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Posts posted by M1A1TC

  1. BFC

    I know many people talked about this before, and I agree that this would improve gameplay dramatically, and is worthwile putting your effort into.

    Soldiers should be able to form up at the corner, and lead guy peek around like they do in RL. Also, soldiers should be able to get right next to the wall or car, and use it as cover ( al la Gears of War)

    Thanks for your time.

    PS. If you have time in the future, can you add following animations:

    1.Soldiers kicking in doors

    2.Soldiers rolling over a wall, not "bunny hopping" as it is now

    3. When Hunting, soldiers should have rifles shouldered at the ready, scanning for targets

    4. When a tank is stationery, the turret should rotate from 2200 to 1400 positions as the gunner is scanning for targets

  2. Ok, here it is

    1.Smoother mouse, but still jaggy shadows

    2.Blast command works great!

    3.Adjust arty works, still no smoke as far as I can see

    4. Infantry is more self-preserving, and fires back at enemies much quicker.

    5.Waypoints still aren't ajustable :(

    If you been waiting to buy this game, play 1.04 demo!! You will be surprised!

    [ October 01, 2007, 04:01 PM: Message edited by: M1A1TankCommander ]

  3. I think the problem was that BFC was very secretive, slow to release details as the game was developed.

    This created unrealistic expectations, even beliefs that the game would be released "finished"

    BFC never let it's audience know that the product they were buying was a Beta test, as we all know now, they knew at the release time.

  4. I had exactly the same results most of the time

    I would expect:

    As soon as contact made, i.e.first guy dies, rest of squad hits dirt, go for cover, fires ATs at the tank. Sometimes this happened, but it took a very long time. Why cant they spot a tank that is in the open, daylight, and about 20 feet infront of them, until it fires a shot first?

    [ September 29, 2007, 04:36 PM: Message edited by: M1A1TankCommander ]

  5. I would like to be able to position my squad along a wall or a building wall, so everyone is under cover. I then would like to give a command close to a building corner, so just one or two soldier peek from cover to recon. If they get LOS/LOF to a tank for example, I want TAC-AI let others in the squad know about the threat, and move AT soldier automatically to the corner so he gets LOS/LOF and get a shot off.

    Can all this be done just by combination of move/TAC-AI without micromanaging? I think it could/should be

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