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Posts posted by M1A1TC

  1. Thats why we do gunneries - so we do it the same way in combat

    BTW, I used to fire about 60-70 rounds per year. Russian tankers get about 2-3 rounds per their whole career, if they are lucky. This is no BS, I talked with a Russian ex-tanker.

    Chainsaw, thanks for backing me up. You and me definatly know what we are talking about. Are you a tanker?

    The time I quoted , 2 rounds in 6-8 seconds, is in perfect conditions, with everyone doing their job perfectly. Both enemy targets would be exposed, loader is quick, and gunner is experienced.

    I used to load one round every 3 seconds when I was young private 9 years ago smile.gif

    Posted by DKTanker on that linked site:

    "Now, the first round is loaded, the crew sees the targets come up, the gunner might even range to the first target (the TC must not issue a fire command at this point because time will start with his command even if the targets aren't up). As soon as both targets are up the TC gives a quick fire command and the round is down range within 2 seconds. The loader automatically reloads, the gunner on one or the other targets by second 5, round down range in 7. Now a sense of panic hits the crew. Either one or the other or both targets have failed to be hit...time to reengage. Third round down range in 13 seconds quickly followed by round number 4 at 18 seconds. Very good crews can service both targets in 6-8 seconds.

    Yes, it's possible. What should be of a greater concern is the need to fire four rounds at two targets, especially as both targets will be at optimum BS range at the time of first round."

    [ October 15, 2007, 11:54 AM: Message edited by: M1A1TankCommander ]

  2. In real life, we practice "sagger drill". Basically, when your tank is advancing, and someone on the crew notices an incomming missile, they all yell "sagger" and driver begins doing zig-zags forward.

    In defensive battle position, when a missile if fired at you, you back staight down or in zig-zag pattern.

    US tanks dont have active anti-lazer system like Shtora on Russian tanks. The smoke is all manual

  3. I hate RT mode.... Thats why I been playing CM games since the very beginning.

    The AI needs to change so its similar to CMBB, or add a shoot-scoot order.

    In real life a tank in defensive position, turret down, will pull up, fire 1-2 shots, back back down. So its exposed only for about 6-8 seconds.

    In CMSF, the tank finds a target, and then just sits there, even if it gets hit. No self preservation at all. Very unrealistic.

    This especially important if you arent playing RT mode, where you can ajust on the fly if you are baby-sitting each tank

  4. Originally posted by sgtgoody (esq):

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MikeyD:

    My guess is the guy was right on the edge of LOS. Down he sees it, up he doesn't, down he see it, up he doesn't. Usually it would be the other way around - up he sees all, down he goes blind.

    Reminds me of listening to some of my tanker buddies when I was OPFOR.

    TC: Target, tank, right front.

    Gunner: Where?

    TC: Right there, by that big pine tree.

    Gunner: I don't see it.

    TC: Well come up here.

    Gunner: Oh, there it is.

    TC (After gunner returns to seat): Ok now kill it.

    Gunner: Well now I can't see it.

    TC: [Much randome cussing]! </font>

  5. Humvees were designed as a behind-the-lines method of transportation, not for combat. Even armored scout/MP humvees arent meant to fight.

    The war with Afganistan and Iraq proved that US Army needs more protection. Now humvees that are shown in-game no longer allowed to even leave the green zones.

    Seems to me like most of game's models were created a long time ago before many armor packages were made standard.

    BFC please update in-game models to show RL vehicles. Isnt this game supposed to be realistic? Thanks

    Yes, current humvees are useless. The gunner is first one to die (because in-game he doesnt have a shield)

  6. BFC

    Could you please consider adding another model of Bradley in the game with additional armor package? Also perhaps add more random doodads to it, or add on option to turn doodads on/off.The current model just looks like it rolled off a factory floor. Thanks

    I am pretty happy with Abrams models, except that TC and others gunners should have their hands on their weapons like 50 cal and MK19. Current model just has his hands down.

    In-game Bradley model:


    Proposed models"



  7. BFC

    Could you please consider adding the newest uparmored Humvee with ballistic gunner shield, smoke launchers, etc.

    Thats pretty much what the front line Humvees look like. This would add realism and usability to game's humvees IMO. Thank

    PS. They also look a lot cooler








  8. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    We have a great group of testers and they catch far more than you think they do.


    Why is it that ajusting artillery and breaching were both broken untill 1.04? Why 2 so important things weren't cought by Beta testers?

    Why werent' I invited to be a beta-tester? I have been in US Army for almost 9 years, been a tanker, an air-defence and military police. Been wargaming for years. Played all CM games. Am I not good enough to beta-test?

  9. Originally posted by thewood:

    I agree on BFC and Syrians...that was the answer I was looking for. If BFC says they don't do it based on research, fine. I am just pointing out that some armies do it, whether they have SOP or not.

    The main reason I am asking is I just don't know if the Syrians have enough transport to get infantry where they are needed. It would give some tactical flexibility to be able use it.

    Once again the question is whether its doctrine or computing resources.

    Your first post was "Is it a technical or doctrinal reason for no tank riders?"

    You didnt specify Syrian or US. I am a US tanker, so the anwser I gave you is per US Army doctrine. If you want specific anwsers, you should ask specific questions like : Do Syrian infantry soldier ride on tanks?

  10. The only instance I know of infantry riding on tank was during WW2, those crazy Russians with lack of APCs and common sense.

    Tank riders died very quickly.

    You should never,ever ride on the outside of a tank. When that turret moves, it will crush anything in it's way. If the main gun goes off, you will be deaf for sure.

    You are not even suppose to stand on the turret. We use "3 point contact" at all times.

    Its pretty high up there, and you can get hurt by falling off

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