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Posts posted by M1A1TC

  1. Id like to see a mod where the Syrian forces are modded into North Koreans. Shouldn't be very hard to do, right? Dont they use same old Soviet hardware? All you would need to change is Uniforms, markings, faces and language. US forces can stay same, just repaint the vehicles.

    Id love to see this work. Anyone else?

  2. I think that the M1 sounds are spot-on. The loudest thing you usually hear is the sqeeky tracks, not the engine. The firing animation is also very realistic. I am a happy gamer!!!Cant wait to play with one.

    BTW, I have been back from my deployment for about a month now..Its great to be back

  3. Originally posted by LT Mike:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Beastttt:

    what was the weapon that was fired that we see what looks to be missile with curved fins(that would seem to gave been folded against the body)

    the video looked great thanks

    Looked like an MPAT round to me. Multi Purpose Anti Tank.

    Any 19K's or Mike Golfs' confirm? </font>

  4. Originally posted by Splinty:

    First off, most of us here beleive in what we're doing. Second, we are SWORN to obey the orders of the President of the United States. Third, publicly making what is essentially a political statement is a very big no no for anyone in the military. Therefore juniors officers and NCOs of any grade are not going to make any kind of public statement against the war or criticize the way it's been run.

    Yeah, exactly what he said. I am an NCO, and anti-war. The only thing Ive done was to play some anti-war industrial music in the vehicle, and one soldier later told me I was playing terrorist propaganda
  5. Usually, if you are in defense, hull-down in a battle position, the engine can be shut down, but for short periods of time. All the electronics use a lot of power, and last thing in battle you want is dead batteries.

    BTW, when a platoon of tanks is together, they all start their engines at the same time, otherwise the enemy can count how many tanks are their by the engine noise.

    You could do the same to the enemy. If your engine is running, you cant really hear anyone around you. So you could shut down the engine, listen for enemies.

  6. A small rant

    I own all 3 CM games. Some came in the mail as a manual(book), with the cd stuck inside it. Unfortunatly, my mail man wasnt kind to it, and stuffed it in the box. I had to straighten out the bent cd.

    Will you guys have better shipping materials this time around? Or put a "fragile" warning on the envelope. TY

  7. Looks awesome. I saw one guy in nomex getting in the Stryker, I hope you dont forget to give those to tankers smile.gif

    All models look great. A question about the Abrams's smoke grenade dischargers. They look very strange to me. Ive never seen the grenades stick out like that. Could you please provide a reference photo? Thanks

    Some videos from youtube you might find interesting

    M1A2 tour

    PS. A lot of tanks lose the very last side skirt next to the sprocket, or it gets bent. Maybe you could randomise that like the cages on Strykers. Also, there are atleast 2 different kinds of threads that we use, both have different kinds of pads. Are they both simulated?

    [ February 10, 2007, 12:32 AM: Message edited by: M1A1TankCommander ]

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