the battlefront forum. All emails are listed in the thread on the forum.

    3.. PLEASE LOG the turn and date of when Paris falls. Then send it to me. This is important. I would like to keep track and see who can get the earliest fall of France. Please report to me on or on the forum when the first of the two matches finishes so we all can see the results.

    4.. Remember, each player takes a turn as allies and axis. PLEASE LOOK AND READ THE RULES. IF YOU VIOLATE THE RULES YOU WILL FORFEIT THAT MATCH.

    5.. In the second game of the two, if the axis player cannot beat the turn and date of the first axis player then the game is over. For instance, player A played Axis verses player B as Allies. Player A took 10 turns to take Paris and have France fall. If Player B is now playing Axis and he is at turn 11, he has already lost and the match is over. No reason to play on.

    6.. Turns are recorded as such, axis move turn 1, allies move turn 2, axis move turn 3, allies move turn 4. So axis moves will always be odd and allies moves will always be even. This way we all will be counting the same way. But remember to also keep the date.

    7.. TIES? The players have the option on ties of either agreeing to a new match, if time allows. Or flipping a coin. The players can decide between themselves.

    8.. AAR'S - it would be great to have lots of fun AAR's on the battlefront forum.

  11. Here is a list of players with their email addresses and preferred way to play.

    (TCIP) - means live via internet of course

    (PBEM) - via email

    (E) - either

    Two players do not have an email. You need to provide an email so players may contact you.

    IMPORTANT Before we begin I would like everyone to confirm that they are in. You may confirm in one of two ways. Either email me at fordiplomacy@msn.com or post here on this thread that you are for real and ready to play. I hope to have the brackets set this Friday or Saturday.


    1. Panzer39 (E) Transam00@cox.net

    2. Edwin P. (E) Edwinfager1@msn.com

    3. Brian(thesemiwise)(E) bpoulsen60@hotmail.com

    4. Rambo (TCIP) jon_j_rambo@yahoo.com

    5. AlexandertheOK (PBEM) gmclauchlan@bigpond.com

    6. Kossuth (PMEM)

    7. Wehrmacht (PMEM) Kani@jippii.fi

    8. Sanmayn (PBEM) kaiser_1982@hotmail.com

    9. Rannug (E) gunnar.elgenstrom@utb.boras.se

    10. Cpl.Steiner (E) fukuokadave@hotmail.com

    11. earlofwhite22 (E) pmbedard@attbi.com

    12. Avatar (E) true_avatar47@hotmail.com

    13. Yaggmoth (E) edyvm82@hotmail.com

    14. Curry (PBEM) fordiplomacy@msn.com

    15. Angel Dust ulrich.sta@web.de

    16. Sandy (PBEM) sandy.eisen@btinternet.com or work email sandy.eisen@parexel.com

    [ April 08, 2004, 03:06 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

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